After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 274 He Chunhua’s dilemma

"Putting money on profit and seeking fame?"

"Otherwise, if you suffer such a catastrophe, you will either be dejected and hide your name, or you will be resentful and waiting for revenge. How can you be so active in serving as an official?"

By the time Gui Yuan was rescued from the gate of hell by Dong Rui, the sun was setting in the west.

Hong Chenglue had just listened to the report of the spy. This man hid in Xinhuang City all night to spy on the enemy, and now he rushed back to the mine.

"They plan to leave tomorrow morning?"

Hong Chenglue waved the man away, tapped his fingers on the broken wooden table twice and asked, "Where are the spies sent to Bailu Town, have they come back?"

Xu Yingxian immediately said: "Not yet."

"We are so close to Bailu Town, why not?"

"This..." Xu Yingxian also agreed, "I'll send someone back immediately!"

Hong Cheng remained silent until Xu Yingxian walked out of the door, then called him: "Come back!"


"Who did you send?"

"Liu Si."

"Is this person usually reliable?" After all, these are Xunzhou Rangers. They didn't recognize him a few days ago. They are not the Bega army he led before. He doesn't have a deep understanding of this team's combat habits and capabilities.

"Liu Si has always been punctual and cautious. This is the first time he hasn't come back after the hour."

Something went wrong, and Hong Chenglue felt a little dazed, secretly thinking something was wrong. I have lived in Bailu Town for several years, and the mistakes left behind cannot be wiped clean in a short time.

"No need to look for it." This was his negligence. "I ordered to break camp. It's not safe here anymore. Let's move to another place!"

Only a few locals knew about this abandoned mine, and it was originally a good hiding place.


"Ah?" Tao Ze was startled. Others also heard it. Xu Yingxian immediately responded "Yes", but the other two generals stood up: "That's wrong! Maybe I was delayed on Liu Si Road, not necessarily on Bailu. Something happened to the town!”

"General Baili and many of his brothers have just been treated, and they should rest at this moment. It is not appropriate to move around. Just because Liu Si failed to return after half an hour, we cannot assume that he was captured by the enemy, which will affect our deployment of troops."

"Yeah, it's inappropriate!"

These are all people from Xunzhou, Nian Zanli's subordinates. Even if Nian Zanli appoints Hong Chenglue as the commander-in-chief of operations behind enemy lines, they are not really convinced in their hearts. Instead, they have a closer relationship with Baili Qing.

Even if there were other places to stay, they couldn't go through the official road openly. This road must be the most difficult mountain road to walk. Normal people would feel their butts numb when riding a horse, not to mention people like Bailiqing who are most afraid of bumps. Serious illness. If you shake it a few times, the wound may reopen and your life may be in danger.

Under such circumstances, they felt that Hong Chenglue was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Hong Chenglue was not angry and just asked them: "What do you think?"

"Send someone to Bailu Town again to find out more about it."

Hong Chenglue had no objection and even smiled: "Okay, let's do it this way."

The two generals felt that General Hong seemed quite amiable and not as decisive and intolerant of disobedience as the legend said.


He Lingchuan and others entered the mountain under the leadership of the old man.

This old man's surname was Shan and he was not good at riding horses. He Lingchuan even hired a carriage for him to prevent his old bones from falling apart before he got there.

"I haven't been to that mine for ten years." The old man lay beside the window to see the scenery, fearing that he would miss the path. "Mr. Hong is a generally recognized good man. My old lady allowed him to take advantage of his family. He didn't care too much. He often went into the mountains to hunt wild animals and even gave us some. I remember he once hunted a big wild boar. It was so big that it must have been there. More than five hundred kilograms. He was not stingy and distributed it to the neighbors in the alley. I didn’t expect that he would actually work for the people in Xunzhou. "

Did Hong Chenglue work for people from Xunzhou? He was clearly going to be the leader of the Xunzhou people, but Old Man Shan didn't know. He Lingchuan said confidently: "There are a lot of game in your mountains."

"I used to run all over the place, but in recent years it has become less and less. If I can catch a rabbit in the mountains for a whole day, it will be a blessing from God." Old man Shan shook his head, "One time, Mr. Hong went to the mountains for two days and came back empty-handed. Yes, it’s said that the mountains and forests are empty.”

"All eaten up?" They walked for so long, and indeed they didn't see a single hare.

"Yes, the harvests in the fields have not been good in the past few years, and the government is demanding money and being fierce. If we can't eat, we have to think of other ways to eat?" The old man suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "It's right here, go in!"

There was no road where he pointed, just thick grass. Jiao Tai grabbed the machete and went up and chopped off a bunch of long grass and leaves. Only then did he see that there seemed to be a path inside, but there were small trees that looked like they had grown in the past few years.

"It is indeed here. Look, I carved a mark on that big stone!" Everyone took a look and saw that there was indeed a triangular mark scratched with a knife on the black stone next to the dwarf locust tree. Although it was covered with moss, it was difficult to recognize it.

"We used to take this shortcut when returning to town after work, and it would take us half an hour faster!"

The carriage couldn't drive in. Shan Youjun put the old man in the seat in front of him and everyone continued on their way.

This road has ups and downs, and even involves crossing rivers and streams. Without the guidance of someone who knows the way, there is no way to find the way.

More than half an hour later, Old Shan pointed to the short mountain in front and said, "You can see the mine when you turn over."

Maotao sneaked to the top of the mountain and looked down, then nodded to He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan immediately took out three taels of silver and handed it to Old Shan: "Thank you, this is your reward."

He gave one tael more than the agreed amount. Old Shan was very grateful. He wiped the cobwebs on his forehead and said, "Do you want to know another way out of the mine?"

Everyone was startled: "Is there any other exit from the mine?"

"Originally not." Old Shan took a sip of water and whetted everyone's appetite. He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and gave him a few more pieces of silver, and then Old Shan led everyone around the back of the mountain.

On this point, He Lingchuan felt that he and the old woman were a perfect match.

"Fourteen years ago, there was a mine here, and nearly a hundred people worked every day. I remember that at that time, the Chinese New Year was coming in two days, and everyone wanted to finish their work and go home quickly. As a result, when the digging was in full swing, the mine tunnel Suddenly it collapsed again.”

"Four or five died on the spot, and the remaining dozen were all trapped. We thought we were dead, but we didn't know that the stone wall deep in the mine was also shattered, and light came in, but the hole was too small. We used a pickaxe to open a crack in the stone, and there were several landslides in the middle. The crack was buried several times, so we dug it several times, and it was only with great difficulty that we escaped."

"It's been so long, and I don't know if the exit is still there."

After walking down the mountain for more than a mile, Maotao in front suddenly hissed: "Don't move!"

The five people happened to walk between two huge rocks. Through the cracks in the rocks, they could see outside the mountain stream ahead. Two people were sitting around the fire, with weapons on their waists.

This is the guard.

He Lingchuan felt certain when he saw this. If there is no back door to the mine, why would the Xunzhou people send two guards here?

Sure enough, Old Shan pointed there, meaning "the exit is right there."

Hong Chenglue chose this abandoned mine as his base. Sure enough, he had carefully considered it and even prepared a retreat.

The five people then tiptoed back without disturbing the two guards.

Returning to the vicinity of the mine, Old Shan immediately said: "The officials are doing some work, I'm going back first." This was a sign of a group fight, and the old man had to escape as soon as he could stand it.

There was a carriage waiting for him at the end of the path, and he would drive it.

It wasn't until his background disappeared at the end of the path that Maotao turned around and dived towards the mine.

The three of them waited patiently.

About half a quarter of an hour later, Maotao sneaked back and whispered: "There are at least six sentries around the mine, all guarding the commanding heights, able to observe the overall situation. The diameter of the open-pit mine must be seventy or eighty feet. From here It’s not easy to shoot arrows before eating. There are more than a dozen low houses next to the mine, and people from Xunzhou are coming in and out. I saw some people coming out to pour blood. Maybe there are wounded people lying in the houses. "

"I also heard a loud cry, it seemed like Dong Rui's strange bird was stopping on the roof to comb its wings."

The aroma of rice did drift up in the wind, and everyone asked He Lingchuan: "What should we do now?"

There are hundreds of enemy troops down there, but we only have four of them, so we can't take them down. He Lingchuan then nodded to Jiao Tai: "Go back to Xinhuang Bing and report to dad and let him make his decision. For the rest, just lie here with me and eat dry food."

Jiao Tai took the order, turned around and left.

Since Dong Rui's strange bird is also here, and it has sharp ears and eyes and can fly, their actions must be more stealthy.

He Chunhua was sitting in the bungalow, fascinated by the military damage report on the table.

The grain transport team was defeated in Bailu Town and lost 10,000 shi of grain. Xinhuang was better here, but there were also more than 100 casualties and more than 400 kilograms of grain burned.

Given the current situation in the Yuan Kingdom, every time we raise food, we have to tighten our belts and almost always plunder the people again. Just looking at this little food made Ke Jihai from the west drool. However, He Chunhua personally escorted the shipment this time. Before reaching the front line, half of the 20,000 shi of food allocated by Wang Ting was lost.

Then after meeting Zhao Pan, his aura would be much lower.

This made him very unhappy.

At the same time, he was also very confused. Should he stop and pursue the remaining Xunzhou cavalry, or should he transport the food and grass safely to the front line first?

Considering the overall situation, he should choose the latter. As a food transport team, the safety of food and grass is the first priority, and the food and clothing of the frontline soldiers is the first priority.

But even if he made this plan, it was hard to say that Hong Chenglue would not attack again and plan to burn up the remaining food and grass. Then oneself will be passive.

If you take the initiative...

The living staff have discussed it with him twice, and everyone insists on transporting food first.

But He Chunhua hasn't made a decision yet.

He was unwilling to conclude this ambush battle in this way, and it would be difficult to explain it when he returned.

At this moment, there was a report from outside:

"The eldest young master is personally accompanying me to see you."

The news finally came! He Chunhua perked up and said, "Come in."

Jiao Tai arrived in a dusty state, his lips were a little cracked, and before he had time to drink water, he rushed to report the information about Bailu Town and the mine to He Chunhua.

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