After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 276 Death in battle

He turned away, so he took the brunt of it.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan reminded him, Mao Tao was stunned, and the arrow missed, and he knocked it away with his knife.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of piercing the sky could be heard, and more than ten arrows were fired in unison.

He Lingchuan knocked away the arrow that was shot at him, and immediately smashed a medicine bottle on the ground. The bottle shattered when it hit the ground, and a thick white smoke exploded, filling the surrounding area instantly.

This is the smoke bottle recipe stolen from Liu Tiao, the female patrol in Panlong's Dreamland. He asked Yao Yuan Lingguang to mix several kinds. The one he is throwing out now has the effect of a smoke bomb.

Both warring parties have their own elemental energy, and the smoke caused by spells has limited effect on disrupting vision, and is not as effective as this smoke bottle.

The light in the forest was already dim, and the white smoke filled the air, making it even harder for the enemy to see clearly.

Shan Youjun also drew his sword to protect him, but he seemed to hear Shan Youjun grunt, and he probably suffered a loss.

Even the green mottled beast that He Lingchuan was riding had a glimmer of light, and two arrows pierced the horse's buttocks and bounced away.

Shoot the horse first before shooting the man.

Fortunately, the horse bell worn on its chest is also a magic weapon. It cannot make any sound when shaken, but it has excellent protective effect.

But against the Yuanli, it was also dissipated very badly.

However, more than half of the shots here are aimed at Maotao. He raised his hand and knocked away two arrows, which was considered very timely. Two more arrows were blocked by his protective magic weapon and did not compete for merit, but the rest...

He Lingchuan saw a flash of green light on Mao Tao from the corner of his eye, and then he was disillusioned. The jade talisman as big as a fingertip at his waist shattered with a snap.

There were too many enemy arrows, and they were filled with energy, and the protection of the magic weapon was exhausted in an instant.

The remaining three arrows were all nailed to him.

He Lingchuan saw clearly that Mao Tao's body shook, and an arrow penetrated from the back of his heart, which was shocking.

"Mao Tao!"

He Lingchuan was shocked and angry, but he only dared to shout lowly. He could already see clearly the shadowy figures behind the surrounding rocks and trees, and several archers were ready to shoot arrows.

He pinched the horse's belly and rushed forward like an arrow from the green beast.

You must move fast in the fog so that you will no longer be used as a target.

He Lingchuan took out the crossbow from the storage ring with his backhand. It had been loaded long ago and could be operated with one hand. He was no longer the rookie he once was, but he still had excellent accuracy while moving. He shot two crossbow arrows, hitting the two archers in the middle.

One person was shot through the right wrist, and another had an arrow in his throat.

The speed of the beast was so fast that the enemy only saw the disturbance of smoke, and a tall horse rushed out. He could not raise his bow, so he had to fight with arms.

He Lingchuan struck down with his sword, and the two enemy soldiers were stunned.

When he caught up with the third person, the upper bodies of the two men slipped off and blood splattered all over the floor.

The sword came out with anger and was as fast as thunder, cutting both the man and the weapon in half. Especially for the second person, the blade didn't even touch his body, but the cold light he exhaled was more than a foot long, breaking through leather armor and cutting bones, just like slicing butter.

He Lingchuan killed four people in a row here, and the other party's cavalry also arrived, pointing their spears directly at his throat.

When the two horses were crossing each other, He Lingchuan cut off the tip of his spear with his first knife, and then swung back with his second knife like a swallow, cutting off half of his head.

Bystanders only saw two flashes of cold light, and the cavalryman turned into a headless corpse.

Who wouldn't be afraid of such a beating? The Xunzhou people directly in front of him couldn't help but duck around. Occasionally, two cold arrows were dodged or shot down by him without causing any damage.

These soldiers were strong and strong, but they were almost unable to cope with the impact of the green beast and the sharp edge of the Fusheng Knife.

This is also a significant difference between generals and soldiers.

He Lingchuan himself didn't even know that after reaching this point, his general status was slowly revealed.

Suddenly someone shouted: "He was the one who hurt General Baili!"

Finally someone recognized it.

Among Hong Chenglue's men who stayed behind to ambush, a few followed Bai Liqing to attack Xinhuang Town. They were deeply impressed by how their general was defeated. It's just that the view here is unclear, and it wasn't until He Lingchuan killed several people in a row that he was identified.

He Lingchuan suddenly heard Shan Youjun's warning: "Watch your back!"

There was indeed a slight breeze behind us.

He Lingchuan suddenly lay down, his upper body pressed against the belly of the green beast, and a red figure passed by on the horse's back. If he hadn't escaped in time, he might have been knocked off his horse.

The thing lowered its head in mid-air, opened its mouth and bit his neck. He Lingchuan tilted his head, and the bite was empty, but the upper and lower teeth made a crisp "click" sound.

When the object landed, He Lingchuan discovered that it was a giant red cat with long and thick limbs. It seemed that it had excellent jumping ability.

Shan Youjun said anxiously: "It doesn't take sword attacks!"

He was suddenly fighting with another giant cat, and there were several streaks of blood on his body. This monster exuded a faint green light, and it did not dodge Shan Youjun's attack, because the sword and gun passed directly through its body, as if there was nothing in it!

This thing has no entity?

No, that's not right, it had no body when dodging and entered a state of nothingness. Because it was also blessed by the master's energy, Shan Youjun's weapon attached to it had no effect on it.

It can be said that they basically cancel each other out.

This blood cat is extremely fast, leaving only an afterimage when it runs. Shan Youjun was in danger several times and his eyes and throat were almost scratched.

He finally saw clearly that the wrinkles on the blood cat's body were not fur, but human faces!

There are faces with different facial features, expressions, and genders. Some are smiling, some are angry, some are crying, and some are screaming, but all of them are silent.

He didn't know that this kind of thing was called a ghost. The sun has gone down, just in time for it to come out to cause trouble.

Just as Shan Youjunli was fighting the blood cat, a shadow quietly appeared behind him and stabbed him in the back with a halberd.

It was Tao Ze, the Xunzhou general who led the ambush.

The cold hair on the back of Shan Youjun's neck stood up. He knew something was wrong, but it was too late to turn around.

At this moment, a long spear shot from the front, almost grazing his ear and shooting backwards. It accurately hit the tip of Tao Ze's halberd with a "dang" sound, knocking it crooked.

But it was He Lingchuan who took action, took out the Tenglong Spear and threw it as a javelin, narrowly saving Shan Youjun's life.

This move is a standard skill that everyone in the Gale Army knows. As a patrol guard in the Gale Army reserve, of course, you have to practice hard. The javelin thrown by He Lingchuan, no, the spear, was not as powerful as Xiao Maoliang, but its accuracy and strength were getting better.

After hitting the halberd crookedly, the Soaring Dragon Spear also flew out diagonally, "seizing" the ground and piercing the tree trunk.

The bloody cat he was fighting with did not dodge his attacks, and was very powerful, so He Lingchuan just swung the Fusheng knife and split it in half.

The big cat didn't bleed or scream. It just fell to the ground and turned into ashes. However, the human faces all over its body emerged and turned into roaring resentful spirits all over the place!

The halberd in Tao Ze's hand is called "Red Tiger". The souls under the halberd are likely to be sucked into the body of the halberd and filled into the blood cats transformed by the two elves, providing them with a continuous supply of energy.

Now one of the ghost spirits was beheaded to death by He Lingchuan. The trapped resentful spirit immediately broke free, filled with vicious hatred, and began to retaliate indiscriminately against the surrounding living creatures!

They have stayed in the body of the phantom for a long time, and they have also been infected with the characteristics of the phantom. They are usually invisible and incorporeal, and their essence only condenses during an attack. The nearby Xunzhou soldiers were unaware of such a turn of events, and four of them were knocked down in the blink of an eye. Some had the evil spirits burrowing through their mouths and noses, causing their brains to turn upside down, and some had their flesh and blood eaten alive, causing them to scream in agony.

Seeing this scene, Tao Ze, the owner of the Red Tiger Halberd, was also deeply surprised and had no choice but to withdraw the spirit's energy.

After the glimmer of light around these resentful spirits disappears, they will be blocked by the Yuanli of the Xunzhou soldiers. They may be bounced away, or even knocked apart, and they will no longer pose a threat.

But Tao Ze couldn't understand, how could He Lingchuan kill the blood cat so easily just now? This kind of phantom maintains a void soul body when it doesn't bite its opponent.

Of course he didn't know that the floating sword in He Lingchuan's hand had a property called "breaking the void", which could deal with intangible objects. Obviously, Yiling meets this standard. Will Fusheng be polite to it?

He put away the Yuan Power from Yi Ling, and the remaining blood cat's suppression of Shan Youjun was greatly reduced. As an aggregation of resentful spirits, it does not cause much harm to the Xiazhou soldiers possessed by Yuan Li.

Shan Youjun took a breath, turned around and challenged Tao Ze.

At this time, white smoke filled the whole place, and the people of Xunzhou were worried about the knife in He Lingchuan's hand and did not dare to rush in rashly. He Lingchuan seized the opportunity and jumped to the ground, rushed to the angry Mao Tao, opened his mouth and stuffed a life-threatening pill into his mouth.

He himself has taken this kind of medicine - after he was knocked off the cliff by the leopard demon, it really saved his breath for two hours, and he only took half a pill at that time - he knows that it is effective, but it is so precious that it is worth a lot of money. Hard to find.

The elixir melts in your mouth, but you can't enjoy the peach. He stared at He Lingchuan and tried his best to squeeze out only a few words:

"Go...go quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes became distracted.

Medicinal medicine does not kill or injure people. He was shot right through the heart, and it was a miracle that he survived until now. Medicine and stone were ineffective.

Shan Youjun shouted: "It's time to go!"

In front of the enemy, he did not call out the word "owner".

At this time, two Xunzhou soldiers blew their whistles, and the rapid and sharp sound echoed throughout the forest.

Hong Chenglue's team was not far away, and they would surely come to support when they heard the whistle.

With two people against hundreds, they are not Red Generals, so they will definitely die.

He Lingchuan gritted his teeth, closed Maotao's eyes, then jumped on the green mottled beast and rushed towards Tao Ze.

The size of the barge beast is similar to that of an ordinary horse, but its starting speed is faster, and it can reach rapid speed within three feet.

Tao Ze was fighting with Shan Youjun, and the white smoke was about to disperse, and then his soldiers could rush forward. Unexpectedly, the wind roared in front of him, and He Lingchuan and his horse bumped into him!

Tao Ze had just heard the shouts of his men and knew that the young man in front of him was the culprit who injured Bai Liqing, and he only used one move. He didn't go to that raid in person, and he didn't know that He Lingchuan happened to activate the Fu Sheng Dao's "army-breaking" characteristic at that time, so he was so violent. He only knew that his strength was far inferior to Bai Liqing's, and at this time, he was defeated by Shan Youjun. If you are entangled, you will feel weak. How can you dare to take He Lingchuan's way?

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