After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 304 Secret Attack

Fortunately, this time He Lingchuan showed his strength and played steadily, and finally found his opponent's flaw and won the victory with one blow.

As soon as He Lingchuan opened the door of the tent, he saw raindrops like a curtain, and he couldn't even see the people and horses three feet away.

The visibility is almost as thick as thick fog.

Just reach out for a few seconds and you will be able to hold back a full amount of rainwater to wash your face.

He poured some cold water on his face and thought about what technique he could use next time he saved up his military merit. He accumulated valuable experience in every actual battle, but now he felt that he lacked a high-explosive martial arts skill.

Next time I'll use the mirror image technique.

The Yuan Army camp retreated more than a hundred feet, and simply stationed itself on the hard rock ground. There was no risk of collapse, and it was more than two feet higher than the river surface.

But the price is that there are more snakes, rats and other small animals, and people are often bitten.

Neither Zhao Pan nor He Chunhua relaxed their vigilance, especially because they were wary of Hong Chenglue's revenge, and their requirements for camp defense were getting higher and higher day by day.

Yuan Bing didn't understand why and secretly complained.

Within three or five breaths of stepping outside the tent, the whole body would be soaked; the ground was covered with yellow mud and water, either dirty shoes or dirty crotches. At this time, the entire battalion should be resting, so why did General Zhao want everyone to be on guard?

The enemy is on the other side. Can we take advantage of this terrible weather to cross the river and launch a sneak attack?

Encountered by continuous heavy rains, He Chunhua's team was also trapped in the camp and could not return south. His stay on the front line has exceeded expectations.

This was also one of the sources of uneasiness in his heart.

If it's too late, things will change.

The clouds were thick and it got dark quickly, and it didn't even take until sunset.

The last bit of light between heaven and earth couldn't wait to disappear, and the entire Kite Army camp was caught in a big web woven by heavy rain and darkness.

In such bad weather, the guards have to continue patrolling.

The torches they held were soaked in special oil and could burn for lighting even on rainy days.

Although he was wearing a poncho, the clothes under his clothes and the shoes on his feet were still wet, sticky and clammy. Especially after the shoes got wet, they made a squeaking sound when walking.

"Damn weather!" The newly replaced sentry patrolled the river bank with a torch, stretched out his hand to wipe the rainwater from his eyes, and cursed secretly.

The original camp site is now under the river. The river bank has also collapsed several times, and the current shoreline has shrunk nearly a hundred feet to the south, but they still walked cautiously.

The day before yesterday, an unlucky companion had a landslide beneath his feet. He fell into the river and was swept away in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, the sentry only walked along the shore in a perfunctory manner, and was only thirty feet away from the water.

In this kind of weather, it is impossible for the enemy to lie on the shore. If General Zhao hadn't insisted, no one would have been willing to approach the river.

Nothing out of the ordinary, he walked back.

It's been like this for so many days and every night.

An hour later, the sentry came over again.

This is the second round. As long as you complete three rounds tonight, someone will take over.

He still looked around carelessly, but before returning, he felt something was wrong.

He was too lazy to move at first, but after some mental struggle, he reluctantly walked back to the shore and raised the torch.

The heavy rain was endless, and the Han River was also violent. Every time he came here, he could hear the sound of water waves hitting the shore, just in time for thunder.

But why not tonight?

All he heard was the patter of rain.

The sentry carefully moved to the shore, and his torch shone down——

Strange thing, where is the water?

There was no water a foot below the river bank, and he saw muddy sand underneath.

The torch stretched farther forward, but he still couldn't see the river within the range of the firelight.

How is this going? When he first came to patrol, the waves were still crashing on the shore.

The river flows back?

Speaking of which, there seems to be something moving in the darkness at the edge of the fire?

He was looking around when four or five arrows shot up from below. Most of them missed, but one pierced his eye.

The sentry looked up to the sky and fell.

The shooter below has no energy and cannot aim accurately, so he fires multiple shots at once to get a high probability.

This sentry had Yuan Power, so even if he was hit by an arrow, it would not be too serious, but he was also unlucky, and by chance, the arrow hit his eye, which was a critical blow.

As soon as he fell, the torch also fell, and the flickering light alerted two companions not far away. The latter ran closer, and when he saw the bright arrows on his body, he blew a rapid whistle.

Enemy attack!

Almost at the same time, a thundering cry rang out from below the river bank, which temporarily silenced the heavy rain:

"Come on -"

"General Nian will definitely win!"

There seemed to be something in the darkness ready to move towards the high ground.

After a while, countless small flickering flames lit up below the river bank, and in an instant they turned into flowing fire that cut across the sky——

Then he landed on the tents, carriages, and fences of Yuanbei Camp!

Although the weapons and tarpaulins were soaked by heavy rain for several days, the arrows were coated with special oil and could still burn in rainy days. At the same time, the north wind boosted the fire, so the Kite camp was still on fire.

Zhao Pan and He Chunhua both sat up in shock from their dreams, rushed out of the tent and took a look. Fire arrows were flying from above, shooting everywhere indiscriminately.

"Sir, be careful!"

All the personal guards surrounded him one after another.

Zhao Pan picked up his big bow and pulled out the fire arrow stuck on the tent pole. Regardless of the obstruction of his guards, he rushed forward a hundred steps before bending his bow and shooting high, aiming at the river in front.

With the strength of his arm and the help of Yuanli, he can shoot more than 300 steps even in the north wind.

The Kite man saw the arrow flying high into the sky and falling with the light of fire, thus illuminating the things on the river bank...

A dense army!

The team had bright military armor and almost occupied the whole river beach. At this time, the shouts of killing were loud, and they rushed here.

Xunzhou soldiers!

Zhao Pan's back felt cold and cold sweat broke out on his forehead:

Why could the troops who had been praised in the year be able to cross the river safely and sneak to the south bank to launch an attack?

"Stand up! Beat the drums and raise the flag!" No matter what he was thinking, his many years of combat experience still allowed him to order fluently, "Come on, supervising team!"

When the army sets up camp, they will lay down defensive battle formations, but the operation of the formations consumes a large amount of mysterious crystals, so they are not usually activated. Zhao Pan had a magician who was specifically responsible for this, and he went to open the formation after hearing the sound.

As for marching with drums, that was a deep impression in the minds of the soldiers. The sound of drums indicates that the superiors are prepared and the team is about to fight back. The soldiers are not so panicked and can turn around and fight if they gather their courage.

After all, they were caught off guard by the Xunzhou people. Once the team was defeated, no matter how strong the individual combat power was, they would be defeated.

The supervising team galloped back and forth, killing more than a dozen retreating soldiers in a row, barely stopping the trend of further retreat.

However, at this time, there were continuous cannon fire from below the river bank, and seven or eight fire bombs roared in, shooting up everywhere in the camp.

The Xunzhou army actually covered the artillery with tarpaulin and transported it across the river, and there were a total of twelve cannons!

This thing is delicate, it will misfire easily when it gets wet, and it can easily hurt your own people. However, Nian Zanli put an expensive water-repelling talisman on each cannon with good intentions.

And he ordered the installation of a sub-cannon. The shells would explode after they hit the ground, exploding dozens of small lead balls inside.

With the blessing of speed, these are murderous weapons.

Every time there was an explosion, dozens of people fell down around them. The horses were so frightened that they broke out of their stables and ran around.

At this time, the Yuan Army also discovered that in fact, the Xunzhou people had not yet completely landed. There were at least several thousand people driving boats ashore, and the large forward force was already charging forward.

The strange thing is that the river water actually receded, and the water level dropped significantly. The river is more than forty feet away from the current Yuan Camp, and the river surface is quite gentle.

It cannot be compared with the tranquility of autumn. Anyone who knows how to swim should not have a problem jumping in for a swim.

It can be said that the river suddenly stopped flowing up and down.

What's the matter?

The exposed riverbed became a landing point for Xun people.

He Lingchuan was not idle here either and immediately found his mount. The green barge horse has monster blood and is not as easily frightened as ordinary horses. It can still come to him at this time.

Yao Yuan immediately shrank into He Lingchuan's arms, and Yan Lang got up, shook his fur, and followed him.

Shan Youjun and seven or eight others also followed, shouting: "Master! What should we do now?"

He Lingchuan had two choices, either rush to He Chunhua's side and claim to be protecting his father; or he could stay here and beat up the enemy.

He only thought about it for a second, and then said to Shan Youjun: "The archer will take a tree, and then send someone to find a way out for me."

"Yes!" Shan Youjun understood that his group had to stay to defend against the enemy. Otherwise, they could retreat to the vicinity of the main camp now, so why bother looking for an escape route. But he still wanted to remind him, "Master, your prophecy..."

He once heard Mao Tao talk about the past when his boss won the lottery in Xianling Village.

He Lingchuan was stunned.

The enemy crossed the river quietly and came prepared, but the Yuan people were stolen from the camp in their sleep and were unable to respond. From the current point of view, the enemy is strong and we are weak.

Facing the general trend, their team of less than ten people had limited strength, and he himself had to be cautious.

The old turtle demon's prophecy has never been fulfilled, will it happen now?

He Lingchuan immediately remembered the word "brave" that Wen Daolun explained to him in Panlong's Dream, as well as his own nonsense words:

If you encounter water, walk away.

Directly ahead, the Han River flows continuously.

Perhaps this was a clear reminder. After all, when the previous crises came, there was no "water" anywhere, and he did survive it safely.

Is it time to avoid it now?

He Lingchuan looked back at the chaotic military camp and then at the enemy figures under the river bank. They were getting closer and closer. A catastrophe is approaching for his side, should he retreat in fear of fighting?

He said decisively: "Don't worry about it. Let's retreat to the halfway point and put down the trip rope."

The group of people immediately retreated and headed to the side of the high ground.

The enemies below surged up like a tide. If they dared to stand upright in front of them, they would eventually fall down.

Squad combat is about tactics.

What's worse is that the original south bank of the Han River was specially raised and steepened by the Yuan army to build a so-called "bank wall", leaving only a few narrow passages to go up and down. This kind of fortification can resist Enemies coming from the other side.

However, the surge in the river over the past few days has long since washed away the shore wall. Even the Yuan Army was forced to retreat. Now it is only stationed on ordinary high ground, so how can it be defended?

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