After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 307 The flood is overwhelming

Some emotions come from the original body, or in other words, from the resonance of the same blood. They are usually suppressed by him, but they will still come up when he is caught off guard.

Hong Cheng slightly suppressed the surging Qi and blood in his chest, suppressed the real power surging in his body, killed a few people, and glanced at He Chunhua.

The dog officer's figure was overwhelmed by the crowd and could not be seen clearly at all.

In fact, no need to look, he was confident in the power of his knife, and he cut off at least half of the dog officer's neck.

He was all too familiar with the feel of a sharp blade cutting throats and breaking bones.

At this moment, the wind roared overhead.

The huge golden-armored bronze man moved again and punched him in the head, fast and hard.

Hong Cheng rolled slightly to avoid it. When he got up, he happened to meet He Lingchuan's eyes. He saw blood from the corner of his mouth and his eyes were cold.

The golden-armored bronze man had his head chopped off by himself, so why could he still move?

At this time, the golden-armored bronze man actually picked up his head from the ground, put it on his neck again, and then continued to pursue Hong Chenglue.

No one else knows, but this thing has four control centers. The main center is in the heart, and the other three secondary centers are located in the head and knees. The Golden Armored Bronze Man looks like a human, and opponents usually attack the head and heart in the same way as humans, but this is of no use. It is an alloy cast body. As long as all four centers are not broken, it can still move, but at most it will not be that flexible.

At the same time, Rock Wolf emerged from nowhere and circled around to attack Hong Chenglue's lower plate from the rear.

Its body shape is extremely flexible. If it misses a hit, it will inevitably retreat and wait for an opportunity to strike again.

Hong Chenglue swung his sword twice and only cut off a few wolf hairs.

One wolf and one bronze man, one sensitive and the other heavy, actually cooperated tacitly. Coupled with the siege of the surrounding kite soldiers, Hong Chenglue fell into a bitter battle for a while.

Fortunately, nearly a hundred Xunzhou cavalry rushed behind him at this time, greatly relieving his pressure.

Hong Chenglue took the opportunity to take a look at the situation on the battlefield. Well, it's time.

It is a commander's instinct to keep an eye on the six directions. During the fierce battle with He Lingchuan, he could still keep an eye on the entire situation.

At that moment, he picked up his spear and jumped on his horse, heading west without looking back. The Xunzhou cavalry tried their best to clear the way for him.

Because he was not under Nian Zanli's command, the team's vitality had not been deprived, and the members were all elites with strong combat capabilities, but they actually cut their way out of nowhere.

Hong Chenglue grabbed a horn at the same time and started blowing it.

The sound was like a night owl's cry amplified ten times. It was so shrill and harsh that even soldiers with red eyes could hear it.

The Xunzhou army had already run to the west. Upon hearing the sound of the horn, Sayazi ran faster.

Zhao Pan, who had been chasing him out, also discovered that the opponent's supervising team did not kill the defeated soldiers at all, but ran faster than them...

Go west!

How is this going?

After Hong Chenglue blew the horn, he roared with spring thunder: "General Nian, release the water, now!"

He used his true power, and the sound was pushed far away, echoing over the entire battlefield.


Wu Shaoyi, who had just arrived at He Chunhua's side, suddenly raised his head and looked at the river bank behind the camp, feeling terrified.

The terrain there is two feet higher than the main camp where everyone is.

A dozen figures emerged from behind the rock at some point, standing silently. The leader was Xunzhou Mu Nian Praise, who had not shown up during the entire battle!

He was wearing an ordinary soldier's leather armor from the Kite people, and he could sneak into the team just by lowering his face.

Apparently taking advantage of the chaos just now, he sneaked here with his personal entourage.

Hearing Hong Chenglue's words, he looked down at the river bank with a clear look of hesitation on his face.

There are still seven or eight ships of the Xunzhou army that have not landed, and there are many soldiers running westward in the open space on the bank.

There were at least 2,340 people on the banks of the river.

These are all his soldiers. They meet each other every day, and he has greeted many of them.

Even though he had always been decisive in killing, he couldn't bear it now.

Hong Chenglue could feel Nian Zanli's hesitation and shouted again: "Sir Nian, time waits for us not to wait for you. If you don't succeed, you will fail!"

The word "defeat" shocked Nian Zanli.

Yes, they have rushed to the south bank and there is no way out.

If this battle fails, he will lose all his money in Nian Zanli!

He no longer hesitated and silently recited the secret.

Even Hong Chenglue ran away. Wu Shaoyi was so frightened that he sent people to rush to Nian Zanli. When He Lingchuan saw Hong Chenglue blowing the horn while running away, he immediately ordered: "Chase! Everyone chase Hong Chenglue!"

No matter what bad water this guy wants to pour out, just follow him closely.

Shan Youjun immediately led Xiazhou troops and chased Hong Chenglue.

Hong Chenglue ran towards the high ground, and arrows rained down from behind, shooting down several rangers.

Fu Xin was running diagonally behind him. He rolled his eyes when he saw this, wanting to take the opportunity to take revenge.

Unexpectedly, Hong Chenglue seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at him: "Fu Xin, take someone to stay behind."

Fu Xin was startled, and then furious. He couldn't believe that he was being preempted by this Hun Dan to take revenge. However, this was a military order and no resistance was allowed. He could only slow down his horse and lead his men to the rear.

Of course, a dozen people couldn't defeat hundreds or even thousands. Fu Xin missed the target and escaped in other ways with his injuries.

In this room, He Lingchuan lowered his head to look at He Chunhua. Although there were many soldiers surrounding him, no one dared to take action. He was about to take his father's hand off his neck to check the injury, but suddenly he frowned——

He suddenly discovered that there was no blood in He Chunhua's fingers.

He had witnessed the power of Hong Chenglue's sword with his own eyes. At least half of his father's neck was cut off, and the blood should at least be gushing out like a fountain.

However, no.

He didn't see a drop of blood.

Instead, a guard not far away covered his neck and fell to the ground with a splash, red bubbles spitting out of his mouth, and blood spurting out from his neck.

But this is a battlefield where swords and arrows are weak, and people are injured every minute. What's more, everyone's attention is taken away by He Chunhua. Even if someone notices that this unlucky soldier died, they only think that he was plotted by the Xunzhou soldiers. Didn't think much about it.

A white light suddenly appeared in the middle of the Han River, soared into the sky like wings, and landed in Nian Zanli's hands.

It seems to be a bottle.

Then, Nian Zanli turned the mouth of the bottle downward and made a gesture of pouring water forward.

Two flying arrows were shot one after another, but they were knocked away by the guards around him.

Immediately afterwards, surging water poured out of the bottle!

The terrain of the Nian Zanli Station was originally higher than that of the Kite Bing. Now he turned the green bottle upside down and the river water that had been absorbed for almost half an hour rushed out.

When this bottle absorbs water, it can turn the Han River into a slow stream, and when it pours water, it can also turn the high ground into a river bed!

The surging river water broke out with the momentum of thousands of horses and poured down along the high ground. Nian Zanli's hands holding the bottle were trembling slightly, and he took two steps back, as if he could hardly hold the bottle.

Wu Shaoyi yelled: "Retreat, retreat to the west!"

In fact, there is no need for him to remind you, which living person would not hesitate to die? Seeing a sudden flood on the land, Yuan Jun shouted and ran westward with all his strength. He hated his parents for not giving him two legs.

Seeing the water in the bottle coming, the rock wolf jumped out with its tail between its legs, running much faster than humans.

Even the personal guards around He Chunhua fled. The master is dead, so of course they have to fight for their lives. As for He Chunhua's strange behavior, there were so many people crowded in such a short time, how many people could see it clearly?

He Lingchuan made a gesture, and the golden-armored bronze man returned to the size of a doll and jumped into his pocket. He picked up He Chunhua again, jumped on the green horse and ran away.

No one noticed that He Chunhua's eyelids moved twice.

The reason why everyone still had the energy to escape was because the battle formation of the main camp of the Yuan people bought them precious time.

But this formation, which could not be dispersed even by artillery fire, was on the verge of breaking under the impact of the torrential floods. The light green mask representing the formation shook like candlelight in the wind.

When the first wave of floods really arrived, the battle array could no longer hold up, and people were disillusioned like soap bubbles.

There was no longer any barrier between the water and the escaping humans, and it swept over them with a grin.

He Lingchuan saw the turbid waves filling the sky mercilessly devouring the desperate humans in front of him, and then, it was his turn!

The peak of the wave was three feet high, and it hit him head and head.

At this time, the green mottled beast was still fourteen or five feet away from the safety of Gaoyan.

The distance that could usually be reached by lifting the leg twice now seemed out of reach.

what to do? Can't get through it.

As soon as He Chunhua regained consciousness, he sat up in fright: "Ah...?"

Why did he fall into the river as soon as he opened his eyes?

He Lingchuan was already suspicious that he was not dead, so when he saw this, he said: "Dad, stand still!"

As expected, this old man has a way to save his life.

He Lingchuan stuffed something into his belt.

Stand firm?

He Chunhua was so frightened by the torrent of water that his back was stiff, and he was subconsciously puzzled when he heard this sentence.

The next second, He Lingchuan grabbed his shoulder and threw him towards the protruding high rock, like throwing a sandbag.

He was extremely powerful and used all his strength. He Chunhua was flying in the clouds and mist in mid-air. When he turned around, he saw a huge wave crashing down on him. The eldest son and his horse were swept in, and there was no trace of him again.

"Chuan'er!" He Chunhua was filled with grief.

That was his son, a child he had known since childhood and spent thousands of days and nights with!

Just as he was about two feet away from the ground, there was a sudden scream above his head, and a strange bird pounced down from mid-air, its claws like hooks, grabbing him tightly.

Dong Rui!

This guy disappeared after being defeated by He Lingchuan last time. It turned out that he was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

His method of dealing with He Chunhua was also very simple, just throw him back into the flood.

So the strange bird spun around in mid-air, trying to throw He Chunhua down. But he was not stupid either. He grabbed the claw of the strange bird with one hand and the scabbard with the other hand to pat the bird's neck.

If you shoot in the right direction, the strange bird may fly back to land.

How could Dong Rui make him get what he wanted? He would throw a spell at him just by chanting a short formula.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared out of the sky in front of He Chunhua and under the claws of the strange bird.

The man fell down as soon as he appeared. Fortunately, he was obedient and grabbed He Chunhua's legs, and then further grabbed the other paw of the strange bird.

There was water on his armor, mud on his face, and branches in his hair.

But that face was all too familiar to He Chunhua:


He was overjoyed.

The strange bird sank suddenly, Dong Rui leaned forward, and the magic formula he pinched fell apart.

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