After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 374 The Source of the Emperor’s Ooze

Ha, he was thinking about it, but in the City of the Dead, no, the big square pot was a hundred times more arrogant than this mirror. It never made a sound, and it was all up to him to guess its thoughts.

This mirror often talked to him, and He Lingchuan was used to it suddenly speaking, so he expressed his doubts.

The mirror was very arrogant after hearing this: "Can't you just ask me about this kind of thing?"

"Oh?" This guy actually has the answer? What an unexpected surprise! He Lingchuan took out the mirror and faced it, "Then tell me."

"Actually, I don't have a conclusion either."

He Lingchuan suddenly lost interest: "P, stop talking."

"This is rigorous, rigorous!" "He Lingchuan" in the mirror looked a little angry, "Not to mention me, the seniors of Tianyan Sect only have some inferences."

"Something is better than nothing, tell me something and I'll listen."

"A popular saying is that the Imperial Ooze is an occasional large eruption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, just like a volcano or an earthquake, which has been building up for a long time before suddenly coming. But in the early Middle Ages, the Imperial Ooze also erupted one after another, ranging from once in a few days to several in the long term. Once a month, the most outrageous record is three times in three days.”

"In three days, the emperor's liquid erupted three times?" He Lingchuan gasped, his molar teeth itching with envy.

Hey, how much cultivation can this translate into!

"The original explanation was inertial eruption." Mirror continued, "After a large eruption of a volcano or an earthquake, there will often be a series of subsequent eruptions and aftershocks. But there was a senior of the Tianyan Sect named Tian Shengzi who spent more than a hundred After years of studying the rules of the emergence of Imperial Ooze, I came up with a bold hypothesis——"

"——He believes that the appearance of the emperor's liquid is probably related to the death of the god."

"Death of gods?" He Lingchuan seemed to rarely hear this word, "Death of gods? But gods had already left our world after natural disasters, that is, before the beginning of the Middle Ages."

There is no god in this world, so how can there be a god dead?

"These gods always come from somewhere. Natural disasters just drive the surviving gods back to their own world. But some of them were too seriously injured and died after returning." Mirror continued, "And in the early Middle Ages, Tian Shengzi spent a lot of money It took a lot of effort to get the death time of these gods, and then compare it with the time when the emperor's liquid erupted, hey!"

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and flicked the mirror: "Stop being so pretentious! Who did you learn this bad habit from?"

He didn't ask Tian Shengzi how to get the death time of the god in another world. It must be difficult.

The mirror was spinning on the table: "He discovered that the outbreaks of Emperor's Liquid happened within two to three months after the death of the god."

"How many times has he compared the gods?"

"Twelve times." Mirror said in amusement, "Three of the gods died one after another, within ten hours! Do you think there is such a coincidence?"

The shortest interval between the eruptions of the Emperor's Ooze was three times in three days, and two or three months ago, exactly three gods died within ten hours.

The mirror was right, it was such a coincidence.

"But Tian Shengzi's calculation has an error of one month." He Lingchuan pointed out the flaw, "Look at Lingxu City's prediction, the error is no more than five days."

"Hey, it's been more than two thousand years, future generations should have some experience and make some progress, right?" Jing Jing retorted, "Tian Shengzi disclosed his conjecture. At that time, not many people agreed, even most of the seniors of Tianyan Sect. I think it’s ridiculous, after all, Tian Shengzi can’t produce any evidence.”

He Lingchuan nodded when he heard this. Indeed, where could Tian Shengzi get evidence for such a futile thing? There is no problem with the identification of Tianyan Sect.

Mirror said: "However, in future generations, maybe someone will adopt it?"

"If Tian Shengzi's inference is correct, why did the death of gods in the sky lead to the explosion of emperor fluid in this world?" This is a major event that happened in a different world.

"How do I know?" Jing Jingyan said, "These are just what I heard. When I was born, Tian Shengzi had already passed away."

He Lingchuan remembered the last time the emperor's liquid erupted. At that time, the He family, his father and his son and the supporting army happened to walk to Fengling Ferry.

Everyone also complained that the amount of Emperor's liquid was too small, and the amount distributed to each person was insignificant.

If we go by what Tian Shengzi said, if we push forward two or three months from the time of the outbreak, the gods will have died.

Push forward two or three months, what happened?

With a thought in his mind, He Lingchuan brought up an inconspicuous old event from the depths of his memory.

Before Lu Yao, the rebel leader of Woling Pass, was killed, he once swallowed a black talisman. That should have been his last life-saving move, but nothing happened and Lu Yao was beheaded.

He Lingchuan showed the collected black talismans to Marquis Songyang. She peeled off the disguise on the talisman paper and recognized that it was the "Jiao Shen Curse", which is a talisman that uses oneself as a skin to invite the gods to come.

As for why the talisman did not take effect, it was because the gods did not respond to Lu Yao. At that time, Marquis Songyang speculated that the gods had given up on Lu Yao, or that Lu Yao had not come because he had something to do with him, which was referred to as a bounce.

But after hearing what the mirror said today, He Lingchuan had another guess in his mind:

Could it be that the god corresponding to the "Jiao God Curse" has died?

The big backer is dead, so it's strange that Lu Yao can still summon it.

Pushing forward three months from the outbreak of the Emperor's Liquid, a major event did happen that shocked the government and the public of the Kite Kingdom:

The rebel leader Hong Xiangqian was defeated at Woling Pass!

Originally, the rebels marched northward with unstoppable momentum, reaching their peak after conquering Woling Pass. The government and army could not defeat them no matter how they encircled and suppressed them. Even Shi Huan and the capital were seriously threatened.

Lu Yao's "Jiao Divine Curse" obviously came from Hong Xiangqian, so this "Jiayuan Holy Master" also has his own gods.

So are his great victories and defeats along the way also related to gods?

Could it be that the god behind him suddenly died and Hong Xiangqian lacked support, which became one of the important reasons for the failure of the rebels?

At least in terms of time, this series of events can be put online.

Then the next question comes again, who killed the god behind Hong Xiangqian?

Heaven and earth have been separated, and the only ones who can kill gods are gods, right?

It turns out that even gods are not safe.

"Hey, why are you in a daze again?" The mirror shone at him with its mirrored light.

"If another emperor's liquid appears in three days, which god will die?"

It seems that the world of gods is not peaceful either, and He Lingchuan is gloating about his misfortune. If a few more gods were killed and a few more rounds of emperor's fluids appeared in the human world, wouldn't his cultivation skyrocket?

"The Demon Emperor must know that the news came from Lingxu City." Jing Feng said sarcastically, "You should ask it."

"Maybe there will be a chance in the future." He Lingchuan shrugged, "Who can say for sure?"

After half a night's work, it would be dawn if I didn't sleep. He Lingchuan took off his clothes and lay down, then fell asleep for a second.


Is this person a pig?


They were all so familiar, so He Lingchuan banged on the door: "Aluo!"

He shouted several times before the door creaked open. Arlo was disheveled and had a stern face about to curse. When he saw that the visitor was He Lingchuan, his tone lowered:

"What's up!"

If this were Hu Min, he would definitely be scolded bloody.

He Lingchuan has been very popular in Panlong City recently, and Aluo has won a lot of money in gambling betting thanks to him.

Who can be angry when seeing the benefactor?

He Lingchuan looked up at the sky. Isn't this the sun rising three poles high?

"The sun is shining on your butt, how can you sleep at your age...?" Before he could finish his sentence, He Lingchuan saw a figure flashing in the room behind him, "Huh? Who is that?"

"No one." Aluo moved to block his view, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"You don't want me to come in and sit down?" He Lingchuan chuckled, "Your herbal tea is quite delicious."

A Luo didn't even move: "I still want to go back and sleep!"

"Who do you want to sleep with?" Everyone is full of energy, so it's not unusual for them to call each other occasionally. After all, people have instincts and everyone gets what they need. But Aluo didn't tell him directly and didn't let him see it, which meant that the person in the room was not from the Hong Kong Coliseum.

Seeing that A Luo's face was getting worse and worse, He Lingchuan coughed lightly and turned back to business: "Can the formula of the Imperial Liquid Ointment you gave me be improved?"

"Isn't it easy to use?" A Luo was a little confused, "I haven't heard that Emperor Flow Serum is coming recently?"

"I feel that the potency is still a little weak. I want to get an advanced version of the prescription first so that I can be prepared." This is what He Lingchuan thought, "I have grown a lot recently, so the formula may need to be adjusted."

A Luo stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "Your cultivation has indeed increased very quickly, and the congestion in your meridians has been reduced a lot. You can indeed use more powerful medicine."

Of course, a strong person needs a more powerful formula and more domineering medicinal power. For example, the ointment used by General Red is definitely different from that of ordinary people...if she uses it.


"So I have to think about it carefully and come back in the evening!"

Arlo stepped back and slammed the door. If He Lingchuan hadn't retreated quickly, he would have almost been hit in the nose.

I'm afraid this guy didn't need time to think about it. He Lingchuan heard very light footsteps coming from the room, which were softer than Aluo's.

As soon as he turned around, Hu Min ran over from across the street:

"Duandao, why are you here? You have a mission!"

He Lingchuan perked up. Is the first mission after joining the Gale Army finally here?

He pressed the door of Aluo's house and raised his voice: "Do you want to call Aluo?"

"He is not needed for non-combat missions." Hu Min looked at the wooden door, "Is he at home?"

Arlo's muffled voice came from inside: "Not here!"

Before he ran out of patience and cursed "Go away," He Lingchuan and Hu Min walked away wisely.

Hu Min imparted experience as a veteran: "The first mission after joining the Gale Army is usually difficult. This is tradition."

It is an old routine in the army to give new recruits a blow.

"Isn't it a non-combat mission?"

"I don't know the specific content. The superiors have assigned you and three newcomers, Wicker and Door Panel, to do it." Hu Min chuckled, "We have no share in it."

The Red General ordered He Lingchuan to form his own team. For new recruits who have just joined the Gale Army, this is an exceptional honor.

During the war, if you have military merit and ability, you can say anything.

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