After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 427 The Wheel of Fortune is activated

"Really?" He Lingchuan grabbed the Fusheng knife, turned it over and handed it to him, "Can you take a closer look?"

Fu Shanyue was not polite to him. He drew his sword out of its sheath and looked around with wide eyes: "The capital is surrounded by a dragon head. This one looks very similar. Yes, but the length of the handle is different and the curvature of the blade is also different." Obviously they are not the same. "Where did you get this knife?"

He Lingchuan shrugged: "Heirloom sword. You should ask my ancestors this question."

How could it be such a coincidence that the sword sent by King Yuan happened to be in the hands of this unknown boy? Dragon heads are also a common decoration on swords, and it's not like he has never seen them before. Besides, all the swords on the ground are lion heads and Jiaju heads. Are they all fired in the same furnace? Fushan Yue laughed secretly at himself for being suspicious.

He Lingchuan asked him again: "What is the elixir of life?"

Fu Shanyue scratched his head: "You know what they do just by the name, right? Only Lingxu City comes out, and I don't pay attention to the others."

"You are about to inherit the throne, don't you know?" He Lingchuan didn't miss a word just now, "It seems that the new demon king has to take it, but it has to be controlled by the gods. So, do you drink it or not? Woolen cloth?"

Fu Shanyue seemed to be in trouble too.

"Hey! Let's talk about it then." Finally he waved his hand, "Go back, it will be dawn soon."

In two quarters of an hour at most, the east side will turn white.

He Lingchuan had no objection.

They had been busy all night, but with their cultivation and strange things to see, they didn't feel tired.

Back at the camp, it was indeed dawn.

The team packed their bags and hit the road. He Lingchuan and Fu Shanyue returned to their respective teams and unanimously kept silent about what they saw last night.

Head Shi Er asked He Lingchuan: "What strange things happened in the city last night?"

"It's very quiet, and nothing strange happened." He Lingchuan shook his head, "We broke in and wandered around. The people in Fantasy City snore louder than you."

"It would be better if I didn't have it, it would be better if I didn't have it." This journey was thrilling, and I encountered more accidents than in the past few years combined. Leader Shi Er sincerely hopes that the road ahead will be smooth and uneventful.

The caravan continues on its way.

The road became smoother and smoother, and He Lingchuan rode on the back of the sheep, strangely silent.

Master Shi Er looked at him several times and found that he seemed to be looking into the distance, in a daze.

He Lingchuan's mind was filled with the fantasy of Thousand Stars City last night.

Obviously, the large square pot, the divine bone necklace and the floating knife were all originally owned by King Yuan. King Yuan even believed that the main reason why Bejia attacked Yuan Kingdom was the large square pot.

Unfortunately, the black box only had a small opening, and it was facing Shao Jian. Neither he nor Fu Shanyue could see clearly what the large square pot looked like.

However, King Yuan wanted to destroy it, but was unable to do so, so he had no choice but to collect it, which eventually led to trouble.

That is, "without it" is important.

As a later person, He Lingchuan certainly knew that after the large square pot was handed over to Zhong Shengguang, it was not destroyed, but had other uses. So far, this treasure is still in Panlong Wasteland and has not been taken away by anyone.

Is it true that Zhong Shengguang cannot destroy it, or does he have other plans and use it for other purposes after getting it?

But this goes against He Lingchuan's knowledge.

The news he got from Sun Fuping, the former national master of the Yuan Kingdom, was that Zhong Shengguang only held the ceremony to reward the gods when the Panlong Wasteland became an enclave again and millions of residents were desperate. So God Mitian gave him a large square pot and sent a clone to come to the world.

But as we saw last night, the Dafang Pot existed in the human world at all. It was passed down from King Yuan to Zhong Shengguang, and was later taken to Panlong City by him.

Which statement is true?

Combined with what King Yuan said before, He Lingchuan had a flash of idea in his mind, and suddenly remembered the Jindu ghost cub who was acting sneaky in Panlong City, and Wen Daolun's refusal to save his own son.

He even thought of the tribe in the Demon Nest Swamp that was devoured by the Son of God.

The hidden threads running through these events gradually turned into bright threads.

Others would just sigh and feel helpless. After all, the people and things involved have gone with the wind and cannot be verified.

But He Lingchuan was different. He had someone to ask.

He could go back and trace this dark secret.

However, now he has to face another suffocating fact:

King Yuan held a three-piece set of a large square pot, a divine bone, and a precious sword. In the end, King Yuan was defeated and Qianxing City was destroyed.

Zhong Shengguang also held a three-piece set of a large square pot, a sacred bone, and a precious sword. In the end, Zhong Shengguang committed suicide and Panlong City was destroyed.

It's simply a curse, with a 100% fatality rate.

Now, these three sets are in his hands, He Lingchuan.

How long will it take for this curse to take effect?

After watching the ending of King Yuan tonight, his heart felt cold.

My destiny seems to be held by invisible hands, being dragged towards the unknown abyss, or it is called a predetermined destiny, and these three things are the grasping hands.

Why did King Yuan and Zhong Shengguang fail?

There is no doubt that they have all faced an invincible enemy——


Although I haven't witnessed the last part of Panlong City's history, judging from the increasingly frequent and undisguised intervention of the Demon Kingdom, Panlong City's final destruction is also inseparable from Bejia.

Even King Yuan and Zhong Shengguang were defeated. If buying a three-piece suit means that he will have to face the same enemies in the future, what should he do?

What will happen to him?

Will it end tragically like King Yuan and Zhong Shengguang, or will it be possible to find another way and make its own way?

He Lingchuan also has another doubt:

The existence of the large square pot is extremely secret, but how did the Demon Kingdom find out that it fell into the hands of King Yuan and Zhong Shengguang?

What method did it use to track the whereabouts of this artifact?

the most important is--

According to what King Yuan said, Bejia would definitely be able to find the owner of the large square pot, no matter where in the world he was.

The pot is not on him, but in this situation, he can barely be considered the pot—


He Lingchuan subconsciously pressed the necklace on his chest.

He didn't want to die violently, but this divine bone necklace... couldn't be thrown away!

Thinking about his strange destiny, the two lottery tickets drawn in succession at the Fairy Lake Water Spirit Temple, and the secrets he just learned tonight, these things seem to be all entangled together.

What should he do next?

It’s no longer possible to continue to muddle along and travel around. Who knows when the gods and the demon kingdom will turn their attention to him?

Crisis always comes unexpectedly.

To know yourself and your enemy, you must first know yourself.

He had to find a way to figure out the secret of the square pot.

What is this thing, what is its use, and why are even the gods desperately searching for it?

The Demon Country is a country favored by gods, and it is also known as the country closest to God. He might be able to find some clues here.

Anyway, he is already here. If you are destined to be unable to escape, it is better to know earlier than later, and to prepare earlier than later.

Of course, the relationship between Dafang Hu and him was a secret, a secret that no other person should be allowed to know, and he had to keep it secret!

Two hours ago.

Lingxu City, Xushan Heavenly Palace.

At the highest point of the Heavenly Palace, the sixteen-cylinder ever-burning lamp in the Star-Zhaing Tower stays on all night long. The light here is soft and bright no matter what time of day it is.

But people need rest.

Everything was quiet, not even a single lantern exploded. The two lantern keepers stood by the ever-burning lantern and rubbed their eyes several times.

They all have advanced cultivation skills, but they are not allowed to close their eyes and regulate their breathing during the light-keeping period. They can only yawn continuously or use peppermint oil inhaled to refresh themselves.

Tonight seemed to be particularly long. One of the lampkeepers couldn't stand the intrusion of sleepy bugs and fell asleep leaning on a pillar.

It always smells so good when I watch others sleeping, and I can't stand it anymore. Another lampkeeper yawned until tears came out. He was imagining how relieved a slap on his companion's face would be when he suddenly heard a rustling sound.

For the lantern keeper of the Star Reaching Tower, this sound is very familiar, but why does it sound in the middle of the night?

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the flames of the eternal lamp rising sharply, and the altar glowing with red light.

On the white jade platform in the middle of the hall, the Book of Heaven is shining brightly, and it moves automatically in the absence of wind.

This is not silk, but a piece of white jade. It becomes as soft as paper only at certain times.

The lantern keeper hurriedly looked at it. On the originally blank heavenly book, red letters slowly appeared:

The ten directions are communicating with each other, and the sky is restless.

The lampkeeper slapped his companions to wake him up: "God's command, go and report it quickly!"

His companion woke up in a startled state and could not scold him. After reading the Heavenly Book, he quickly ran out of the Star-Zhailing Tower.

Half an hour later, the guards downstairs of Zhaixingxing were heavily guarded.

The two lantern keepers have been sent away far away, and there is only one person standing in the hall.

All the ever-burning lamps suddenly dimmed, and the three-inch pure white flames were crushed into small flames as big as peas, teetering on the edge of collapse.

Fortunately, this scene only lasted for less than two breaths and returned to normal.

The pure white curtain reflected a huge figure, approaching the depths of the hall and stopping in front of the altar.

The people in the palace knelt down in front of it and called it emperor.

The tall and long figure lifted up, crossed the white jade platform, and was at the same height as the altar.

A majestic voice sounded:

"Why is Tianluo moving?"

"Your Majesty, Tianluo Star was very bright two hours ago, and it lasted for more than half an hour. It has just entered August, so it should not be at this time. The last time Tianluo Star had a strange flash..."

"Remember, you don't need to remind me." The Emperor asked, "I want to confirm that the Holy Lord believes that the abnormal movement sensed by Tianluo this time comes from -"

Three big characters appeared quickly on the heavenly book:

Large square pot.

As soon as these words appeared, there was a strong ominousness in the blood.

The hall was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was stagnant.

"Isn't this thing always in the northwest of Yuan Kingdom? You told me that it has long been integrated with the entire Panlong Desert and cannot be taken out at all."

If it could be taken, Bega Kingdom would have taken it long ago. Why wait until now?

The Book of Heaven did not respond.

Obviously the gods couldn't answer this question, so they sent down the oracle.

Ambassador Du Yun said: "It was determined that this artifact appeared in our country, and its location is north of Twilight and east of Xingshan."

The Demon Emperor was surprised: "It's actually in our country? Isn't the test wrong?"

"Never missed it before."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the Demon Emperor's voice: "It seems that someone can still take it out."

No one could answer this question.

The Demon Emperor asked again: "The range 'north of Twilight and east of Xingshan' covers the southern part of Chiyan Kingdom and the Twilight Plain. Can't the Holy Lord be more precise?"

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