After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 432: Blood Sausage and Pig Trotters and False Report of Military Intelligence

There is still a long distance from the Xiqian border to the capital.

These battles are all about victory but no defeat. The time is tight, the tasks are heavy, and there are many dangers.

However, there was no objection to this long-distance attack. General Nanke immediately said: "If old Huyan is still alive, Xiqiao will be difficult to deal with; as soon as he dies, Hu Yanzhao will be busy taking over power. Xiqiao must be in chaos now." , we will be able to catch them off guard if we arrive within seven days. Hey, the capital of Xiqiao is still close to the western front, which makes it easier for us to harvest. I remember that Lao Huyan wanted to move the capital to the east, but the officials opposed it and had to give up. "

Zhong Shengguang put a small flag on the sand table: "General Nanke has finished talking about the enemy's disadvantages, let's talk about their advantages."

After discussing the distribution of troops and the characteristics of generals in Xiqiao's country, everyone discussed the selection of attack routes, the order of attacks, and then the defense tasks around Panlong City during the troop deployment...

Wen Daolun also focused on analyzing the character and temperament of Hu Yanzhao, the future king of Xiqiao. After all, this is Panlong City’s real opponent in this battle.

Finally, they even talked about the weather conditions in Xi'an Country in the next few days.

He Lingchuan shuddered when he heard General Hong talking about commanding Xiqiao at the meeting.

History has finally returned to its familiar track!

He had heard before that Panlong City was attacking the small country of Xiqiao in the east, but when it came to why and how it was fought, future generations did not understand. They only knew that this war came without warning.

Now, he is about to observe it from the perspective of someone who has experienced it.

After hearing what he said, everyone in the Broken Blade team was eager to try. Aluo also nodded and said: "The Jinxi Corridor is too dangerous. With the lives and wealth of millions of people, we cannot rely on the mercy of the enemy. We should fight it by ourselves. It’s the most comfortable to walk on.”

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "That's the truth. We are just an advance team. I estimate that before the army sets off, Mr. Zhong will announce it to the whole city and explain all these interests clearly."

"The Huyan family established the Xixi Kingdom. They originally had a number of fierce generals, and with the help of the Baling Kingdom, they really blocked our way back east. But they were unlucky. In the past ten years, the veteran stars have died one after another. The newcomers are not strong enough to challenge the leader alone, and the country's strength is gradually weakening. Now that Lao Huyan is dead, it is a God-given opportunity, so why not take it?"

The door panel interjected: "Oh, there's no need to make so many excuses. Master Zhong just needs to say that we go to fight pistachio, and the whole city will definitely cheer and give strong support!"

Everyone laughed.

Hu Min suddenly asked his new teammate: "Lao Yu, tell me your skills?"

"Me?" Lao Yu touched his head, a little shy, "I don't have any other skills. I just can get close to beasts and monsters and communicate with them well."

"Beast Controller?" Liu Tiao said, "It's rare to see one."

In this way of practice, talent is more important than hard work. Otherwise, as a person with no friendly constitution, no matter how much you fake a smile, strange beasts won’t want to see you.

Lao Yu laughed: "I usually stay on the plateau, but this time I was transferred back by the Red General to carry out the mission. Please give me your advice."

A few hours later.

In the western mountainous area of ​​Xiqiao, Longhou Pass.

It was getting late, and rice was being cooked in the Xiqiao military camp. The aroma wafted to the top of the door wall.

The soldier responsible for the lookout swallowed his saliva and began to calculate the time for the changing of the guard.

"I heard that there will be wild boar meat today, a big pig of three to four hundred pounds. When will we come down for dinner?"

Although it is early summer, it is still very cold at night in the mountains.

"Those two idiots must be there during the shift change.

"How about we go down directly? Grab two pieces of meat first."

The sentry hesitated: "Isn't this bad? What if we are discovered..."

"It's already the changing of the guard time. It's those two unpunctual ones who were not on time!" Another person said angrily, "If you want to punish them, punish them. Oh, I saw blood sausage! Who is so talented and knows how to stuff blood sausage?"

The sound of swallowing suddenly became louder.

The people on the wall couldn't bear it anymore and jumped down to grab the meat.

The meat in the pot has just been cooked. The ribs and loins must have been sent to the commander's tent. The rest depends on who the cook has a better relationship with.

Sure enough, they had not been discovered.

Seeing the good meat leaving the pot quickly, the three people waiting in line were secretly anxious.

Finally, it was their turn: "Blood sausage, blood sausage, blood sausage!"

"What kind of blood sausage do you want? I want pig's trotters!"

The cook in charge of serving the meat was smiling, and the blood sausage was given to them close to the knot. The friend who yearned for the pig's trotters was given a piece of spine.

Eight parts bone and two parts meat.

"Hey, this is too little meat."

The cook glared: "That's good, get out of here and don't block the people behind you!"

These people walked away unhappy, but became happy again when they sat down to eat the meat.

It smells so good. They haven't eaten meat for half a month.

What's more, this is fresh meat, fresh pork slaughtered in the afternoon!

"I heard that the monarch has recently passed away and the nobles in the capital will also be vegetarian for three days."

"Really?" The man gnawing on the big bone said vaguely, "That's not enough for us to eat comfortably."

"Are you a pig brain? How can the rich and powerful eat as poorly as our big soldiers?" The third person sneered, "I heard that they all have small kitchens at home, and they get up in the middle of the night to open a small stove for them. Big pig hooves can be eaten casually, blood sausage Eat whatever you want!”

"Okay, okay, eat quickly. Come up as soon as you're done." The first one was eating blood sausage. The portion was really small. He finished it in a few bites and was smacking his lips. "Don't let the change of guard find out that we skipped work. Then I’ll get five more strikes.”

They finished eating quickly, licked the edge of the bowl, and were about to pick up their guns and go to work when they suddenly heard a "boom" from behind——

Everyone heard it and turned around, confused.

On the beacon tower, the flames suddenly burst into flames!

And it was still an outrageous four-beacon burst. This is a specification that is set off only when encountering a large-scale attack by the enemy.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" Someone shouted at the top of his lungs, and the whole camp suddenly became chaotic, with whistles and gongs ringing non-stop.

Many soldiers were still holding their rice bowls in their hands. Their first reaction was not to drop the bowls and pick up weapons, but to take the opportunity to take a few more bites.

Such fragrant wild boar meat, how much would it be a waste not to eat?

Which enemy, capable of killing a thousand people, would only attack when everyone is eating meat?

The guard of Longhou Post abandoned the meat in the bowl and ran out in big strides: "Sentinel, come down and report!"

The sentry didn't sound the alarm, so why was the beacon lighted instead?

Countless people's eyes suddenly focused on the Aiguan city wall.

But it was empty there, not a soul in sight.

The three sentries haven't gone up yet.

"What's going on above!" The guard was surprised, thinking that all three sentries had been killed. What a powerful opponent!

He was also very nervous: "Everyone is ready for battle! Send more people up, quickly!"

Longhou Gang is the first checkpoint of Xixi Kingdom in the west, facing the pressure of Panlong City. Because the Xiluo Kingdom was a new country that was separated from the Xiluo Kingdom not long ago, Panlong City’s relationship with it was not very good.

The name of the Panlong Army was resounding, which put a lot of pressure on the guards here, although they never invaded.

But the guard instantly connected the new mourning of the king with the enemy's invasion.

Does the other party want to take advantage of the situation?

At this time, several people pushed the three sentries over: "They are not dead, they just sneaked down to eat meat!"

In the firelight illuminated by the beacon tower, these three people shivered.

The guard was furious.

The soldier who climbed up the wall looked at the mountains and fields for a long time before leaning down and shouting: "It's okay. It's a false alarm!"

Is it a false alarm?

The guard was dubious.

It's still possible that the sentry sent a false alarm. How could this beacon burn by mistake?

Who would throw tinder in there?

The guard had no choice but to quickly say: "Destroy the beacon tower, destroy it!"

The soldiers rushed to put out the fire.

The problem is that this beacon has been specially designed, and even the oil is specially made. Once it is ignited, it will immediately turn into a raging fire, and it will be extremely difficult to extinguish it.

This design is to prevent the enemy from quickly extinguishing the beacon tower, causing the signal to be unable to be transmitted.

The guard general could only find a magician to control the fierce mountain wind, and then ordered the soldiers to put bags of sand and soil placed behind the gate to push them down on the beacon. Because all four beacon stoves were lit, the fire was particularly strong. After going back and forth like this for thirteen or four times, the fire gradually extinguished.

During this period, the sentry pointed to the east and said: "The beacon at Longji Pass has also been lit."

The meaning of the beacon connection is that Longhou Gang is the first beacon. As long as the beacon is lit here, every beacon tower to the east will be lit immediately.

The four beacons are clicked here, and the four beacons are spread out to the east. There is no mistake at all.

After leaving Longji Pass, Xiqiao is almost a plain. After passing a few beacon towers, we will reach the capital.

The guard's heart was so cold that he had no choice but to find someone to fly across the capital to report a false alarm.

Of course, how can a beacon spread faster than a galloping horse? Not to mention the rugged mountain roads.

Only half an hour later, news of a large-scale invasion by the Western enemy reached the Xiqiao Palace. The prince Hu Yanzhao, who had not yet ascended the throne, woke up and hurriedly ordered the entire army to fight.

He said to the left and right: "I haven't heard the sound of the cannon."

According to the regulations, one beacon and one cannon, four beacons and four cannons, these are all rules. After lighting the beacon fire, Guantai must also fire cannons to avoid misfires and false alarms, which may mislead decision-making.

But the beacon tower has not been lit for many years, and no one knows the situation at Longhou Hill. Wang Ting still prepared overnight and sent people to the west to inspect.

It was not until the afternoon of this day that the news from Longhou Gang finally came through:

False positive.

The cause is unknown and is under investigation.

Hu Yanzhao was furious.

Keeping a vigil for my dad during the day is already very tiring, and I have to be woken up at night, so I have to stay alert until dawn!

Check, check strictly!

Punishment, severe punishment!

Originally, the penalties for late and false alarms at Beacon Tower were extremely severe.

In the end, Longmiao Gang did not find out the reason, so they could only arrest the three unlucky sentries for jacking up the vat, and they were beheaded.

The prince originally wanted to chop off the generals guarding the gate, but the ministers pleaded for mercy, so they instead beat him to the thirty level and demoted him one level.

Those thirty blows were not easy to endure. Although he was punished at Longhou Pass, the prince specially sent a palace envoy to supervise him, and the soldiers who carried out the punishment did not dare to take it lightly. After enduring these thirty battles, the guard felt that half of his soul had flown away, and he could only lie down in bed to rest.

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