Fan Sheng snorted: "You sneak attack me for no reason, and you still say that I don't have these things!"

After saying that, he struck the wooden pillar with an axe. "Come down and die!"

The wooden pillar broke with the sound, as brittle as straw in his hands.

This guy's strange strength is stronger than Mengshan's, and his combat skills and demeanor are far superior to Mengshan's.

Where did such a one, no, such two monsters come out of nowhere, and why are they still staying in the curser's house?

He Lingchuan sighed: "Are you the foreign aid invited by Zhong Sunmou, or are you from Cen Boqing's group?"

They made such a commotion, and everyone in the inn was not dead. From the waiters to the guests staying in the hotel, everyone poked their heads out, and when they saw this scene, they were so frightened that they ran away.

Only the shopkeeper stood at the door, bowing to the two of them with a grimace: "You guys, please do a good job and let me make a living!"

In response to him, Fan Sheng used his ax again and chopped off the second pillar.

Both pillars were broken, and the wooden beam could no longer hold on and fell with a crash.

He Lingchuan was so dexterous. As soon as Fan Sheng showed his axe, he got out again through the hole in the roof.

His target was the house that Fan Sheng rushed out of.

The giant bear had pierced a big hole in the wall of the house. He Lingchuan entered in one step, took out a mirror and looked around: "Look for clues, hurry up!"

The room was dark and unlit, relying solely on natural light from outside.

In addition to the bed, there was a square table and two round stools in the room. The tabletop was empty, with only some broken pieces scattered around.

But this kind of environment is naturally not a problem for the soul-capturing mirror.

"There are two drops of blood on the chair." The mirror looked at it and said, "There was also one on the table, but it was wiped off - hey, it's not this one, it's the chair opposite."

"You should speak more clearly!" He Lingchuan just replied when he saw a moving shadow from the corner of his eye.

He turned around and saw Fan Sheng also jumping up.

He Lingchuan had no choice but to break the chair in half with a click and throw it into the storage ring.

At this moment, fire suddenly broke out under the feet and in the four corners of the house.

The flame was still a strange dark purple color. It burned very quickly and ignited when it touched anything, as if it had added accelerant.

In just two breaths, the room was filled with blazing flames.

After all, his aunt fell into the trap of the other party!

He Lingchuan cursed, turned around and was about to run away when Jingjing shouted again: "There are still these pieces, don't let them slip out!"

"You really have something to say, can you finish it all at once?" He casually grabbed a leather bag, which was left over from the last time he bought roast chicken, and then stretched out his arm and swept all the broken wood from the table into the pocket.

With just one more action, Fan Sheng arrived just as a fire broke out in the house, with purple flames spraying out in all directions.

Sensing the fierce poison of the fire, he did not want to flick his front lightly, so he took two steps back and saw He Lingchuan's figure flashing in the fire, but it was not howling and turning.

He frowned.

He Lingchuan stuffed the leather pocket into the storage ring and rushed out of the house from the other side.

Fan Sheng follows him like a shadow.

His movement was not as flexible as He Lingchuan's, but his speed was really fast. He threw the ax with his left hand and whirled straight towards the back of He Lingchuan's neck.

The onlookers saw only an afterimage in the sky.

This flying ax cut off countless heads.

He Lingchuan didn't even look back, and threw something back, which hit the ax with a "dang" sound.

The ax was swung away and turned around to find its owner.

Fan Sheng also saw clearly that the thing that knocked the ax away was actually a breast mirror. It spun around a few times in the air, and actually reflected a few bright lights directly into his eyes.

He quickly stretched out his arms to block the light.

At this moment, a brown shadow shot out from the ground, followed by a tiger's roar, which was heart-wrenching.

Jiao Yu arrived.

Fan Shengren couldn't turn around in mid-air, so he just swung his ax and hit it on the head.

Jiao Yu's move was a false move. His hind legs didn't leave the ground at all. He turned around and jumped out, and roared again: "The Master of the Hundred Mountains is here, and everyone who comes knows his name!"

At the same time, three hidden weapons struck from the side, all with purple flames on them.

The fire could not be extinguished with a slap, and Fan Sheng did not want to touch it, so he raised his ax and knocked it away.

The shadow of the knife flashed before his eyes again.

He Lingchuan hit the snake with the stick, and with a jumping strike, the Fusheng knife struck it on the head.

It was finally his turn to take the initiative.

At this time, he made a move with his left hand, and the heart-protecting mirror returned to his hand.

His sword was not as solid as his opponent's, but now it was stained with purple flames, and its power was increased. He killed seven times in a row, and the sky was filled with flames and sword energy.

The opponent blocked three times, and when he was about to be hit, he expanded his chest and abdomen, took a deep breath and then spit it out.

His whole body spurted back a foot, as fast as a baseball being hit.

what is this? He Lingchuan was slightly startled, Toad Kung Fu?

Now the situation changed, and it became one man and one tiger besieging Fan Sheng.

Tiger Jiao Yu also took the time to ask He Lingchuan: "Why don't you call me when you go out?"

He Lingchuan had climbed out of the inn through the window before, and the wooden window creaked very clearly at night.

But this kid ran so fast, climbing up and down as if running for his life, that it was not easy for him to catch up.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, the door of the inn was knocked away, and the giant bear Fan Bao roared and rushed over.

Beat up his brother two-on-one? I can't bear it!

Change it back to two on two? He Lingchuan sneered, thinking beautifully.

As soon as the figure of the giant bear broke through the door, he threw something at the door of the inn. It was only the size of a palm and was not conspicuous at all in the environment of the fire on the second floor.

But as soon as it landed, it turned into a bronze man in golden armor who was more than ten feet tall!

The door panel that was knocked away by the giant bear just landed at its feet.

In other words, the golden-armored bronze figure was restored just next to the door panel.

Following He Lingchuan's order, it raised its hand, grabbed two door panels on the ground and overlapped them, making a golf hitting posture!

He Lingchuan didn't know whether the standard was standard or not, and he never had the chance to learn it before.

But the effect is overwhelming.

The thick door panels are made of old beech wood. After twenty years of wind and rain, the quality is still good. The golden-armored bronze man swung the board and hit the giant bear's fat back mound.

There was a "pong" sound, which was clearly heard by the surrounding audience. The monster, which weighed more than two thousand kilograms, was whipped like a rolling gourd and smashed into the bottom of the burning room.

The place was almost burnt to a crisp, but when it was hit again, it collapsed from top to bottom.

The two door panels in the hands of the bronze man in golden armor also broke in unison, completing his mission in this life.

"Fan Bao!" Fan Sheng was surprised.

He was answered by a bear roar. This time the violent bear rushed out faster because his whole body was on fire.

That shocking impact didn't seem to hurt Ziyan as much as it did. This kind of fire is not extinguished, and the giant bear rolls on the ground to no avail.

On the other hand, He Lingchuan, who was walking around in the fire as if nothing happened, Zi Yan didn't seem to be interested in him at all.

Fan Sheng knew at a glance that this guy had a magic weapon to ward off fire, and his rank was quite high.

He Lingchuan would not miss this great opportunity and rushed forward with several stabs.

The tiger cooperated from the side.

This Fan Sheng is really quite impressive. He was one against two and he was still worried about Bao Xiong's injuries, but he was not at all inferior. He could still call his companions: "Fan Bao, come here!"

The big bear rolled around twice and found that the flames could not be extinguished, so he rushed straight towards Fan Sheng.

The golden-armored bronze man immediately intercepted.

In the battle with Fan Sheng, He Lingchuan had to concentrate without making any mistakes; on the other hand, he actually had to concentrate on controlling the golden-armored bronze man to stop the violent bear.

In the past, I was used to fighting like this, but this time it was extremely difficult.

Dealing with Fan Sheng was more dangerous and more energy-consuming. This guy was too ruthless, especially the ice crystal slowing effect brought out by the cyclone ax was so disgusting. He Lingchuan was distracted and was kicked in the abdomen by Fan Sheng, sending him flying. .

The corners of He Lingchuan's mouth were bleeding.

The movements of the bronze man in golden armor suddenly showed mistakes. Seeing the opportunity, Bao Xiong took a chance, bypassed the bronze man in golden armor, and rushed to Fan Sheng's side.

The golden armored bronze man immediately ran back.

He Lingchuan saw that Fan Sheng was going to help the giant bear put out the fire, and immediately used all his strength to entangle him.

Fan Sheng couldn't draw his hand away, and when he heard the violent bear roaring in pain, he suddenly felt murderous intention.

It was just a warm-up before, and he hadn't even unleashed his ultimate move yet. This kid asked for it!

Fan Sheng's body glowed with white light, his eyes turned slightly blue, his two axes merged toward the middle, and he shouted: "Imprisonment!"

The ice crystals flying nearby, as if hearing the order, took advantage of this strong wind and suddenly gathered towards He Lingchuan. Once they collided with each other, they immediately merged. They were originally just the size of ordinary snowflakes, but when they were gathered together, they actually condensed into a large piece of solid ice!

This time, out of nowhere, He Lingchuan's hands and legs were suddenly put on ice shackles.

He was moving at high speed, but his movement was blocked and he couldn't stop himself from falling out.

How could Fan Sheng let go of this opportunity? If he goes with the ax, he will definitely take the leader.

Its momentum is as fast as lightning.

Jiao Yu was shocked. It was already too late for emergency rescue.

The flashing ax blade flashed with cold light and finally passed through He Lingchuan's neck.

The people around the inn screamed when they saw this, and some women even screamed and turned around, unable to bear to see He Lingchuan's head fall to the ground.

Fan Sheng secretly thought something was wrong.

This time it was so light, there was no real feeling of cutting into flesh and blood, instead it felt like it was cutting through the air.

Oh no.

Behind him, the figure of He Lingchuan suddenly appeared in the palm of the golden-armored bronze man.

The young man's face was as dark as water. He put his toes on the bronze man's arm and pounced on the back of Fan Sheng's head with all his strength.

This is a short, fast swallow strike.

The opponent was too strong. He even used a trump card like Li Daitao Zhang. It was not easy to get this opportunity, so he could succeed with one blow!

The sword flashed like lightning, and this time it was his turn to slice the back of Fan Sheng's neck.

At the critical moment, a flaming black shadow suddenly appeared behind Fan Sheng.

The giant bear accelerated and collided, getting in between the two of them, and at the same time, a layer of bright yellow armor appeared on its body.

This is a battle armor made with the essence of earth and the talent of violent bears. It is harder than fine gold and can be retracted and released freely.

The timing was perfect, and it used its body as a shield to block Fan Sheng's blow.

Everyone heard a crunching sound, like a hammer breaking open a walnut.

Wherever Fusheng's knife passed, the armor shattered, the skin and flesh separated, and a bunch of blood dropped.

The giant bear roared in pain and staggered Fan Sheng. Regardless of its injury, it turned around and slapped He Lingchuan hard with another bear's paw, which was bigger than a dustpan.

There are also sharp claws more than four inches long on it, which also shine with a faint red light, and whoever is photographed will be disemboweled.

He Lingchuan had no time to put away the sword, raised his left wrist, and tried his best to use the mirror shield to block his eyes.

With a bang, he was sent flying two feet away and smashed into the burning inn.

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