After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 502 The confusion from the nightmare

The most fearful thing for practitioners is the inner demon. This nightmare with hundreds of faces is a great thing. It can take over other people's consciousness one by one and not drive yourself crazy. He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "If you completely forget the past, doesn't it mean you are dead?"

"You can say that, or it can be said to be a new life." The strange head said, "In our world, memories are the least valuable thing, otherwise Baimian would not have given birth to self-awareness one after another."

"Dreams are also a world of their own?"

"Of course. Dreams are a reflection of the real world, and they are mutually exclusive."

He Lingchuan pointed around: "Isn't this a dream?" The soul-telling mirror said otherwise, and he wanted to confirm it again.

"Of course not. We originally thought this was the Soul Country, the last place for dead souls!" The strange head glared, "But just now we took a closer look and found that there is no Soul Country like this. It's so strange, it's unlike anything we've ever been to. Same."

"Have you been to other soul towns?" What do you mean? Could it be that Mirror's understanding of Panlong City is also wrong?

He just asked casually, but he didn't expect to find out something strange.

"Dreams and Soul Country occasionally intersect. When we travel at night, we sometimes go to Soul Country." The strange head's eyes wandered, "Soul Country is formed naturally and often dies naturally, without human control. But this, this …You seem to be alive in this place!”

Speaking of the last few words, its fear was undisguised.

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Alive? How to say?"

The strange head thought hard, and after He Lingchuan urged him twice, he said: "We respond to the summons of the spell master, and occasionally have to enter the real world. From the virtual to the real, the resistance encountered is very strong, and not all nightmares can be overcome. Such barriers."

He Lingchuan nodded, this is understandable. The boundary between the two worlds should be very clear. Otherwise, if everyone often visits each other, what kind of chaos would the world be like?

"When we found you, we thought this place was just an ordinary dream." Thinking of how he was tricked, the monster was full of bitterness and grievances. "It wasn't until we tried to transform it that we found that it didn't listen to us at all! Such a powerful monster We have only experienced the sense of resistance in reality. After all, nightmares cannot change reality; as for the Soul Country, my true form, Hundred Faces, has also forcibly made partial changes to it with its vast power."

Your true self was dragged into the bottomless abyss by the guardians of this world. He Lingchuan silently swallowed this complaint.

There is no doubt about the power of the Hundred-Faced Nightmare, which can be seen just by looking at its size and momentum.

If the giant red shadow didn't take action, He Lingchuan would never be able to defeat it.

"This place even knows how to disguise itself and trick us into coming in. What is it if it's not alive?" The strange head added, "The so-called living means having self-awareness and knowing what to do. You can say it's awake. . How can any soul town be like this?"

This guy finally came to his senses and felt aggrieved. After all, He Lingchuan was no match for Baimian Zunzun, but he lost without using any of his ultimate moves.

"So, what kind of place is this?"

The well-informed Hundred-faced Nightmare clone could only say honestly: "I don't know. I only know that it is very malicious to us and has been spying on us!"

Soul Township, oh no, Panlongcheng has been spying on them?

He Lingchuan recalled that the first two times he entered Panlong City, he also felt like he was being watched, as if he had no way of hiding under the eyes of others.

The feeling disappeared after that, but he didn't forget it.

Now that the nightmare was mentioned again, He Lingchuan also felt something strange.

Indeed, how can any soul town be like this? Compared with Panlong City, the soul home of the Soul-Calling Mirror is as pure as a newborn baby.

What exactly is this place?

Is everything that happens here really just a trace of past history?

He knows a little more than Nightmare, Panlong City is in the square pot.

So, do these anomalies come from Dafanghu?

"What are the eyes on your forehead used for?" Now the vertical pupil on its forehead is closed, leaving only a slit.

He Lingchuan did not forget the feeling of being stared at by those big eyes. He felt very uncomfortable, as if the secrets in his heart were being peeped.

"It can see through people's deepest fears." Nightmare licked her lips, "We can transform the dream accordingly. But it's strange that you don't."

"What don't I have?"

"I can't find any real fear in your heart."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan scratched his head, feeling a little complacent, "Are I really fearless?"

"Fear is not necessarily cowardice, it may even come from worries and regrets. All in all, there must be weaknesses in the human heart, otherwise you practitioners would not have to work hard to practice your state of mind and kill three corpses to achieve enlightenment. But you..." The strange head used Looking at him strangely.

"You have nothing."

In this man's heart, there is no fear, no care, no anger, and no regrets. There is only a little bit of worry, but the worry about life and death is too general to be embodied or used.

The monster asked him: "What kind of monster are you?"

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly.

What does it mean to be asked this question by a monster?

Could it be because the life before he traveled through time was chaotic and uneventful?

Is that normal for ordinary people?

In his world, don’t most people live like this? Work at your position until you are half dead, and then you can rest after you are buried smoothly.

How can I be a diligent screw if my mood swings are so big?

He changed the subject: "Okay, since your answer is quite sincere, you can choose to live or die."

"If you want to die, look for it." He Lingchuan pointed at the Juluo tree by the water.

"If you want to live, find Cheng Yu for me!"

"Looking for Cheng Yu?" The strange man's eyes flashed, "I made a contract with him. As long as he doesn't deal with us, we can't hurt him."

When dealing with this kind of monster, the spell master must also take safety precautions.

"You don't need to take action, just find out his whereabouts for me." He Lingchuan smiled half-heartedly, "You didn't say that you couldn't find him, right?"

"If he doesn't call me, I'll need something exclusive to him."


"Okay." The monster was more straightforward this time, "But I need to rest! Now that I am powerless, I can't break through the barrier and locate him in reality!"

"When can I do that?"

"You have to offer incense to me for the next seven or eight days and nights. It's best to find some food for me."


"It's the soul."

"Oh." He Lingchuan shook his head, "No."

Of course there are souls in the Soul Country, but these are heroic spirits, and I’m afraid this monster can’t gnaw them.

The strange head sighed: "It's a pity that our statue is gone. The power of incense has been stored in it for a long time."

"The original body?" He Lingchuan's heart moved, "Is it carved from wood?"

"Yes, it's carved from wood under the sea." The monster looked at him eagerly, "Did you grab it?"

He brought back some pieces of wood from the fire scene, and when he put them back together, it turned out to be a statue of the god: "I did get some pieces from Cheng Yu, but this is the land of souls, uh..."

But this thing remains in reality, so it shouldn’t be brought into the Panlong Dreamland... right?

"Bring it, bring it, of course you can bring it in!"

He Lingchuan tried to dig into his arms, but he actually pulled out a cloth bag.

When you unwrap it, you will see that there are fragments of the statue inside.

The monster kept shouting: "Give it to me, give it to me!"

He Lingchuan grabbed the bag in his hand, weighed it and said, "Can you recover after eating these?"

"Yes! I can recover half of it. It's enough to find someone to help you."

The more anxious it became, the calmer He Lingchuan became: "Then let's make a contract first."

In case this weirdo doesn't give him a good job.

Nightmare had no choice but to swear a vicious oath to him, saying that if she dared to violate He Lingchuan's will, harm He Lingchuan, or even prevaricate him casually, her soul would be eaten by hundreds of insects and she would suffer to death.

It didn't know what Hundred Insects were, and was secretly pleased that it was just a toothache curse, when it saw a few wisps of light red smoke flying from the south. It didn't look very eye-catching at first, but sometimes it would suddenly condense into red in the air, but soon it would Spread out again.

As soon as they arrived, the sound of strange heads filled the air.

What he just said was replayed several times, and there were murmurs everywhere in the air, like a hundred weirdos swearing.

When the monster heard this, his expression changed, and he looked at Xuying as if he had seen a ghost.

"Three Corpse Worms!" it exclaimed, "Why are there three Corpse Worms here, and why are you still alive!"

For the first time, it saw the three corpse insects whose instinct was to confuse people and feed on evil thoughts appear in the Soul Country, and they could actually coexist peacefully with the natives here and the man in front of them.

This simply breaks its perception.

Even a nightmare doesn't like being so close to the Three Corpse Insects.

He Lingchuan smiled and stretched out his finger, and the three zombies were lingering on his fingertips, looking very docile: "Remember, you just swore a serious oath to them. If you violate it, they will be the executioners."

The strange head shuddered hard.

In fact, He Lingchuan himself was a little surprised.

Although he could see these three corpse insects every time he passed the city gate, they never paid him any attention.

Why did he suddenly change his gender this time? Are you treating him a little less favorably in front of outsiders?

Or did he attract the true form of the Hundred-faced Nightmare, let them feast on it, and even have a good impression of him?

By the way, will the Three Corpse Insects have a "favor" for people?

This thing isn't even a "living thing", is it?

They circled around his fingers, freezing to the bone. He Lingchuan quickly retracted his fingers before his upper and lower teeth started to fight. The Three Corpse Insects flew towards the monster's head and got in through its nostrils and ears as it watched in horror.

"Ah don't don't don't don't!"

Does resistance work?

The three corpse insects still got into its brain.

The monster screamed: "Don't eat me!"

"If you keep your promise, they won't eat you." He Lingchuan yawned, "They just lurk in and supervise you at any time."

Otherwise, he knows too little about monsters like nightmares, and might fall into the opponent's trap.

The nightmare had a long face, as if she was mourning for her heir.

"Okay, let's get to work!" He Lingchuan ignored its mood and held the strange head close to the fragments of the statue.

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