After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 513 Whose end has come?

Holding a heavy lotus bud in his hand, if he had been there half a quarter of an hour ago, he might have turned it over and over to appreciate it, but now he had no leisure time and would blow the flowers as soon as he lowered his head.

This is also a must-do action for contestants. After finding the Overlord Lotus and blowing it open, the entire Lotus Fragrance Festival can continue.

Only then can the Overlord Lotus be cut.

The sneak attacker was of course Fan Sheng.

He also saw Jia Yu's movements, but the bet was made between Zhongsun Mou and He Lingchuan, and it had nothing to do with him who won or lost. He has only one goal:

Kill He Lingchuan.

So Jia Yu actually lowered his head peacefully and blew a breath into the lotus bud.

As the lotus buds gain popularity, they slowly bloom at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only then did the blood-red lotus petals, red-gold stripes, and green-with-gold lotus stand appear one by one.

The entire lotus flower is more than three feet in diameter, larger than a basin.

Calling it the Overlord Lotus is truly worthy of its name.

The golden light flashed on the surface of the lotus, and then it shot straight into the sky!

Even on a cloudy day, this golden light is particularly conspicuous.

The eager spectators at the Chaohu Tower immediately pointed at the golden beam of light and shouted:

"Light up, light up, found it!"

The crowd roared and exploded:

"It only took three quarters of an hour this time. It was too fast."

"It's unreasonable to go so fast. Could someone be cheating?"

"I wonder which team comes out on top?"

And the troublesome guy slapped his forehead: "Who loses and who wins that big bet? I hope the Cen Mansion wins!"

"They won't give you a copper even if they win!"

"But I can win money today."

While everyone was arguing, the golden beam of light suddenly dispersed.

This is another strange thing, which has attracted different opinions. You must know that the beam of light from previous years will last at least as long as a cup of tea before it disappears.

Fortunately, the following process has not changed:

The more than 100,000 lotus buds in the maze seemed to have received the order, and they smiled at the same time.

Even in the weir under the Chaohu Tower, more than a hundred water lilies bloomed immediately.

Such a wonder, even if it can be experienced once a year, will still win thunderous applause.

"The lotus is blooming!" In the white sandy summer, the lotus flowers in the city will not bloom until this moment.

The best season for lotus appreciation starts today and lasts for about forty days. During this period, new lotus buds will continue to grow, but they are not restricted by the lotus.

At this time, Magistrate Tian was smiling and said to the distinguished guests on the tower: "The lotus has bloomed. Please come down below to observe the ceremony."

The Lotus Fragrance Festival was about to begin at this time, and the venue under the tower had already been decorated, waiting for the distinguished guests to take their seats.

Everyone took advantage of the situation and moved down the tower.

As for the bets of the Crown Prince's special envoy and the Lingxu City inspector, they are still placed on the table and are under the supervision of dedicated personnel.

No one knew that the overlord lotus in the Lotus Palace had been cut off by himself before anyone could cut it.

Jia Yu held the lotus in his hand and didn't know what to do for a while.

Bawang Lian was obtained, but the ship was hacked and the prince's envoy was hunted down.

How to get back here?

Another boat came from the opposite side, and on the boat were the guards of the Cen Mansion.

Just now they followed He Lingchuan all the way, Fan Sheng dived into the water, and the guards were waiting on the boat to respond.

As soon as he saw what Jia Yu was holding, he immediately pulled the boat over and planned to grab it.

After He Lingchuan pounced on the boat, he rolled into the water the next second without forgetting to throw something.

The action is like crocodile diving, unsightly but very fast and practical.

Water is the best cover, and any attack will be stripped of more than one layer of power.

He had already tested it and found that the average water depth in the Lotus Palace was about five feet, and the northeast corner where they entered was a little deeper, six feet. Only the lotus flower blessed by the lotus demon can grow into the giant size it is now, and can reach a large height above the water surface after crossing the water depth of six feet.

This depth is deeper than the average lotus pond, enough for him to flop around.

He Lingchuan did not dare to say that he was a fool in the waves, but he had no problem chasing fish in muddy water.

Which lotus pond doesn't have mud at the bottom? Although the Lotus Palace is large, it is not exempt from vulgarity.

When he entered the water, he first muddied the bottom.

The sand was turned up, and Fan Sheng could no longer see him on the water.

But at this moment, dozens of palm-sized shadows suddenly rushed out of the surrounding water, biting his whole body, and specially treated the key parts.

These things have the body of a pomfret, but the underside of the fins and belly are blood red. When they don't open their mouths, they have kind eyes. Their mouths are full of sharp teeth and fangs, which are sharper than razors.

The frequency of their attacks is frighteningly fast. They can rush in five times in one second, which is to bite a person five times. Each time, they swing their tail fins wildly from side to side, hoping to tear off a larger piece of flesh.

This kind of piranha is easy to deal with alone, but if there are dozens of them together, it will be a nightmare for those who fall into the water.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan's body glowed with a faint green light.

The soul-capturing mirror's protective power is automatically activated, and the damage caused by it is less than 10%.

But it also shouted at the same time: "Hey, think of a way, I can't hold on for long, these things are very fierce!"

Even 10% damage is very painful. He Lingchuan couldn't help but scold it: "What's the use of you?"

With the orb in his mouth, he can breathe underwater and curse.

Of course, he knew very well that the protective barrier of the mirror was already very good, and even blocked Uncle Da's full output in the ruins of Thousand Star City. It is getting scared now just because the collective attack ability of these piranhas is too strong.

These things were either little monsters or summoned objects, and 90% of them were released by Fan Sheng. Because before the game started, Mizusawa had ordered the fish to leave.

He Lingchuan cursed crazily in his heart and swam faster at the same time.

A group of piranhas are in hot pursuit and attack crazily.

"Quick, quick, think of a way!" Mirror kept urging him, "Ouch! It hurts!"

The piranha must first break through the mirror's protection before it can inflict serious damage to He Lingchuan. The ants would bite the elephant to death, and even the mirror couldn't stand this rapid gnawing with the bonus of elemental power.

Although He Lingchuan swam very fast, before he could swim more than two feet, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

The Fusheng Sword has become one with him. This is the sword warning him that the danger comes from——


Under the Chaohu Tower, the dignitaries have already walked to the sandbank by the lake.

The lotus-picking boat will not return so soon, and the ceremony of the Lotus Fragrance Festival must be carried out first.

The sand here is naturally fine and white and does not require manual preparation. The sandbar is flat and open, and the Chaohu Lake scenery is unobstructed. The Lotus Fragrance Festival has been held here for seven of the past ten years.

This year is no exception.

The water weir in the background is now full of lotus flowers. A large pavilion was built on the side of the sandbank, which is usually used for tourists to rest and watch the scenery. Now it is the seat for the guests.

The civilians and merchants were standing at the back, and the crowd was packed.

Magistrate Tian rang the bell to attract the audience's attention, and then he put on a smile and made a few opening remarks.

These are all three old articles, and he can recite them by heart without any speech script.

Next, Zhongsun Moushi Shiran came on stage to deliver a speech.

The audience applauded warmly.

The surrounding officials and the atmosphere group mixed in the crowd drummed very enthusiastically, which can bring everyone together.

Although Zhongsun Mou has been worried recently, he doesn't want to miss this scene.

His articles are also full of flowers, and they sound unique in the environment of fresh flowers and fragrance.

When the shark's voice spread across the sandbank, a child stood behind the pavilion and suddenly tugged on the corner of his mother's clothes: "Look over there."

Mother was squinting her eyes slightly to listen to the four or six parallel prose in front of her, and she was still a little drowsy.

She ignored her and the child kept talking.


The child pointed to the water weir opposite: "There is something in there."

My mother looked there and saw lotus flowers swaying in the wind. "What's there?"

"It seems like something is moving under the lotus."


As soon as he finished speaking, the fine sand on the sandbank suddenly arched slightly, right at Zhongsun Mou's feet.

He also felt something strange, but he kept chanting and just lowered his head to look.

A huge mouth of the abyss appeared underneath.

Before he could react, his eyes went dark.

From the perspective of others in front, one second the inspector was standing on the sand, but the next second a big guy suddenly emerged from under his feet and swallowed him from bottom to top.

Almost without blinking, the inspector disappeared.

The monster was really round, bigger and rounder than a barn. The sight of most guests in the gallery was even blocked by it.

This is a huge... snail?

There are also strange lines on the hard shell.

But how come the monster carrying the shell has four legs?

Hey, wait a minute, the inspector was eaten by it!

The onlookers were stunned.

No matter they were nobles, guards, civilians or officials, they all lost their voices for a moment.

Wu Kai was shocked, "Lord Zhongsun!"

Cen Boqing took action.

The monster appeared in front of the water weir, standing where Zhongsun Mou had been.

Cen Boqing felt that its pair of tentacle-like eyes were staring straight at him, as if it was demonstrating.

Zhongsun Mou's guards also reacted and rushed forward one after another. Of course, the master would not bring them to the stage when he gave a speech earlier.

If something happens to Zhongsun Mou, they will not end well if they go back. The eyes of the guards were all cracked, and two of them threw the weapons in their hands without thinking.

They aimed at the monster's eyes and jaw, but the monster's eyes suddenly retracted and the spear missed.

The other knife struck the monster's cheek, sinking two feet into it, and mucus burst out.

Unexpectedly, this thing is too big. Throwing it away with the knife is like stabbing your mouth with a toothpick. It hurts, but it is not a fatal injury.

Another flying spear came, but Cen Boqing took out his weapon and threw it as a javelin, while shouting: "Kill it!"

His strength, accuracy and speed are unparalleled by the bodyguards.

The monster suddenly opened its mouth, a red cord popped out, and the spear flew away.

What the hell is that?

Cen Boqing could tell that the red cord was its tongue.

What kind of monster is it with snail-like tentacles and the tongue of a frog?

Cen Boqing gritted his teeth, while Uncle Wu turned pale.

Is this the monster Mai Xuewen uses to hunt monsters?

The tip of the spear fell in front of the pavilion. The guests and civilians screamed and retreated, while the officials and guards rushed forward.

However, it was too late.

The monster buried its head in the sand and dived quickly with its huge body.

Various magical powers and magic weapons hit its shell, making several mute sounds, but none penetrated, leaving only a few white marks.

The monster quickly dived into the sandy bottom, just like a fish diving into the bottom of the water, silky and smooth, and disappeared in an instant.

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