The veins on Fan Sheng's forehead twitched. He tried his best to suppress his anger and only asked about the major event that had just happened: "Zhongsun Mou was swallowed by the monster he wanted?"

On the way back, his subordinates had already reported to him what happened to Zhongsun Mou.

Fan Sheng was also shocked.

Something happened to Zhongsun Mou, and he was also in Baisha. When this matter is investigated later, he will be implicated.

Then everything you do here must be fully accounted for.

Magistrate Tian's face became even more bitter. This is really a disaster that never comes singly. Otherwise, he should just resign to the monarch and return home? "Yes, yes, that thing swallowed Master Zhongsun in one gulp and escaped by sneaking into the sand."

No matter how much Fan Sheng hated He Lingchuan, he had to ask: "Is that really the murderer you are chasing?"

"I didn't see it in person. We were wrestling in the Lotus Palace at that time, remember?" He Lingchuan shrugged, "But according to the testimony of the villagers, the monster that kidnapped Zhongsun Mou was very similar to what Mai Xuewen used. The monster-hunting snail toad.”

Fan Sheng, who was well-informed and well-informed, also found it unbelievable: "This guy surnamed Mai has escaped, why did he come back to rob Zhongsun Mou?"

"Who knows, maybe he also wants to take revenge." He Lingchuan smiled, "Maybe Lord Zhongsun also hindered him?"


This was a retort to him. Fan Sheng frowned angrily and was about to criticize him, but He Lingchuan got the better of him: "Now that even the patrol envoy has been kidnapped, Lord Fan, how do you think Lingxu City will handle this matter?"

This is a serious question, and it is also the most important question at the moment. Fan Sheng's anger was suppressed, and he thought about it and said: "Once it is reported, it will be a big deal, and the truth will be revealed."

First, the white-shouldered eagle who sent a message to the front line disappeared, and then the inspector who handled the case was swallowed in broad daylight. This gave Lingxu City two big dicks in a row. After hitting the left cheek and the right cheek, how could the emperor swallow it? Take this tone?

The majesty of Lingxu City cannot be challenged.

"We will definitely send a special envoy down to investigate the case." The disappearance of the white-shouldered eagle may still be an accident, but Zhongsun Mou's death was seen by thousands of pairs of eyes here, and Lingxu will never ignore it again. At that time, there will be dedicated personnel to handle special cases, strict investigation and strict handling, and they will not be as casual as Zhongsun's investigation.

What a mess.

He Lingchuan asked him again: "So, where are the people and physical evidence currently involved in the case?"

"Of course they will all be detained and they will not be allowed to leave Bai Shaqian." At this point, Fan Sheng exhaled in a depressed tone. This seems to include himself.

This time, he wanted to return the favor to the Zhongsun family, but he ended up with a fishy smell all over him. Why bother?

He Lingchuan saw his annoyance and believed a bit of his previous statement. He turned and left without saying much.

"Are you okay?" Jiao Yu saw that half of his clothes were red.

"Something's wrong, it really hurts." Injuries are commonplace, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know the pain, not to mention that the painkilling effect of the stone powder has worn off, "but I have to go somewhere first."

Magistrate Tian was still very considerate. Seeing that the special envoy was injured, he even arranged a carriage for him despite his busy schedule.

As a result, He Lingchuan went to find Lu Dutong to return to Jiayu, so he boarded the carriage and walked northwest along the lake shore.

Isn't this going back again?

The tiger was lying at the window, and two quarters of an hour later he vaguely saw the Lotus Palace in the lake.

Jia Yuqi asked: "Why is the special envoy here again?"

"I left something in the water and I need to go back and get it." This is the treasure he misses so much.

Jia Yu understood immediately and said obediently: "I'll go rowing and come back, please wait a moment!"

The carriage had arrived. He got out of the carriage in two steps, kicked into the water, and swam away quickly.

Not long after He Lingchuan waited, Jia Yu came to the shore in a small boat.

This is Cen's ship. It had previously carried Fan Sheng to attack He Lingchuan, but failed, so the ship was pushed away by Jia Yu.

Now he rowed back and took the injured He Lingchuan into the lake again.

Tiger still couldn't find a seat on this trip. The boat was too small and it was too heavy, so he could only lie on the shore and wait.

Soon, Xiaozhou returned to the place where He Lingchuan had a fierce battle with Fan Sheng.

Both of them were stunned. The scene in front of them was completely different from when they left:

Centered on the spot where Fan Sheng fell into the water, within a radius of ten feet there were all the broken lotus stamens and not a single intact lotus.

This water area seems to have been swept over. In addition to the stems and leaves of plants, there are also corpses of water birds, insects and fish floating on the water. Those arrogant piranhas have basically turned red bellies, and there are more than a dozen or even The body was incomplete, only two ends were still alive, and it was beating the water with only one of its remaining fins and spinning in circles.

Not far from dying.

Jia Yu murmured: "What happened here?"

"Fan Sheng released his life-saving move and almost died together with the lotus demon." He Lingchuan asked him to row close to the position where he had picked the Overlord Lotus before, and circled around a few more times.

The treasure location indicated by the Divine Bone Necklace is slightly different from the original one.

He Lingchuan had some idea in mind, found the right spot and entered the water again.

This time he dived all the way to the bottom, groping carefully.

The water was full of messy floating objects, but He Lingchuan only swam back and forth on the lake bed.

Jia Yu's eyes widened and he saw that he seemed to have been digging in the lake mud for a long time before he came up to the surface.

He helped He Lingchuan get back on the boat, only to see that the other party was holding something in his arms, which looked like broken pottery. He couldn't tell whether it was an urn or a vat. It was full of mud, and most of the lotus roots were buried.

He Lingchuan used the lake water to wash away the mud, and found that the broken pottery was surprisingly clean. There were not even any corpse snail eggs, only the lotus root node.

I don’t know why this lotus root was broken. Similar sections are all off-white, but it is blood red. At this time, there is also light red mucus flowing out, which looks a bit like human blood at first glance.

"Is this?" Jia Yu was a little unbelievable, "Is this He...?"

"Probably the water spirit in the lake." Jia Yu once said that the water spirit punishes cheaters. Fan Sheng attacked He Lingchuan this time and cut down a large piece of the lotus wall. The lotus demon knew at a glance that this was not a serious participant in the activity, but a Come to cause trouble.

He Lingchuan guessed that it had a bad temper, but he didn't expect that it would take advantage of Fan Sheng being trapped in the spider web to take revenge, but was taken away by a wave of big moves released by Fan Sheng.

More than two hundred years of hard work have come to naught, leaving only this half of the lotus root.

But is he really dead?

"Let's go back."

The boat rowed towards the shore, and this time the sacred bone necklace no longer heated up.

It seems that he finally hit the mark.

After landing, He Lingchuan changed to a carriage and returned to the inn, and gave Jia Yu a piece of silver as labor fee.

The soldier left happily, and the tiger also went to find Lu Dutong. He Lingchuan asked the inn to send hot water so that he could clean away the mud, residual leaves and insect corpses on his body.

After soaking in water, the wound must be treated again.

After finishing all this, half an hour has passed. He Lingchuan finally found another comfortable chair and sat down, then took out the remaining pottery dug out of the lake and looked at it.

In fact, the material of this thing is not pottery, it looks like jade but not jade, it looks like iron but not iron, and there is a ringing sound when you knock it.

Judging from its black body and white mouth, it was probably originally a pot-shaped container, but now at most one-third is left, and only the bottom is relatively complete.

It was in pieces anyway, so He Lingchuan simply hit it twice with a knife as he was not afraid of damage.

Dangdang, it’s okay.

He Lingchuan simply slapped it on the edge of the table.

There was a snap, but it was still fine, and the corner of the table fell off.

The texture of this fragment is surprisingly hard!

That's right, how can something that can be noticed by the Divine Bones be done without some knowledge?

But this thing has a completely frosted feel with no patterns. Maybe the patterned parts have been broken. There are only a few words engraved on the bottom:

Mi Feng.

If you want wind, you will get wind; if you want rain, you will get rain.

The first two characters are big, and the last two characters are small. They are actually the language of ancient immortals.

"Sure enough, I picked up an ancient object." He Lingchuan looked at it, then looked at the half of the lotus root, and speculated that the ancient object broke into pieces for some reason, and the fragments fell into the tidal lake, causing the lotus growing in it to turn into a monster.

He turned over and over but couldn't find any new clues, so he fed the fragments to the divine bone necklace.

The sacred bone necklace was so happy that I ate nothing.

I don’t know how it digests such hard fragments. He Lingchuan had seen too many strange things and was too lazy to think about it.

As for the lotus root, it had holes in its cross section, so He Lingchuan threw it into the basin.

Then he closed his eyes to rest and began to review today's events.

Since the investigation of the courier case came to a standstill, Fu Songhua's hiding has become increasingly difficult, and He Lingchuan himself has been assassinated twice. At that time, he understood that his opponent was using his status as an official of Lingxu City to act unscrupulously. If he wanted to turn against the enemy and break the passive situation, he needed an opportunity.

This opportunity is called:

Zhongsun Mou must die!

On the one hand, Zhong Sunmou strongly advocated taking Fu Songhua back to Lingxu City to close the case. After he died, no one would take action on this matter, and Fu Songhua could continue to stay in Baishaqian.

He Lingchuan's urgent need was solved immediately.

Fu Songhua could hardly hide anymore. The power of the Cen family is really no joke, and He Lingchuan is unable to stop it.

On the other hand, Zhongsun Mou's death will definitely anger Lingxu City. After this matter got messed up, the emperor refused to give up, and the Zhongsun family refused to give up, so the envoys sent to handle the case could no longer think about fooling around like Zhongsun Mou did.

At that time, all evidence involved in the case will be put under the sun and reviewed repeatedly.

The case of the white-shouldered eagle messenger will also be overturned and retried.

Can those hands and feet that Cen Mansion used still work? Wouldn’t the new envoy be suspicious of them?

It can be said that as long as Zhongsun Mou dies, the game of chess will come alive.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures must be taken.

What's more, Zhong Sunmou and others attacked him first, and He Lingchuan just returned the favor.

Therefore, he used the eggs of the snail toad.

Wan Song once explained that if they want to summon the snail toad, they only need to crush its egg and then stand on the ground.

If it is the owner, the snail toad will naturally be obedient;

If it were someone else, such as He Lingchuan or Zhong Sunmou, who had evil intentions to kill his descendants, Snail Toad would not bother to think of a better way to relieve his hatred except for being bored.

Its brain is not much bigger than a peach, and it was not designed for thinking.

When they were gambling on the Chaohu Tower, He Lingchuan took the opportunity to crush the snail toad eggs, smear the soul-telling mirror with the juice, and then use his real power to dry it.

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