After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 520 The missing witness

He looked at He Lingchuan and said, "Do you think Wu Kai has been killed by Cen Boqing and pretended to be returning to the north?"

Wu Kai is Cen Boqing's black glove, and he is likely to take charge of all matters such as killing demons and obtaining pearls. This person is living evidence. After Cen Boqing finds that he cannot be exonerated from the courier case, will he directly eliminate this witness?

"The possibility is very small." He Lingchuan had been considering this statement just now. "If Cen Boqing has killed Wu Kai and silenced him, he can just find a random reason, such as a stampede by the lake or a fall. Although it is unreliable, people are If you die, what can you and I do? We can only admit that he is superior."

As soon as Snail Toad committed the murder in Chaohu Tower, He Lingchuan called Fu Shanyue to Bai Shaqiang, and at the same time asked Lu Dutong to besiege Cen Mansion, just to hurry up and make Cen Boqing unable to react in time - Mr. Mai said that he lacked quick wit, and He Lingchuan was too observant. Yes, he thought, otherwise he had married the eldest daughter of the Great Sinong of Bejia and had accumulated some military merit. Why could he never be promoted to a military position?

If you don't have the talent to make prompt decisions, you will have a shortcoming on the battlefield.

If he was allowed to eat and drink well after he went back and then think about it for half a night, he might figure out the pros and cons and kill Wu Kai in a heartbeat.

"So I tend to think that Wu Kai is still alive and indeed no longer in the Cen Mansion."

"Did Cen Boqing really send him to Lingxu City?" Fu Shanyue shook his head, "The time is so tight, why do we have to leave in two batches? Besides, Wu Kai rarely leaves Cen Boqing's side."

He Lingchuan thought for a moment: "I have another theory: maybe Wu Kai escaped on his own, just when Lu Dutong and his men besieged the Cen Mansion, and Cen Boqing was so busy that he was overwhelmed!"

"Run away..." Fushan wanted to laugh more and more, but the more he thought about it, the more believable he felt. "Your idea, um, are you saying that Wu Kai reacted before Cen Boqing, thought that his life was in danger, so he climbed over the wall and escaped?"

"When a catastrophe is approaching, both husband and wife will have to work hard, let alone a master and servant? We can no longer regard Cen Boqing and Wu Kai as a whole. If Wu Kai stays, he will either be silenced by Cen Boqing or arrested by us. Either way will end. No, it's better to just walk away." He Lingchuan analyzed, "Anyway, he also knows that the first criminal we want to arrest is Cen Boqing. He can learn from Mai Xuewen and fly away. "

Fu Shanyue stroked his chin: "There is a way to prove this. Jiao Yu——"

The tiger stood up and walked over, the tip of its tail wagging slightly.

Fu Shanyue asked it: "You said before that Wu Kai's family members are also in Baisha?"

Wu Kai lost his son in middle age. Fortunately, his grandson has always been healthy. My daughter-in-law also came to Baishaqing with her grandson this time. The mother and son now rent a house in Biandan Lane.

This was the clue that Mai Xuewen sent yesterday. Jiao Yu heard it from the side and sent someone to follow it before reporting it to the prince.

"You should bring people to protect them now." Fu Shanyue smiled and said, "Lest Cen Boqing take advantage of them."

He Lingchuan looked sideways. They hadn't seen each other for more than 20 days, and Fushan became more artful in his words. He clearly wanted to threaten people, but he said nothing about "protection".

The tiger didn't say anything, turned around and walked out.

Fu Shanyue then said sternly to He Lingchuan: "He even dares to swallow the inspector. The person named Mai is more courageous than you and me."

It’s just that he’s older than you, why do you want to bring me with you? Before He Lingchuan finished complaining, Fu Shanyue continued: "Neither the Zhongsun family nor Da Sinong will give up, not to mention that this matter will probably alarm the emperor. We here strive to solve the problem quickly, find all the evidence, and nail Cen Boqing's crime , otherwise Bai Shali will face a violent storm."

Then he saw He Lingchuan reaching out to him: "Huh? What are you doing?"

"The case has almost come to light now. Isn't it time for you to give me what you agreed on?"

"Hey, if Cen Boqing is not brought to justice, the case will not be settled!" With that said, Fu Shanyue took out a bag of tips from his arms and handed it to him, "Take it."

He Lingchuan took it and took a look. It turned out to be a storage bag with a space of seven or eight cubic meters. It was empty except for a few materials piled in the corner.

These are the materials needed to provide He Lingchuan with the upgrade to the Golden Armored Bronze Man.

Each amount is sufficient, and even if the refining fails, he can try it again.

Fu Shanyue finally became more generous and was no longer the fussy prince on the way back to the capital. He Lingchuan took inventory and frowned: "One thing is missing... Where is the book explaining the black dragon pattern?"

He agreed to investigate the case of the White-shouldered Eagle Courier because he had reached an agreement with Fu Shanyue. In addition to the materials for upgrading the Golden Armored Bronze Man, Fu Shanyue also had to help him find a banned book.

There was a black dragon pattern in that book.

"When the dust of this case is settled, the book will be yours." Fu Shanyue stretched and stood up, "I sneaked into the imperial study three or four times before I found it. You must be worthy of my hard work."

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes. Damn it, wouldn't it be hard for him to handle this case?

I almost risked my life.

The white sand is not big, and the Biandan Lane is also close. About three quarters of an hour later, the tiger came back.

"No one was arrested. Wu Kai's daughter-in-law and her grandson have fled Biandan Lane."

Fushan became more and more curious: "Didn't you send someone to follow you?"

"I saw them walking around through the window earlier, but they were gone when they were about to be arrested." Jiao Yu was also embarrassed, "It turns out there was a secret door in that house, leading directly to the rice shop next door."

"No wonder Wu Kai wants to rent that house. Heh, if it's rent, it might be his property." Fu Shanyue sneered, "This man is really cautious."

"Also, the house was cleaned extremely clean and fumigated with drugs. Not even a hair was left."

"They can run out of the city in less than two hours. They should be out of the city as soon as possible." Fu Shanyue ordered Jiao Yu again, "Take people to search them out from the west city gate and the north city gate. At the same time, send out eagle guards to pay attention to pedestrians on the road."

Eagle eyes are far sharper than human eyes and can find prey from high altitudes.


Jiao Yu turned around to leave, when a goshawk suddenly flew from outside and landed on the big tree next to Fu Shanyue: "Your Highness, I wanted to return with Mr. Jiao, but before I left, I saw the private house rented by Wu Kai to his grandson. , someone came in again.”

"Oh? Who?"

"I followed them and found that those two were guards of the Cen Mansion." Although Lu Dutong led people to surround the Cen Mansion, the Cen Mansion was not a prison after all. The servants were going in and out to buy groceries and pour night fragrance, so there was no way to stop them all. Down. "These two people didn't go back to Cen's Mansion. Instead, they went to the second floor of the shop across the street and took a mirror to look into Cen's Mansion."

Good guys, the mirror code words are all figured out. The more Fushan thought about it, he couldn't help but laugh wildly: "Ah hahahaha, Cen Boqing was actually tricked by his loyal old servant!"

"You are right, Wu Kai was not sent away by him, but escaped privately. Otherwise, why would Cen Boqing send people to search for his grandson?" Fu Shanyue clicked his tongue twice, "No wonder I asked Wu Kai for help at the Cen Mansion. , Cen Boqing’s face is so ugly. Not only can he not surrender, but he is also used as a shield by Wu Kai! "

"We besieged Cen Mansion and blocked Cen Boqing from sending people to search for Wu Kai." He Lingchuan said lightly, "It can be said that we are also Wu Kai's shield."

Fu Shanyue's laughter stopped abruptly.

"If you see through it but don't tell it, we are still good friends."

"Wu Kai was also on guard against Cen Boqing, which shows that the master and servant did not trust each other as much as they seemed on the surface. This is good news." He Lingchuan knew that Fu Shanyue had no moral integrity and was capable of kidnapping his grandson. He didn't intend to interrupt, but such a simple action led to complicated consequences, and he became interested. "The bad news is that Wu Kai and the others didn't flee in a hurry. I'm afraid they won't be easy to catch."

"What's the explanation?" Fu Shanyue raised his eyebrows, "How can you escape easily? How do you see it?"

"Wu Kai didn't know that Mai Xuewen provided us with clues. In other words, he couldn't predict that you would hunt down his family, but he had already made preparations to send them away from Bai Shaqian." He Lingchuan explained, "He could By preparing a house with a secret door, he can of course plan the route and measures for his family to escape from Bai Shaqian. Hehe, I am afraid that he has already arranged the available manpower, carriages and horses, and is not planning in a hurry. Being prepared should no longer be called escape, but evacuation.”

Looking back at Wu Kai's attitude now, the problem has been explained.

This old man is very confident.

It's no wonder that he didn't let his daughter-in-law bring his grandson to live in the Cen Mansion, but rented it out. It turned out that he was ready to escape at any time.

Fu Shanyue was unconvinced: "If Wu Kai really knew how to prepare for a rainy day, why didn't he send his family away earlier? You and Cen Boqing had a fight a few days ago."

He Lingchuan said slowly: "He's not just guarding us."

"Not us?" Fu Shanyue is also a smart man. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "You mean, he is also wary of Cen Boqing?"

"I'm afraid so. Facts have proved that he didn't make a mistake." He Lingchuan continued, "Cen Boqing knew that his daughter-in-law brought their children to play in Baishaqing. If the mother and son suddenly left early, Cen Boqing would know that Uncle Wu was also interested in him. Be on guard.”

Fushan became more playful: "This pair of master and servant is really interesting. From this point of view, if Wu Kai failed to escape in time, would I have played into his hands by detaining him?"

"Otherwise, for his own safety, Cen Boqing would probably kill him and silence him as soon as he returns." He Lingchuan thought for a while, "He didn't do this before, which means Wu Kai is very important or Cen Boqing has other concerns; but now that Zhongsun Mou is dead, everything is at stake. If it develops in an unfavorable direction, he may not be able to care so much.”

He paused and then said: "Wu Kai has escaped, and Cen Boqing cannot plead guilty. After a few days, the envoy from Lingxu City has arrived, and things may change again. As you just said, How could Da Sinong just stand by and watch his son-in-law’s misfortune?”

Fu Shanyue crossed his arms: "According to what you said, my trip was not in vain?"

The key to convicting Cen Boqing lies in Wu Kai's confession. Who doesn't know that Wu Kai is the confidant of the Cen family and his son? Only if he confessed could Cen Boqing not escape justice.

But Wu Kai disappeared at this juncture.

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