After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 524 The pursuit from fiction to reality

I don't know how long it took, but He Lingchuan suddenly felt something and opened his eyes.

As expected, the nightmare came back silently, floating around him, not sure if it was staring at him.

He Lingchuan was never willing to take this thing lightly. He remained calm: "Did you find any clues?"

"See for yourself."

After saying that, the nightmare turned into a cloud of smoke. After the fog slowly dissolved, a picture actually appeared in the middle.

First there was the blue sky, then the distant mountains, as clear as a slide.

The scene changed again, a wide road with several horses and carriages in front.

At this time, a woman's voice joined in:

"Kang'er, don't poke your head, be careful if someone bumps into you!" Then he was pulled into a carriage, and sitting opposite was a young woman in plain clothes.

He Lingchuan knew that what the nightmare showed him was a fragment of Wu Kai's grandson's memory, perhaps what he saw during the day.

As the saying goes, what you see in the day is what you dream about in the night.

The woman said again: "Don't make any noise! ​​As long as you go somewhere, grandpa will buy you delicious food."

place? Where?

The mountain in the background of the picture just now seemed to be in the north of the city, but it was not due north from the angle.

As soon as the scene changed, everyone got out of the car.

It was already evening, the sun had set but night had not yet come. There was wasteland all around. The weeds on the roadside were lush and the reeds were taller than an adult. He Lingchuan heard the sound of water.

The groom walked in front holding a lantern, and the mother and son followed behind.

After walking for more than ten steps, an old man came forward, with half-black hair and droopy eyes.

Wu Kai!

This is what half the city's officers and soldiers are hunting for. After Zhongsun was murdered, he immediately ordered someone to take his grandson out of the city, and escaped the arrests of Fu Shanyue and Cen Boqing.

He himself also took advantage of the chaos to escape when Lu Dutong besieged Cen Mansion, and his family reunited at the wilderness ferry.

Wu Kai held his grandson in his arms and comforted him.

The four of them actually walked to a ferry.

It has white sand and plenty of water, including lakes, swamps and rivers. This is the middle part of the river bend. The wind is light. Twenty or thirty fishing boats are anchored here, and there is light coming out of the cabins.

The fishermen have food and accommodation on the boat.

The strong young man went to the boat to ask, and after only asking two boats, he found a boatman willing to take passengers.

Silver is a good thing.

The picture only reaches this point and then turns back to gray fog.

"No, I only found out so much." Nightmare expressed helplessness, "A child's head is empty and cannot hold much."

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

He Lingchuan pointed to the Juluo tree branch: "Okay, let's go in."

Gray smoke circled twice in the room, full of displeasure.

But the thin arms couldn't hold the thigh, and it had to squeeze in in the end.

Strictly speaking, Juluo Branch is not its home, but a fast passage in and out of Panlong Ancient City and reality.

"Either let me go or find me a place to stay. Hurry! Otherwise, I won't be able to return to reality and I won't be able to help you." After the nightmare finished speaking, he disappeared.

He Lingchuan immediately went to knock on Fu Shanyue's door.

After knocking hard, the guard at the door stopped him: "When we get inside..."

"What's going on?" The breeze passed by, and Fu Shanyue jumped out on his own, still wearing the usual clothes he had in the afternoon, with his hair meticulously done.

This guy doesn't even take a break.

"I discovered Wu Kai's whereabouts." He Lingchuan didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. "After dark, he took a boat in the river bend outside the north of the city."

"How do you..." Fu Shanyue was stunned, but then said, "Reliable?"

"It's like seeing it in person."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" He knew that He Lingchuan had two brushes.

"Slow down!" He Lingchuan stretched out his arms to block him, "You can't go, otherwise what will happen if Cen Boqing takes the opportunity to escape again?"

If Fushan leaves the city and Cen Boqing gathers to break out like last time, who will dare to really step forward to stop him?

Can they count on Lu Dutong or Tian County Magistrate?

Before he was convicted, Cen Boqing was still a Shangguan of Lingxu City.

With this reminder, Fu Shanyue quickly calmed down: "Okay, I'll keep an eye on him. The task of recovering Wu Kai is left to you. Be sure to——"

He said every word: "We must catch him!"

He Lingchuan nodded.

Now he and Fu Shanyue are like grasshoppers on the same line. If Wu Kai cannot be captured and convicted, Cen Boqing and even Da Sinong will definitely fight back afterwards.

Without further ado, He Lingchuan left in the middle of the night. Fushan Yuehui sent dozens of soldiers and horses to follow him, and a companion named Lu followed him.

The so-called escort is actually a tour guide. There are tourist attractions everywhere in Baishajing, and there are many wealthy customers, so a business specializing in escort tours has been born. From food and accommodation, carriages and horses, to sightseeing, the escorts can meet all the requirements of the guests.

This man surnamed Lu was found by Tian County Magistrate for the prince during the day, and he said he knew the entire county well.

He also knew where the river bend was, so Fu Shanyue ordered him to follow He Lingchuan.

The rumble of dozens of horses' hooves galloping on the deserted streets disturbs people's dreams in the middle of the night.

There is only one big river in the north of the city, winding along the mountains, with gentle terrain on both sides.

But the only ferry that is very close to the dock is Xiahewan.

"The target has boarded the ship, where will it go?"

Assistant Lu said: "Of course we have to go down the river. It saves effort and the boat can go faster."

"Did you go upstream against the current?"

"The upper reaches are all wild forests, and there are no human settlements until you go hundreds of miles upstream. It's so tiring to walk there." Mr. Lu shook his head, "Those who ferry there basically walk along the river. There has been no wind these past few nights, so they can't walk fast."

He Lingchuan was worried: "Will he land on the way?"

"That's possible, but going along the river is safer and easier, and it's not easy to be intercepted." Assistant Lu grinned, "Usually they also transport some private goods along the river... eh!"

He had the habit of bragging to guests, speaking carelessly, but when he said it, he remembered that the master in front of him was no ordinary person!

What nonsense did he say about smuggling in front of the crown prince's envoy?

He Lingchuan didn't even move his eyebrows, too lazy to argue with him. Assistant Lu hurriedly said: "Special envoy, do you need to charter a boat? I have a way to find the fastest and best boat!"

"Need not."

Thanks to his familiarity, he took the shortcut when leaving the city. The condition of the wild road is not as smooth as the official road, and it is inevitable to have bumps and bumps when traveling at night, but escort Lu can remember every ditch and bump in front, so that everyone can keep moving quickly in the dark night.

He was so proficient in his business that even He Lingchuan praised him: "You did a good job leading the way."

Escort Lu immediately beamed.

The prince's special envoy praised him and he was stable for the rest of his life.

At the end of the desolate wild road, there is Xiahe Bend.

In the early years of Baisha Lean, shipping, both fishery and passenger traffic, came here. However, after the construction of the upper river bend, all shipping capacity was moved there, and the ferry at the lower river bend became deserted. Only passenger traffic came here.

When He Lingchuan arrived with the crowd, it was already dark and only two fishing fires were still lit.

The guard asked him for instructions: "Sir, how many ships should we divide into?"

He Lingchuan ignored it and asked Lu Banyou: "What kind of river is this?"

"Liuhe." Lu Banyou laughed, "Someone found gold in the river in the early years, so everyone gave it this name."

The night was so dark that the other side could not be seen, and the river was flowing quietly. Everyone could only hear the occasional waves crashing on the shore.

Wu Kai's family had already boarded the boat in the evening and started going down the river again. They were several places ahead of them. Is it still too late to catch up now?

More than one person has this question.

But He Lingchuan obviously had no intention of explaining it to them. He just grabbed a token in the shape of a black cloud from his arms and handed it to the attendant who followed him: "Here you go."

The sign began to glow when the attendant took it in his hand, red with gold, burning brightly.

Except when he was marching in Panlong City, this was the first time He Lingchuan saw such abundant Yuan Power. There is no doubt that this is one of the status symbols of Fu Shanyue as a future king.

Then the attendant squatted down, pressed the sign into the river water to stir it up, and at the same time shouted:

"Liuhe Water Spirit, come and see me quickly!"

Others suddenly realized that this was what He Lingchuan had in mind. But using Fu Shanyue's token to summon the water spirit was not as troublesome as Sun Fuping, the national master of the Yuan Kingdom, or the magistrate of Kuzhu County, who summoned the water spirit of the local mountains and rivers, and required various methods.

Maybe it's because this is a demon country, and the people in the mountains and rivers are more diligent than those in other countries and don't dare to slack off?

After the attendant stood up, the waves that had just been stirred up not only did not subside, but became more and more undulating. The waves hit the shore one after another, each wave getting faster than the last.

The originally peaceful Xiahe Bay actually had a strange scene where there was no wind or waves.

The fishing boats resting in the bay were inevitably affected, and the sleeping fishermen were woken up and got up to take a look.

Soon some boat people shouted:

"Shui Ling, Shui Ling is here!"

The fishing fire was lit again, and He Lingchuan saw thirteen or four figures under the water illuminated by the light, approaching the shore quickly. The longest was less than two feet, and the shortest was only six feet. They were the largest among the water spirits he had ever seen. No number.

But it's as fast as a torpedo.

The body shape is also... quite similar.

Before he had time to think about it, he heard a splash, and water exploded from the ferry surface. These figures actually jumped out, swirled in mid-air, and then entered the water again.

He can actually press water splashes.

Of course, everyone also saw Shui Ling’s true face:

It has a round head, a wine bottle nose, and a silver-grey body that is streamlined.

Isn't this the finless porpoise?

The leader of the finless porpoise is half larger than the others of its kind, with gray-green skin. As soon as it poked its head out of the water, a soft female voice sounded in everyone's mind: "The Liuhe Aquatic Tribe is willing to serve the prince!"

"I am the crown prince's special envoy." He Lingchuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch its long nose, and said smoothly, "The felon is escaping in a boat and going down the river from here. Please help me look for it."

"Please tell me how many felons there are, what are their characteristics, and what kind of ship are they traveling on?"

He Lingchuan pointed to the boat going down the river bend: "Two men and one woman, plus a seven-year-old boy. The boat was hired from here. The boat has beige lights with a Liu character written on it. There is a big gap on the left side of the boat. The roof of the boat is patched with blue and white miscellaneous cloth.”

This was a scene in Wu Kai's grandson's memory. The child looked at the hull of the boat out of curiosity, and then He Lingchuan noticed it.

He had made the most important features of the hull very clear. Shui Ling nodded: "Let's do it now. I have many people in the river, so I think it won't be difficult to find them."

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