After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 531 Everyone has their own thoughts

It just so happened that the murderer was his own son, his only bloodline alive.

The relationship between father and son, ugh!

It seemed more complicated and weird than him and He Chunhua.

Bai Ziqi also shook his head and sighed: "Who knows? What a mess."

While talking, the two approached Cen's mansion.

This place was still surrounded by Lu Dutong's men, but the officers and soldiers escorted people and items in and out. Compared with the previous siege but not attack, they were fighting with open fire without any scruples.

Living in the wealthy Lingxu City with white sand and slender white sand, there are not many families with a higher family status than Cen Boqing. Now is the closing time of the Cen Mansion. Neighbors come out to watch. Crowds of people on the street are moving and pointing.

It's even more lively than the Chinese New Year, just a few cannons.

As soon as Bai Ziqi arrived, Lu Dutong strode out: "Two adults, we have captured the Cen Mansion and are currently searching for Cen Boqing."

He Lingchuan frowned, and Bai Ziqi asked directly: "A search? Has Cen Boqing not been arrested yet?"

"The Cen Mansion is too big, but we have searched it all over and haven't found Cen Boqing's whereabouts yet."

At this time, all the servants of the Cen Mansion were arrested, from the servants to the cooks, no one was missed. What is a bit surprising is that the person in charge of this at the scene was actually Magistrate Tian.

Under the illumination of the torches of the officials, Magistrate Tian held his head high and his chest high, and even the tone of his command was ups and downs, which was very impressive.

When he saw Bai Ziqi and He Lingchuan, he immediately put on a smile: "The prince is in the back garden, two adults..."

Bai Ziqi waved her hand to interrupt his polite words: "Have you ever asked the servants about Cen Boqing's whereabouts?"

"Ah, we are being interrogated. Everyone who has been asked so far says they don't know."

This is the first time He Lingchuan has entered the Cen Mansion. Not to mention the exquisite components and scenery, there are lots of flowers and plums here. A natural spring flows through four gardens. The koi raised there are five feet long. They are graceful and wealthy; in the spring There are actually large and small jellyfish floating around, the small ones are as big as fists, and the big ones are as big as pumpkins. They will emit red, yellow, blue, green and other colors of light when touching any object. It must be really beautiful at night.

Not knowing what species it was, He Lingchuan used to think that jellyfish only existed in the sea.

It's August in the middle of summer, and the weather is so hot that I'm sweating after just two steps.

However, the room temperature in such a large Cen Mansion is always 23 or 4 degrees Celsius, and there is a cool breeze both indoors and outdoors. This shows that the heatstroke prevention formation is working well.

This kind of formation consumes a lot of energy, at least the housekeeper of Xiazhou in Yuan Kingdom cannot afford to burn it.

Here, you can even enjoy the hut at the end.

Bai Ziqi asked again: "Where is Commander Fan?"

"Commander Fan is carrying an axe. He comes and goes like a gust of wind. He doesn't know where he is now."

He Lingchuan interjected: "Did Commander Bai want him to arrest someone?"

Bai Ziqi didn't hide it from him: "Yes, Cheng Yu."

He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat. This envoy from Lingxu City had just arrived in Baishaqian, so why did he focus on Cheng Yu?

"That spell master?" He looked curious, "What's so special about this person?"

"His spells are special. I may need this person's help in my next case."

"Have you decided on Bai Duzhi's next case? He really is a busy man."

Bai Ziqi still had a magic smile on his face: "It is our duty to share the worries of the Holy Lord and the Emperor."

As soon as the three of them walked to the back garden, they heard Fu Shanyue's angry voice:

"Break open the rockery and let me see if there is a secret passage!"

There is a rockery here with staggered heights, like a maze, where ordinary people would get lost if they entered it. Seventeen or eight officers and soldiers put a rope on the highest peak and pulled hard, but it didn't move at all.

It's no wonder that Fushan Yue has a whim, as many secret passages in mansions like to be built under rockeries. Because the back garden is generally located in a remote location, separated from the outer street by only one or two walls, the noise of digging a secret tunnel can be covered up in the name of gardening.

The gardens of this kind of deep mansion must be carefully crafted. It is normal for two or three years to be repaired, and it can last as long as twelve or three years.

More than a dozen officials went up to exert their strength. The rugged rockery, which was nearly two feet high, finally pushed the golden mountain over the jade pillar and broke into eight petals.

All the officers and soldiers went into the mountain like wolves and tigers and trampled on them, but they could not find the entrance to the so-called secret passage.

Bai Ziqi looked solemn: "When did the servants in this mansion last see Cen Boqing?"

Lu Dutong came over and replied: "The boy in the Second Courtyard said that about an hour ago, Cen Boqing asked his servants to collect some random things, like materials for casting spells. But the Cen Mansion was trapped and couldn't get quail, so he had to Come to the rockery to catch two magpies instead... This was probably the last time they saw Cen Boqing, because the master later went to find Cheng Yu in the side courtyard, and while the two were talking, they dismissed all the servants. "

At this time, Magistrate Tian strode over and reported that the entire search of Cen's mansion had been completed and Cen Boqing's whereabouts had not been found.

Fu Shanyue said with a cold face: "Search, search again! Search carefully for me."

Magistrate Tian had no choice but to take the order and leave.

"The Cen Mansion is surrounded by hundreds of pairs of eyes, not counting passers-by..." Bai Ziqi glanced at Fu Shanyue, but didn't say a word. Even the prince was personally in charge, "Logically speaking, Cen Boqing is a person like this." There is no chance for anyone to escape."

Fan Sheng came out of nowhere and added: "There is also Cheng Yu."

Two big living people, just disappeared after saying not to see each other?

Fu Shanyue's anger was almost visible to the naked eye. The duck that finally reached its beak actually grew wings and flew?

Then why did he go back to Cenbo repeatedly to clean up? Are they teasing him?

"Could it be a mountain-moving formation?" Fan Sheng asked again, "It can teleport out."

Fu Shanyue said coldly: "We have set up a forbidden escape technique, and the Mountain Moving Formation cannot take effect."

He Lingchuan thought of something and thought: "By the way, the night I chased Cheng Yu, his aura disappeared inexplicably as soon as he reached Fu Songhua's house. No matter how hard he looked for it, he couldn't find it."

Fu Shanyue immediately said: "He still has some abilities. It's useless to work here, go ask Wu Kai!"

Wu Kai is Cen Boqing's confidant, and he should know best what the latter's methods are.

So Bai Ziqi returned to the inn and interrogated Wu Kai.

Fu Shanyue called He Lingchuan into the waterside pavilion in the Cen Mansion Garden, waved away the attendants on the left and right, and even placed a soundproof barrier.

Seeing his actions, He Lingchuan couldn't help but become serious: "What's the matter, being so cautious?"

"Bai Ziqi's arrival is a little strange. Please help me keep an eye on him these days."

"What's weird?" He Lingchuan was slightly surprised, "Didn't he come under orders to investigate the courier case?"

"Bai Ziqi said he came from the Twilight Plains. Oh, I don't believe he stopped at the Plains."

He Lingchuan said: "Has he entered Chiyan?"

"Ninety percent," Fu Shanyue said, "When an envoy from Lingxu City enters the Demon Kingdom, he usually notifies the local government first, and then someone will receive him and cooperate with him."

We are all officials, shouldn't we have to rely on top-down coordination when doing things?

"But Bai Ziqi was so sneaky this time, no one knew he entered Chiyan, and no one knew his destination. If it weren't for Zhongsun's plan and the emperor's urgent transfer, I wouldn't even know he was coming." Fushan Yue slowly said He asked, "What does he want to do?"

He Lingchuan replied with two words: "Business."

"Nonsense, of course it's business. Do you think he wants to come here on his own?" Fu Shanyue sneered, "Don't think he is approachable. These people in Lingxu City think they are born noble, but in fact they can't look up to anyone. Unless they come here like Bai Shazhen. They need to recuperate in a scenic spot, otherwise they won’t even want to step into the Demon Kingdom.”

He Lingchuan had "I understand" written all over his face. Isn't that just contempt for the chain?

The people of Bejia look down on the people of Fu and Yuan countries, and the people of Lingxu City look down on the people of Fanyao country.

"This Baidu ambassador seems to be quite powerful." Bai Ziqi is kind to people, unlike Cen Boqing and Zhongsun Mou who like to look at people with their nostrils.

But He Lingchuan could feel that his kindness was all on the surface, just to make people let down their guard.

Bai Ziqi has been carefully observing the people and things around him.

Every time this man glanced at him, He Lingchuan felt uncomfortable, feeling that he was prying into his inner secrets.

But He Lingchuan was really a man with secrets.

"Du Yunshi has a detached status. He only obeys the orders of gods and emperors, and even ignores the imperial master. Is that seat suitable for ordinary people to sit on?" Fu Shanyue took a few steps, "Bai Ziqi is here He is low-key and keeps a low profile, and most of his work is secret. I haven't heard of a few. But ten years ago, the Baixiang Kingdom was almost in civil strife. Something happened, and it was Bai Ziqi who came forward to solve it."

"It sounds like this is a person who can solve problems." Whether it is a country or an organization, there will always be such a person.

"Well, there are various methods." Fu Shanyue frowned, "But usually, the errands he does are related to the gods. Why come to Chiyan this time?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "If he has to do things in Chiyan, he may eventually ask you for help."

He also had a sudden feeling in his heart.

Bai Ziqi sneaked into Chiyan quietly, what was he originally ordered to do?

If it has something to do with the gods, this is the Kingdom of Bega, a famous place of worship to gods. Why would a god instruct his messenger to act secretly in his own territory?

"At least for now, only the Baidu envoy has arrived in Baishaqiang. The Zhongsun family and Da Sinong have not yet arrived."

Fu Shanyue whispered: "I think the good show is yet to come!"

On the way out of Cen Mansion, He Lingchuan carefully recalled his actions since pursuing the case.

There didn't seem to be any flaws.

"The emperor in Lingxu City really wants to investigate the case impartially?" Jing Jing suddenly asked him, "Isn't this a good thing for you? You are acting in compliance with the emperor's heart, and the pressure is relieved all of a sudden. "

"How come there's no bias?"

"He directly sent the most irrelevant person over," said the soul-catching mirror. "Otherwise, the Zhongsun family wants to complain, and Da Sinong wants to defend himself. Maybe some other force wants to interfere with the selection of the special envoy."

"Impartial and most irrelevant? Do you really think so?" He Lingchuan smiled, "Do you think you can understand people's feelings just by working with two generals and several powerful men?"

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