After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 549 The blend of cause and effect reality

The four words "thick skin and black heart" are the portrayal of fat white people.

The Grasshopper took out another three-inch-high wooden bottle: "This is for you too!"

The plug was tightly blocked. He Lingchuan shook it slightly and found tiny particles inside. "What is this?"

"This is fish paste!" Fatty Bai explained, "a specialty of Song State's seaside, the essence of which is slowly simmered from various seafood! Add a drop or two when cooking, and the taste will be so delicious! It's different from the original If there are two dishes, please go back and try them, they will definitely be delicious.”

He Lingchuan was disrespectful and took another look at the store. Many customers also bought fish paste, but they were all in large wooden bottles.

The profiteer gave him a trial version.

Gange Hall.

The stone house was still bare, without any decoration.

He Lingchuan remembered that the first two times he came to work were during the autumn when tigers were raging and it was extremely hot. Fortunately for the military attache, he has a cultivation level that protects him from the cold and heat. A half-hearted martial arts practitioner like Wen Daolun would sweat profusely due to the heat.

Fortunately, the weather is getting cooler now and it's much more comfortable to stay inside.

As usual, He Lingchuan was able to enter after passing the full-body security check.

There were four soldiers guarding the outside of the hall, but he was the only one inside.

But someone was already waiting in the hall, and he poured himself a cup of tea.

This is a scribe in long robes. The left hand holding the tea cup is missing the little finger.

When He Lingchuan saw his face clearly, he couldn't help being startled and stopped.

The scribe faced the door and smiled at him: "Hello."

He Lingchuan's composure was much better than before. He was distracted for only a short moment before he reacted and stepped into the hall:


This man was in his early forties, with a haggard but handsome face, and a mole between his eyebrows.

The most important thing is that He Lingchuan recognized this face:

Shao Jian.

Although wrinkles have been carved by time and wind and his temples have turned white, He Lingchuan can still recognize at a glance that this is Shao Jian, the nephew of the late King Yuan!

He had seen the conversation between the uncle and nephew in the vision of the ruins of Thousand Stars City.

In the past, King Yuan knew that the situation was over and that the Yuan Kingdom could not be saved, so he entrusted the large square pot, the Jiao Shou Dao and the sacred bone necklace to his nephew Shao Jian, and asked him to flee to Xiluo overnight, and handed the three-piece set to Zhong Shengguang.

Of course, he must have accomplished it, otherwise Panlong City would not be what it is today.

But He Lingchuan never expected that the person in the fantasy would actually appear in front of him, alive... well, it can't be called alive, this is not reality after all.

But it was enough to make his heart flutter.

After nearly two hundred years of time and space, he finally met another figure who should be remembered in history!


Because Shao Jian acted secretly, his connection with Zhong Shengguang and Panlongcheng was not written into history. But He Lingchuan knew very well that this man was the beginning of the tragic story of Panlong City.

Facing Shao Jian, He Lingchuan had mixed feelings in his heart. It was at this time that he suddenly realized that the entanglement between Panlong City and himself was too deep, and they were deeply influencing each other.

Did Zhong Shengguang, who was holding a large square pot back then, also feel the same way?

Perhaps it was his fiery eyes that made Shao Jian a little strange. The latter was also looking at the young man: "Have we met before?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "Probably not."

He didn't ask for the person's name. The soldiers on duty in the Gange Hall only watched.

But Shao Jian is obviously not subject to this restriction: "What's your last name?"


"This is the first time I have seen such a young soldier in the Gange Hall." This young man looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was actually able to go on duty in the Gange Hall. Shao Jian smiled and said, "General Red must have great trust in you."

He Lingchuan said concisely and to the point: "Yes."

The last time he saw Shao Jian, he was a frail young man with a vigorous body. But now Shao Jian is nearly forty years old, about the same age as Zhong Shengguang, and his face has shown some vicissitudes of life.

Although he was a practitioner, time did not treat him favorably.

Shao Jian was about to speak when the door opened with a creak, and General Red came in alone wearing light armor.

The door of the Gange Hall made a special noise just to alert the people inside.

He Lingchuan was slightly stunned when he saw her.

She was not wearing a mask, and her face was more beautiful than Fang Fei's peach and plum, but she also had the indifference of looking down at all living beings from the ninth level of heaven.

There was no one behind her: "Close the door."

When He Lingchuan closed the door, Shao Jian also stood up and bowed respectfully to her: "Miten, long time no see."

"Shao Jian." The red general pulled up his chair and sat down. "Is it safe on the way here?"

“The journey was smooth, no bandits were encountered, and no one followed us.”

When He Lingchuan heard this, he knew that he had been hiding in Tibet for more than twenty years and was very knowledgeable about hiding his whereabouts.

The red general was not completely reassured: "Stand under the sun."

Now the sun is at its peak, just tilting, and the sun shines in through the empty window. Shao Jian stood in the sunshine, and his body seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light.

The red general pointed at He Lingchuan again: "You go too."

He Lingchuan immediately stood over and stood side by side with Shao Jian, bathing in the sunshine together.

The red general took out an open golden bowl from somewhere, with half of the incense cubes inside. She stretched out her hand and touched it into the bowl. The incense block ignited without fire, emitting wisps of milky white smoke.

The smell of fireworks exuded solemnity and solemnity. He Lingchuan felt as if he was standing on a temple when he heard it.

As soon as the red general blew in the direction of the two of them, the smoke drifted over and spread around him, condensing and not dissipating.

Neither of them dared to move.

After five or six breaths, under the sun and in the white mist, He Lingchuan suddenly discovered a shallow black line on Shao Jian's shoulder, which went straight out of the window.

General Red said solemnly: "You are being targeted."

Shao Jian was startled. When he turned around, he also saw the antenna-like black thread on his shoulder.

He brushed it twice with his hand, but found nothing.

The black line is still there, if it is there or not, but it won't go away.

He Lingchuan checked himself and found nothing.

He was very innocent, and General Red only looked at him once before turning his attention to Shao Jian.

Shao Jian was surprised: "What is this?"

"Attention from other gods." The red general blew another puff of white smoke. Shao Jian's whole body was covered in smoke, and He Lingchuan could hardly see his facial features clearly. "Human beings cannot get rid of it."

Miraculously, Shao Jian didn't feel the smoke was choking in it, but could breathe freely.

"This mist can block their prying eyes, otherwise once the thread of fate is severed, they will pay more attention to you." After that, the red general reached out and grabbed his shoulder, and pulled it gently, as if brushing away the fluttering hair. Spider silk.

The so-called thread of fate was broken like this!

The god who cast this thread must be curious about who can break it. However, Shao Jian was shrouded in fog and they could not locate it.

General Red grabbed the black thread and threw it directly into the golden bowl.

With a pop, the flames turned black and a cloud of black mist erupted.

A figure loomed in the black mist, with a pair of big wings, like a butterfly or a big moth.

"It turns out to be this thing." The red general waved his hand, and the smoke in the air dissipated, and the sunlight once again enveloped Shao Jian, "Good news, this is not the god worshiped by Bejia, so you have not been targeted by the Northern Demon Kingdom. Enter. Shao Jian, which country did you pass before, or did you know someone who worshiped Dune?"

Shao Jian was slightly startled, then thought for a while and said, "That may be a small country I passed by in the desert, very far away. But the gods they worship are also in human form, not like this or this."

In addition to Bega, there are of course other countries in the world that openly worship gods. It's just that none of them can match the power of the Northern Demon Kingdom.

General Red said calmly: "Human beings have the largest number of believers, so the images that gods take on in the world are mostly in human form."

He Lingchuan heard the implication: The true form of the god may not be certain.

"Don't go there in the future." The red general put away the golden bowl. "After all, we are a world apart. The attention of these wild gods is often disconnected due to various reasons, not just man-made. As long as you don't enter its field of vision again, you will It’s not a big deal, they don’t care too much about it, I have a task for you.”

Shao Jian said solemnly: "Excuse me."

He Lingchuan looked at them, curious.

King Yuan once asked him to tell Zhong Shengguang to do everything possible to destroy the Dafang Pot; but now, Zhong Shengguang not only failed to act according to King Yuan's warning, but instead used the Dafang Pot to attract the gods to the world.

So, what is Shao Jian’s current relationship with Panlong City?

He was probably the only bloodline of the Yuanwang family left in the world. He Lingchuan thought, after handing over the three-piece suit, it was impossible for this person to just stay out of the matter and spend the rest of his life in Jiang Hai?

The red general took out another object and spread it in his palm.

It was a really weird day. The people and things that appeared in Panlong City one after another were all beyond He Lingchuan's expectations.

The object the Red General took out looked like a copper pipe, only the size of a middle finger. The top of the pipe was engraved with the head of an unknown monster, with a pointed mouth, short nose, thin teeth, small ears, and a ferocious face, like a pig's head that had been smashed by a punch.

There are patterns engraved all over the short tube, which look like patterns and words, but they are not the language of ancient immortals.

There is a gem embedded in the tube, which is hollow. There seems to be a little red substance inside, which sometimes flows as a liquid and sometimes vaporizes into mist.

As soon as this thing appeared, He Lingchuan's eyes widened because he actually recognized it:

Punishment Dragon Pillar!

After He Chunhua led the Xiazhou army and the Xunzhou Rangers to fight in Xinhuang Town, Bejia's national master's disciple secretly used this torture dragon pillar to collect the nightmare energy on the battlefield.

At that time, the servant confessed that the Dragon Punishment Pillar was an ancient treasure, drawn from the copper pillars on the edge of the Dragon Slaughter Field; and the so-called Nightmare Qi was the resentment, fear, and anger of the soldiers before they died in battle, and Bega wanted to collect them and take them back to transcend.

However, it was later corrected by the soul-capturing mirror that the nightmare energy was actually the essence of life in the human body, which just dissipated into the air after death.

What surprised He Lingchuan even more was what General Red or Mitian said next:

"I finally made this thing!"

There was a rare emotion in her voice.

Can Mi Tian make a Dragon Punishment Pillar?

He Lingchuan's mind was racing, why would she make such a thing?

Panlong City also needs to collect nightmare energy?

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