After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 554: Put it on the table

The further you go to the main city, the more prosperous the roads are.

Teahouses, restaurants, food stalls, foot shops, bathhouses, theaters, Hongguanfang and government offices, everything needed for people's livelihood and public utilities is available.

He Lingchuan even saw a giant restaurant on the side of the road, with five floors, each floor is several thousand square meters, with bright lights and noisy guests.

But it is not the largest and most magnificent building, the temple is.

Just behind the main street, where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, He Lingchuan can always see the roofs of various temples, big and small. The names enshrined in the temples are also different.

Anyway, those who can open temples in Lingxu City are not ordinary gods.

According to Fu Shanyue, the rich and powerful especially like to donate or renovate temples, or add a temple roof. If Lingxu City does not allow the use of golden roofs, there may be golden light everywhere. The rich and powerful will not only have face when they tell others about their actions, but also ask for the gods to continue to bless them.

"Effective?" He Lingchuan felt stupid just after he asked the question. Fu Shanyue laughed: "Gods don't speak, but sincerity can make them effective!" It was dark, and they were faced with a problem of accommodation. If officials from various places or vassal demon countries came to Lingxu City to wait for orders or do business, they usually had to stay in the post house to facilitate summons from above. Fu Shanyue entered the capital on his own this time and could choose his residence freely. But he still chose to stay in the post house temporarily, so as not to be unable to find him when his superiors wanted to summon him. Just from this detail, He Lingchuan knew that this person was rough on the outside but delicate on the inside. Or maybe there were too many big names in Lingxu City, so even Fu Shanyue didn't dare to act recklessly here. Although it was a post house, domestic and foreign envoys and foreign officials who came to the city all lived here, so the conditions were quite good, the environment was quiet, the utensils were exquisite, and the smiles of the servants were sincere and natural. Of course, the post house was also divided into three levels. Officials from other small countries who came to Lingxu City were usually only arranged to stay in the second or third class post houses, and no one dared to object. Prince Chiyan naturally wanted to stay in the highest level, so He Lingchuan also got a place to stay.

If the posthouses He Lingchuan had stayed in before were all small guesthouses, where the front desk clerks often disappeared for no reason, then the first-class posthouses in Lingxu City were at the level of five-star hotels.

While his subordinates were busy settling in, Fu Shanyue wanted to drag He Lingchuan to drink and cheer him up, but the latter refused:

"I have something to do."

Nonsense, Fu Shanyue glared: "You are in Lingxu City for the first time, what can you do!"

"Visiting relatives and friends." He Lingchuan patted his shoulder, "To be honest, I will find you for a drink tomorrow."

"Okay, go."

He Lingchuan thought about it, went back to his guest room first, released the eyeball spider on the beam, and then quietly left from the back door of the posthouse, boarded a deer cart, and rushed to the next destination.

Less than two hours after he left, the guards came in and said:

"Your Highness, the messenger from the Heavenly Palace has come to pass!"

"Now?" It's late at night now, and the emperor is so anxious?

Fu Shanyue met the envoy, and it turned out that Zhaixing Tower had summoned him to an audience overnight.

His decision to stay in the posthouse was indeed correct. Fu Shanyue straightened his clothes and followed the envoy.

The other party did not mention He Lingchuan at all.

He Da Shao was a key figure in Baishaju, but he was nothing here. Bai Ziqi and Fu Shanyue were enough to make a plea in person. He Lingchuan, as an insignificant outsider, was not even qualified to be summoned by the emperor.

Bai Ziqi brought him to Lingxu City just to be prepared in case any lord wanted to learn more about the situation but couldn't find the case handler of Prince Chiyan.

Of course, He Lingchuan knew that he had other intentions.


Heavenly Palace, Zhaixing Tower.

Bai Ziqi knelt on the ground and recounted his investigation process in Baishaju in detail, not only for the Demon Emperor, but also for the Duyun Envoy, and the Lingxu Saint.

He did it meticulously, and brought back all the evidence, witnesses, and criminals involved in the case to Lingxu City, including the remains of Fu Songhua, Wu Kai, and Cheng Yu.

The Demon Emperor listened for more than half an hour and couldn't help yawning: "You mean, Cen Boqing confessed his guilt?"

"He did, but Madam Cen brought witnesses to prove that he was just an accomplice. The real murderer behind the scenes is someone else."

The Demon Emperor asked again: "It's so difficult for you to get Wu Kai to speak, how come Yao Xingning caught this actor who contacted him so easily?"

Bai Ziqi shook his head: "Madam Cen said she was lucky."

"I'm afraid someone secretly helped her." The Demon Emperor said lazily, "You don't need to ask her, she is careless, and she probably doesn't know. Can you still investigate this case?"

Bai Ziqi hesitated: "I'm afraid it involves a lot of people."

"You investigate first, and the results will not be announced for the time being . "The Demon Emperor said slowly, "The Minister of Agriculture has come to me to cry for several days, saying that his family had no idea what their son-in-law did; the Zhongsun family kept complaining and wanted to track down Zhongsun Mou's whereabouts, saying that they wanted to see him alive or dead. "

Bai Ziqi said: "They are also involved in the immortality medicine case."

"Hehe, the Qingfu Temple and the people inside were burned down by a fire, Wu Kai was also dead, there was no physical evidence or witness, and old man Zhongsun came out to deny it with confidence, saying that he had never taken the immortality medicine, and that his grandson could not have covered up for Cen Boqing and perjured himself in Baisha, and it was all Cen Boqing's frame-up. This cunning old thing... Well, when you investigated the case in Baisha, did you find direct evidence that Zhongsun Mou perjured himself for Cen Boqing? "

Bai Ziqi thought carefully and then shook his head: "This case is progressing slowly in Bai Shaqian and is almost impossible to investigate. It is because there is no evidence that Zhong Sunmou and Cen Boqing are directly involved in the case. Wu Kai worked very carefully. In the case of the missing courier, he provided a false confession It was Fu Songhua who wrote and stamped it himself. Even if he is investigated later, Zhong Sunmou will only be guilty of gullibility, neglect and ineffective handling of the case. "

Therefore, the charges of privately purchasing elixirs for the Zhongsun family were only pending, but the disappearance of Zhongsun Mou made the family the real victims.

"I expected it to be like this." The Demon Emperor snorted, "The Zhongsun family still wants to cause trouble for the Cen family. Do you think that's right?"

"If Mai Xuewen's robbery and murder of Zhong Sunmou was an independent act and not directed by Cen Boqing, then..."

"Mai Xuewen is still at large, and you haven't even touched his shadow. It seems like he won't come out in a short time."

Bai Ziqi lowered his head: "This subordinate is incompetent."

"Okay, ignore the Zhongsun family and continue to pursue the clues provided by Mrs. Cen..."

Before the Demon Emperor finished speaking, several red letters suddenly appeared on the heavenly book:

Killing chickens to scare monkeys, Zhongsun's crime will not be taken lightly.

The hall fell silent for a moment.

Just a few words, and the Zhongsun family will be in disaster.

This is God's will.

After a while, the Demon Emperor said: "Zhongsun has been an old minister with a weak spirit for more than a hundred years."

This was considered a plea, but the Heavenly Book did not respond. It was obvious that the God did not intend to take back his life.

The private refining and purchase of elixir was really against their taboo.

The Demon Emperor coughed again: "If you want to do something, you must do it according to the rules, and only do it if you have evidence! If Bai Ziqi continues to pursue it, neither the buyer nor the buyer of the elixir can escape. If the Zhongsun family is punished... why rush it?"

For a long time, there were no new instructions from the Book of Heaven, perhaps by default.

The Demon Emperor immediately changed the subject: "Is there some progress at Qingfu Temple?"

Every day and on earth, there were no problems for him. If there is a chicken on the countertop, there may be a nest of chickens in the house. Zhongsun Mou bought the elixir for his old man. This was by no means an exception.

Is it the same as killing people, punishing them severely if they find a case?

How many subjects would be involved? What to do if the royal court of Lingxu City is in turmoil?

But in Gao Aotian's dictionary of gods, where can the words "the law does not punish the public" appear?

Bai Ziqi didn't know what the Demon Emperor was thinking, so he just bowed his head and said "yes".

"As for the strange behavior of the big square pot, what do you think?" The Demon Emperor has just heard the statement, and now he wants to listen to Bai Ziqi's own opinion.

He glanced at the altar. It was quiet up there.

"The aura of Dafang Hu fluctuated twice before and after. From the perspective of time and space, Prince Fu Shanyue and Mai Xuewen of Chiyan probably appeared nearby." Bai Ziqi said respectfully, "My subordinates believe that these two people must have check."

"King Baoshu took the lead, and four or five demon kings came to the table one after another. Hmm, now is not a good time to touch people like Fu Shanyue. At least I have to wait until the case of the immortal medicine is over, lest the demon kings think that I am targeting the Chiyan Kingdom." Demon Emperor Looking at Bai Ziqi, "You'd better be polite to Fu Shanyue."

"Yes." Bai Ziqi hesitated.

The Demon Emperor immediately noticed: "Is there anything wrong? Tell me!"

"Prince Chiyan sent the special envoy to investigate the case, and his subordinates also felt that something was wrong with him."

"Oh? Is he the one who investigated the courier case and uncovered Cen Boqing?" The Demon Emperor raised his voice slightly, "How do you say that?"

Bai Ziqi didn't dare to be negligent and told the truth: "I can't find any connection, nor any evidence, not even indirect. My subordinates just... don't feel at ease when they see him."

"Spiritual perception is more important than evidence." The Demon Emperor didn't think there was any problem with this. "In that case, just call him for interrogation. It's such a small matter, why do you need to hesitate?"

"My subordinate understands."

Baishageng was the territory of Prince Chiyan, and it was difficult for Bai Ziqi to directly interrogate his subordinates there; but when he returned to Lingxu City, many of his worries disappeared or were simplified.

"It's not convenient for you to interrogate Fu Shanyue, but you can interrogate his subordinates." The Demon Emperor chuckled, "Isn't this just right?"

"Yes." Bai Ziqi thought for a moment and then said, "If neither he nor Prince Chiyan is the target we are looking for, can the Holy Lord cause the Dafang Pot to move again?"

There are only three things that can happen. If the Dafang Pot sends out fluctuations again and again, the difficulty of locating it will be greatly reduced.

There was no response from the Book of Heaven, and it was obvious that the gods were also pondering. The reasons for the two changes of the Dafang Pot are completely unrelated, and it is hard to say what triggers the trigger.

The Demon Emperor was worried: "What if it finds out?"

Two lines of words slowly appeared in the heavenly book:

Mi Tian is dead. The large square pot has instinct and no spirit. Once it is opened, it cannot be stopped.

"Really? That's good."

Ambassador Du Yun, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "The Holy Lord said that the Dafang Pot underwent many changes in Mitian's hands more than a hundred years ago. Someone saw it swallowing a water spirit, which shows that it is addicted to heavenly materials. "Dibao."

There is another writing in the Heavenly Book:

"The large square pot integrates the laws of both worlds and likes to eat rare treasures from both worlds."

After hearing this, the Demon Emperor said: "Okay, isn't the Dunyuan sale in Golden Horn starting soon? Go to the warehouse to get a god's relic and test them."

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