After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 573 Terrorist Attack

The water is too deep, and he can't swim.

On the surface, he still said: "Is it the Cen family or the mastermind behind the immortality medicine who wants to divert everyone's attention?"

Fu Shanyue couldn't figure it out, but he laughed in the end: "Who cares? Anyway, we are showing our faces in Lingxu City. Because there are too many forces involved, the immortality medicine case is currently the hottest topic, more concerned than the war in the east. Not only is everyone on the floating island talking about it, but even Lingxu Lower City has begun to spread it. Father should be very happy."

From the upper city to the lower city, it spreads from the upper class to the people. The dignitaries themselves may not frequently go in and out of the floating island, but there are 170,000 or 180,000 servants serving them on the island. With such a huge flow of people up and down, what gossip can't be brought out?

Especially when the dignitaries are defeated, the people are even more happy to hear it.

Judging from the known plot, this case involves at least the Grand Minister of Agriculture, the close friend of Prince Lingxu (Yao Xingning), the two leaders of the Cen family, the Zhongsun family, and the Tongxin Guard, as well as the Prince of Chiyan State, and other powerful parties. Moreover, the emperor personally appointed Bai Dushi of the Heavenly Palace to investigate the case, which determined the high standard of the incident from the official level.

It can be said that there are conspiracies, confrontations, counterattacks, and reversals, which satisfy all the fantasies of the common people about the filthy world of fame and fortune.

The wild animals in the melon field are cheering.

Even the people of Lingxu City, who are used to big scenes, feel very satisfied this time.

The higher the attention of this case, the more comprehensive the explanation given by Lingxu City in the future will be, so as to respond to the concerns of at least seven million people, and it is impossible to pass it over lightly.

Now the pressure is on the Demon Emperor and Bai Ziqi.

This big melon broke out so quickly and suddenly, and He Lingchuan was also caught off guard, but it was more beneficial than harmful to him.

His popularity has opened up, and it is suddenly more difficult for others to deal with him secretly.

Yes, in addition to Chi Yan, he found another more important amulet for himself, which is called "exposure".

For an unknown person like him, only by standing under the spotlight can the evil spirits in the dark temporarily not pounce on him.


The soul-catching mirror has been watching from the sidelines and is terrified: "You are dancing on the edge of a knife."

This is Lingxu City, the world's number one city with crouching tigers and hidden dragons. The brat dared to do this when he just arrived, be careful to die without a burial place.

Fu Shanyue said again: "By the way, I went to follow the progress of the investigation in Zhaixing Tower. Bai Ziqi sent someone to tell me that they took the clues to find Qinggong, and Qingyang National Master basically identified that Mai Xuewen was her former abandoned disciple Xi Yunhe."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan suddenly became interested, "Mai Xuewen was once her disciple? Then it is related to the theft of Qinggong treasures more than ten years ago?"

"That's right." This old friend is still sharp, "Fifteen years ago, Xi Yunhe stole a large number of Qinggong treasures and fled, and was later shot and fell off a cliff. Half a month later, the body was found downstream of the river, swollen and rotten. Qinggong came to identify the body and confirmed that it was Xi Yunhe."

"The back shell of the snail toad is indeed the treasure lost by Qinggong?"

"Yes, Qingyang National Master has determined that it is "Mud Palace". And she had seen the wanted portrait of Mai Xuewen and thought that his appearance and behavior were very similar to Xi Yunhe. "

He Lingchuan frowned: "Xi Yunhe was her apprentice, why did he steal treasures for no reason?"

"Xi Yunhe is extremely talented, intelligent and hardworking. Qingyang National Master has entrusted him with important tasks many times and even thought of letting him inherit his mantle." Fu Shanyue took a sip of water, "But at this time, Qingyang National Master found out that he was a foreign spy. Xi Yunhe deliberately created a case of theft of palace treasures to divert the attention of Qing Palace so that he could escape, but he failed and was discovered and hunted down. "

He Lingchuan said, "Why do I feel that it was quite successful?" Mai Xuewen, oh no, Xi Yunhe also escaped and took the treasures away.

Fu Shanyue also laughed: "Isn't it?"

"Did he paint the standing statue hidden in Shuanglu Town himself?"

"Yes, Qingyang State Master pointed out that it was the portrait that Xi Yunhe painted for her at a celebration twenty years ago."

"It was painted with great care."

When a man paints a woman with great care, he either takes money to do it or has her in his heart.

"Qingyang State Master said that Xi Yunhe had some feelings for her, but she later expelled him from her school and ordered him to be hunted down, so he was so angry that he laid clues to frame Qing Palace."

The Mud Palace and the portraits of people can indeed be linked to Qing Palace.

"Who tried this spy case fifteen years ago?" He Lingchuan pondered, "Isn't it like Zhongsun Mou's trial of the white-shouldered eagle case?"

"Qinggong conducted its own investigation and then cleaned up the mess, and Lingxu City stopped asking questions."

"No questions, just let Qinggong handle it?" He Lingchuan was surprised, "No more review afterward? Does this conform to the rules?"

"Rules?" Fu Shanyue coughed, "Anyway, it's like this. The status of the four great national masters is transcendent, and sometimes they have a lot of autonomy."

He Lingchuan laughed, "Maybe it's the wronged ghost who is angry and returns to the world to overturn the case."

If there is injustice, it must be redressed. If all efforts are unsuccessful, don't blame others for taking action themselves.

"It seems that Xi Yunhe has pointed the clue of the immortality medicine case to Qing Palace." He asked Fu Shanyue, "If this is true, what will the emperor do?" Fu Shanyue was silent for a rare moment, and then said: "I don't know." He Lingchuan stretched his waist and said: "So, the good show has just begun." Whether it is him or Xi Yunhe, it has only started, and the storm has not come at all. Fu Shanyue looked at the sky, the moon was bright and the wind was clear:

"How about eating? I know a restaurant that does pretty good physalis fish."

"Just treat me." He Lingchuan left without saying a word.

The two of them ate until they were extremely drunk and returned home in high spirits.

At this time, the moon passed the zenith, already two hours later. Although Lingxu City is a city that never sleeps, there are no people on the streets at the moment, the lights in the houses are almost extinguished, and even the dogs are not barking.

Most people are immersed in sleep.

Back at the inn, He Lingchuan patted Fu Shanyue on the shoulder and went back to his guest room.

He was walking staggeringly, his feet were light and weightless, and Fu Shanyue's guards tried to help him, but he waved his hand and said no, and pushed the door open and entered the house by himself.

The guard walked back, and as soon as he walked down the stairs to the door of his room, he heard a loud bang.

Before he could even raise his head, he was knocked to the ground by a powerful wave of air.

Sawdust, floating dust, and all kinds of strange debris were flying in the air.

He looked up at the source of the accident and was stunned:

He Lingchuan's residence exploded.

A broken piece of wood flew out and stuck in the ground in front of him. If he had just stood two steps forward, he would have been poked in the dick.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shanyue rushed out of his residence and roared when he passed by the guards: "Why are you still standing!"

Everyone woke up as if from a dream: "Prince, there is danger ahead!"

Just after the explosion, there might be a second or third explosion.

"It's dangerous to your legs!" Fushan was as strong as copper and iron-clad, showing no fear at all. Seeing that half of the stairs were blown away, he simply jumped up with one hand, "He Xiao!"

Half of the guest room where He Lingchuan lived was gone.

"He Xiao!" Couldn't that guy really be killed? The more Fushan didn’t believe it. The man named He is comparable to Xiao Qiang. In the past, I couldn't kill him no matter what I did. How could an inexplicable explosion do it? If he had known this, he should have used it earlier, "Stop pretending to be dead, and reply quickly!"

He shouted a few more times before someone from the utility room on the opposite side of the corridor responded: "Here...ahem!"

Fu Shanyue jumped over and saw that the wooden planks of the corridor had been blown away. A man slowly sat up in the ruins. He was none other than He Lingchuan.

He choked out a mouthful of ash when he coughed.

"Are you okay?"

He Lingchuan pushed the wooden board away from him and threw away half of the broken teapot:

"not dead."

Floating island.

Zhongsun Chi stayed in his underwater garden for more than an hour before swimming ashore.

When he was upset, he used to go back to the quiet deep water. There is no one to disturb you underwater, which helps you to think deeply.

The maid waiting aside immediately wiped him with a soft towel.

She had to be very careful, because the scales on the old shark's chest, back and sides had fallen off in large quantities. It was like a human being without skin, and the soft flesh would sting if rubbed twice.

He lost his temper many times over this.

Although the eldest son has bought back what the old master wanted from the Dunyuan Sale, the old man is still in a depressed mood these days.

The vertical wrinkles on Zhong Sunchi's eyebrows deepened: "Where's the boss, why haven't you seen anyone all day long?"

"This slave doesn't know."

Zhongsun Chi sent people to ask, but no one knew what he was getting back. Only one boy said that the eldest young master had gone out in the morning and had not returned yet.

The old man was so angry that he slapped the table with a loud bang that made all the servants kneel down:

"They say keep an eye on the boss, but you are so blind that you can't see him leaving?"

He had been so upset these past two days that he couldn't sleep well, but now he became so angry that he simply ordered someone to drag the boy in his great-grandson's courtyard to the blood pool and feed it directly to the sharks.

With this bloody example in front of him, the entire Zhongsun Mansion was filled with dark clouds.

At noon, Zhongsun Ce returned slowly.

As soon as he passed the second door, he looked up and saw his great-grandfather sitting by the door, with the wooden staff at hand. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Grandpa Zeng!"

Zhongsun Chi's face turned frosty: "Where have you been?"

"I'm... upset. Let's go to the lower city for a walk."

"Didn't you go to trouble Prince Chiyan?"

Zhongsun Ce's heart skipped a beat and he quickly shook his head: "No, no."

But who Zhongsun Chi was, he understood with one glance from his great-grandson. He hit the ground hard with his wooden stick: "You really went! What did you do?"

Zhongsun Ce's jaw tightened: "Fu Shanyue has been so proud and showing off recently. I think he is really angry. His father killed your son, he killed my brother, and yet he can still walk around Lingxu City with such arrogance that there are people fawning over him everywhere. Flattery!" He gritted his teeth, "Seriously, it's really unreasonable!"

After being humiliated in Dunyuan, he became more and more angry and wanted to capture Fushan Yue and cut him into pieces.

"You don't know that it's spread all over the world, and you don't know how they all laugh at Ah Mou!"

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