After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 584 Golden Palace

Five thousand dollars is a lot. So He Lingchuan simply rejected him.

This leaf has clear veins and distinct texture, which is quite beautiful. The most important thing is that as soon as He Lingchuan touched this leaf, his clothes became hot.

Are you greedy for the divine bone necklace again?

Lao Ge said, "I'll go back and help you find out."

"Thank you." He Lingchuan hid the golden red leaves in his arms, "Didn't you say that there is a suspected cave that has never been found?"

"Oh, yes, it's this pool of deep roots." Lao Ge pointed to the deep pool under the banyan tree. "It is said that the Sho'an Immortal of the Great Return Sect opened a cave here, and the entrance was this pool of clear water. He finally passed away in the cave. And the cave also disappeared and never appeared again.”

"Shou'an Immortal?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "Wasn't Xu Mountain formerly called Sho'an Mountain?"

The half sword head that was sold at a sky-high price at the Dunyuan sale a few days ago was not taken from the natal magic weapon of the Shoutan Immortal?

Celebrities are so special that objects that have something to do with them can be sold for sky-high prices.

"Yes, Bejia changed its name after the founding of the country." Lao Ge said, "It is a great honor to be named 'Shou'an'. This is the man who flattened the grotto with a sword and left a way for the Taoist tree to survive. Mighty.”

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand to brush the pond water, which was clear and cold.

"Is it a blind guess that someone jumped in to look for it?"

"That must happen, every year." Lao Ge said with a smile, "I heard that in the first three hundred years, people went into the water to look for it every few days. It was so lively. Not only did they go into the water, but bad guys wandered around Tianji Peak. I searched every stone crevice, looked for light and shadow, looked for angles, and looked for various legends to figure it out. Later, Tianji Peak strictly prohibited everyone from going into the water, and the number of people dropped sharply."

The number of people who dived down ranged from tens of thousands to several thousand, and no lucky person found the lost cave. He Lingchuan felt that he could spare the effort.

He guessed that Lingxu City had tacitly allowed everyone to dive in the past because it wanted to use the power of the masses. Since everyone has tried for three hundred years and nothing works, then forget it and stop looking for it.

Everyone followed the flow of passengers and finally left Tianji Peak. The road was immediately open.

"The next main peak is Tianxuan." Lao Ge pointed to the towering peak not far away, "Then we will go to Tianshu Peak where the Tiangong is located, which is the last stop of our journey today!"

Everyone was a little excited again, except for the buddy who got the red leaf, who found an excuse to go down the mountain early.

The scenery of Tianxuan Peak is very good, but everyone's thoughts are on Tianshu.

As the mountain road goes higher and higher, the temperature gets lower and lower, there are fewer and fewer flowers on the roadside, and frost begins to hang on the grass blades.

The cold wind blowing against my face gradually became biting. He Lingchuan actually felt a bit like walking on Feng Mo Mountain.

Tianshu Peak is the highest peak on the outskirts of Lingxu City.

Jiang Tao sniffed the white steam while climbing the mountain: "The envoys of the Tiangong go up and down the Xu Mountain, don't they have to work hard like us? There is also the emperor, I heard that his old man often comes up."

"Of course not." Lao Ge grinned, "They have teleportation formations that can go from the foot of the mountain to the Heavenly Palace. There is no need to climb the mountain at all. When important foreign dignitaries come, they will also go straight to the sky!"

At this time, the clouds opened and the sun rose, and the billowing sea of ​​clouds temporarily dispersed.

He Lingchuan turned his head and looked around, just in time to catch a glimpse of the floating island above Lingxu City.

Seeing the floating island from this angle is very interesting. Because the highest floating island seems to be lower than the altitude of Tiangong.

Several other floating islands can be overlooked from He Lingchuan's current angle.

The lush green top is a real hanging garden, with mountains and water, setting off the pavilions and pavilions.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand to compare. His palm could block the floating island in the distance.

The mirror in his arms asked him: "What are you doing?"

"It's just this small in size." He said, playing with the taste, "It's like holding a kingdom in the palm of your hand."

Gao Jilin asked casually: "Whose palm?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

Of course it belongs to the gods.

Although it is extremely cold, the number of tourists climbing Tianshu Peak has increased significantly. Everyone wants to find the feeling of overlooking the floating island.

Normally, the floating island overlooks all living beings.

Tianshu Peak actually has six companion peaks, large and small, and the stars protect it in the center like a moon.

There are buildings on almost every hilltop, covered with clouds and fog, full of fairy spirit.

Lao Ge pointed at them and said: "These are the residences of Duyun Envoy, Divine Attendant and Lamp Keeper. Oh yes, there are also Heavenly Palace Guards!"

They walked all the way from Yaoguang Peak to Tianxuan Peak. The guards on the roadside were all Xushan guards and were not qualified to stay at Tianshu Peak.

At the end of the road, the magnificent hall becomes clearer and clearer.

For some reason, He Lingchuan felt a little frightened when he came here, as if there was a ferocious beast sitting on the top of the mountain, opening its mouth and waiting for him to fall into a trap.

This dangerous spiritual sense comes from the sixth sense or the divine bone necklace.

On the top of the mountain is the pinnacle of power in the world.

He took a deep breath and strode forward.

At this time, the sun was already setting in the west, and the flying clouds and mist on the mountain top were all reflected into flowing fire.

Deep in the white clouds, the glazed gold tiles shone with golden light, the majestic palaces stood together, and the melodious bells sounded one after another. If you want to listen carefully, you don't know where it comes from.

The guards of the Tiangong guard the mountain stairs, two of them every fifty steps, holding golden armor and holding staffs, with stern eyes.

The buildings on Tianshu Peak all have white pillars and gold tiles, and the walls are either moon white or ocher red on a white background. Compared with the simple black rock beside them, they have a shocking luxurious beauty.

Starting from the first pair of Huatings, the mountain road is paved with blue jade, which gradually turns into sapphire after hundreds of steps, and then gradually turns into white jade after hundreds of steps, all the way to the main gate of the Tiangong.

This is the famous ladder to heaven.

Countless people knelt here, climbed one step, kowtowed, and murmured prayers.

The piety they exuded came from the bottom of their hearts, as if there were no greater things in the world than this.

He Lingchuan passed by them and climbed to the top briskly.

The huge square in front of you is decorated with gold and white jade, and can accommodate at least two thousand people. It is not easy to free up such a large area on a high mountain. Lao Ge said that this was a platform built after reconstruction for people to worship in the open air.

Tianshu Peak is the highest peak of Xushan Mountain, but the original main peak of Dahuanzong was Tianxuan Peak.

"This first hall is the Chongyang Hall!" Lao Ge became more energetic and explained loudly, "It cost 1.2 million kilograms of gold, 9,000 kilograms of pearls, 3,100 kilograms of agate, clam, coral, amber, etc. All weigh more than 20,000 kilograms!”

Looking closely at the Tiangong Hall, the style is completely different from the buildings on the ground.

The architecture of the human world focuses on carved beams and painted buildings, but the architecture of the Heavenly Palace likes to use stone pillars instead of wooden pillars, stone walls instead of wooden walls, and exquisite carvings on the pillars and walls. The building itself has a solid and square shape, with no cornices or brackets on the ground or other main peaks.

Where He Lingchuan had been before, the palace was a palace and the pagoda was a pagoda, and they were independent of each other.

But the Heavenly Palace is built on at least three floors, and there is also a tower in the middle of the forehead, which may be round or pointed, and its style is completely different from the pagodas on the ground.

He Lingchuan entered the palace with everyone, and suddenly a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, causing him to take half a step back.

The interior of the temple is gilded, and it is pure gold. The pillars, beams, walls, statues, tables, chairs, candlesticks... Basically, except for the tourists who come in, everything and every corner is golden.

Even the futon in front of the tribute table was woven with gold thread.

Of course, tourists should not try to steal it, otherwise the palace guards will notice it and chop off their hands immediately.

A real bargain.

The hall is very high, often with round doors and vaults. He Lingchuan looked up and saw a picture of bright stars painted on the ceiling. The night curtain was made of a whole piece of natural ink jade, and the color gradient was as deep as the night sky. The most rare thing is that it is born with dense highlights, and after polishing, it becomes the Milky Way.

As for the other shining stars, they are either pearls, crystals, or rubies and sapphires...

No wonder Lao Ge just introduced that so many treasures were used to build this hall.

Pearls are like earth, gold is like iron, nothing more than that.

He Lingchuan took a deep breath, and all he could smell here was the smell of wealth and power——

These two things are almost the ultimate dreams of all living beings. Now they are exposed here. For all tourists who enter the Heavenly Palace for the first time, the shock they feel is all-round.

He Lingchuan can be considered as traveling all over the country and has seen countless temples and mansions. Using a hundred kilograms of gold to decorate furniture is stingy, using a thousand kilograms of gold is rustic, but using 1.2 million kilograms...

That is the majestic atmosphere, the only one seen in the world.

Don’t forget that this is the Chongyang Hall, a place where gods are worshipped.

There are statues of gods, large and small, in the temple, either majestic, compassionate, ferocious, or terrifying. Their golden bodies are all made of pure red gold, rather than being plated with gold.

The designer of this hall directly related the gods to wealth and power.

And in front of each statue of gods, incense smoke curls up, and there are humans crouching.

Without exception, the statues of gods are human or half-human and half-demon.

Jiang Tao was dazzled as soon as he entered the palace. He hated himself for missing two eyes and kept exclaiming: "Incredible, incredible!"

The cost of building this hall is unimaginable.

They are a small country, and the cost of building this palace can cover their treasury income for how many years?

Looking at the expressions on his and other tourists' faces, He Lingchuan knew that the purpose of building the Chongyang Hall had been achieved.

This is a dimensionally reduced display of power.

Gao Jilin was very curious: "Do all gods really look like this?"

Standing in the Chongyang Hall, he did not dare to stretch out his hand and just turned his head to look at the statue on the left:

"Like this Miaozhantian, her appearance is completely different from what I saw in the Golden Light Desert. There are also wandering tribes there who worship Miaozhantian."

This is a goddess with lowered eyes, a solemn appearance, and a magic weapon that looks like a scale in her hand.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a single yellow eye embedded at the top of the scale, and the vertical pupil is light purple.

When He Lingchuan saw this one eye, he felt it looked familiar. "What does this goddess look like in the golden desert?"

"The clothes are different, and the magic weapon they hold is also different." Gao Jilin thought for a while, "It seems to be a pipa."

"Oh!" He Lingchuan also remembered that he had seen such eyes in Panlong City!

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