After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 592 The prince has arrived!

Everyone knows that "one friend" is oneself.

"I really have a friend. But she couldn't handle it on her own, so she came to me to find a solution." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "You see, I have no choice but to ask you for help."

"You are new to Lingxu City. Why would anyone ask you to do something here?"

"That's right. So, can the Imperial Master help?"

Xi Yunhe thought for a moment: "If Nian Zanli goes to attack Yuan Kingdom by himself, Lingxu City will ignore him; but if he uses Bejia's elite troops to fight, it will be equivalent to Bejia personally sending troops, and the emperor will definitely blame him."

Attacking other countries without authorization is a serious crime in Bejia, and even the vassal demon country cannot make its own decisions.

Therefore, as soon as Fu Shanyue heard Nian Zanli's request, he had no intention of going to Xuluo Kingdom for help. He Lingchuan nodded: "Is it completely unthinkable? I heard that this summer Nian Zanli attacked Yuan, and the Shuangye National Master also allocated a lot of energy to him."

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the army to use the green bottle to pay tribute to the year.

"Allocating a little Yuan Power is different from mobilizing the army after all." Xi Yunhe has worked under two national advisors successively, and has a deeper understanding of the deployment of Yuan Power than ordinary people. "Actually, you have two requirements: to get an army for Nian Zanli, and to And get the emperor’s consent to send troops against Yuan!”

The former is not easy, but the latter is even more difficult several times over!

So Xi Yunhe said simply: "A small clue is not worth the expense of the national teacher. Please change the conditions."

"Hey, why are you anxious? Nian Zanli is anxious to go back for revenge. All he needs to do is borrow the soldiers, and it doesn't have to be Bejia's. Besides, the soldiers are borrowed. Whether you listen to him or not is another matter. ." He Lingchuan spread his hands and said, "I heard that Shuangye Guoshi has many friends and maintains quite friendly relations with foreign envoys."

After receiving Li Qingge's request, he repeatedly thought about the possibility of obtaining the bamboo tube from Nian Zanli.

It's not good to be hard.

Even if he doesn't grab the fake ones, it's easy to end up in a desperate situation. When Li Qingge's beauty is sold out, won't he be doing a disservice?

Nian Zanli still had to voluntarily hand over the tube.

To put it simply, it is up to you and me to accept it and hand it over safely.

Nian Zanli was eager to borrow troops, so He Lingchuan had to give in. This should be the only way to impress the New Year's praise at the moment.

Xi Yunhe looked at him with strange eyes: "Foreign soldiers, too?"

"Can't foreign soldiers fight?"

Xi Yunhe seemed to smile: "When I go back and report to the Imperial Master, let him make the decision."

"There is one more condition." He Lingchuan said quickly, "I think your magical power of puppet communication is quite useful, and I want to learn it too."

"...Sure, you're a little kid." Xi Yunhe deserved a happy answer.

He Lingchuan said cheerfully: "I have no problem!"

"I'll answer you tomorrow." Xi Yunhe said, taking two steps back.

The numbness on the servant's face faded, and he blinked, looking confused.

He looked at He Lingchuan and then at himself, wondering what the situation was.

Xi Yunhe left.

He Lingchuan sighed, pointed to the things on the table and said to the servant: "I don't want it anymore, you can take it down."

"Hey good."

The servant took the tray away, bowed and left.

He Lingchuan only said to take it away, not "throw it out." The food will be divided among the servants and will not be wasted.

At this time, the soul-capturing mirror couldn't help it:

"Hey, I heard your conversation with Master Songyang. Are you from the Yuan Kingdom?"


"Didn't the Yuan Kingdom just have a big battle with this Nian Zanli? The battle was very damaging."

"Yes." He Lingchuan returned to the house and casually set up another barrier before whispering, "I was there in that battle, and I was washed away by the water of the Han River into the Demon's Nest."

"..." The mirror felt sad for a while. If He Lingchuan hadn't appeared, it would still be a happy single mirror, letting the mirror slave carry him on its back, go wherever it wants to go, and eat people if it wants; but this is actually not bad at the moment, find a long-term meal ticket, and it's okay to be a foreigner You can get something for nothing...

Um? I got distracted!

"You are from the Yuan Kingdom, do you want to lend troops to Nian Zanli to deal with the Yuan Kingdom?" Jing Jing shouted, "You see, Li Qingge is not willing to let Nian Zanli counterattack."

"That's just what she said, and it may not be taken seriously." He Lingchuan patted the breast shield, "Tens of thousands of elite soldiers cannot be carried around in their pockets. No matter where they are transferred from, they must not have a token or certificate?"

"You mean?"

"First get the bamboo tube that Li Qingge told you about, and then Nian Zanli won't be able to bring troops."

"Have you thought about it all?" Jing Jing was surprised. "You have enough things on your hands, and you still have the brain to think about this?"

If it were it, it had to deal with so many troubles at the same time, and every one of them was fatal, it would definitely explode on the spot.

How did this kid sleep at night?

"No matter how many things there are, why don't we have to deal with them one by one?" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "It's not easy for Imperial Master Shuangye to come and beg me once. It would be a pity not to borrow his power."

He is alone, just a small figure in Lingxu City. If he is not good at taking advantage of the situation, he may not be able to accomplish anything.

He Lingchuan stretched and decided to go to the back garden to practice shooting. The place was relatively open and easy to move and jump. Yesterday, the servant tied up a scarecrow for him, which he used for gun practice.

But when he passed by the side garden, he saw a bird with bright feathers, singing and dancing above the arch.

When this bird is standing neatly, it looks like its back and wings are all grey-brown, only its head is indigo, and there is a bright yellow streak above its eyes, like eyebrows.

But when it spreads its wings, it's like a different bird -

The underside of its wings is an extremely rich red! Moreover, the feather tail is very long, and when flapped it looks like a soft fan with hanging ribbons, bringing with it a fairy spirit.

With such a guy here, the bleak garden in autumn adds a bit of warmth.

Of course, this guy is a male bird, and the object of his attentiveness is an unattractive earth-white female bird on the rockery.

He Lingchuan also stared at it: "What kind of bird is this?"

I have never seen it in Yuan Kingdom.

The gardener passing by carrying water laughed and said: "That is a happy bird. It dances very beautifully. There are more than a dozen species, each with different patterns and colors. They pass through Lingxu City every year before winter. I heard that Floating Island The noble people in the world would use the feathers of the happy birds to make fans or jewelry.”

Of course the price is very expensive.

"Oh." He Lingchuan didn't have any evil thoughts about this singing and dancing bird.

After the gardener left, the little squirrel on the tree jumped onto He Lingchuan's shoulder.

It is very timid. Although He Lingchuan has introduced this little monster to the servants of Pan Shanzhai, the squirrel will never approach other humans.

He Lingchuan took out a handful of pine nuts and gave it to it: "They were fried just yesterday."

He was very kind to the animals and monsters around him, and he would hand out snacks every now and then. As a result, the little squirrel became very fond of him.

It took the pine nuts, held them with its front paws, ate two quickly, and then whispered: "White Huan birds are often followed by big eagles. I don't like them."

Bai…Huan? He Lingchuan was stunned.

There is this word in the speech of Lord Mu Ling.

"What Bai Huan?"

"It's this happy bird." The squirrel replied, "They were originally called Baihuan, but later they were renamed because of taboos. Because the nobles like it, happy birds are hunted in large numbers, and they are rarely seen these years."

He Lingchuan stood still.

Yu Huan left.

Does "Huan" refer to the white Huan bird, which is also a happy bird?

Lord Mu Ling's speech, is it time to verify it so soon?

Now that he has met Bai Huanniao, what should he do next, get out?

Lord Mu Ling left him a special note more than a thousand years ago. Oh no, it was a greeting. It couldn't be to tease him, right?

Faced with the results given by such a master of divination, it would be best for him to just believe it.

It’s not a big deal to go out anyway. If you guess wrong, you can just go back and think about it again.

He grabbed a servant and asked, "Where is Your Highness?"

"I said I would go to Tianliang Island early this morning."

He Lingchuan shrugged, changed his clothes and went out.

But before I reached the main entrance, there was a constant buzzing sound ahead.

"what sound?"

"The gate is being repaired. His Highness said it's time to repair the facade."

He Lingchuan sighed slightly, Fu Shanyue was quite sensible, and his stay here was not in vain.

He thought for a moment and simply slipped out through the back door.

Throughout the day, he went out to eat and play as usual until the sun set.

Old Dan was working outside, but before he left yesterday, he told He Lingchuan that where in Lingxu City was fun, affordable and delicious, which book of Ecstasy was fresh, which corner of the theater was good... he had already made it clear.

In the afternoon of this day, Pan Shanzhai received an uninvited guest.

Four snow-white beasts pulled a large red sandalwood cart and stopped at the entrance of Pan Shan's house.

Piercing beasts are common monsters, but their colors are mostly green, blue-purple and white-red, and pure white ones are rare.

Behind the car were more than twenty riders, two of whom were strong giant apes, and the rest were guards in gold and red armor holding weapons, full of murderous intent.

The old concierge of Pan Shanzhai came out after hearing the sound, bowed and asked:

"Excuse me, which adult is here?"

"I can't see it!" A knight rode forward, "His Royal Highness has arrived, but he hasn't opened the door yet!"

Like other large houses in Lingxu City, Panshan House also has three doors, one large in the middle and smaller on both sides. The door will only open when a big shot arrives.

The concierge said "Ah": "W-who is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

It’s not his fault, all the princes of the Demon Kingdom are called His Highness.

The knight lashed out with his whip, causing the porter to spin around on the same spot. The old man's mouth was bleeding and he almost sat down on the ground.

This was something the knight had to decide carefully, otherwise he could be whipped to death with just one whip.

"This is His Royal Highness the current Crown Prince Bega!"

The air seemed to be stagnant. Pedestrians around heard the sound and stopped, looking here.

Soon, the door of Pan Shan's house opened, and four carts slowly drove in. The knights also rode their horses to follow under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes.

The cart drove straight in, taking many twists and turns, crushing many flowers and plants, and finally stopped in front of the main hall.

The two giant apes jumped off the ground, opened the car door, and respectfully took out a soft cushion from inside.

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