"They usually run the business very poorly?"

"Of course. Look at what our supply depot on Sodin Island looks like, and look at their beggar's den. Only blind passengers would choose to spend the night there!" Renee sneered, "We opened on Sodin Island. After opening the supply depot, the business on Black Page Island stopped. They tried many tricks, even intimidation and trickery failed. In the end, they had to go to the boss of the ship and promised to get some kickbacks if they brought a group of customers there. Keep operating.”

"I see." He Lingchuan changed the subject, "You said earlier that all the pirates in the Yangshan Islands know that I am such a powerful figure?"

"Uh..." Renee said casually, "I just said that casually."

He Lingchuan added: "But Chief Yang also pointed out just now that you have colluded with pirates."

Chief Yang immediately said: "Yes, this is not groundless! Renee is cunning, but her father has admitted it himself."

"So there are indeed pirates in the Yangshan Islands?"


Chief Yang didn't want to speak anymore. It would be wrong to say more.

He Lingchuan waved his hand and kindly helped him out: "Miss Lei is right, it's my fault that I didn't investigate clearly beforehand. Let's talk about pirates. Are you really connected with pirates?"

He had no intention of blaming him, and Master Yang felt relieved.

The island is there, and the pirates are also there. If Master He doesn't inquire about it himself, can he blame others in the end?

Reni bit her lip and looked at Chief Yang.

He Lingchuan immediately said: "Don't worry, it's just a small talk. I won't twist you and your daughter to the government."

"We have never participated in their activities, have not harmed anyone, and have not informed them!" Reni threw out three "nos" in a row before continuing, "It's just that the second master is my father's son. Naked since childhood..."

Let’s play together with naked buttocks until they grow big.

But she felt the indecent words came to her lips and quickly changed her words: "We have been playing together since childhood. As long as he is here, other pirates will not harass us."

"Second Dao Master?"

"Outside the Yangshan Islands, pirates divide their spheres of influence based on natural waterways. There are three in total." Reni explained, "My father recognized the Second Dao Master, and the other two groups also looked at the Second Dao Master's face. Make trouble for us."

"It seems that the Second Dao Master is really quite proud." He Lingchuan touched his chin, "How many men do each pirate branch have?"

"The first and third routes were attacked by scorpions a few days ago, and ninety and one hundred and thirty of them were killed. The second route is fine. Their location is closer to the land and far away from the depths of the archipelago."

As soon as the word "Yin Fei" came out, sweat broke out on Master Yang's forehead.

What was supposed to come came.

Why didn't the guards send the girl named Lei away before Mr. He returned?

But He Lingchuan didn't seem to hear the term, and continued to ask: "So the Second Dao Master is the most powerful now?"

"It should be so. There are only more than 200 people left in the First and Third Paths, and only the Second Path Master has full men."

"Oh, it's full?" He Lingchuan smiled, "How many people are full?"

"..." Renee didn't want to say.

He Lingchuan just waited, with a whole boatload of people waiting.

The sound of water gurgled, and everyone's eyes were focused on Renee, making her back feel hairy.

She knew that she wouldn't be able to pass the test unless she came up with a number.

"Eight, more than eight hundred!"

He Lingchuan snorted: "Then count it as four hundred."

"..." Renee said quickly, "After dark, even the pirates are on tenterhooks now. The second Taoist master talked to my father the day before yesterday and said he wanted to move to land temporarily."

Only land is safe.

"The pirates are all moving away, but you and your father won't move?"

Renee pursed her lips: "We can't move it. All our belongings will be on Sodin Island."

That's why Master Yang wanted to send someone away with only fifty taels, so she became furious: What's the difference between this and an open robbery?

He Lingchuan nodded: "What is the temperament of this second master?"

"The left side of his face was chopped open. He looked fierce, but he was very kind to me. He often came to my father to drink and play chess. My father said that he was loyal to his subordinates, and his subordinates were also very convinced of him. The year before last, a pirate's wife was seriously ill. , the second Taoist gave him ten taels of silver and asked him to go back and serve the old man," Reni said, "Among the three Taoists, the first one has a bad temper, and the third one has a bad temper; the second Taoist has the most people. There is no reason.”

That's why Lei Daddy decided to open a supply depot on Sodin Island, right?

Based on his relationship with the pirates, this is a unique business, and it is impossible to lose money no matter what.

Qiu Hu had been watching the sea and suddenly said: "There is a ship following us."

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked at the sea, and sure enough they saw a boat behind them that was sailing neither fast nor slow, hanging more than a hundred feet behind the boat.

Master Yang said: "Maybe it is a trade route, and we also take this route."

Renee only glanced at it: "No, that's the ship of the second-rate pirates. You have attracted their attention."

He Lingchuan crossed his fingers and looked at the ships behind him, lost in thought.

Chief Yang ordered: "Speed ​​up the ship and get rid of it!"

At this juncture, it's best not to have any surprises.

"No need." He Lingchuan asked Reni, "Do they recognize you?"

Renee leaned against the bow of the ship and squinted to identify it, then nodded: "The captain of this ship recognizes me!"

"Then you can get off the boat here." He Lingchuan ordered the Rongshan people to untie her boat, then turned to her and said, "Give the second Taoist a message for me: I will invite him outside the Blade Port at 10:00 tomorrow. Let’s meet on the Fishbone Reef. Each party can bring up to five people, so he must go.”

This rich young man actually wants to meet the pirate leader? Think you are very capable? Reinich said: "If he doesn't go, he can't rely on me."

"This is an invitation from the new owner of the Yangshan Islands, and it is related to the future of the pirates." He Lingchuan smiled, "If he doesn't come, he will definitely regret it."

"What a big statement." Renee nodded, "I will definitely bring it for you."

She climbed down from behind the deck and jumped into her boat.

Qiu Hu helped her untie the cable and pushed the boat.

The boat cut through the water and jumped forward two or three feet.

This guy is so strong.

Renee thanked him and gave him another smile.

Qiu Hu nodded and watched her drift towards the pirate ship behind, before turning around and getting on the boat.

Chief Yang didn't quite understand: "Mr. He, do you really want to meet with the bandit leader? This is a bit dangerous."

"I know the danger, so I chose the meeting place outside Blade Port." He Lingchuan pointed towards the islands with his hand, "Otherwise, we will go to their lair to talk."

Master Yang asked curiously: "What's there to talk about with the robber?"

Moreover, this young man threatened that he would regret it if he didn't come. Shouldn't this usually be said by pirates?

"Didn't I say it, it's related to their future livelihood." He Lingchuan took a sip of wine and said, "Look at the situation, they will come."

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