After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 926 Negotiations in the Tiankeng

Ming Hao said nothing.

For thousands of years, the Yin Hui has been using humans who strayed into the depths of the archipelago as food. If "food" comes to visit them, what will they do?

Of course, it's a smile. The most I can do is pat my belly and say "Thank you for the treat."

As for the King of Yin, such a terrifying monster certainly disdains ordinary humans.

Only when He Lingchuan showed his strength and directly alarmed Jing Hao who was hiding on Longji Island, could both sides have the opportunity to talk on an equal footing.

Therefore, facing He Lingchuan's strong arguments, Ming Hao was speechless for a moment.

It can only get to the core question as quickly as possible: “What do you want to talk about?”

"The Yangshan Islands are now owned by me, where will you go?"

"What do you mean!" The King of Yin Fei laughed angrily: "This archipelago was created by heaven and earth, how come it has become your property?"

"The cave is a blessed place where the virtuous live." He Lingchuan heard Aunt Zhu say that this was the mantra used by the ancient immortals to snatch heaven and earth treasures. It felt very good, so he used it conveniently. "Why should there be any priority?"

Both sides mean different things, but they are actually talking about the same thing.

He Lingchuan was unceremonious: "As the lord of the archipelago, I have the right to eradicate all harms that prey on merchant travelers and obstruct shipping routes, such as pirates and you. At present, the pirates in this area of ​​​​water have surrendered to me. As for you..."

Every time he spoke a few words, the King of Yin Mobi swam a little closer, and the figure became thicker and thicker in his field of vision, and the feeling of oppression became stronger.

There was even a faint gray mist coming out of the King of Yin's mouth and nose. It was about to linger all over his body, but was directly absorbed by the sacred bone necklace on He Lingchuan's body.

It turns out that this old guy can also control and release Yin evil spirits. He Lingchuan's heart moved. It's no wonder that some Yin Fei survived.

Aunt Zhu wanted to step forward and stop her, but He Lingchuan raised her hand to stop her.

The Yin King swam until he was two feet in front of He Lingchuan before he stopped and looked down at him: "Eradicate us? Just you?"

It was so coercive that even He Lingchuan felt suffocated. This big guy's strength seemed to be beyond his expectations.

Ordinary people would have trembled and fallen to their knees long ago, but He Lingchuan had seen quite a few ancient spiritual creatures, and Ju Ju was even bigger than Minhao. Therefore, he even smiled at the other party and said:

"However, God has a good nature, and I don't want to kill them all. If you can restrain the Yin Hu from hurting people, I can consider setting aside the cave area at the southwest end of Longji Island for you to live in."

He originally hoped that the Yin Hao clan could move to other islands, but after seeing the bone chain on Ming Hao's body, he had to change his plan.

The King of Yin Fei was startled. Compared with killing everyone, He Lingchuan's request was not too strict, but too loose.

Originally, the place covered by Yin evil spirits was the area of ​​activity of Yin evil spirits. But since Ming Hao himself was trapped on Longji Island, Yin Hao's base camp was naturally located on Longji Island. Although its descendants usually traveled around, most of them still lived on this island.

Dragon's Back Island is so big that even its southwestern corner can easily accommodate tens of thousands of Yin Jingbo; not to mention that its descendants have died in large numbers, and the remaining ones are all strong, but the number is limited.

The southwest cave area is originally the most suitable terrain for the life of Yin Mo.

He Lingchuan continued: "I can take away all the evil spirits from other islands. To be honest, you have no choice."

Without Yin evil spirits, naturally there would be no Yin flies.

Ming Hao said grimly: "Human beings cannot absorb Yin evil spirits. You must have borrowed some kind of magic weapon! I will kill you and take away the magic weapon, and the evil of Yin evil will be solved!"

"Even if I have a magical weapon, there will be more than one. If you kill me, my companions will naturally collect all the evil spirits from Longji Island and avenge me!" He Lingchuan dared to come because he had clearly thought out the stakes.

"Then I will search and kill your companions and kill some of them!"

"Really?" He Lingchuan had already seen through its lustful look. If the King of Yin is not going to give in, why should we negotiate with him?

On this negotiation table, the bargaining chips in the hands of both sides are not equal at all. "Do you want to test how many companions I have and how many magic weapons I have at the cost of annihilating the clan? Try to see if you will be annihilated first, or will all my companions be killed first?"

No matter how powerful the King of Yin is, he is still bound by bone chains at this moment. What it can command to move is nothing more than the underworld that has struggled to survive.

If He Lingchuan was a little nervous before going down into the tiankeng, he was completely relieved now.

The Yin King stared at him, whirring like a huge bellows. Its neck bulged from time to time, as if it was about to emit flames in the next second.

No matter what it spurted out, Aunt Zhu didn't think He Lingchuan could catch it easily.

It subconsciously wanted to step forward, but as soon as the hook moved, He Lingchuan's hand behind his back gestured to it:

do not move!

"If I want the Yin Demon to exterminate the clan and dig out its roots, I only need to collect the Yin Demon the day after the earth's veins surge. How many times will this be repeated, how many of your heirs will be left, and how long can you hold on?"

In fact, this was He Lingchuan's plan from the beginning. What's the harm in getting rid of the monster that was born from the evil spirit of the earth? It wasn't until Min Tianxi took out the Tianke Baojuan and showed that Yin Fei had spiritual intelligence and could communicate with humans that he changed his plan.

If you can communicate, you will have the opportunity to negotiate.

His words were sincere and peaceful: "I give you a glimmer of life, but it is fleeting. Please take advantage of it and don't mistake my compassion for weakness."

The King of Yin Fei stared at him intently, as if he was trying his best to read his mind.

No matter how powerful it is, if it can only absorb one day of Yin evil every seven days, and the remaining six days have to be miserable, how can it live like this?

There were so many immortals who moved mountains and seas in the world. Didn’t they end sadly because of the decline of spiritual energy?

Without the nourishment of Yin evil spirit, how much better can the King of Yin Hao be than them?

Even if it can survive, what will happen to its offspring? Will they be left alone until death?

This human being was right about one thing. If he wanted the Yin Demon to exterminate the entire clan, he could just come and collect the Yin Demon on the second day after the leyline surge. There was no need to risk going to the island to meet it.

But people's hearts are far apart, does he really come with good intentions?

He Lingchuan reached into his arms, took out a brocade box and opened it.

With the help of skylight, both sides could see that there was white sand in the box, and in the sand were pieces of gray-black crystals the size of chestnuts, neatly arranged, at least thirty or forty pieces in size.

The Yin King's pupils suddenly widened, could that be it?

He Lingchuan put the box on the ground, and the other little Yin Hao swam over, picked up the box, and lifted it up to the King of Yin Hao.

The King of Yin Fei casually grabbed a handful of black crystals and spread them in his palm, while fine sand leaked from between his fingers.

It observes carefully and with good eyesight.

This thing looks like black glass, but there is a thick mass of ink in the center that is impossible to see through.

"Evil bead?" The voice of the King of Yin Fei was full of shock, "Is this formed by condensing evil energy? What kind of magical weapon can do this?"

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