After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 936 Spider Queen’s New Home

These days, He Lingchuan has been busy entertaining merchants. The first batch of palm oil has been refined and the quality is very good. It will be too late if the Yangshan Islands does not start looking for customers.

Besides, the islands will be rich in products in the future. Expanding contacts and expanding trade routes is an unshirkable responsibility for He Lingchuan, the island owner.

But when he returns to the Yangshan Islands, Aunt Zhu will always appear nearby.

Once or twice was nothing, but three or four times, He Lingchuan was surprised. Aunt Zhu had never been very fond of human beings, especially places with many people.

Why doesn't she go to her own Pansi Island to stay?

"Auntie." Aunt Zhu once again wandered around him, walking around with her eight legs. He Lingchuan seemed to be able to see the tangle on its forehead, "If you have anything to do, just say it."

"Well..." Aunt Zhu hesitated, "Nothing."

He Lingchuan knew that he had to listen to these words the other way around. Aunt Zhu, with her straightforward temperament, rarely hesitated.

"Is Erniang giving you a hard time?"

The relationship between these sisters has always been a bit strange. Aunt Zhu is very powerful, and Erniang Zhu has a lot of eyes. When it comes to dealing with people and dealing with things, Aunt Zhu is no match for her.

"It doesn't count. But after it moved into its new home on Pansi Island, it mentioned one thing to me -" It was rare for Aunt Zhu to hold back for so long, but she finally refused to complain! "It has already moved once in the east of Mou State."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan asked smoothly, "Is it not satisfied with the first site selection?"

Zhu Erniang has thousands of children, so it is not easy to move once. How long has it been since it arrived in Mou State? It's only half a year earlier than He Lingchuan, so why move again?

"That place is quite nice, but I can't stay there because Bega found it!" Aunt Zhu was angry about this. Her younger sister was being mean and dishonest and didn't explain the pros and cons clearly before moving!

Now that my sister has moved to the Yangshan Islands, will she cause trouble?



One person and one spider looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, speechless.

When Aunt Zhu told such breaking news, she thought He Lingchuan would be shocked and jump up on the spot. Unexpectedly, he blinked and actually asked:

"That's it?"

"Aren't you worried?" Shouldn't a normal person be frightened when they hear that nightmares are coming to their door?

Seeing He Lingchuan's calm face, is this the reaction he should have?

"I take it as a big deal." He said calmly, "What is supposed to come will always come."

Aunt Zhu looked at him with twelve eyes and made sure that he was really not angry, then she breathed a sigh of relief: "If I had known that you would react this way, I would have told you earlier."

As a result, it struggled with itself for so long.

"What else did Er Niang say?"

"Oh, it wants you to come to the island to discuss it."

He Lingchuan was dumbfounded: "Is this an invitation from a few days ago?"

"Two days ago, that is, after it confided the truth to me." Aunt Zhu said angrily, "I don't want to pay attention to it these days!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." He Lingchuan wanted to pat it to show comfort, but when he saw the aunt's long legs covered with thorns, he gave up the idea, "Let's go back to Pansi Island with me to see the two. mother."

It's been a few days since the new tenant has moved in. As the landlord, he should also take care of him.

From a distance, or from the surface, Pansi Island is no different from before. The shore is still rugged and the island is still lush. Occasionally, you can see spider webs hanging on the treetops and in the cracks of rocks.

Since He Lingchuan sacrificed the Dragon Punishment Pillar, these islands are no longer shrouded in evil spirits, and creatures have begun to visit them. In just a few days, there are already birds opening their throats gracefully in the forest, and there are more types of insects lying on the leaves. Unlike before, there were only small black insects living in the evil spirits.

There are no roads on Pansi Island, and there are round and pointed stones everywhere. He Lingchuan was lazy and lay on Aunt Zhu's forehead, letting her take him to the underground spider's nest.

These eight legs moved more smoothly than two legs, and he didn't feel a single bump even when he closed his eyes.

Soon, the burrowing spider's nest arrived.

In fact, He Lingchuan had long heard a rustling sound coming from the surrounding forest. The sound was familiar to him. It was the sound of the long legs of the burrowing spider pulling down the fallen leaves on the ground.

Zhu Erniang sent the little spiders to greet him.

Climbing down the steep rock wall, He Lingchuan felt that the air was getting more humid. It is not that the sun does not shine here all year round. From early morning to noon, the sun shines on the open and thick stone walls like a screen, so the herbs in the stone crevices grow well.

There is an underground stream flowing under the rock wall, silently.

This is the burrowing spider's favorite environment.

The spiders crawled through an inconspicuous crack, and He Lingchuan discovered that the space became wider toward the back. He didn't know whether it was originally like this or the result of the deliberate expansion of the spider group.

Burrowing spiders are masters of modifying their environment and know exactly how to burrow safely without causing landslides.

There is still sunshine up here.

He Lingchuan found that the ground was covered with a thick layer of black soil, soft and moist, without a single weed. There were a few small spiders wandering around, and when they saw the birds coming down, they immediately chased them away.

Aunt Zhu told him that seeds had just been sprinkled here to plant the base grass for the mushroom carpet.

The so-called grasses are three types of plants carefully selected by Zhu Erniang. They are rich in nutrients required for the rapid growth of the fungus carpet. If there is no base grass base and supplement, the growth of the carpet may not be good.

"So particular? I thought the mushroom carpet could grow directly in the stone nest." The mushroom carpet is the bottom link of Zhu Erniang's unique agricultural chain. It is not only a pasture for aphids, but also a petri dish for various delicious fungi and fluorescent spores.

"You need base fertilizer. At that time, you need to chop the base grass and pine needles into pieces and feed them to the fungus carpet."

Then, they entered the cave and isolated themselves from the sunlight.

Every ten feet, there is a glowing fluorescent spore above, illuminating the originally dark underground nest clearly.

There were cobwebs everywhere.

He Lingchuan had seen this routine many times in the Demon Nest Swamp and didn't find it strange at all.

The place the sisters chose for themselves was an underground cave. There were big holes within small holes. After walking through one, there was another, and there were also sea caves connected to the shore. According to Aunt Zhu, the expansion project here has just begun. They will expand and widen until the entire underground nest is accessible in all directions, and even the two giant spiders can come and go at will.

When he said it was a residence, He Lingchuan scratched his head. This was just an underground fortress maze!

In terms of sturdiness, it doesn't seem to be much different from the previous Demon Nest Swamp. Ordinary people come in and are immediately confused. I don’t know how these burrowing spiders find their way.

"Then where is the second mother?"

"In the bay."

Aunt Zhu led He Island Master through many twists and turns. Even he was confused. Only then did he realize that the sky was bright in front of him. It turned out that he had emerged from a sea cave. If he took another step, he would step into something as clear as glass. In the transparent sea water——

The cool breeze blowing against their faces carried the salty smell of the sea water, and they arrived directly at the bay.

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