After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 944 Children of the Lu Family

Farming is busy, such as sickles for harvesting palm trees, hoes and shovels for plowing the ground, and iron plows for harnessing oxen and horses. The Yangshan Islands have no time to refine them themselves, so they can only purchase them. The purchase was so large that it required several thousand pieces at a time. Ordinary merchants could not supply them, so Ding Zuodong's stewards had no choice but to go to chambers of commerce to order and transport them.

Unexpectedly, the price of this thing has also increased. The wholesale price of a palm-picking sickle can actually reach one hundred yuan!

In other words, it is just two pieces of broken wooden handle with a blade sandwiched between them. Under normal circumstances, it does not take more than forty. If you rely on good people to buy it, you can't buy it for more than 80 yuan after talking over it.

Ding Zuodong was so angry that he asked people to go door-to-door in Blade Port and villages and towns to buy old sickles. Don't ask for anything new, just use it.

Needless to say, other farm tools are extremely expensive no matter who you buy them from.

The problem is that the large and small business groups in Bailie and Blade Port all sell at this price. Yangshan people sometimes go to the local blacksmith shop to order. The price is negotiated the day before, but the day after they come to cancel the order and say they won't sell it.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Ding Zuodong asked the businessman privately, and the other party made it clear that "the superiors asked for a higher selling price."

He didn't know who was up there.

In addition, Qingguo and Bailie are transporting supplies to Mouguo, and cattle, horses and mules are all transport capacity. Strong animals are expensive in themselves, and with the official purchase volume increasing, the price will of course go up as well.

Until now, Yangshan Islands has a shortage of transportation capacity.

Ding Zuodong added: "According to your request, I secretly contacted the third Lu Lao Lu Zhenlian to buy livestock and boots, and contacted the sixth Lu Lao Lu Zhenxian to buy stones and grain. Sure enough, the price can go down a lot."

These two people are Lu Zhensheng's cousins, and they are also elders of the clan, although they are quite young.

The Lu family is a Bailie lord, and Lu Zhensheng and his son are not the only ones with privileges.

Anyone with the surname Lu has some property, whether they make money or not is another matter.

The lord asked the chamber of commerce to raise prices uniformly. How dare ordinary merchants not respond? The only people who have the ability to dig a hole on this kind of front are the Lu family themselves.

Having said this, Ding Zuodong went out and brought in a brocade box:

"This is Lu Laosan's gift to you."

Inside the box is a pair of dark brown fast boots. The beveled edges are made of gilt thread inlaid with malachite, giving them a low-luxury aesthetic.

These boots are a magic weapon. They are not only invulnerable to water and fire, but also have magical powers. The person who wears them can run like a gust of wind, very nimble.

He Lingchuan put a pair on his feet, and the boots fit automatically. Take two steps and it's incredibly comfortable.

"It's a good thing." It's not necessarily expensive, but it's very practical. "Lu Laosan is really thoughtful."

"We canceled orders from other chambers of commerce, bought 400 livestock from him, and ordered more than a thousand pairs of combat boots. Lu Laosan may not have completed such a large deal in half a year, so he was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear. Come and meet me in person." Ding Zuodong said with a smile, "I would say that Lu Laosan is a better person than Lu Zhensheng, but he is suppressed in the family and has little chance."

He Lingchuan remembered what Butler Feng had said about Lu Laosan's "big and old" house, and the weasel that jumped over the well at night to scare people...

And the few complaints made by Lu Laosan and his wife.

Although they knew that the main family might be dealing with the Yangshan Islands, no one could refuse the benefits that came to their doorstep, nor could they refuse the free money, especially the Lu San family who were so short of money.

He smiled and said: "It seems that Tao Ran's news is accurate. Lu Zhensheng and his son have kept the best property in their own hands, and only gave some leftovers to their uncles and cousins. The clan members have thought better of it and must rely on Lu Breathe loudly."

Tao Ran, a native of Rongshan, went to Lu Zhensheng's home to inquire about news and often sent messages here.

He Lingchuan believed that the Lu family would do the same to the Yangshan Islands, and the two sides would be even.

"It happens that Lu Lao San and Lu Lao Liu have their own industries, and sometimes Lu Zhensheng's interests are affected, which leads to unpleasant troubles." He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly, "In this case, I will add another fire to them. Old Ding , you send me two invitations, and I invite these two old deer to have dinner at Qianbin Tower."

He went to these two deer family elders not only to save some money when buying things. "It's also time to get in touch with other Lu family members. By the way, I heard that Lu Laoliu's son and daughter are very impressive?"

"Yes, but it was not trained by Lu Laoliu, but brought out by my father-in-law Miao An himself. It is said that his cultivation and martial arts are good."

He Lingchuan nodded. If you want to consolidate your territory and strength, marriage is one of the best ways. As an ancient family that has been passed down for many years, the Lu family knows this very well.

"Miao An has led troops to guard the east of Bailie all year round. Last year, he was seriously injured in the battle with Yaguo. Bailie's defense line was defeated, so he could only pay compensation and sue for peace. However, Lu Laoliu's daughter, Miao An's granddaughter Lu Feiyan , went into battle to kill the enemy at the age of fifteen, and had a good record in several battles. Lu Laoliu told me that Lu Feiyan served as the left forward in Miao An's army last year. After Miao An was injured, she did a good job in covering the main force's evacuation, but If the army has not won the battle, there is no way to make a big show of it.”

"That's some skill." He Lingchuan himself also led troops to fight, and he knew that retreat was more difficult to control than attack. At that time, his own side was defeated, the morale of the army was shaken, and no one was in the mood to fight. If they were not careful, they would flee, which is the so-called "defeat" Like a mountain falling."

In this case, there must be two brushes to cover the main force and to leave behind.

"It is said that she changed the name 'Feiyan' herself." Ding Zuodong continued, "As for Lu Laoliu's son Lu Qingbang, he traveled to Lingxu City earlier and returned to Bailie this year."

"I just said that this name sounds familiar." He Lingchuan stroked his chin, "It seems like I have seen it before."

The mirror in his arms immediately reminded: "Lingxu City! You have seen him in Lingxu City!"

Where else could He Lingchuan have seen Lu Qingbang? Of course it’s Lingxu City.

During that time, he spent the day drinking and talking with students from various countries at Lingxu Imperial Academy, and he made some friends. Although Lu Qingbang was not among his friends, he remembered his name and remembered that Lu Qingbang had toasted to him along with other students. As soon as Ding Zuodong mentioned it, he was right.

He Lingchuan could even guess the reason why Lu Qingbang ended his studies and returned to Bailie:

Like other students, he was affected by the Lingxu incident initiated by Fang Canran.

Personal destiny is not worth mentioning in the face of the times.

"There are still a few talents in this generation of the Lao Lu family. They are not as weak as I thought. They are not bad."

"It's a pity that they are all overshadowed by Lu Qinglin's light." Ding Zuodong said with a smile, "Lu Laoliu is proud of his children, but at the same time he is still a little unconvinced. Although he doesn't show it, I can detect it. arrive."

It was his father-in-law who protected the family and the country in Bailie, and it was his sons and daughters who were born and died, but Lu Zhensheng is now the head of the family, and the best resources and reputation of the family have been given to Lu Zhensheng’s second son, and Lu Qinglin is from In Mou State.

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