After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 951 Liger and Deer

Guan Ke smiled and said, "Wu Tiju dares to ask this price. I can't stand anyone willing to rent it. Can you take care of it?"

Ding Zuodong shook his head: "I knew at that time that there was something fishy in it, but I didn't expect that it was Wu Tiju."

Reni smiled and said, "If you don't give evidence to Wu Tiju, no wonder he makes things difficult for you."

"The eighty-eight percent is Wu Tiju's ship. Anyone who wants to give him a bribe can just rent his ship. It's a public lease, you and I agree, and no one else can say anything, and the ship is indeed a good ship. Rent it It's really useful and easy to use." Guan Ke added, "By the way, of course these ships are not in Wu Tiju's name."

He Lingchuan stroked his chin thoughtfully. If Dong Rui were here, you could see that he was ready to hold back the water:

"Are these boats expensive?"

"Of course, especially the big ships are big ships that can withstand the wind and waves of the ocean. They come from a shipbuilding family in the east. The materials used are very real, and each one is expensive to build." Guan Ke raised two fingers, "Wu Tiju put it together some time ago. The smallest cargo ship was put up for auction and finally sold for two thousand taels of silver."

Ding Zuodong nodded: "Only his boat can be sold at this price, right?"

"Not bad." Guan Ke smiled, "In my opinion, eight hundred taels is too much."

After going through the formalities like this and deducting the auction fees, I got one thousand taels.

"Ten big ships cost at least 20,000 to 30,000 taels." He Lingchuan admired him, "not counting the cost of small ships. Wu Tiju is very lucky."

These thirty-odd ships alone are worth tens of thousands of taels of silver, not counting Wu Tiju's other properties.

The official is not big, but he holds real power and is very rich.

Seeing that Mr. Wu was so rich, He Lingchuan felt relieved and asked Guan Ke: "Is there a sales shop here?"

"No." Guan Ke shook his head, "Originally there were two companies. One was doing well, but the manager encountered a scorpion at sea and died. As soon as he died, all his properties were ruined; the other one was not doing well, and within six months, Qiangan collapsed. Now if you want to auction something, you have to go to Bailie territory, or simply go to Platinum Island, which is very inconvenient."

"Don't the officials want to do something?"

"Blade Port seems to be under preparation." Guan Ke snorted, "It has been in preparation for half a year, but there is no movement."

He Lingchuan hummed and said to Guan Ke: "I will go back to the main island with me later. I have a few things for you to do."

Guan Ke was overjoyed and responded immediately.

Renee reminded: "My lord, the hurricane on the sea is fierce. It's just good luck that it hasn't come in the past three months. It doesn't mean it won't happen in the future."

He Lingchuan remembered that he had encountered a hurricane when he was sailing across the ocean, and the ship almost sank: "Are hurricanes very frequent here?"

"From summer to autumn, there are at least two or three. In previous years, hurricanes hit the Yangshan Islands first before continuing to land in the north. Palm harvesting needs to be accelerated."

What He Lingchuan was thinking about was the farm in progress.

The ground was leveled, wheat was planted, and the farm was set up. A few hurricanes coming at this time would be really fatal.

Farming depends on the weather.

He pondered for a while and then said to Ding Zuodong: "Find me a dozen masons."

The lord has his own way of doing things, so Ding Zuodong didn't ask why and just said hello.

He Lingchuan explained a few more words to Qiu Hu, and then said: "You are responsible for this."

Qiu Hu nodded: "It's a small matter."

When He Lingchuan finished his inspection, he patted Qiu Hu on the shoulder, smiled at Reni, and left with the other two people.

Qiu Hu looked at his back and sighed.

Renee was a little surprised: "You sigh too?"

"Why not?" Qiu Hu's voice was so low that only Renee could hear, "I hate moths the most. If I can solve these troubles by knocking them to death with a stick, I will not be lenient."

Renee smiled and said, "Isn't it useless to knock them to death?"

Qiu Hu pressed his neck and made a clicking noise: "My lord said that we must stand upright so that we can achieve great development in the future. After all, the problems that sticks can solve are limited."

After boarding the ship, He Lingchuan stood on the bow of the ship and let the sea breeze hit his face.

This is his exclusive position. Seeing him closing his eyes and thinking deeply, other people retreated voluntarily and did not disturb him.

The sky is vast and the earth is vast, but He Lingchuan is thinking about the future.

The mirror in his arms asked him: "Is it difficult for you to win Bailie? Why do you have to face difficulties from the Lu family and his son?"

Its owner burned down the Zhaixing Building with a fire. He was so happy at that time. Why hasn't he taken action against the Lu family and his son now?

"The game hasn't even started yet." He Lingchuan didn't open his eyes. "When the game begins, do you think it's Bailie sitting across the card table?"


"Even if I take down the Lu family and his son, even if I can get Bailie back, what then? Do you think the good times are coming?" He chuckled, "I tell you, the real difficulty is all later."

The mirror looked thoughtful.

"Once I capture Bailie, I will no longer be a nobody to Mou, Qing, or even Bejia." He Lingchuan said slowly, "Do you think Mou will sit back and watch me eat Bailie but not Do you want to hear it?”

"Uh, can't?"

"Bailie was originally a vassal of Mou State, and he contributed money and food to it in exchange for his own safety. In other words, Mou State has the responsibility to protect Bailie." He Lingchuan raised his head and felt the gentle sea breeze. After being here for more than a month, he has become accustomed to the climate here. "A big country like Mou State hates changes in its surroundings. What's more, Ya State and Qing State are both ready to move. Bailie's importance to it will naturally increase."

"And Bejia." He said slowly, "Once there is a change around Mou State, Bejia will definitely take notice, and he will see us then. What's more, there is a pursuer of Bejia behind Zhu Erniang. I guess it won't be long before It’s coming too.”

"After collecting Bailie, we step onto the stage and walk under the lights. When everyone is staring at you, if you want to retreat behind the scenes, you will have no chance."

Being coerced by the current situation makes you unable to control yourself.

"While they can't see me, I must hide my strength and bide my time and grow stronger in secret; when I join the poker game, I must be strong and powerful."

At this stage, the main focus is on a vulgar development, and it needs to be fast, fast and low-key.

"Besides, my newly formed team also needs expansion, experience, and growth." He Lingchuan sighed, "No matter whether it is military training or business management, it cannot be accomplished overnight. A rookie like Bailie can just be used to practice. . Otherwise, if our territory expands in the future, the situation will become more complicated. Without a mature talent team, how can I manage it?"

"Hey, you're really not in a hurry."

"Why are you anxious? Ligers and tigers are lazy all day long, but in fact they are recharging their energy and only try their best when hunting." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Deer and hogs are screaming and noisy all day long, and they are anxious when they see a couple of grasses, but they don't know that the only outcome in this life is Become someone else’s meal.”

"They thought the grass they ate would turn into flesh and blood? They were wrong, the fat ended up growing on the bodies of tigers and wolves."

He asked the mirror: "Do you want to be a liger or a deer?"

"I just don't want to be eaten."

"That's not up to you!" He Lingchuan laughed loudly, "The way the world is, you either eat people or you are eaten."

"For me, Bailie is a barrier that can help me block other people's eyes. I don't want to tear it down too early. I just hope that the Lu family and his son will be wiser and don't collapse this barrier." He said slightly Looking up, I saw the crisp autumn air and heard the roaring wind and sea. "We must cherish the calm weather now. I'm afraid there won't be many good days like this in the future."


The next day, sixty miles west of Blade Port, West Fjord.

It was a cloudy day and the sun had not shown its face since early in the morning, but the sea was not very rough and the boat was sailing very smoothly.

The sailor of the Baoji stretched himself into the wind and yawned.

So sleepy, it’s finally almost here. After returning to Blade Port, he wanted to spend a few hours in the Yellow Fish Tavern, and then go find the little girl with a half-door in the depths of Niluo Alley. The money he spent on her last time was well worth it.

Bang, the hull of the ship shook violently, and the sailor jumped forward and hit the side of the ship, almost knocking off his big teeth.

The boat stopped, and everyone rushed out to see: "What's going on?"

Did you hit something? The sailor covered his mouth and said: "There are no reefs here!"

"The cabin is leaking!"

Sure enough, it was damaged, and the captain immediately sent someone down to repair it.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the sound of splashing water came from below the bow of the ship.

Everyone went to the bow of the boat and looked down, almost frightened out of their wits:

"Yin, Yinhao!"

Seven or eight yin snakes emerged from the water. The largest one was nearly two feet long, and its dark body was thicker than a giant python.

The Baoji was probably stopped by it.

Everyone lowered their heads, just in time to meet their sinister eyes. All the old stories about the evil destructive beasts destroying ships and eating people suddenly came to their minds.

"Oh my god! Why is there a scorpion here?!" A scorpion has never appeared in the West Fjords.

The captain also shouted "Guard the ship, quickly guard the ship", but most of the people around him were missing.

He turned around and saw that everyone was rushing to the back of the boat, but instead of grabbing weapons, they were putting down ropes and preparing to escape in the boat.

The sailor covering his mouth also shouted: "There are no snakes on the sea behind, let's go quickly!"

The captain was angry: "Get weapons, get weapons quickly! This ship is carrying public grain!"

"There are so many sluts, and there is a big guy, we can't win!" The sailor's mouth was a little leaky, "If you want to protect the ship, you can stay, we will leave first!"

This boat trip was extremely short, only four or five days, and no valuable supplies were transported. They only receive a meager salary and can't drink two kilograms of good wine when they go ashore, so there is no need to work hard.

"Come up, come up!" Everyone looked back and saw that the snake climbed up and threw one of the captain's confidants directly into the sea.

As soon as they came up, the deck immediately became more cramped.

Just these few Yinji, the boat can hardly be loaded.

Seeing them rushing towards them spitting messages, everyone was even more frightened and scrambled to untie the cables.

Someone rushed out and jumped onto the boat first.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was actually the captain.

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

We can still deal with one or two evil snakes.

Three or four, I gritted my teeth and did it.

There are so many evil spirits, so it’s still important to escape.


Two days later, early in the morning.

Wu Tiju arrived at the Shipping Department on time.

Over the years, he has rarely been late for work.

After walking around the Shibo Department and seeing everyone on duty, he nodded with satisfaction.

His actions as a leader lead to imitation, and his subordinates will naturally work hard.

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