After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 953 How could such a thing happen?

It should be after the recent incident?

Could it be?

Zhao Qianshi said hurriedly: "Sir, could it be that his surname is He..."

"Shut up!" Wu Tiju was also confused.

He asked his students: "How much cargo is on the Baoji?"

"It's worth more than a thousand taels."

Wu Tiju breathed a sigh of relief: "Not much."

"But there are 1,900 bags of grain among them, which are to be delivered to the official warehouse."

Wu Tiju said angrily: "Can't you finish it all at once?"

"...students, students are wrong."

Wu Tiju paced back and forth a few times. If the food gets soaked in water, it's over. Even if some of the other goods can be salvaged, these 1,900 bags of food will be wasted.

Unfortunately, this is still grain purchased by the Shipping Department, which is ready to be handed over to the national treasury to cope with Mou Guo's demands.

The state of Mou also "purchased" grain and grass from the state of Qing. It paid 200,000 taels of silver, and the state of Qing had to send away grain with an actual value of more than 500,000 taels. Mou Guo has been urging for several months, and Qing Guo has also been dragging his feet to get it together. As the richest port, the Municipal Shipping Department is responsible for a large number of official purchasing tasks.

Previously, Bailie also purchased grain in Blade Port, forcing the price of grain to rise. The Municipal Shipping Department has the responsibility of making decisions, but it cannot force purchases from foreign merchants. These 1,900 bags of grain don't seem to be worth much, but buying and transporting them again is very troublesome.

The three of them looked at each other, doubts swirling in their minds, all thinking about the same question:

Was Yin Fei sent by He Island Master?

Wu Tiju asked Zhao Qian: "What do you think?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Just kidding, how dare he make a judgment on this kind of thing? "In the past, there were accidents involving snake attacks on merchant ships. The most recent one seemed to be the year before last?"

"There was heavy fog on the sea, and the ship strayed into the depths of the archipelago." Wu Tiju said with a sullen face, "The Baoji was attacked in the West Fjord, and it was not in the Yangshan Islands!"

Zhao Qian was about to say something but stopped. This immediate boss just said that it is nonsense and impossible for the Lord He Island to control Yin Hui.

Now, has this idea been shaken?

"Then, let me go find the supervisor named Ding and ask him?"

Wu Tiju hesitated for a long time before shaking his head: "No, maybe it was an accident."

Whoever comes to the door first will bow his head.

When sailing on the sea, how can you be sure? He has been in this position for more than ten years and has heard of at least dozens of major shipwrecks.

But he still told Zhao Qianshi: "If the person named Ding comes to submit for examination again, you can bring him to me."

But in the next two days, Ding Zuodong did not go to the Shipping Department at all. Instead, Wu Tiju had two more merchant ships attacked at sea.

It was also done by Yin Hui, and it was also not at the Yangshan Islands, but near the Fish Bone Reef and Baosha Reef. Several merchant ships passing by had seen it.

But the scorpion didn't attack them. Even if they swam by these merchant ships, they ignored them. They focused on the "Qingyu" and "Bailang", Wu Tiju's two ships, and kept digging through them before dragging them in. Shen Shui, then left cheering and roaring.

Everyone was attentively watching the live broadcast of the ship dismantling, which lasted for more than half an hour.

Shipwrecks are nothing new, but Blade Port has been operating for so many years, and has long planned routes to avoid evil spirits and areas where scorpions are active, and ships of all sizes have been moving smoothly.

They avoided the evil star, but unexpectedly the evil star came directly to their door. This incident was simply unbelievable, so it quickly spread through the mouths of eyewitnesses, and spread wildly in the streets and alleys of Blade Port. It was also spread vividly, and even the description of how the scorpion played with the drowned person was described as having noses and eyes.

The good guys and the smart people soon discovered that the three scuttled ships had one thing in common:

They all belong to Wu Ti's family.

Everyone in Blade Port knew that Wu Ti's family had a lot of money, especially a lot of ships.

These are all open secrets.

So when merchants went to rent a boat, they would first ask if it was Wu Tiju. If there was any connection, they would immediately shake their heads.

These messages were delivered to Wu Tiju one by one, and he had no intention of being on duty.

Besides, I don’t believe it since I wasn’t targeted. The strange looks from the people around him also made him particularly unhappy.

He immediately started to conduct an inventory, and then found that he still had fourteen ships plying the sea, five or six of which would be entering and exiting Blade Port in the near future.

His boats are always the best to rent, and there are very few gaps.

This advantage has become a pain in the ass right now.

Wu Tiju quickly informed the ship owner that he would not be allowed to go to sea in the near future.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I got in touch, they said that all the customers wanted to cancel the lease.

Are you kidding me? There are rumors that Yin Hui is specifically targeting Wu Tiju’s boat. How can they dare to rent it? How many people’s lives and fortunes are behind the maritime cargo? Who is responsible for all of it being wasted?

I would rather waive the deposit for renting a boat, but this boat cannot be rented!

Wu Tiju held a breath in his stomach, which was so congested.

When have you ever suffered such a loss?

But there are still two that are at sea and are about to return to Hong Kong, so Wu Tiju can't control them.

He really didn't understand: "There are so many ships on the sea, how can Yin Hu recognize my ship?"

The boss has been in a very bad temper these past few days, and his breath even smells bad. Zhao Qianshi said cautiously: "Your ship has a mark on the bow. In the past, pirates could only let it go after seeing it."

In the past, no matter how reckless the pirates of the Yangshan Islands were, they would not rob official ships or commercial ships, otherwise they would attract the wrath of thunder.

These ships also simply put marks on their bows to alert pirates.

"Pirate?" Wu Tiju couldn't care less about his grace and slapped the table hard, "That's unreasonable!"

All the pirates in the Yangshan Islands were conquered by He Lingchuan. This was an undeniable fact. It is very likely that He Lingchuan also knew the secret they knew.

Pirates and evil spirits, when combined together, don't they mean "He Lingchuan did it"?

This is revenge, this is blackmail, this is the threat of "If you don't give me accommodation, I will destroy all your ships."

But he had to give in because He Lingchuan could really do it.

Wu Tiju closed the door and got angry, even smashing his beloved teacup to pieces, and then called Zhao Qianshi in again:

"You go to Ding, no, go to He Lingchuan and arrange a meeting for me!"

Zhao Qianshi was trembling, so he responded and hurried out.

But only a dozen breaths later, he hurriedly turned back:

"Sir, Ding Zuodong is here again to check the oil."

Wu Ti stood up in a flash, his fists clenched until they turned white.

Zhao Qianshi thought he wanted to hit someone, but in the end his boss just gritted his teeth and said, "Bring him here!"

"Yes!" Zhao Qianshi hurried out and Wu Tiju slowly sat back in his chair.

He knew in his heart that the sinking of three ships could only be regarded as a meeting gift. If he did not accept this level of "gift", then his Wu family would never go to sea in this life; if he zoomed in, if the evil dragons started to attack other ships on the golden route, , will merchants dare to pass through Blade Port in the future?

That would pose a substantial threat to the survival of Blade Port.

The boy named He is very good at manipulating people.

Wu Tiju took the initiative to meet, and Ding Zuodong came very quickly.

As soon as he entered the door, he clasped his fists and bowed: "Well, Sir! Oh, Mr. Wu is busy with official duties. It's not easy to see you."

This is no courtesy. The last time he asked to see Wu Tiju, he was pushed back and blocked. He waited for several days before seeing him, and sent him away after not even saying a few words.

No matter how thorough his etiquette was, Wu Tiju was still smiling: "You and your master want to see me, there is always a way, right?"

Ding Zuodong was stunned: "Eh? How do you understand Mr. Wu's words?"

"Did you know that Yinji attacked the three merchant ships Baoji, Qingyu and Bailang in the West Fjord and Baiqionghai?"

"I've heard a little bit, I've heard a little bit." Ding Zuodong sighed, "That's really an unreasonable disaster. I don't know how the Yin Fei left the archipelago to cause trouble."

Wu Tiju stared at him: "You really don't know?"

Ding Zuodong was startled: "That's what you said! How can a villain know what the Yin Mo does and thinks? He is not a human being and does not understand human language."

For so many years, almost no one has been able to communicate with Yin Hui...except He Lingchuan.

Thinking of the mythical legends about pirates in Blade Port, Wu Tiju felt angry in his heart.

Zhao Qianshi stood aside and knew it was time for him to open his mouth: "Isn't your master known as the Lord who admires goodness and can even dispatch Yin Fei?"

"Lord Wu Mingjian, how could such a thing be possible!" Ding Zuodong looked horrified, "The scorpions have been doing their own thing in the archipelago for many years, and even the immortals can't deal with them; my master is also a mortal, how can he have that ability?"

There is nothing wrong with this, both emotionally and rationally.

Zhao Qianshi asked: "Your master and Yin Fei did not sign an agreement? The pirates of the archipelago boasted about this all day long in the tavern of Blade Port." It was difficult for others not to hear it.

"No, no!" Ding Zuodong waved his hands repeatedly, "They listen to the wind, so what do they know? There are no pirates I have ever seen who don't like to make nonsense."

"So there are many islands in the archipelago that have lost their evil spirit. How can we explain this?"

Ding Zuodong smiled and said: "That's because my master is familiar with geography and discovered that the time and scope of the gushing of the Earthly Evil Yin Vein have changed. My master said that this thing is like the tide, rising and falling, expanding and contracting. He has studied it thoroughly He knows which islands can be visited and which ones cannot be visited. To outsiders, it looks like he can ward off evil spirits."

Seeing that the topic had changed, Wu Tiju secretly scolded Zhao Qianshi as a "useless thing" and had no choice but to ask the question himself:

"The Yinbo attacks our ships, and Blade Port cannot sit idly by! Since your master has studied the archipelago thoroughly, tell me why the Yinhao left the islands' waters and why he attacked the ships?"

Blade Port can't just sit back and watch? It was obviously Wu Tiju who was heartbroken that his ship was sinking and he ran away with money. Ding Zuodong sneered in his heart, but on the outside he was serious:

"My master believes that Yin snakes are born based on evil spirits and are more sensitive to the changes in Yin veins and the reduction of evil spirits. This may indeed cause their temperament to change drastically and become more aggressive." Ding Zuodong said slowly, "Things are not normal. It changes with the times, my lord.”

He could not admit under any circumstances that He Lingchuan was the one who ordered Yin Hui to attack the ship. That's not blackmail, that's telling the truth and enmity.

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