After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 958 Fang Canran’s Revenge

But Fang Canran's appearance has changed. It is completely different from the one in Lingxu City. There is still a slight depression in the middle of his chin, which makes him look more determined.

Even the voice was deeper.

Only his demeanor and movements still made He Lingchuan feel a little familiar.

If the two of them passed each other, He Lingchuan would not recognize him.

"Are you wearing a mask?" After causing such heavy damage in Lingxu City, it is indeed necessary to hide one's name and change one's face in order to be able to get over it once and for all.

"No, this is the elder in Lingshan using the technique of Dao Gui." Fang Canran patted his face, "No magical powers can be seen through it, because this is the real face of real leather."

The art of Dao Gui? Just plastic surgery.

He Lingchuan subconsciously looked at Dong Rui. There was also someone here who had had facial plastic surgery, but Master Shuangye's method didn't seem that troublesome.

"There has been no news from you during this year. Only by observing Bejia's instructions did I feel that you were still alive." Fang Canran also looked at Dong Rui, "Who is this?"

"His surname is Dong. He is also responsible for the bad things we did."

Fang Canran understood, and his attitude towards Dong Rui immediately became cordial: "It turns out we are good friends too! Let's sit down and have a chat."

When they were in Lingxu City, although he and He Lingchuan cooperated, they were wary of each other and had a deep gap;

But because we have done something earth-shattering together that cannot be mentioned to outsiders, this reunion in a foreign land is particularly cordial.

Each other's actions proved their intentions, and they also proved that they both had a common enemy - Bega.

We have carried guns together, and the feelings are different.

Fang Canran led the two of them into the small pavilion in the garden and sat down. This is a small pavilion by the pool, but it is surrounded by walls and has windows for ventilation. It is windproof and quiet, and can be used for the guests of honor to enjoy the scenery, eat and discuss.

This is an island after all. The architecture is not exquisite, but it is very charming.

Dong Rui glanced at the pond through the window and suddenly said: "There is a golden lotus in the pond."

Lotus blooms in mid-summer, but now in late autumn, the pond should be full of fallen leaves. But there were still three or four green lotus leaves in the pond, and among them floated a golden water lily in bud.

"That's a little lotus demon. With it around, we can talk without fear of being overheard." Fang Canran lifted a silver basin from the stove, and the hot water in the basin had fish-eye bubbles emerging.

He dipped the wine bottle into it.

It's getting cold, so let's warm up with some wine.

He Lingchuan asked him: "Are you a member of the Taihang Sect?"

"Please take a seat." Fang Canran casually opened the eight-treasure cabinet beside him and took out a set of exquisite square plates, which contained four kinds of snacks for drinking. "Yes, I have been in Taihang Sect since I was a child, and later I went to Lingxu City . After taking revenge, I returned to Taihang Sect. I thought Platinum Island was a good place, so I came over. The two seafarers entrusted by Brother He arrived in time. If it were one day later, I would have to go out again. "

He Lingchuan sailed to Blade Port and met two seafarers on the way. The two sides hit it off so well that Haike sent a letter to Fang Canran on his behalf.

Of course, Fang Canran also has an alias and password in a different place.

"Congratulations to Mr. Fang for getting his revenge." He Lingchuan picked up a small piece of dried squid and tore it into pieces. Well, it was salty, sweet, slightly sweet, and chewy. "What happened to the Ke family?"

More than 180 years ago, the ancestors of the Ke family reported to Lingxu City, and the Yuan Kingdom had to rush into rebellion. After a thousand days of stubborn resistance, it finally failed. All the officials and citizens of Qianxing City were massacred, and the descendants of the Yuan Kingdom were demoted to slaves and would never be able to stand up again.

However, the Ke family has enjoyed nearly two hundred years of prosperity and wealth by virtue of their whistle-blowing efforts and their ability to recover the Qingling Baogai. He was so extravagant and lustful that even the powerful and powerful people in Lingxu were jealous.

As a descendant of Shao Jian and a descendant of the Yuan Kingdom, Fang Canran had a hatred of the country and the family against this treasonous descendant.

He has been lurking in Lingxu City for nearly twenty years, firstly to carry out Lingshan's orders, and secondly to wait for opportunities to avenge his family and country. When He Lingchuan talked with him in the past, he believed that the Ke family's suffering was a natural cycle and retribution was clear.

During the chaos in Lingxu City, Fang Canran designed the thunder beast to rush into Tiantong Island through the Jinghongdu teleportation array, trampling the Ke family severely. This is to avenge one's own personal revenge after performing official duties.

He Lingchuan had already heard the follow-up from Elder Rongshan Dao, but Fang Canran undoubtedly had first-hand news here.

Fang Canran said with a smile: "The Ke family suffered initial losses of more than ten million taels in the attack by the thunder beast, including garden buildings, art sculptures, rare treasures, etc."

He Lingchuan immediately thought of the Ke family's extremely luxurious mansion passed down from generation to generation. It was the world's wealth built up by God's favor and favor for more than a hundred years. Each generation of the Ke family has carefully crafted on the basis of their predecessors, brick by brick. Be particular about it.

Coral trees as tall as one person, golden branches and jade leaves are just ordinary scenery at the corner of the garden; only the tiles of Qingyin Pavilion sound like flutes when it encounters the wind, and like the clanking of guqins when it rains, ethereal and fairy. Those were tiles selected from eight hundred firings in famous kilns by famous craftsmen. The time span spanned more than seventy years and cost at least more than 20,000 silver. It was both labor-intensive and time-consuming.

The leiqing giant beast rushed into Ke's house, just like a giant elephant entering a porcelain shop, smashing countless antiquities and treasures.

"But money is still a small matter. More than forty members of the Ke family died and more than twenty disappeared. Although the head of the family, Ke Shouyi, was only slightly injured, his favorite fifth child, Ke Yanjing, died, and the third and fourth children were all seriously injured. The fourth child was trampled and half of his body was paralyzed. I am afraid it will be difficult to stand up in this life. Also, he has nine grandchildren in total. What a coincidence, six of his grandchildren were trampled to death that night, and the three who survived were all granddaughters. ”

The big and prosperous family suddenly suffered a serious loss of vitality.

"Is it so miserable?" Dong Rui was also idle. He fished out two pieces of peppercorn rice and gnawed them loudly.

"After this turmoil, Ke Shouyi fell seriously ill and almost died. He only managed to survive after taking the medicine given by the gods. Of all the nobles on the floating island, the Ke family was the hardest hit. Lingxu officials and people are all analyzing, and the Ke family It's someone seeking revenge. But the Ke family has made so many enemies and enemies in the past two hundred years, it would take more than half a year to list them."

Fang Canran's face was full of joy: "The Ke family has suffered such a blow. Xushan Shanze Juju also accused his family of withholding offerings. It was only because he was hungry all day that he felt resentful and made trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Both the Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Palace reached an agreement with Ruze. The agreement raised the standards for Shanze’s offerings and ordered the Ke family to strictly implement them in the future.”

"In other words, the Ke family will make more offerings to Ju Ju in the future?"

The Torch is freed from the shackles of the Xushan Formation and can freely enter and exit the center of the earth. Even the gods can't do anything to it. If Tiangong doesn't want to keep catching fire under her buttocks, she has to be kind to the fire spirit.

He Lingchuan immediately thought of the Yin King in the depths of Longji Island. Compared with the greedy Juju, Minghao is really a sincere and simple monster, and the offerings he asks for are the most worthless evil beads.

As for whether Tiangong has any way to restrain Ju Ju again, that's a story for another day.

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