After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 961 I can’t borrow this money

Dong Rui's eyes widened. Is it because He Lingchuan or Fang Canran's face is valuable? "Can I borrow it?"

He also needs funds to study demon puppets. In the past, he could only rely on robbing houses. But since he teamed up with He Lingchuan, he no longer has this freedom.

He also needs money. How can he spend three melons and two dates?

Fang Canran kept a smile on his face and said: "Okay, the interest is 1%, just calculate it as simple interest for you."

Dong Rui was dissatisfied: "Hey, I also participated in your action in Lingxu City!"

“That’s why it’s only 1%, otherwise you’ll have to charge compound interest of at least 1% and a half.”

He Lingchuan was not surprised. He knew that his great achievements had earned him a good reputation in Lingshan. After all, the Rongshan Sect also lent several million taels to Yuan Kingdom to fight for his sake.

Of course, Yuan Kingdom also took out high-quality assets as collateral, and Rongshan would not lose money no matter what.

But after careful consideration, he declined Fang Canran's proposal: "When I'm at the end of my rope, I'll ask Lingshan for help."

He had too few interactions with Lingshan, and he didn't want to owe this mysterious organization such a huge favor - sometimes you thought you only owed a favor, but to the other party, it was already regarded as selling out.

For these three to five million, who knows what price he will have to pay in the future? In the long run, it's not worth it.

It is best to maintain equal exchanges and mutual benefit.

Fang Canran didn't force himself: "Lingshan will definitely be happy if you come to settle in the east of Mou State. Can I introduce you to you?"

"That's the best!" This was also one of the purposes of He Lingchuan coming to Platinum Island, but Fang Canran took the initiative to mention it.

This is really a genius.

Fang Canran had to obtain his consent in advance: "But I have to report your great achievements before others will pay attention to you."

He Lingchuan did not hesitate: "As long as you can trust him."

He wanted to get in touch with Lingshan and gain the other party's attention and win over him. He definitely couldn't hide this secret, so he might as well throw it out himself as a bargaining chip.

More than a hundred years ago, his ancestor Lu Xun once represented Lingshan and established contact with Panlong City and Zhong Shengguang; while he was escaping from the Heavenly Palace, he also heard the thousands of trees and leaves of the Daoist Tree saying to him "Lingshan" "Two words.

He Lingchuan is naturally curious and close to Lingshan, and of course he wants to have further contact and understanding.

"Of course."

"There are also people from Lingshan in Mou State, right?"

"Yes, that's great!" Fang Canran paused before saying, "Lingshan's secrets are endless, and I only know a little bit about it: In fact, Lingshan single-handedly led the founding of the Mou Kingdom."

Even the founding of Mou State was attributed to Lingshan? Dong Rui interjected: "Can it be compared to the Heavenly Palace to Bejia?"

The relationship between Tiangong and Bega is very complicated, but everyone knows that Bega serves the gods, so Tiangong is in a dominant position and can influence Bega's national policy.

Why is this big brother so direct when asking questions? He Lingchuan glanced at him and said, "Good question!"

He still hasn't figured out the relationship between Lingshan and Mou Guo.

There is no way, there are too few people to ask.

"It's not that close, let alone a subordinate relationship." Fang Canran considered the words, "To this day, Lingshan still has a transcendent status in Mou State."

As soon as these words came out, He Lingchuan knew that Mou Guo was more independent and autonomous than Bejia.

But Fang Canran followed up with the next sentence:

"To this day, most officials and civilians in Mou State are unaware of the existence of Lingshan Mountain. When most people hear the name of Lingshan Mountain, they only think it is a misty legend. Only a very few people have the opportunity to come into contact with it."

Lingshan is so mysterious and ethereal that ordinary people cannot perceive it. He Lingchuan had been secretly planning in Lingxu City for so long, and only when he was about to leave did he accidentally hear the word "Lingshan".

Dong Rui grasped the main contradiction: "Anyway, Lingshan is very influential in Mou State?"

"Of course. Most of the senior officials and famous generals of Mou State come from Taoist sects, and some of the Taoist sects are under Lingshan Mountain. I heard that when the elders of Lingshan Mountain came down from the mountain, the monarch of Mou State personally rushed to the foot of the mountain to greet them."

"Mr. Fang, can you recognize Xia Pei, General Yutian of Mou State?"

"We have met several times before. Xia Taibao came from the Hongshan sect, and Hongmen and our Taihang sect have been friends for many years." Fang Canran asked him, "Brother He, are you old with him?"

He Lingchuan made an understatement: "It's just a casual question, it won't make sense."

Dong Rui immediately added:

"This guy bought the Yangshan Islands from Xia Pei's in-laws."

"Xia Taibao's in-laws?"

"Xia Pei's daughter Xia Lishang married Lu Qinglin, the second son of the Bailie Lu family. The Lu family tried their best to please this in-laws." Dong Rui said quickly, "The Lu family offered the Yangshan Islands for 80,000 yuan. I sold it, thinking I had taken advantage of it, but now I feel regretful, and I might have to snatch it back at some point.”

There were some things that He Lingchuan couldn't say, so let him say them.

"Eighty thousand...a whole archipelago?" Fang Canran was also shocked by this number. He was stunned for a moment and said, "The Lu family were drunk at the time?"

"At that time, the archipelago was shrouded in Yin evil, and humans could not get close." Dong Rui pointed at He Lingchuan, "Only this inhuman boy was able to drive away the Yin evil."

He Lingchuan lowered his head and sipped his wine.

Fang Canran suddenly said: "That's it!"

He had only been to Platinum Island for a few months and didn't know much about the surrounding area.

"So what if he is upset? One hand will hand over the money and the other hand will hand over the island. There must be a contract between the two of you, right?"

"The contract is not important, the key is strength." He Lingchuan said calmly, "Bailie leased Blade Port to Qingguo. The agreement expired more than ten years ago, but it still cannot be taken back."

"That's right." Fang Canran pondered, "Xia Taibao has a domineering personality and protects his shortcomings, and Mou Guo regards Bailie as a subordinate. But in the final analysis, it is just a small matter for you to buy a piece of land. If the Xia family takes action for this, it will be too cheap. , not to mention not in the country of Mou. Looking back over the past few years, Bailie has sold a lot of territory, and I haven’t seen them asking for it back.”

He Lingchuan said lightly: "If I dare to buy the island, I won't be afraid of them taking it back."

Dong Rui came up with a "but": "They are doing a lot of things behind the scenes. When we buy things, they join forces with merchants to raise prices; when we sell things, they try to obstruct us in every possible way."

Fang Canran nodded: "As the leader of Bailie, the Lu family has some means."

He Lingchuan asked again intentionally or unintentionally: "By the way, the Lu family always says that they are descendants of immortals. So, are Bailie and Lingshan related?"

Fang Canran smiled and said, "What if there is?"

"If it's relevant, when it offends me, I'll beat it lightly." In the world of Panlong, Lu Xun traveled across the ocean to send a message to Zhong Shengguang on behalf of Lingshan.

This at least shows that the ancestors of the Lu family have a close relationship with Lingshan, and Lingshan trusts Lu Xun very much.

But things are unpredictable. Has this relationship continued to this day?

Although He Lingchuan's words were arrogant, Fang Canran still heard the good intentions towards Lingshan: "Sorry, I don't know either."

As he said just now, he also knows very little about Lingshan.

Fang Canran added: "But from a practical point of view, I think even if the two parties are related, they are not very close."

He Lingchuan nodded: "I think so."

In fact, looking at the attitude of neighboring countries towards Bailie, he also understood about it. If Bailie really relied on the big tree in Lingshan, why was he invaded and compensated, and even a large area of ​​his territory was cut off?

Why did the Lu family and his son try so hard to curry favor with General Yutian of Mou State, often donating money and food to Mou State, and sending all their precious sons to the western front?

It's such a delicate situation.

Fang Canran changed the topic, "Brother He, what are you selling now?"

He Lingchuan took a sip of wine and said, "Products from the Yangshan Islands. This season, the main product is palm oil."

Fang Canran said "Oh": "The palm oil you produce there is really good. It is used in our restaurants and snack shops here."

"Of course the things on our island are good, and we use them ourselves." Dong Rui ate melon seeds, "I just hate Bailie for always poaching our corners. He always finds someone to snatch away the good customers at a low price. These idiots just want to It’s better to hurt us by one thousand than to hurt yourself by eight hundred.”

Fang Canran smiled and said: "If it's going to be a big deal, Brother He is a good hand; when it comes to business... there's more back and forth, more entanglement."

Facing this successful businessman, He Lingchuan said honestly: "I still have a lot to learn, and I have to pay for my lessons."

The three of them toasted with a glass of wine.

Fang Canran added: "By the way, a distinguished guest from Mou State is coming to Platinum Island in a few days. I will introduce him to you. It may be helpful."

He Lingchuan happily agreed.

Fang Canran stood up and said: "Now that we've finished talking, I'll take you to dinner. The grilled seafood on Platinum Island is amazing! The ghost market at night is also very fun, with many strange and weird things."

Dong Rui perked up after hearing this: "I was about to take a look."

He Lingchuan also said: "I need to purchase more than a thousand sets of weapons, knives, guns, and shields; in addition, I need 700 sets of medium armor and outer armor."

Some things cannot be purchased through normal channels, so you have to go through unconventional channels, such as purchasing them through the ghost market on Platinum Island.

Fang Canran's answer was very simple: "As long as the price is reasonable."

Dong Rui took out a note: "This is my shopping list, can you get it?"

Fang Canran took it and stared at it intently.

He Lingchuan leaned over and took a look, and saw that they were all densely listed.

Fang Canran pondered: "These are all uncommon materials."

"Yes, that's why I asked you to buy it. I use it for experiments."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but interject: "Hey, how much does this cost?"

Fang Canran casually estimated the price: "At least 80,000 silver."

He Lingchuan stared: "How much?!"

Dong Rui pointed at He Lingchuan at the same time: "He pays!"

"Well, that's not right." Fang Canran waved his hand, "Sorry, I didn't read everything just now. I can basically do everything on your list, but these three materials are the only ones -"

He pointed it out to the two of them: "——There is always a price but no market. I will go find someone to ask. You guys wait here."

After saying that, he strode out.

He Lingchuan glared at Dong Rui: "What is it used for?"

"Being a demon puppet." Dong Rui said confidently, "It's not like you don't know what I do."

If the demon puppet master doesn't study demon puppets, what else can he study? How about recipes?

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