After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 963 The disappearing history

He Lingchuan was speechless.

Nonsense, of course! You can exchange as many as you have, even if you don’t have money, you have to find a way to find money to exchange them!

Money is easy to make, but it would be too difficult to let the big demon work as his thug and have to use his fingers like an arm!

In order to win over the spider demon sisters, He Lingchuan also took the risk of offending Bejia and exposing himself.

Fang Canran's eyes lit up: "That's a great deal. Are you willing to sell Brother Dong's demon puppet? On Platinum Island, this must be a rare commodity."

He Lingchuan immediately looked at Dong Rui and raised his eyebrows.

Yes, demon puppets are also very expensive. Why doesn't this guy sell two useless ones for money?

Dong Rui shrank in a second: "Not for sale. They are not commodities."

Then he looked at He Lingchuan eagerly: "Those three materials-?"

He Lingchuan was angry: "You never said that refining demon puppets would be such a waste of money."

"Otherwise why am I so poor? Why don't you let me go out and rob houses?" Dong Rui looked sad. "If I can't get money and materials, I won't be able to continue my research."

If he could get the materials casually, why would he be following He Lingchuan?

He Lingchuan pressed his hand between his eyebrows and hesitated for a long time.

Money, money, I'm really sorry for you.

Finally, he sighed, and the other party said brightly: "Okay, it's settled."

Dong Rui was overjoyed and beat his chest loudly: "Don't worry, the money will be well spent! When the little baby comes out, you will feel it is a good deal at a glance!"

He Lingchuan couldn't be bothered to look at him for a second. Before he could warm up the 400,000 taels he had just received, he walked out with 180,000 taels!

Eighty-one minus eighteen, and he only had 630,000 left.

Alas, you have to spend money on scientific research, and even if you spend money, you may not get results.

Fang Canran put away the bill of materials: "Okay, I'll take care of it."

At night, the dark Cape Tower lights up with two lights, which looks like stars in the sky at first glance.

The ghost market is open, and there will be a sale tonight.

The deserted streets during the day were illuminated by enthusiastic torches as bright as day. Almost all shops are open, whether they are restaurants or theaters and theaters. The temporary stalls set up on the street are steaming with steam, and itinerant vendors are selling non-stop.

Food, drink and entertainment are all available.

There are a lot of people, and I don’t know where they are hiding during the day.

He Lingchuan and Dong Rui walked around and ate together.

Of course, the busiest thing is the various material stores. He Lingchuan looked at several stores and found that the items were strange and weird, but he was not interested in them. Dong Rui, on the other hand, plunged into a material store that specialized in scrap materials and refused to come out.

After another half an hour, He Lingchuan found Fang Canran, and the sales meeting began.

The Platinum Island sale was held in a large house with three floors, allowing more customers to see the auction booth in the middle of the first floor.

In terms of environment, this place is not as high-end as Dunyuan in Lingxu City, and no one will provide you with comprehensive services. But when the salesperson takes out the lot, he still has to explain it to everyone.

For example, this set: "Three hundred and seventy fine iron straight knives, three feet and three inches long. Seventy-seven of them have slight flaws and can be polished. They are not sold at retail, and the price is one thousand one hundred taels. The goods are on the ship, that is Remove as soon as you buy.”

The origin is not mentioned at all, and 20% of it is flawed. He Lingchuan knew as soon as he heard it that it was "used", and he didn't know which weapon was cleaned from the battlefield.

But the price of 1,100 taels is very suitable. Judging from the samples displayed on site, the quality is acceptable and the workmanship is passable. There is no problem in using it to kill people.

Fang Canran saw that He Lingchuan was a little moved and said, "Are you interested in this batch?"

"I have so many islands, but I can't afford to leave things unattended." Timber, farm tools, and seeds are easy to buy, but weapons cannot be purchased through formal channels, and neither Bailie nor Qingguo sell them. If He Lingchuan goes around looking for purchases, he will inevitably arouse others' vigilance.

He is unlucky. Min Tianxi and Huang Zhao originally had arms smuggling channels in Mou State, but they have not been able to get the goods recently.

"There will be a batch of swords and guns coming the day after tomorrow, the quality may be better." Fang Canran whispered, "Should I keep it for you?"

He Lingchuan was overjoyed: "Then I'll leave it to you."

There are all kinds of lots on the table, some of which look like stolen goods at first glance. He Lingchuan originally just wanted to watch the excitement, but ended up taking some pictures.

The key is that the price is really cost-effective.

No wonder the ghost market on Platinum Island is crowded, and cost-effectiveness is king.

After looking at the auction items, the two chatted for a while, and then another weapon was presented to the booth.

Fluorescent spores have been used at the sales venue, one on the front, one on the left, and one on the left, making every angle and every detail of the items on the stage clearly visible.

He Lingchuan was originally careless, his eyes swept across the stage, and he suddenly stopped:

The new exhibit on stage is a black gun.

There is a bleeding groove on the tip of the gun. From a distance, it looks a bit like the tip of a pen, with lines like soaring clouds.

There was originally a tassel hanging ring under the gun head, but it fell off, leaving only half of it.

There is a ruby ​​bead embedded in the handle of the gun.

Why does the style of this gun look so familiar?

He Lingchuan suddenly sat upright, and the blood all over his body rushed to his head.

It's exactly the same as the Red General's favorite gun!

The salesman also said loudly:

"No need to say more about this one, Thunder Gun!"

Even the names are the same?

No, that's not right!

From this gun, he could not feel the iron-blooded murderous aura that dominated thousands of troops.

When fighting against Sanshui Zhenren in the Panlong Secret Realm, He Lingchuan was wearing the red general armor and holding the thunder gun in his hand!

The gun on the table didn't have that kind of telepathy and connection between flesh and blood.

He couldn't be wrong about this.

"Thunder gun?" He turned around and asked Fang Canran, "Where did this gun come from?"

It was the first time that Fang Canran saw his eyes so round.

Has He Xiao ever been so excited?

"This is not true..."

Before he finished speaking, a guest in the front row was already shouting: "If it's fake, it's fake. Make it clear, don't mislead people!"

"Everyone knows that this can't be true." The salesman smiled, "Okay, the original owner called it 'Little Ying Lei Gun'. The gun is eight feet long and weighs eight pounds. Every detail is the same as Ying Lei Gun." The original version of the gun is the same, and it also comes with the magical power of "Thunder Shrinking Technique". Although it is not the original version, it is still a good thing. If you are interested, you can come and weigh it. "

Sure enough, a fake is a fake. Otherwise Fu Sheng Dao would have reacted long ago.

"Everyone knows?" He Lingchuan turned around and asked Fang Canran, "Is the original version of this gun famous?"

Fang Canran was confused: "You don't even know the whole story, why are you excited?"

"I think this gun is very destined for me." He Lingchuan subconsciously clenched his fists, "I mean the original version."

If you say "I think" about something, it's unreasonable.

Fang Canran felt helpless when he heard this: "The Thunder-Responsive Gun is a famous gun in the world, and there are too many imitations of it outside. The Small Thunder-Responsive Gun, the Blue-Patterned Thunder-Responsive Gun, the Hundred-Refined Thunder Response Gun... and so on."

"Why?" Why do these people only imitate the thunder spear when there are so many magic weapons? “Where is the original version of it?”

"King Mou's Palace." Fang Canran's voice penetrated the hustle and bustle of the sales fair and reached He Lingchuan's ears, "The real thunder spear is the magic weapon of the founding emperor of Mou."

With the rise of Mou State, this gun also became famous.

"The founding emperor of Mou State?" He Lingchuan heard himself say in a harsh voice, "Where did he get it from?"

Fang Canran said two words silently.

He Lingchuan recognized his mouth shape and lost his voice:



Fang Canran pointed in front of his lips and whispered softly: "Keep your voice down."

Fortunately it was noisy around.

He continued: "This is...given to the founder of the Mou Kingdom."

Was the thunder spear of the founding emperor of Mou State given by Lingshan?

So where did Lingshan get this magic gun?

Fang Canran's answer changed to "I don't know" again. There were many secret treasures and divine objects in Lingshan. How could he introduce their origins to everyone one by one?

He Lingchuan was so confused that his fists clenched tighter and tighter.

It is unmistakable that the thunder-responsive gun is the red general's sidearm.

But more than a hundred years ago, the Thunder Spear was given to the first Emperor Mou by Lingshan!

He Lingchuan knew the final outcome of Panlong City and General Red very well. This gun should accompany General Red on the battlefield until the end of her life.

Then what? Then what!

Who took the gun?

Whether it fell into the hands of Baling, Xianyou or Bejia as a trophy, He Lingchuan didn't find it strange.

After all, it's a magical thing.

After all, its former owner was truly a brave and invincible general.

This is an artifact with full collection value and use value.

But how could it be Lingshan? !

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible! Unless, unless it was the battle where the Red General died, the people from Lingshan were also present.

Why are they there?

What did they do? Why was it possible to get this extraordinary trophy from the final winner one step ahead of time?

He Lingchuan sat stiffly on the spot, with waves of cold air seeping down his back, and the meeting and conversation between Zhong Shengguang and Lu Xun replayed in his mind again and again.

Panlongcheng, who was fighting alone at that time, very much hoped to gain support from Lingshan.

At that time, Zhong Shengguang expressed his ideals generously to Lu Xun.

However, Panlong City was eventually destroyed.

He Lingchuan carefully recalled all the history of Panlong City that he had read and heard, and there was not a single word about Lingshan, nothing!

It was as if someone had erased the relevant records, and the claws of snow and mud were never seen again.

So before the demise of Panlong City, what role did Lingshan play and what role did it play?

He Lingchuan took a long breath and barely suppressed the boiling in his heart.

More than a hundred years. After more than a hundred years, Lingshan stood in front of him again, just like he stood in front of Zhong Shengguang more than 160 years ago.

At that time, Zhong Shengguang, just like He Lingchuan now, felt very close to Lingshan and was full of expectations.

I hope to unite the front, hope to join forces to fight against the enemy, and hope to overthrow Bega together.

But what happened to Zhong Shengguang in the end?

How could I repeat the mistakes of Zhong Shengguang and General Red?

He should suppress his eagerness, adjust his strategy, be careful, and be more careful!

"Brother congratulations?" Fang Canran's voice seemed to come from a very far distance, and it was only the third sound that woke him up, "Brother congratulations!"

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