VIPs are surrounded by guards, ranging from seven or eight to thirty or forty.

Reni rolled her eyes and simply gathered the VIPs together. People were eager to join in the fun. Seeing the crowd here, other guests also followed. The team soon expanded to more than 300 people, heading towards Qingyun Road in a mighty manner.

He Lingchuan had temporarily entrusted the affairs of the Sodin Island Pier to Reni, Guan Ke and others. When the entire Sodin Island was almost in a state of chaos, they were going to the quiet center of the island.

The further away from the pier, the quieter the noise and the quieter the environment.

It's dark, there are no stars tonight.

Qingyun Road is getting higher and higher as we go, and everyone praises this road for its auspicious name. After walking out of Baizhang and looking back, I saw the dock was brightly lit and people were coming and going.

Here, everyone has a place.

The wind and waves on the sea were getting fiercer. Wang Xingyi looked at the mountains and forests on Sodin Island and said, "The wind on Sodin Island is not light either."

After they landed on Sodin Island, they could only feel the gentle breeze blowing on their faces, and the branches on the roadside were swaying gently. They seemed to be two different worlds from the sea.

But now he climbed up and looked far away. Although there was a slight breeze blowing at the pier, the trees in the outer bay were shaking frequently; the waves hit the rocks and splashed white foam up to three feet high.

How come there are two different worlds separated by a peninsula?

Fang Canran thought thoughtfully: "Formation?"

By arranging the wind-proof formation in this way, He Lingchuan really spent money on Sodin Island. This island is quite large.

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Yes, we must give priority to the dock and guest accommodation area. Don't worry, you two, the hot spring building is also protected by the formation."

In uninhabited areas, such as the south and west of Sodin Island, there are no formation boundaries. Anyone who has to go there will have to enjoy the warm hospitality of the storm.

Wang Xingyi and Fang Canran looked at each other. He Lingchuan accompanied him personally and showed full courtesy, but they all felt it was a little strange and couldn't explain it for a while.

Wang Xingyi said considerately: "The wind and waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and the dock is getting more and more lively. Can you stay and take care of me? Just accompany Songyuan there."

At most, in an hour or two, the hurricane will make landfall, and the Yangshan Islands are extremely busy. As the owner of the island, He Lingchuan put aside the affairs at hand and accompanied them to the hot spring resort.

"Master Wang Guo is too polite." He Lingchuan downplayed it, "Usually where I am, the excitement is there."

The Bailong people are hidden in the mountains and forests of Sodin Island, less than ten feet away from Qingyun Road.

Lanterns were lit along Qingyun Road, one every three feet. They were not used as wind lanterns, but as fluorescent spores, a specialty of underground spider nests.

But how bright the road is contrasts with how dark the jungle is.

Rain falls from the sky, and the aroma of green grass and earth wafts everywhere.

The Bailong people lay motionless in the long grass.

No one is in a hurry, they still have some patience.

Wan Qisong stared at Qingyun Road with a heavy expression. Wan Qifeng sneaked over from a distance with more than a hundred people and quietly joined him.

Everyone arrived and it went surprisingly smoothly.

"Has everyone at the dock made arrangements?"

"Okay. No one doubts, no one asks," Wan Qifeng said in a low voice, "He Lingchuan has also arrived at Sodin Island, and our people watched him disembark."

"Explosives in the dock warehouse?"

"It's being resettled." The loading and unloading at the dock tonight is not only busy but also chaotic. Who will notice if there are more boxes of goods and less boxes of goods? "When the time comes, we will give a signal here and detonate it on the spot over there!"

This operation focuses on blooming at multiple points so that the Yangshan Islands can be overwhelmed. And the explosives were also provided by Bailie. Lu Zhensheng wished they could do more damage on Sodin Island.

Thinking of tonight's battle, Wan Qisong grinned. Everything is going smoothly, except for this trouble——

He pointed towards Qingyun Road: "The hurricane may not be able to help us. The person named He has arranged a windproof barrier. Lao Yu is right, this island owner is really rich!"

The more than 400 of them were soaked inside and out, and their hair danced wildly with the tangled grass around them. But neither the trees nor the fluorescent spores on the avenue swayed very much.

They gritted their teeth and endured the strong wind in the wilderness, but on the Qingyun Road, there was at best a breeze.

Ten feet apart, it's like two worlds.

It is not difficult to create a wind-proof formation. What is difficult is spreading it over a large area during a hurricane. What is difficult is that it consumes a lot of energy. How many mysterious crystals will He Lingchuan use for the wind defense formation this night?

This money is enough for the Bailong people to feed their families many delicious meals?

Without the help of Guang Feng, how could they take advantage of the "chaos" to attack He Lingchuan?

The guests coming and going on Qingyun Road were all chatting, laughing and looking relaxed, not to mention the guards patrolling by every half tea time.

"Then we won't wait for the hurricane to land, and we will take action as soon as He Lingchuan comes over." The situation changed, and Wan Qifeng also had to adjust his tactics, "Where is Wang Xiang from Bejia?"

Wang Xiang was instructed by Yu Zecheng to dispatch a team of Bailong people to facilitate communication between the two sides.

"He said he was going to squat in a pit and would be back soon."

Wan Qifeng shook his head: "The Bejia people have a way of communicating, but they don't want to expose it in front of us."

Wan Qisong rolled his eyes.

These Bega people asked them to join forces and did not trust them.

Such arrogance, tut.

At this moment, the scouts from the front came back from the darkness and reported:

"The target is coming, but there are more than 300 people, including the National Master of Mou State!"

The Bailong people were immediately focused. Uncle Wanqi was startled: "Master of the State of Mou?"

Oops, the arrival of senior officials means——

"Our people heard on the pier that the National Master Mou Guo suddenly came to visit. There were more than a hundred escorts accompanying him, all of whom were elites!"

"What's going on here?" Wan Qifeng frowned, "Is it the foreign aid invited by He Island Master?"

"It doesn't look like it, Island Master He seems to be surprised. Listening to their conversation, the other party arrived on the island just in time before the hurricane." The spy said quickly, "Also, our brothers found the burrowing spider queen near the pier. "

Wan Qifeng felt something bad when he heard it: "The Spider Queen has come to the island?"

"We have never seen such a big spider demon. It is like a small house. It wanders around the street, and the surrounding residents and businesses are not alarmed."

That's right, apart from the Crypt Spider Queen wanted by Bega, where else is there such a big spider demon in the Yangshan Islands?

"What is it doing?"

"It seems like they are patrolling the docks."

Wan Qifeng pondered: "Once something changes on the island, the spider demon should come."

"That is the target of the Bega people." Wan Qinsong said solemnly, "If it comes, the Bega people will intercept it."

Then, a large group of people came down the avenue, at least two to three hundred people.

"So many people?" With Wanqi's eyesight, he could quickly tell that He Lingchuan was in the crowd.

The target was right, the place was right, but their hearts sank.

Wanqifeng originally planned to act in advance, but as soon as He Lingchuan appeared, he was killed by his own side.

But now there are more than 300 people on the road, but there are more than 400 on our side - there are 200 people staying at the dock - there is no numerical advantage.

What's more, of the three hundred people on Qingyun Road, half are strong men.

The spies' information was correct. There were more than a hundred elite guards surrounding He Lingchuan and the so-called distinguished guest from Mou State.

If the person he was chatting and laughing with was really the national master of the state of Mou, what would be the success rate of his own attack?

Wan Qi's uncle and nephew looked at each other, and Wan Qi Feng shook his head.

No matter how extreme Wan Qisong was, he knew that the chances of winning were low, so he had to close his eyes and lower his head, resting his forehead on the grass, and sighed secretly.

He Lingchuan's most powerful general, Qiu Hu, also accompanied him.

This guy is tough, and he looks majestic and high-spirited when riding on the horse.

Wan Qinsong said coldly: "When we take down He Lingchuan, let's see if he can still be so impressive?"

These days, Qiu Hu has been giving training to the escort team. He was talking from above, and Uncle and Nephew Wanqi could only listen from below.

Wan Qifeng said: "This man has some real abilities."

The crossbowmen beside Wan Qinsong had been quietly aiming their crossbow arrows at He Lingchuan.

Wan Qifeng's order was delayed, but Qiu Hu's eyes swept over!

His eyes seemed to accidentally glance towards the long grass on the roadside, and he met the crossbowman's eyes!

As his name suggests, his eyes are as fierce as a tiger's.

Wan Qifeng held down the crossbow and shouted at his men in a low voice: "Turn around! Don't look at him!"

Some people are born with spiritual awareness, or have advanced cultivation, and are particularly sensitive to the gaze of others and the arrival of crises.

Fortunately, Qiu Hu didn't notice them. He looked away the next second and walked through this section of the tree-lined avenue.

Winding further west for three and a half miles, you will reach the hot spring cottage.

The uncle and nephew breathed a sigh of relief. The lights on this road were too bright, there were too many people, and there were too many guards. Now was definitely not a good opportunity to take action.

Wan Qifeng immediately said to his uncle: "There is no chance tonight, please withdraw."

Wan Qisong looked unwilling.

What a great opportunity, eh.

At this moment, Wang Xiang from Bejia arrived in a hurry and immediately asked Wanqi's uncle and nephew:

"I heard that He Lingchuan just passed by?"

"There are more than three hundred people in the team, and there is also a national teacher from Mou State in the team." Wan Qifeng looked at him sideways, "You dare to go up?"

"Grandmaster Mou Guo?" Wang Xiang was startled and asked the same question as Wan Qisong, "Is he a helper found by the target?"

"It doesn't look like it, it seems to have arrived unexpectedly." Wan Qifeng said to his uncle, "Let's go. The hurricane hasn't made landfall yet, and we can still leave by boat now."

Wang Xiang was shocked: "What, are you backing out now?"

This pair of uncle and nephew is a major focus of Master Yu’s plan, how could they back down from the battle!

Wan Qifeng pointed towards Qingyun Road: "The opportunity is gone, why are you still spending time here?"

There was something he didn't say: Are you still here to be used as a weapon by you?

"If you leave now, you will definitely have no chance. Why not wait a little longer?" Wang Xiang said immediately, "I have been waiting for half the night, do you still care about waiting a little longer? If you have another chance, go; if there is no chance, Never mind."

These words simply touched Wanqisong's heart. He didn't want to leave in the first place.

"What are you afraid of? Can you lose a piece of meat?" Wang Xiang saw that Wan Qisong was hesitant, and added more anger, "We have just confirmed that the Emperor's Liquid will be here tonight. What is the situation of the Emperor's Liquid? You know very well. When it comes, the opportunity comes."

Gale is unreliable, but Emperor Liquid is. No matter which time this baby comes to the world, it means the beginning of turmoil.

Wan Qifeng: "Uncle..."

Wan Qisong raised his hand: "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

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