After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 987 You and I are the same kind of people

Bailang Villa was officially opened a few days ago, and not many people knew about it. Of course, He Lingchuan arranged the best accommodation for Wang Xingyi, and he had several hot springs to himself.

Those with status don't like to show off to others, lest they lose their majesty when they are naked.

Wang Xingyi happily went to make soup, and said goodbye to the two of them for a while.

In He Lingchuan's view, this was the time he left to talk to Fang Canran.

He pointed to the short hill in the villa: "There is a viewing platform on top."

It can't be called a mountain, it's just a hill at best, with a pavilion built on it, just enough to enjoy the scenery of the bay and sea.

He Lingchuan knew that he had something to say, so he stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

There is also a windproof barrier near the observation deck. The evening breeze blows on your face and the forest lanterns sway gently. It is a rare quiet place in the storm.

He Lingchuan complained to him as he walked: "Brother Songyuan asked such a big man to bring it over, but he didn't even inform me in advance."

"It's unfair. Master Wang didn't let me notify him in advance. How can I try to persuade him?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "I'm showing off here."

Wang Xingyi just wanted to see the original appearance of his territory, without whitewashing or modifying it.

Fang Canran smiled and said, "Looking at it on the spot, this archipelago is very big."

The Eastern Archipelago where Platinum Island is located includes more than 300 islands. Fang Canran thought "forty-two" was just a small number that He Lingchuan used for fun.

As a result, the boat was sailing among the Yangshan Islands, and he discovered that these islands were quite large, and... "Where are there only forty-two of them?"

He Lingchuan touched his nose: "There are also hundreds of single reefs and barrier reefs."

According to Bailie's ancestor's calculation, if it is too small, it will not be counted as an "island", so only forty-two are recorded.

"Then your hydrological conditions are very complicated?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan looked around, the trees rustling in the evening breeze, as if someone could jump out of him at any time. But he and Fang Canran were surrounded by more than a hundred Mou Kingdom guards, and they were actually safer than the dock.

"There are many storms in the sea outside the Yangshan Islands, and there are also very ferocious sea monsters, so ships usually follow fixed channels along the coast. There are also many reefs and whirlpools underwater between the islands. Newbies who have gone missing when sailing into the depths of the archipelago Most of the ships hit the rocks not because of evil spirits or evil spirits, but the water flow here also changes direction according to the seasonal changes, which makes it difficult for non-local sailors to cope.”

"That's a natural sea current barrier. It's really good for you to find such a paradise on the sea as a base." This guy really knows how to choose a place. "You said you bought the Bailielu family's territory, and you were afraid that they would regret it later. Take it, really?”

Fang Canran already knew something was wrong.

Will those who dare to go to Lingxu City to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace and offend the gods to death, fear repeated attacks from a small Bailie Lord?

Everyone knows that the Yangshan Islands are just a cover, He Lingchuan said leisurely: "Maybe I really want to retire from the world and cause less trouble."

Fang Canran was slightly stunned, then laughed loudly.

Is that funny? He Lingchuan touched his nose. Fang Canran's laughter was so loud that everything that should come and things that shouldn't come would follow the sound.

Fang Canran laughed for a while, then slowly stopped, pressed his sore cheek and said, "You really know how to joke!"

"Brother He, you and I are the same kind of people. If I can save you by myself, I will know that you have a big heart. Retreat? Haha."

He Lingchuan said happily: "Brother Fang is transparent, but he still introduced me."

"I owe you a favor." Just looking at the busy construction on Sodin Island, would someone who wants to retire keep up with the progress every day? Will you buy thousands of sets of weapons? Fang Canran thought again.

He Lingchuan asked again: "How is the relationship between Master Wang and Xia Taibao?"

Fang Canran's voice was very low: "My uncle is the master of Lingshan and is responsible for supervising the implementation of Lingshan's instructions."

Wang Xingyi is not only a member of Lingshan, but also holds great power! He Lingchuan was moved and realized what kind of big shot Fang Canran had brought to him.

Fang Canran then asked: "How much do you know about Mou Guo Chaotang?"

"Damou has been a country for more than 150 years, and it belongs to the Lao Xin family. Everything else is just hearsay on the road and in the market, so it is not accurate." He Lingchuan had never heard of Mou in Panlong World, and later Only then did I realize that there was no Mou State at that time. It was just an inconspicuous small force in the east of Bega, and it was not even worth taking a second look at.

"Mou State was built with the help of Lingshan. Without the protection of Lingshan, it would not be able to grow around Bejia." Fang Canran established the relationship between the two as soon as he opened his mouth, "And after Mou Guo revealed his identity, Taoist sects also gathered here. To this day, Mou Guo and Lingshan are inseparable, so the most important force in Mou Guo’s court is Lingshan.”

He Lingchuan nodded, which was reasonable.

"On the opposite side, there are the relatives of the emperor, the nobles of the aristocratic families who have little connection with Lingshan, as well as the Taoist disciples and civilians who have been promoted to civilian and military generals. They call themselves the Pengmen, but the irony is that outsiders secretly call them the 'Emperor Party' ”

Pengmen means grass gate and refers to the homes of ordinary people.

The title of the enemy was very meaningful, and He Lingchuan understood it immediately: "Isn't Emperor Mou's lineage a descendant of Lingshan's sect?" Mou's national surname is "Xin".

"It used to be. But..." Fang Canran paused, "Let's put it this way, look at Bejia's Demon Emperor, he is not the master of the Heavenly Palace."

If a ruler holds the power of life and death in a country, he should be the "supreme". How can he be willing to completely bow to another force?

"Lingshan has great power in King Mou's court, and Pengmen naturally stands by Emperor Mou's side." That's why it is called the "Emperor's Party." "Of course, there are many forces in Mou's court. These are just the two most important parties. There are too many others to talk about. You are also dizzy after hearing this. Moreover, Pengmen and Lingshan have not been in contact with each other for a long time, and they often meet. "

"For example, aristocratic families often have their children join Lingshan's Taoist sect to practice. So is he a member of Lingshan or the imperial party? Who can say for sure."

He Lingchuan said with emotion: "People are divided into groups."

Wherever power exists, there will be factions, confrontations, and struggles, which are inevitable.

"For so many years, the forces in the court have basically maintained a balance, and they will only intensify when fighting against Bega."

External problems can also intensify internal conflicts.

"So you ask about the relationship between Uncle Wang and Xia Taibao -" Fang Canran said with a smile, "Whether it is Taihang Sect and Hongmen, or between them, the relationship is good."

They are all high officials of the dynasty, and they are all disciples of Lingshan.

When Lingshan disciples serve as officials in the court, they will naturally stick together.

"So, what is Master Wang's temperament?" He Lingchuan asked not about Wang Xingyi's personality, but his temperament.

People of that status cannot be judged as good or bad.

"As a master of Lingshan, Master Wang does not like to pursue selfish interests or form gangs. This is why Mou Guo asked him to be the national advisor."

He Lingchuan snorted: "Let me ask another overbearing question between our brothers. Does Senior Wang put the interests of Lingshan first, or the interests of the country?"

Many times, stance determines attitude.

"Why do you ask?" Fang Canran looked at him with a strange look, "Lingshan is closely connected with Mou State."

Otherwise, if Bejia had been raided by Lingshan once, why would he be so ruthless as to attack Mou Guo?

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "For example, the Demon Kingdom and Lingxu, Lingxu and Tiangong are also harmonious but different."

Outsiders see Bega as a whole. Only people like him who are involved in Bega's deep conflicts know how intricate its internal relationships are.

Similarly, if you look at Lingshan and Mouguo with a magnifying glass, will there be any other surprises?

Fang Canran nodded: "Pertinent. Speaking of which, Uncle Wang is the distant cousin of the current Emperor Mou, and he should be considered an imperialist in terms of his origin. However, he was sent to the Taihang Sect when he was five years old, and he practiced with concentration for thirty years before returning to the Kingdom of Mou. , and was promoted to Lingshan Master five years later.”

He Lingchuan also didn't expect: "Well, Master Wang's background is so complicated?"

"This is not only due to Uncle Wang's amazing talent, but also Lingshan's intention." Fang Canran said, "Lingshan needs such a person to maintain close contact with all parties."

He Lingchuan nodded: "There aren't many people like him, right?"

Wang Xingyi himself is the glue and smoother between the two major forces in Mou State. He was also born in Lingshan and was the communication channel between Lingshan and Mou State.

There should not be many people who exist as the "intersection" of the three major forces, because they can speak or even make decisions on either side, so they have amazing power.

"Of course." Fang Canran continued, "So you asked me which side of the interests Uncle Wang would give priority to. Well, I can only say that it is not easy to be a magician."

He Lingchuan bowed his hand to him: "Thank you Songyuan for finding such a big statue for me to bring over."

He then changed the subject: "I heard that there seems to be no harmony between Qing and Mou?"

"After the Qing Kingdom changed to a new king, it became a little half-hearted." Fang Canran chuckled, "The two countries have no real border, and the Qing Kingdom has been peaceful in recent years, so it is a bit frivolous. A few days ago, it agreed to Beijia's use of the road. Blade Harbor.”

He Lingchuan was slightly startled and paused: "When did it happen?"

"Last spring, Bejia sent an envoy to celebrate the birthday of the King of Ya Kingdom. The envoy team did not go by land, but arrived by boat. During the period, they used your route and stopped at Blade Port for supplies." Fang Canran shook his head, " After this incident, Mou Guo also beat Qing Guo, and now he is more honest. "

"Knock it? Hmm." He Lingchuan changed the topic, "By the way, does Master Wang know my past?"

His past refers to causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

"Of course, otherwise how could he come to the Yangshan Islands? When I told you about the good things you did, Uncle Wang was very surprised and wanted to come and see this handsome young man like you." Fang Canran sighed, "He is from Mou State after all. I I guess he wants to get you to become an official."

"Me?" He Lingchuan pointed at his nose, "Going to be an official in Mou State?"

"I asked you in Lingxu City, what is your ambition?" Fang Canran asked him, "Now that you have come to the east, you still don't want to be an official?"

He Lingchuan looked at him and asked, "Why don't you go to Mou State to take up a job?"

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