After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 990 One blow determines the outcome

"You..." Wan Qisong was about to scold him when the straw knot on his clothes suddenly broke in half and fell to the ground.

When the Bailong man on the side saw this, he immediately reminded him: "The target has set off!"

This grass knot has a very nice name: Qianqianknot.

The refining difficulty is very small, and a pair can be made at one time. In this way, within ten miles apart, as long as one grass knot is broken, the other one will be broken immediately.

The function of this grass knot is very simple, it is to confirm and prompt.

The Bailong spies were lying in ambush near the front door of Wenquanzhu. As soon as they saw He Lingchuan setting off from here, they immediately broke the grass knot and reported the news to the main force.

When Wan Qisong saw the grass knot broken, he knew that He Lingchuan was about to pass through the ambush section!

The hot spring villa is only three and a half miles away from here, so we'll be there in a blink of an eye.

Now, the problems and pressure are all on Wanqisong:

Do you want to attack?

If we attack, can we capture He Lingchuan?

If we don't attack, will there be such a good opportunity later?

Wang Xiang saw his confusion and immediately said: "You have not been exposed, but the Bailong people on the dock have been exposed! If you don't take action, the people on the dock will be unlucky!"

This sentence instantly awakened Wan Qisong.

Although Emperor Liuxian didn't come, the dock was already in a mess and was already in a mess. If He Lingchuan rushes to the dock successfully and directs the battle, the hundreds of Bailong people fighting alone on the dock may be suppressed soon.

By then, the Bailong people's plan tonight will also fail.

Even if Wan Qisong lies here and doesn't move, he will still accept the fate of failure!

The fire that lit the explosive barrel on the dock directly burned his way back.

Wan Qinsong gritted his teeth and waved his arm fiercely: "Okay, hit the target as soon as it comes!"

Wang Xiang on the side took a deep breath, and without caring about being exposed, he directly used his magic to spread the word about the situation here.

As soon as everyone was in position to ambush, they heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the west.

It's urgent, but the amount doesn't sound like much.

Wan Qisong, the Bailong man who was ambushing at the corner ahead, also took out a mirror and sent a signal here.

The mirror light only flashes once, indicating that the number of enemies is less than thirty!

As expected, the entourage of senior officials from Mou State did not escort He Lingchuan to the dock. Wan Qisong was overjoyed. The strength comparison between the enemy and ours was not even one to five. Five of our own could fight one, so we could survive, right?

Finally, things have turned around. It’s not easy!

Come forward! He gestured to everyone. The Bailong soldiers took small steps forward until they reached the side of Qingyun Road.

This place has entered the windproof barrier, so be particularly careful in every move you make.

Qingyun Road was very quiet at this time, with no one around.

As soon as they lay down, the enemy came.

The dozen or so riders were rushing all the way and were about to rush past the ambush site in the blink of an eye. Wan Qinsong saw clearly at a glance that there were about sixteen or seventeen people coming. The first two riders were guards, and in the middle were He Lingchuan and Qiu Hu who looked anxious. The rest of the crowd followed closely, rushing towards the dock with whips raised.

The target is right, the place is right, and the timing is right.

What are you waiting for? Come on!

The first two riders rushed forward, and the Bailong people on both sides of the road pulled the ropes.

The rope suddenly tightened and stopped in front of the horse's hooves.

The first two riders had no time to react, and their horses stumbled. As they screamed, the knights fell down together.

When the knights behind saw this, they all stopped in a hurry, until the horse stood up and staggered back two steps.

"Enemy attack!"

As soon as this shout was finished, arrows shot out from the dark grass on the roadside like locusts, aiming at the knight's head.

He Lingchuan and his men had to raise their shields to protect them.

But he received the most attention from the flying arrows. The horse under his seat was hit by four arrows in an instant. After struggling twice, he still fell to the ground.

Under the cover of flying arrows, many Bailong people jumped out of the grass, roaring and charging towards them with swords and axes raised.

There were only over a hundred people, but they had the momentum of seven to eight hundred people.

Wan Qi took the lead and jumped directly from the roadside to the middle of the road with one big jump, crossing a distance of three feet without running.

He accelerated and fell in mid-air, hitting He Lingchuan directly below like a weight. He already had a giant ax in his hand and made a cleavage from his pocket!

The momentum is unparalleled.

He had been accumulating power in the dark for a long time, and this attack was like a tiger attacking a deer, it was powerful and full of energy.

Before the ax arrives, the strong wind is already blowing in the face, trying to pin the person to the ground alive.

He Lingchuan did not want to provoke him lightly, so he patted the saddle and jumped up to avoid it.

But just as his feet landed on the ground, Wan Qisong's giant ax hit the ground.

There was a loud "bang", and the bluestone ground cracked like a spider web. With the giant ax as the center, the shock wave pushed the air waves in all directions.

Within a radius of ten feet, the ground trembled violently three times, as if there were still aftermath after an earthquake. Even the raindrops on the ground bounced endlessly and broke into a mist.

This kind of earthquake is the most unfriendly to mounts. More than a dozen horses are frightened and jumping around, and the knight can't control them.

Qiu Hu originally wanted to help He Lingchuan mount his horse, but his horse was so frightened that it stepped back, delaying the rescue time.

He Lingchuan saw the person coming clearly and shouted angrily: "You are ungrateful! You are desperate and I am kind enough to take you in. Is this how you Bailong people repay me?"

Qiu Hu shouted: "Lord, leave quickly!"

Everyone knew that he was a fierce general. As soon as the battle started, a dozen Bailong people clung to him and refused to retreat even if they were injured. He couldn't get away for a while.

There are no other good guards like this.

With a numerical advantage of five to six to one, it was still a sneak attack. That was no joke.

Wan Qisong seized this loophole and threw a flying ax at He Lingchuan.

At this time, the third earth tremor suddenly appeared. He Lingchuan's footing was unsteady, his body was half leaning, and a cold light flashed in front of his eyes——

The flying ax is right in front of you.

He sucked in his belly and moved his head dangerously back, the blade almost grazing the tip of his nose.

In the end, nothing was missed.

Then, it whirled and flew towards the big tree.

But He Lingchuan relaxed too early. As soon as the flying ax was released, Wan Qisong stood up, and a "shadow following" stuck behind He Lingchuan.

This is a combat skill passed down from generation to generation by the Bailong tribe. It can span a distance of three feet and flash directly to the enemy's unprepared rear area.

Even though a large amount of real power is consumed, it can only be used once in a short period of time, but the effect is extraordinary.

At this time, the flying ax whirled around, and He Island Master just raised his neck.

Everything was just right.

Wan Qinsong caught the flying weapon and wiped his neck with his backhand.

Master He Island must be wearing armor. Just cutting the body is not fatal, only the neck is bare, and one stroke will be accurate.

Besides, Wan Qisong's treasured ax is specially designed to break the protective aura, and this blow was made with all his strength. Even if a rhinoceros was in front, Wan Qisong could cut it in half.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a decisive blow!

With a flash of cold light, blood splattered everywhere, and the good man's head flew high into the air!

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