After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 992 Intercepting the Spider Queen

The opportunity is fleeting.

Yu Zecheng tapped his fingers on the table a dozen times, and suddenly remembered his original intention:

Originally, he just planned to take advantage of the chaos to attack Zhu Erniang. As long as the Bailong people restrained He Xiao and the escort team, Bejia's team could take action. What did it have to do with whether He Xiao died or not?

Now that the situation is great, why is he not decisive?

Taking a few steps back, even if there are other accidents, the manpower he brings is strong enough. What kind of situation cannot be dealt with?

If you miss tonight, when will you get the chance next time? I have been chasing Zhu Erniang for more than half a year, and I have also invited support from Lingxu City. Do I just watch it escape?

The military report will be sent back in a few days. How will he explain it to the national advisor? Because he was worried that the island owner would cheat his death, he kept his troops on hold and missed Zhu Erniang?

Such a ridiculous reason will only be regarded as a shirk of responsibility by the superiors, right? Not to mention sending it to Imperial Master Shuangye, he couldn't even write it himself.

"Attack!" Yu Zecheng finally ordered, "Intercept Zhu Erniang!"


Bailang Villa.

Wang Xingyi was standing on the second floor of the Jingshe. When Fang Canran came up, he saw his uncle looking towards the dock, his hair slightly wet.

"Sodin Island is very lively tonight." No one could ignore the previous explosion in the direction of the pier.

Fang Canran felt ashamed: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

"No, I came at the right time." Wang Xingyi stroked his beard and smiled, "Sea journeys are always boring, and I thought this time was no exception. Well, hurricanes, imperial oozes, and riots are rarely so interesting."

Fang Canran was ashamed, the national master's perspective was indeed different from his own.

I don't know if He Xiao can sort out so many messes tonight. The national master will definitely review his performance tonight for evaluation.

Should I say he is lucky or not?

At this moment, several rough roars came from the distance:

"He Lingchuan is dead, He Lingchuan is dead, I killed him!"

"I killed him—I chopped off his head!"

With the blessing of the wind, this roar was transmitted directly into Bailang Villa and into the ears of the two people.

Wang Xingyi glanced at Fang Canran, rarely surprised: "So fast? He Xiao seems to have just left Hot Spring Villa."

"This..." Fang Canran also looked stunned, "Isn't this possible?!"

A person who can break the barrier of Xushan and escape from the joint pursuit of Baizhan Tianshen and Qingyang Imperial Master is beheaded by rioters as soon as he leaves the hot spring house?

What a black joke!

The murderer was so proud that he didn't look like he had a city in his chest.

If He Xiao was really killed by such a person, well, he would die with his eyes open, right?

Wang Xingyi waved, and three guards appeared behind him. He turned around and whispered a few words. The guard nodded in agreement, put on his casual clothes, went downstairs and ran out of Bailang Villa.

Fang Canran knew that Wang Guoshi had sent them out to find out the news.

After all, they live here as guests. If Sodin Island really changes hands, the more than 100 people in the Imperial Preceptor's group will also have to deal with the unexpected situation.

Other guards began to set up formations and barriers in the villa to prevent foreign enemies from coming and suddenly attacking.


When the wharf exploded, Wan Qifeng had already led his tribe to pass by Ding Lake and continue to move southwest.

There was no wind protection barrier along the way, and the cold icy rain slapped people's faces randomly. The ground was slippery and the road conditions were poor. Even the Bailong soldiers could not walk fast on such a night road.

The sound of the explosion was carried here along the wind. Everyone looked back and saw flames rising into the sky in the direction of the pier and black smoke curling up.

"Why did the fight start so early?" Wan Qifeng certainly knew that the explosion at the dock was a signal for his side to take action, and he arranged for his men to place those explosive barrels.

But before the Imperial Ooze came down, the dock exploded first, which was inconsistent with the original plan.

His premonition came true. This ambush was really full of variables.

His men asked him: "Young Master, what should we do?"

Wan Qifeng stared at the soaring fire, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

After a while, he said: "Keep on going to Southwest Beach!"

Now that he has broken with his uncle, he has only one goal:

Lead the Bailong people to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

However, not long after, another arrow shot up from behind, exploding green and red fireworks.

The fireworks don't last long because the wind is strong.

But this Bailong team still saw it: "Young Master, Young Master, look!"

"No way?" Wan Qifeng stared at the direction where the fireworks were rising, which was the Qingyun Road section, where the old uncle was lying in ambush, "They actually succeeded?"

The distance was too far and he couldn't hear Wan Qisong's wild laughter, but he could understand the meaning of the fireworks:

He Xiao has been captured!

This sneak attack... was successful? Wan Qifeng couldn't believe it.

Are your worries completely unnecessary?

The key is, what to do now?

According to the original plan, after the old uncle captured He Lingchuan, he would seize the docks, warehouses, commercial and residential areas, hot spring houses and other building areas, quickly capture the entire island, and defeat and conquer the Yangshan Guards on the island.

Without his more than 400 main players, his progress will definitely not be faster.

Rain kept dripping from his chin. Wan Qifeng rubbed his face twice and finally made up his mind: "Everyone, turn around and go to the dock!"

Between the island and the battle, he still chose the latter.

He knew very well that if he missed this opportunity, the wind and waves would get worse and the ship would not be able to go to sea.


Eastern part of Sodin Island.

A dark shadow emerged from the fir forest and jumped onto the cliff like a swing, intending to enter the main road from here.

This is a small mountain-like spider with sharp spines all over its body.

This mountain road is also one of the main roads around the island of Sodin, connecting the northern pier and the eastern dock. There are many houses along the way, so it also enjoys the protection of the windproof barrier.

However, Soldin Island issued an announcement in advance that residents were not allowed to go out at home tonight, so the road was quiet and there was not even a ghost.

The burrowing spider took another two steps, then suddenly stopped and said with a loud sound:

"Stop hiding, come out."

It was quiet.

The crypt spider queen was patient and stood motionless.

Sure enough, a dozen figures emerged from the dense forest on the side of the mountain, led by Ye Qing.

Yu Zecheng gave the order to attack, and he led his team to ambush here.

Zhu Erniang wanted to rush to the eastern dock. Taking this route was the fastest and easiest.

"Congratulations, the island master is dead! Zhu Erniang, if you surrender obediently, we won't make it difficult for you..."

Before she finished speaking, many burrowing spiders of different sizes jumped out from Zhu Erniang's body and rushed toward the Bega people like a tide.

There are those who spin silk, those who spit out acid, and one who jumps seven or eight feet and goes straight to people's faces.

The small one is not as big as a coconut, but it is highly poisonous. Whether it is sprayed or bitten, the wound will be swollen like a steamed bun, filled with pus, and you can hear the sound of water when you shake it.

The big ones can keep up with calves, lift their legs to fight with people, and their shells are incredibly hard.

Zhu Erniang went to war as soon as they disagreed, and did not give them any time to persuade them to surrender or talk about the situation.

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