After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 994 Resurrection

Wan Qinsong led more than a hundred Bailong warriors and hurried to the dock.

If the nephew hadn't left, they could have divided their forces into two groups, one to collect the hot spring house and the other to collect the dock warehouse, which was very easy.

Now he only has more than a hundred people under his command, and he is stretched thin.

What's more, Wenquan Xiaozhu also has the national master Mou Guo and his one hundred elite men.

It's better not to provoke him for the time being.

There are still more than 400 Yangshan Guards on Sodin Island, and I am afraid that there is already a chaotic battle on the dock. He went to the dock first, and happened to meet up with the more than a hundred tribesmen who stayed there to pull out the remaining forces of He Lingchuan.

There is a gentle breeze on Qingyun Road, and the windproof barrier is still in effect.

Wan Qisong strode forward in high spirits, feeling that the air tonight was sweet.

Is this what success tastes like?

He fought hard and finally won a decisive blow!

The people of Bailong have been feeling aggrieved for so long, and finally the time has come for them to turn around!

They had just turned a steep slope when the trees on the roadside suddenly moved. Wan Qisong, who was running, saw a flash of cold light from the corner of his eye.

Sneak attack?

He has rich fighting experience, and he doesn't stand still and looks back. He is short and just pounces forward.

Sure enough, a burst of cold air passed over his scalp, and a long knife whirled past. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been wiped from the neck.

"Enemy attack!"

The Bailong soldiers rushed forward, defending their leader while rushing towards the shadow of the tree.

But just as they were about to take a step forward, the trees on the other side of Qingyun Road rustled, and a huge figure rushed into the middle of the road at an alarming speed.

This was a golden-armored bronze guard that was more than ten feet tall, and it was holding a tree trunk as thick as a bucket in its hand!

It is tall and has long legs, and is more agile than humans. It can jump three feet in one step, so it only takes two steps to rush to Wan Qisong and swing the tree trunk in its hand towards him.

The posture is like playing golf, from bottom to top.

Wan Qinsong leaned down to avoid the flying knife. Before he could stand up straight, he felt that he was covered by a huge shadow. The wind whistled in his ears, and when he turned his head, he saw tree trunks filling his field of vision.

There are still a few half-yellow but not green leaves left on the branches above.

In a hurry, Wan Qisong didn't have time to think too much, so he gathered his strength and raised his ax to block.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and he was knocked flying with his axe, drawing a high throw line in the air.

Thanks to the great strength of the golden-armored bronze general, he flew higher than the tree crown and landed in the jungle on the roadside.

Nothing good would be waiting for him there.

Wan Qisong's arms were numb after being hit hard by the bronze man in golden armor, but he still activated "Shadow Follower" in mid-air and rushed behind the big tree below, landing early.

This combat skill used up one-third of his true power.

But as long as you avoid falling into an enemy ambush, it's worth it.

But as soon as his legs reached the ground, there was a shadow behind him, silently.

Although Wan Qisong didn't see him immediately, the hair on his back stood up, knowing that the enemy was approaching.

His backhand is an axe.

The opponent seemed to be on guard. He lowered his head and swung one leg, then kicked him directly on the waist, kicking him two feet away.

This move is fast, accurate, and ruthless!

Wan Qisong clearly saw the opponent lifting his leg, but his body's reaction was ultimately a step slower than his consciousness.

He specially put on the inner and outer armor tonight, and when he fought, he was full of energy. The opponent's kick was like a kick on a ball, which was transmitted to his body, and the strength was greatly reduced.

Even so, Wan Qinsong still felt that his vision was dark and he could hardly breathe.

The force of this kick was extremely vicious, and it hit the kidneys. A normal person would suffer internal bleeding and shock on the spot, and would die if he was not treated in time.

Wan Qisong was a battle-hardened warrior. In this situation, he could still hold his breath and endure the pain. When he stood up, his face was swollen and red.

And the other party has already bullied him.

The forest was very dark, and the other person's eyes shone with a faint cold light in the night.

Being so close, Wan Qinsong finally saw the other person's face clearly. His eyes widened in the next second, and he cried out: "You! Impossible! You're dead!"

With sword-shaped eyebrows and bright eyes, and a tall figure, he is none other than He Lingchuan!

But half a quarter of an hour ago, this man's head was clearly chopped off by him!

The feel is unmistakable.

Wan Qinsong had beheaded countless people in his life, and he had already developed a sense of killing.

Therefore, the moment he saw He Lingchuan, his mind went blank, his heart felt cold, and he froze in place.

On this cold, windy and rainy night, the person he had just killed suddenly came back to life. As soon as Wan Qinsong saw He Lingchuan's face, he remembered the expression of the dead man's head.

The two overlapped in his eyes, bypassing reason and instantly giving rise to the deepest fear.

But he was determined in the end, and he suppressed his instincts as soon as he lost his mind, and immediately realized:

"You are cheating..."

This kid cheated his own life and deceived the Bega people!

But before he finished speaking, a cold light flashed before his eyes, and He Lingchuan slashed at his neck with a knife without making a sound.

Wan Qisong raised his ax to resist, and felt like he was fighting against a bronze general in gold armor again!

What a domineering force!

In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged dozens of moves.

This young man looks unremarkable, his strength is astonishing, and his combat skills are experienced and ruthless. Wanqi Songkui was shocked and uneasy because he took the lead, but his hands were indeed solid and his defense was watertight.

After more than a dozen hits, Wan Qisong was beaten back and forth, his arms were numb, and he was unable to regain the initiative. With the last cleave, Wan Qisong tried his best to release all his strength to the ground, but his feet sank an inch into the soil.

What kind of pampered rich man is this? If Master He is so brave, the lives of his men will probably be no less than his!

Only now did he know that the people who had just fought on Qingyun Road had deliberately given him a loophole.

He Lingchuan fought more and more happily. He saw the right moment and swung Wan Qisong's ax away, forcing him to expose the empty door in his chest. Then he hit his opponent's giant hole with his left fist like a hook!

This is the depression between the chest and abdomen that is not protected by the hard sternum. He Lingchuan's Ziwu power directly shocked his soft internal organs, causing Wan Qisong to fly sideways. He spurted blood in the air and couldn't get up after landing.

In a head-to-head confrontation, he actually lost.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly collapsed slightly, which was a precursor to the activation of his magical power.

Wan Qisong was also alert. He felt something was wrong when he was in severe pain and struggled to take a few steps away.

Then, a huge thing came out of the ground and stood on the ground where he just stood!

A house.

No, it's a giant conch shell as big as a wooden house.

With a little light between heaven and earth, he discovered that there was a strange, slippery creature under the shell.

Strictly speaking, this thing is carrying the shell on its back.

It has two antenna-like eyes and a long snail-like tail, but its limbs are extraordinarily slender, and its mouth can reach up to the back of its ears at once, making it look very much like a frog.

It's weird and uncoordinated. Even monsters don't look like this patchwork.

Wan Qisong, who had been on expeditions here and there and was accustomed to big scenes, was a little stunned when he saw him face to face.

What the hell is this?

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