After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 996 Cutting off the retreat

Bailie offered them a reward they couldn't refuse, so they took the risk of carrying people on a hurricane day and illegally went to the island.

But Bailie never mentioned that this job also carries the risk of being beheaded!

Seeing these ferocious men wielding knives at every turn, these ship bosses were also frightened. What if the Bailong people only came back when the hurricane made landfall and they were forced to go to sea?

It would be death to have your neck wiped, but it would also be death to go out to sea at that time!

Everyone gathered together to discuss that this place could no longer stay.

But the Bailong people also left a few guards behind. Hearing their chirping, they came over and said:

"What did you say?"

Looking at the knives on their waists, everyone hurriedly yelled: "It's nothing, let's just eat something."

The Bailong people were afraid of being exposed, so they were not allowed to light a fire, so everyone could only eat some dry food and cold food.

This damn weather, the more we eat, the colder it gets.

At this time, a boat boss pointed towards the sea: "Run away, run away!"

Everyone crowded to the cave and took a look. Sure enough, there were two fishing boats sailing away from the shore and heading into the sea. The Bailong guards jumped down to intercept him again, but it was too late.

"Aren't those Huang Laosan and Li Mazi?" Everyone sighed, "These two cunning grandsons left us and secretly sailed away!"

They are hesitant here, but others have already taken action.

The boat boss on the shore looked at the two boats with envy. The Bailong guard held a steel knife in his hand and shouted at them: "Do you want to escape together? Get into the cave!"

It's a good thing they didn't shout. When the ship bosses heard this, their minds became more active.

Yes, there are only five guards in total, but there are about twenty of us. Everyone jumps in and sets sail. How many can guard Bailong stop?

People who spend all day fighting against the wind and waves on the sea are very courageous. Thinking of this, they all secretly winked at each other.

The Bailong people also sensed something was wrong, and were about to yell and scold, when suddenly someone pointed at the sea and shouted:

"It's overturned, they're going to overturn it!"

Everyone rushed to the cave entrance to take a look. The two ships that had escaped to the sea were swaying in the wind and waves. At this time, there seemed to be something moving back and forth on the deck. The boat swayed sideways without being under control. It couldn't withstand two waves and capsized.

Everyone looked at each other with ugly expressions.

"Huang Laosan is very good at steering the boat, how could it capsize so easily?"

"Didn't you see clearly that he had something on board?"

"Yin Hao, it's Yin Hao!" Someone's face turned pale, "Why do these ghosts come out even in a hurricane!"

"They shouldn't be near Sodin Island!"

"With these things underwater, our boat can't sail out!"

That's all, now everyone has given up the idea of ​​sneaking out to sea.

No matter how strong the wind and waves are, there is still a chance to give it a try; if there are snakes under the water, who dares to go to the sea to seek death?

They were talking all over the place, and the Bailong guards became more and more ugly the more they listened.

Just then, the beach got a new visitor.

The guards were alert for a moment, but soon discovered that the people coming were all of their own.

They are the elite around Wan Qifeng.

"What's the situation here?" Jing Rui asked, "The young master asked everyone to be prepared and may leave at any time."

Wan Qifeng went to the dock to provide support, but did not give up the retreat. He still asked people to come over to check the condition of the ship.

"Leave at any time?" The guard smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid we won't be able to get out!"

"The wind and waves are too big?" Jingrui frowned, "Isn't there a talisman on the bottom of the boat? It should be able to withstand the current kind of wind and waves, right?"

After all, the hurricane hasn't made landfall yet.

The ships participating in tonight's operation are all labeled with "Dianxing Talisman".

This talisman comes in a set of eight pieces. The main talisman is affixed to the main cabin, and the seven auxiliary talismans are affixed around the hull. The ship can be like a tumbler and can return to normal after being blown by wind and waves.

If this thing hadn't been posted, how could a sea-going ship dare to go out in such weather? It will be overturned if it cannot drive more than 200 feet.

The Lu family does not have such good things, and several sets of talismans were brought out by the Bejia people. If you want to support the riots, you can't just rely on words, you must at least have material support.

Without waiting for the guard to answer, the boss of the boat next to him shouted: "There is a scorpion tugboat at the bottom of the water. If you go, one of them will die, if you go, both of them will die. It's more terrifying than the wind and waves!"

All the boatmen said one after another: "We won't go out to sea anymore, even if we are killed, we won't go out!"

The guard also said to the elite: "Just now, two ships went out to sea, and they were both dragged away by the scorpion. The ship was destroyed and everyone died! These things seem to be swimming nearby!"

The scorpions attack the ships, and they risk their lives by going to sea. What's more, the wind and waves are becoming more and more violent. By the time the young master arrives, the sea conditions may not be suitable for sailing.

Although "Di Xing Fu" is good, its ability is limited after all. Facing the infinite power of the ocean, who dares to say that the talisman refined by the magician can survive to the end?

So these elites nodded after hearing this, told them to continue to stick to their posts, and then turned and left.

They must report such changes to Wan Qifeng as soon as possible.


After giving instructions on the tray, Yu Zecheng stood up and pushed the door open.

Since He Xiao is dead, there is no need for him to sit here and show off.

He had been sitting in the room for half the night, bored out of his mind. After all, how many people had been killed on the battlefield? Thinking of his subordinates intercepting burrowing spiders in the east of Sodin Island, he couldn't help but feel itchy hands.

Things were happening one after another outside, and the guests of the hot spring house were certainly aware of it. At this time, they all left the guest rooms and crowded outside to watch.

There is panic and uneasiness everywhere.

The guards of the hot spring villa rushed in specially to maintain law and order. When the guests asked what was going on outside, they only said that Qingyun Road was dangerous and the dock was even more turbulent. Only by staying in the villa could they be safe.

Of course, this kind of statement was not convincing, and many people hurried out, hoping to leave by boat at the dock.

Yu Zecheng and three other people also joined the group of customers and walked out.

But before they reached the door, several people flashed past, blocking their way.

"Where are you going, Lord Yu? We have prepared a special midnight snack for the distinguished guests tonight." Blocking the way were two Rongshan people, Lu Qiuwei and Du Xiaoyi. Lu Qiuwei was all smiles, "Each guest is given a perfectly roasted young leg of lamb, paired with 20-year-old Spring Mountain wine. It is a time-honored brand in Blade Port! There is also a bowl of brown sugar lotus seed soup after the meal to relieve tiredness..."

"Get out of the way." He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, and Yu Zecheng also smiled, "I'm going out for a walk. You can just bring me a midnight snack to my room."

Lu Qiuwei groaned: "It's not peaceful outside. You are Beijia's distinguished guest. If something unexpected happens when you go out, how can we afford this responsibility?"

"What if?" The guard behind Yu Zecheng couldn't help but said, "Your island owner He Xiao is dead, what if you tell us?"

Lu Qiuwei's smile never diminished: "I only do my job, how can I care about external affairs?"

"Your mission is me?" Yu Zecheng looked at him twice, and the more he looked, the more he felt his heart sinking. The master is dead, how can his subordinates have this attitude? "Get out of the way, I don't want to kill anyone tonight."

As soon as Du Xiaoyi whistled, someone would go to guard every door and window of Nuanxiangzhai.

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