Chapter 205 Rich and Wayward

There was an uproar around   .

  The tens of millions of large projects in Qiyukou that can bring glory to the ancestors of the ancestors, in Bo Yunlina, is a small investment that is not worth mentioning and will not be personally involved at all.

  Is there anything more ironic than this?

  Qi Yu gritted his teeth and ignored the eyes of others, thinking that he was authentic: "The limelight said that you had signed an investment agreement before and temporarily withdrew your capital, but you have to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages!"

  Bo Yunli gently pressed the brow bone.

  Huge number?

  He remembers the liquidated damages, isn't it just...a few million?

  I didn’t want to mention it, but now that’s it...

  Bo Yunli took care of the cufflinks: “Article 4 of the Supplementary Agreement, if either party of the Party A and Party B does something seriously detrimental to the corporate image, the other party can unilaterally terminate the agreement without paying any liquidated damages.”

He glanced at Qiyu, who was dumbfounded in the same place, and gently pushed his glasses: "If you still don't understand, then I would like to remind you that Qi Futang's arrest is not just a drunk driving accident. He is now suspected of getting drunk and hit the ground and bribed him. Class-level police inspectors and other serious violations of law and discipline..."

  The students who watched the excitement around listened to talk about it, boring terms came out of Bo Yunli's mouth, and every word was full of charm.

  Qiyu was like being splashed with cold water on her head, and her whole body was completely cold.

  He bit his molars, but he couldn't say a word.

  Bo Yunli patted Su Ye on the back: "Follow me in the car."

  Su also followed behind him, and looked up at the man's back at random.

  How to say, he is rich and headstrong, which is not bad.


  Friday afternoon, the final midterm exam, mathematics.

The invigilator for Class 23 was Fan Zhongjin. When he entered the examination room, he first took a look at Su Yena, and then distributed the papers to the students. .

  Su also picked the most straightforward and most pleasing paper, and passed the remaining papers to the back table sideways.

   Just about to turn around, Yu Guang felt a scorching gaze at the back door.

  She looked over blankly.

  Zhang Guangqiu stuck a face on the small glass window above the back door.

  Chongsu also made a fighting gesture.

  Su also quickly turned back.

   is really scary.

  Don’t look at Zhang Guangqiu who is usually awkward, but in terms of feelings, he is also a fast-cutting person, and he is absolutely not sloppy and muddy.

  On the third day after returning from the skewers restaurant, he took a half-day off, went through the divorce procedures in the morning, and returned to class in the afternoon.

  He is not like the male protagonists in other dog-blood family ethics dramas, he is obviously derailed, and he has to go out of the house.

  He swept his wife out without saying a word, took the three-bedroom house that belonged to his pre-marital property, and lived the life of a golden bachelor.

   But after all, it was a divorce, and there was a sudden loss of one person in my life, and at the beginning I still felt a little uncomfortable.

  But he was pleasantly surprised to find that Su Ye’s recent math homework has become more and more neat and tidy, and he occasionally brings problem-solving steps when copying homework.

  The students I value most are making progress. This sense of accomplishment greatly dilutes other unhappiness.

  After being single, Zhang Guangqiu has more free time. He has no other hobbies now, the only one is to stare at Su Ye to study.

  Just three minutes after the exam time, Su also roughly scanned the entire paper. Before writing, she sighed.

  No way, my head teacher has to coax me~

    One more~

     Thank you [Yue Yong Jidou], [sainanako], [Qing Qingn], [Little Cat Boa], [Zeng Zeng Xiao Cute] for a reward~

     Thank you all for your support~



  (End of this chapter)

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