After the Marriage Cancellation, She Becomes a True Ancestor

Chapter 301: Their secrets, Wen Ni feels Su also familiar with them again

  Chapter 301 Their secrets, Wen Ni once again feels that Su is familiar (4)

  Su also recognized that this was a virus sample, but she had never heard of the name on the label.

  If you guessed it correctly, this should be a special virus that has not been officially named or even certified by the scientific community.

  This kind of professional freezing equipment is only used to freeze these three tubes of samples. It is indeed a little overkill, but on the contrary, it is enough to prove the importance of these three tubes of samples.

  Su also measured for a moment, then tilted his head to look at Wen Ni: "Can't the virus inside be separated?"

  Wen Ni shrugged: "Yes, a total of 10 tubes were frozen at the beginning, but the previous separation experiments failed, and now there are only three tubes left."

  Su also knew it.

  If you want to detect or analyze a certain virus, you must first isolate the virus from the sample, and then extract the viral RNA (ribonucleic acid).

  The research institute did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to freeze the samples, which means that the virus cannot be isolated yet.

  In the first step of detecting the virus, they are stuck.

  Wen Ni took a look at Su Ye's expression specially.

  In this room, besides her and Si Qing, Su was also the first to come in.

If you change to someone else and can see these instruments, you will definitely be tempted to exclaim, but she doesn’t have a baby. Not only is she not surprised, there is even a slightly evil smile in her eyes, which is not ordinary at first glance. people.

Wen Ni said with some relief: "Professor Edwin from the Q Island Institute of Life Sciences is a veteran in terms of isolating viruses. I finally asked him to move him. Last night, his assistant temporarily informed me that he would only have it next weekend. I’m empty, but I’m going on a business trip tomorrow, and I won’t be back next weekend. It’s an important thing that cannot be pushed away. Honey, I can only rest assured if I leave it to you. When Edwin comes, can you help me receive it?"

  Su also touched his chin and thought for a moment: "Okay."

  Wen Ni is finally relieved.

  Su also tapped on the hood of the cryostat with his fingers: "If all three tubes fail, can we find other samples?"

  Wen Ni spread his hands and shook his head helplessly.

  Su also half-closed his eyes.

  The sample is extracted from the human body, and no other samples can be found, indicating that the person has...

  She looked at Wen Ni: “What are the symptoms of people infected with this virus?”

   Wen Ni stopped talking, hesitated for a moment, and finally only said: "Honey, trust me, you don't want to know their symptoms, especially in the end..."

  Su also quickly grasped the two keywords in her words.

  ‘She, men. ’

Wen Ni realized that he had missed something, changed the subject calmly, and grumbled: "I did the first seven separation experiments personally, and they all failed. This virus has a very special structure and strong adhesion. , It is difficult to complete the separation under the premise of maintaining activity, I suspect it is..."

  Su also hooked her lower lip, and then said: "Artificial virus?"

  Wen Ni glanced at her for a moment. For some reason, at this moment, she saw a familiar feeling in her eyes...

  After Wen Ni left, Su also returned to the outhouse to work with the researchers step by step.

  The researchers are very professional, and no one would curiously ask her what is hidden in that room.

  Su also opened her palms and looked at the key to the back room that Wen Ni had left her.

  No wonder the research institute is short of money. Is it possible to maintain these instruments all the year round?

  The refrigeration equipment itself is very expensive, and it is generally only available for national-level institutions. However, the maintenance cost of this equipment is accumulated over the years, and it is even more expensive than its own price.

  Bo Yunli provided financial support for the institute. Is this for this?

  The "they" that Wen Ni just said...

  Is it...

    Regarding the virus, Mao Niang really did her best. I watched the materials and videos all night, and tried to write professionally. If there are still not rigorous or unreasonable places, take care of it~ Let’s still focus on the plot~

    Ps: I hope that the virus only exists in the book. There are no such terrible viruses in real life, and everyone is safe and healthy~



  (End of this chapter)

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