Chapter 317 Da Lang, take medicine


  On the way back, several groups of people parted ways.

  Lin Zhan said that there was still something to do in the hotel, so he didn't send Zhou Xueer to him.

  In the car, Rock was afraid that Zhou Xueer would think too much, so he gave her the phone specially, and said frankly: "Why don't you take a look for me? My phone is okay, why did the payment fail?"

  It is impossible for Zhou Xueer to really watch. No matter what she thinks in her heart, she still has to show her trust in him very much.

  The moment the phone was handed back, the phone vibrated in her hand.

   Zhou Xueer glanced subconsciously, it was a piece of information.

  She knew that person, the translator used by Roque.

  Information content Zhou Xueer only glanced at it.

  It seems to be reporting the translation progress of a novel...

  Zhou Xueer has no novels that need to be translated recently, she rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of something.

   "Mr. Luo, are there any potential writers on the list of popular novels last time?"

   In order to show off his car skills, Rock even surpassed two cars. He didn’t think too much about Zhou Xueer’s words, and said directly: “I did see a good book. The author is very talented and has great potential...”

  Zhou Xueer's heart chuckles...

  After the traffic lights, Roque glanced at Zhou Xueer, reacting to what he said just now, and smiled: "But compared to mine, it's still far behind..."

  Zhou Xueer smiled politely, and said generously: "Why, Qingyulan,'he' must be better than me."

  Fingers, but slowly pinching the corners of the clothes...


  At night, in the villa kitchen.

  Su is also making a bowl of mysterious soup in a cauldron.

   is very rich and very mysterious.

  She also remembered what Bo Yunli said at the meeting.

  ‘Because seeing you, you are good, so he must be good. ’

  Su also lowered her long eyelashes to conceal the emotions in her heart.

  This is very warm and sour.

  She is far behind her father, who is the best person she has ever met.

   But since Bo Yunli is so kind to herself, she decided to reward him well...

  He has become too hot recently, she must help him to get rid of the fire...

  Zou Ma and the housekeeper were at the door of the kitchen, pacing back and forth with their heads stuffed.

  The butler sighed first: "You go in and persuade, how can Mrs. Young enter a place like a kitchen?"

  Zou's mother frowned: "I persuaded. The young lady said that she was boiling medicine for the young master. I said to help her boil it. She said that I could not control the heat."

  The butler looked at the closed door of the kitchen.

  'S always calm face is impatient at the moment.

  It doesn’t matter what else, it’s mainly the smell...

  In the kitchen.

  Su also followed the prescriptions, pills, silver needles, sugar skin medicine, and began to study soup.

  The decoction she makes is different from ordinary decoctions.

  Instead, medicinal materials are mixed with ingredients and spices.

  Some spices are also good drug primers.

  Although the taste is very strong...

  If she wanted to give this bowl of soup medicine a literary name, she would call it "life".

  Because life is composed of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty! !

  The time is almost up. Stir the spoon in the pot once, scrape the dregs essence from the bottom of the pot, and make a bowl of ‘perfect’ soup medicine.

  Bo Yunli was working in the room, resting her index finger on the keyboard lightly, tapping casually.

  There is a luxuriously decorated study room downstairs, but Bo Yunli chose to work in the room. The reason is simple. There is Su Ye next door.

  Thinking of Su Ye, he tapped the fingertips of the keyboard slightly, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

  At this moment, with the sound of dragging footsteps on the stairs outside the door, Su Ye's energetic voice moved from far to near.

   "Da Lang, take medicine."

  Bo Yunli: "……"

   Looking back, Su also appeared at the door.

  He raised his eyebrows: "What do you call me?"

  Su also froze for a moment: “It’s nothing, I will boil a bowl of medicine for you.”

  She glanced around Bo Yunli's room.

  I was dragged in by Bo Yunli last time and didn't look closely.

  The layout of the room is the same as hers, and they are all cleaned by the same servants, but his room is unexpectedly tidy.

  The white sheets were spread on the spacious bed. There were very few things in the room, such as the spotless table in front of him. There was no clutter, only a working laptop.

  The X language file is opened on the screen, just put it openly and let Su see it, without shy away from it.

  Su also felt that the cleanliness of Bo Yunli's room was abnormal.

  She lowered her head and glanced at the medicine in her bowl, and she felt like she was burying herself inexplicably.

   was thinking, her waist tightened, and the whole person lost her balance. In order to prevent the medicine in her hand from spilling out, she had to follow the strength of Bo Yunli's fingertips and fell to sit on his lap.

  The chair pressed by the weight of two people made a slight noise.

  Bo Yunli pushed the notebook aside, tucked her waist a bit forward, it was an intimate distance.

  Su did not struggle either, after all, there had been more intimates before.

  Bo Yunli looked at her neatly and leisurely, with a bit of surprise in her tone: "Did you make it yourself?"

  Su Ye's eyes were bright and charming, and she said in a drag tone: "The reward for you, and it is...right, symptomatic, drug."

  Bo Yunli changed to a more comfortable posture, and rubbed the soft cloth with her hand around her waist.

  It’s precious to cook it by himself, but what’s the point is he has any symptoms?

  Su also saw the doubt between his eyebrows, moved closer to him, and went straight in: "I sleep next to you every day...Are you holding back? You take a cold shower in the bathroom every night, are you cold?"

  Bo Yunli: "……"

   is as straightforward as ever.

  He held her waist and fixed it, leaning to her ear, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to help me solve it?"

  Su did not evade at all, nodded, and said mysteriously: "It is understandable that you will have this situation at your age now, but as long as you drink a bowl of the medicine I give you every day, you will be pure and unwilling..."

  Bo Yunli’s smile gradually disappeared from the corners of her lips...

   Is she going to help him solve this?

  Is this to help him solve it, or is it to solve him directly?

  I said that she couldn’t do it before, but now he gave him medicine to make him unable to...

  Bo Yunli's face was black and solemn, and she looked down at the bowl of soup medicine in her hand.

  Good risk, almost drank it.

  He breathed out slowly, took her medicine bowl, and put it on the table: "I can't drink this medicine."

  Su also frowned: "Why?"

  Bo Yunli embraced her with both hands: "Don't just miss me, don't forget, you are now at this age..."

  Su also lightly sneered: "I don't use it, I'm not holding back at all."

Full of confidence.

  Bo Yunli's eyes depict the girl’s figure, from top to bottom...

  He took off his glasses with unknown intentions, and threw them on the table: "Really?"

  Su also wanted to say yes, but the moment he met his eyes, his voice gradually disappeared.

  Bo Yunli raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the fire hidden in her eyes, "Prove it to me."

  After that, he raised his hand to unlock her buttons, one, two...

   1-2 more

     Thank you [I have confirmed that my eyes meet the right person], [Anthocyanins], [Oranges are ripe], [Two or two small ninety-nine] Little fairies for their support~



  (End of this chapter)

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