Chapter 321 Inventions decades ago...

  One minute later.

  The red convertible sports car successfully received the professor and his assistant, and Mercedes-Benz was on the way back to the institute.

  Wherever the sports car goes, the nightclub high song resounds through the 3D stereo surround subwoofer.

  The professor and assistant sat meticulously in the back row, their faces as black as the bottom of a pot.

  Professor's white hair was waving in the wind in the convertible.

  He silently took out the nuts that the students gave him before leaving, but he didn’t expect to use it by plane. Now he uses it...

  The neatly trimmed bangs of the assistant were all blown behind by the strong wind, and the hairline was in danger.


  Arriving at the research institute, both of them changed their hairstyles.

  The researchers held a simple welcome ceremony for the two.

  Edwin felt that the others in the office looked much more normal, and I don’t know why Director Wen had to send them both to pick up the plane.

  Si Qing took off his sunglasses and hung on the shirt on his chest, politely: "Professor, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit our institute..."

  Edwin glanced at him, and now no matter what he said, he couldn't change his image of Erliuzi in his own mind.

  Edwin is self-disciplined throughout his life, and also likes younger generations who are equally rigorous and self-disciplined.

  The most annoying thing is this kind of gangster.

   Edwin is usually gentle, but in fact he has a strong temperament.

  I'm almost mad at this moment.

  Si Qing laughed: “I’m just responsible for picking you up, and Wen Ni specially arranged a professional **** for you.”

  Edwin and his assistant looked at each other.

so far so good…

  The expressions of the two of them were a little slow.

   After less than a second, Si Qing pushed Su Ye to the front of the two, and said with a smile, "It's her."



  No matter what, Edwin really cares about academics. He visited the research institute and had a simple dinner. Without returning to the hotel arranged by Wenni, he directly asked Su to take them to the sterile incubation room.

  Time is running out, the plane will return to Q Island tomorrow afternoon.

   Inside the mysterious door of the sterile culture room.

   Edwin stood in front of the freezing apparatus and carefully observed the virus in the sample.

  Su didn't accompany him either. He sat aside and took the time to continue researching the virus data.

  The assistant shook his head.

  As an **** and poor service professor, I was lazy on the side. Who are these people?

  No wonder they can’t isolate the virus successfully!

  If you don’t ask a professor to help them, let alone three tubes of samples, even if there are 3,000 or 30,000 tubes, it’s useless.

  The assistant looked around, looked at a room of expensive precision instruments, and sighed deeply. It was a violent thing.

   Edwin observes the sample through a special instrument, his expression gradually becoming serious.

  Even though he had deeply studied the specific data of the seven failed experiments sent to him by Director Wen before, but now he has observed it on the spot, the situation is more difficult than he imagined.

  After seeing the special instrument for a long time, his eyes were sore and swollen. He took his eyes away from the instrument and pinched the center of his eyebrows.

  I wanted to look far away and restore my eyesight, but I caught a glimpse of Su also looking at the profile of the document.

  It looks decent, not like being lazy.

  The most important thing is that this profile looks...a bit familiar.

  It’s a pity that Wen Ni is not there, otherwise they might find that they are actually in the same photo and have seen Su Ye...

  Su also raised his head to look at him: "What's the matter, Professor?"

   Edwin converged his mind and coughed slightly: "Do you also know the target virus?"

  Su also think about it, with a humble tone: "I think so."

   Edwin looked at her with a seemingly nonexistent gaze: "Then tell me, which separation method do you think has the highest success rate?"

  Su also said concisely: "CLI-7."

"What?" Edwin laughed directly: "Child, do you know what CLI-7 is used to separate? We are now facing virus samples. You can't even figure out the most basic problem. ?"

   After saying that, without waiting for Su Ye to answer, he lowered his head and continued to observe the samples in the instrument, unilaterally interrupting the communication with Su Ye.

   is really speechless.

  Even the lowest-level mistakes are made.

  For a moment, he even wanted to discuss professional matters with Su.

   is simply ridiculous.

  Su also shrugged and looked at ease.

  Of course, she knows that CLI-7 was not originally used to isolate viruses, but the target virus is highly suspected of man-made viruses. Unlike ordinary viruses, it has many special characteristics and is suitable for CLI-7 technology.

  But she didn't say much, she made people anxious when she came up, so she couldn't explain to Wen Ni.

  Furthermore, she has searched this Professor Edwin, and she is indeed quite accomplished in virus isolation.

  Su also has a lot of knowledge around the target virus during this period, but in 40 years, the technology has been updated very quickly, and it is far from enough to rely on a short period of time.

  To ensure the final success of separation, Professor Edwin is still needed in many places.

  One hour passed quickly, the researchers on duty were basically off work, but the light in the sterile incubation room was still on.

  At 8 o'clock in the evening, Edwin determined the specific process of the first separation experiment and asked his assistant to start preparations.

  Tonight, they are going to conduct the first experiment, not every minute is wasted.

  Edwin is also a scientific madman, and when he sees a new virus, he can’t even think about it.

  Su also watched his assistants visit by visit. From a silver box they brought, he took out a section of equipment parts, assembled and energized them skillfully, and a semi-automated small multifunctional experimental platform came into view.

  Su also looked at the experimental platform and paused for a while, but his tone was still calm, making people unable to guess his emotions: "This thing... is old."

   Edwin was taken aback, slightly surprised: "Do you know it?"

  Su also nodded.

   Edwin looked at her, his eyes hesitating, as if thinking about something.

While the assistant on the side continued to prepare the experimental supplies, he said disdainfully: "This baby not only includes all the functions required by the experimental table, but also combines the ingenious mechanism design. It can be assembled and disassembled very conveniently, and it can also save experiment time. .

Who could have imagined that no one can surpass the invention decades ago, but it has been discontinued long ago, and it is impossible to buy it now. We teach this one because he received it at a high price from others in his early years and has been using it all the time. Until now.

  Now the professor has to operate on this experimental bench every time he does an experiment, otherwise he won’t feel the touch..."

  As he talked more and more, Edwin coughed and interrupted: "Prepare carefully and say a few words less."

  The assistant said sorry, to Edwin, Chaosu also made a slur, and whispered: "I just want her to have a long experience."

  Su also rarely contradicted him this time, with a meaningful arc on the corners of his lips, and said lazily: "I have a long experience, and I don't know who is so smart and invented such a cow baby..."

  The assistant chuckled: "Who else can, a genius!"


  Outside the gate of the institute, a familiar black car parked.

  Two car lights illuminate a small road ahead.

  Z City has a higher temperature than Kyoto, but it is still cold in the early winter night.

  Bo Yunli was also busy until late, leaving the city hall and drove directly to the institute.

  He knows Su Ye's temperament, and he will definitely stay late tonight.

  He didn't go in to disturb, and waited quietly in the car.

   Indeed, whether the virus can be extracted is also very important to him.

  But what he is waiting for right now is not the result of the experiment.

  He is waiting for Su Ye.

  No matter how late, he hopes that she will come out of the institute, and the first thing she sees is him...

   1-2 more~

     Thank you [Guan Jing] Baby Di for the reward.

     Thank you [Twenty Two Small Nine Nine], [Chu Qianmiao], [Confirmed that my eyes meet the right you], and [Minmin crystal] for your rewards.

     Thank you all for your support.

      Planning focus: small multi-function laboratory...



  (End of this chapter)

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