Chapter 334 Newspaper 40 years ago


  Wen Ni soon discovered that Si Qing, who had just forbeared, was just a flashback.

  After provocation by her, her eyes were stained with scarlet, and she soon became fierce.

  Later she woke up completely from alcohol, and then began to regret it, her eyes were misty.

  She said that she was tired and wanted to rest. She also said that she had just got off the plane and cursed him for being inhuman.

  He laughed irritably and badly: "Don’t you say I’m not tired, you’re not tired?"

  It's not that I don't want to feel sorry for her, it's really uncontrollable.

  Until a faint whiteness appeared on the horizon, Si Qing finally got up to take a bath with contentment.

  He wanted to take her to wash first, but Wen Ni said that she couldn't move anymore, and she was going to shut herself up on the sofa for a while.

  She covered her belly, glanced at the tattered silk pajamas, and shouted to the bathroom: "I bought this pajama newly and it is very expensive!"

  Siqing’s bathing voice stopped for a moment: "Sorry baby, I will buy you a new one."

  Not only costs people, but also clothes.

   After a while, Wen Ni got up and picked up the things that had been knocked down one by one.

  Finally, when she bent over to pick up the scientific newspaper clipping, her hand stopped suddenly.

  The newspaper clippings fell on the ground and opened a page at random. A yellowed photo cut from the newspaper was posted on that page.

  It was a sensational pioneer science and technology festival held by country M. It was a Chinese woman who took the stage to speak.

  The reason why this photo is precious is that this woman is the first Chinese to be on the stage of this science and technology festival.

  The content of her speech is her own invention patent, a semi-automated multifunctional experimental platform.

  The powerful function and ingenious structure of this experimental platform are breathtaking, which greatly saves the experiment time and increases the error-tolerant rate of the experiment.

   Needless to say that era, even now, it is very advanced.

  It is said that this was just a whim while she was studying abroad. But it is such a whim, but it has made many of the world's top technology leaders have a new understanding of the Chinese people.

  The most important thing is that the face of the woman in the photo looks too much like Yebao...

  Not only does she look alike, but she also looks and moves like her.

  A closer look, even the name is the same.

  It’s no wonder that I’ve always felt familiar...

  Wen Ni took a look at the lower left corner. This photo came from a newspaper 40 years ago...


  The next day, Wen Ni did not go to the research institute.

   Si Qing asked her why she went, and Wen Ni only replied with the word ‘shopping’.

  Si Qing licked and said that he wanted to accompany her and help her carry the bag, but she ruthlessly refused.

  [You just wait to pay. ]

  In the morning, Su also received a notice that she was transferred to the sterile laboratory where Wen Ni was located to help.

  The sterile laboratory where Wen Ni is located is the key laboratory of the entire institute. Working with Wen Ni every day, you can learn more.

  Carol was reluctant, but also happy for Su.

  No one in the research institute does not want to go to a key laboratory.

  But wanting to go and being able to go are two different things. You must have enough ability and talent like Su Ye.

  Su also spent the whole morning about the daily work of the laboratory, and at noon, he bored himself into the lounge to write novels.

  Now even if Bo Yun can't come, no one will come in and bother.

  Since last Friday, Bo Yunli bought coffee and returned it to the researcher's little brother. Now everyone knows that Su also has a very good fiance, and the male researchers who are eager to move have also disappeared.


  At the same time, here is the Lion Press.

  Rock is reading the English version of "Lords of Other Worlds" sent to him by the translation on the computer.

  The cigar burned a long piece of soot at his fingertips. It wasn't until the knuckles felt hot that Roque came back to his senses. He took his gaze back from the screen, brushed off the soot, and took a slightly startled sip.

  The mood is still immersed in the storyline just now and can’t be pulled out.

  Through these two days of reading, he can be considered to understand why "Lord of the Other World" is so popular.

In fact, he was the least optimistic about science fiction before, but this book does have magical powers. Both the plot line and the emotional line are perfect. There are even many places that can reveal the reality and irony of the last century, which is more gorgeous than young people today. The style of writing is somewhat different.

  Which looks like a newcomer, just like a mature writer.

  Rok was deeply attracted as he read, and he even wanted to introduce it to others uncontrollably.

  For this kind of potential author, even if he is a man, he does not want to let it go. This is definitely a huge moneymaker with luxuriant branches.

  He couldn’t wait to let the editor contact the author immediately to discuss the terms of the contract. He was afraid that the largest cloud publishing house in China would take the people away first. However, considering Zhou Xueer, he decided to postpone it for the time being.

  Zhou Xue’er’s new book has just been released. If she is now enthusiastic about other newcomers, it will definitely affect the sales of her new book.

  After all, although "Lord of the Other World" is on fire, it is not a big fire. But Rock is also ready at any time. Once there is an emergency that causes the book to explode, then he will not care about Zhou Xueer. No matter what, he has to sign the author.

  Should... there won't be such a sudden situation, right...


   Here, Zhou Xueer, today I made an appointment with my best friend Ding Qing to meet in the cafe downstairs at home.

  She debuted at the same time as Ding Qing, one is already a romantic queen that the publishing house is enthusiastic about, and the other is still a little bashing street.

  Zhou Xueer is still willing to be girlfriends with Ding Qing, because she has a few books and ‘learned’ from Ding Qing’s novels...

  Ding Qing is stupid and real. She thinks she is a best friend, and her novel is not popular, so she didn’t say anything.

At this moment, she sat down opposite Zhou Xueer with her head down, her shoulders drooping unconsciously: "Xue'er, you told me before that President Luo likes science fiction. I wrote it for more than six months and finally finished a book. , But gave it to the president yesterday..."

  Zhou Xueer rubbed her coffee with her hands, pretending to be surprised: "Did Mr. Luo agree to help you publish?"

  Although asking like this, Zhou Xueer had an answer in her heart. No matter Ding Qing wrote for a few months, it was a waste of effort, because Rock didn’t like science fiction at all. On the contrary, he was least optimistic about science fiction...

  The reason why she lied to Ding Qing was to let her get out of trouble early. Zhou Xueer pretended that her best friend was tired.

  Sure enough, I heard Ding Qing desperately in the next second: "The president refused me without even reading it. He said that he already had science fiction novels in his heart that he wanted to praise."

  Ding Qing said, and cried.

   Zhou Xueer thoughtfully took a few tissues to her: "Don't be sad."

  Zhou Xueer smiled to herself, thinking that Mr. Luo would think for her own sake. How could he be able to support science fiction because he is not so optimistic about science fiction? The book he wanted to praise was obviously still his own, and he deliberately said this because he definitely didn't want Ding Qing to be jealous of herself.

  On the other side, Ding Qing sucked her nose, took the tissue, and looked at Zhou Xueer with gratitude: "Xue'er, it's hard for you to reveal your preferences to my president. Maybe I really don't have the talent, the president..."

   Zhou Xueer perfunctorily comforted: "How could it..."

  But before she finished speaking, she listened to the other side and continued: "The president said that the science fiction writer he likes is very talented. It seems to be a Chinese novel called "Lord of the Other World"..."

   3-4 more~

     Zhou Xueer is going offline~

    1. Focus on: Cloud Publishing, the country’s largest publishing house.

    2, what is smart Wen Ni going to buy?



  (End of this chapter)

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