After the Marriage Cancellation, She Becomes a True Ancestor

Chapter 350: 20 years old and able to get married (1920)

  Chapter 350 I am 20 years old and can get married (1920)

  Bo Yunli wiped his hands with a few more tissues, without speaking.

  Su also poked his waist: "What can I say to you?"

  Bo Yunli wiped the water stains on the side of the sink with the tissue he had wiped off his hands, and still did not speak.

  Su also got up with a quick temper, and the volume doubled: "Have you ever used it?!"

  Si Qing and Wen Ni in the kitchen took a deep breath together, speeding up the washing of vegetables in their hands.

Bo Yunli threw the ball of paper into the trash can, grinded his teeth, and pushed the person directly against the wall behind him. With the other hand, he stuck her chin and shook it gently: "Listen well, I haven't used it. I won’t use it either, because I will let you |

  After finishing speaking, she bit her on the lips.

  Su Ye: "……"

  She seems to understand...

  Now young people, really know how to play...


  In order to avoid Bo Yunli's anger, Si Qing's next vegetable preparation work was very hard, and even the small black spots on the lettuce leaves were cleaned up.

Wen Ni even bent over to face the cutting board, and took out a rigorous attitude when experimenting, cutting each green bamboo shoot into 5mm pieces very accurately, and even the plate was completely symmetrical in the shape of love you. .

  The hot pot is cooked, and the lively atmosphere returns again.

   At the dinner table, Bo Yunli glanced at Su Ye: "Just before the express arrived, what do you want to ask me?"

  He seemed to hear vaguely that it was related to his mother.

  Su also ate a piece of crispy belly: "Nothing."

  Originally, she wanted to ask Bo Yunli’s mother, she might know her, but based on her age, when she was alive 40 years ago, his mother was just a few years old, she probably wouldn’t know her...

  Moreover, she didn’t want to mention the past that was unhappy for Bo Yunli.

  Bo Yunli poured her a cup of tea, and did not ask any more questions.

  But just this babbling little look is really weird and cute.

  Bo Yunli is not used to hot pot, eats less, mainly watching Su Ye.

  After the meal, the four people stayed in the living room and watched TV for a while.

  Bo Yunli wanted to pick up the magazine he had read before dinner, and noticed that under the magazine, there was a newspaper clipping with a sense of time.

  Because of Su Ye, he is more and more interested in things with a sense of age.

  Wen Ni was shocked by the express delivery. She didn't drink any alcohol today. Seeing Bo Yunli opened the newspaper clipping, she didn't hide it at all, and showed them the photo of the woman who looked very similar to Yebao.

  By the way, quietly glanced at Yebao’s expression: "Yebao, you see this person looks exactly like you, even the same name."

  Su also looked at the photo, his expression was flat, and he thought, and laughed: "It's not as good as me."

  No wonder she doubted her identity and wanted to test her before she was okay. It turned out that she saw these photos.

  Siqing is a typical atheist. He doesn't think about anything else at all, so he is surprised: "It's really alike, is it a relative?"

  It is reasonable to say that he is also a relative, but to save trouble, Su also did not answer.

   In the whole room, the one who responded the most to this photo was Bo Yunli.

  People around are talking and laughing, but he is the only one who stares at the photo for a moment, looking at it as a treasure.

  40 years ago, only a handful of people had access to the Internet, so Su Ye’s previous photos were difficult to find on the Internet. Before Bo Yunli only searched for a black and white photo that was out of focus and the picture was blurry.

  Today, he saw such a clear picture of Su Ye for the first time, and it was so beautiful that he couldn't recall it.

  The photo is well preserved by Wen Ni. What's more rare is that it is actually a color photo. Although it is not as bright as the color of the photo, it is really rare.

   Do the math, 40 years ago, color newspapers should have just begun to appear in M ​​country, but China did not have one.

  A combination of things, this color photo has been preserved.

  In the photo, the girl standing on the stage is full of looks, her lips are pouting, she is neither humble nor overbearing, neither overbearing nor cutting.

  Special black half-length hair that has just reached the shoulders is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes.

  Wen Ni is still fighting against Yebao, but there is a ‘stabbing’ over there.

   Looking back, Bo Yunli tore off the page of Su Ye's briefing.

  The whole house: "..."

  Bo Yunli was as calm as ever, smiling gently and gracefully: “Sorry, I don’t like someone to keep a photo of my fiancee. It’s not okay to look alike.”

  Wen Ni choked, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "It's good if you are happy..."

   "Thank you," he said, he folded the newspaper clipping neatly and put it in his suit pocket.

  Z City, the news will be broadcast at 20 o'clock in the evening.

  A crescent moon in the sky, thousands of fireworks on the ground.

  "Tomorrow is the most important traditional festival in China, New Year's Eve..."

  On TV, the host is introducing the meaning of New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival. There are still many overseas Chinese in Szhou.

  Bo Yun politely asked Su to sit on his lap.

  Wen Ni and Si Qing continued to watch TV with no surprises, anyway, there are no outsiders here, everyone is used to it.

  Bo Yunli turned a blind eye to these two light bulbs, and took Su Ye’s waist, deepened his eyes and a thin smile, and his thick eyebrows raised lightly: "After tomorrow night, you will be 20 years old."

  Su also glanced at the TV, and gave a flat ‘oh’.

   is not her real age, and she doesn't care much.

  The legs supporting her are strong and strong, and Su is like sitting on a bench, putting all the weight on it, putting one hand lightly on the man's shoulder, in a very casual posture.

  Bo Yunli leaned to her ear, spraying a hot breath: "You can get married when you are 20."

  Su also had a pause, then slowly turned his head, and the moment he met Bo Yunli's dark and deep eyes, only then did he understand the deep meaning of his words, and his neck was slightly red.

  She sits on his lap, her eyes higher than him.

  Bo Yunli raised her chin, pressed it down, and kissed the corner of her mouth: "I wanted to marry you a long time ago."

   "You," Su also opened his mouth, a little dumbfounded, this man really dared to say anything.

  It’s strange to say that before Zhang Qingfeng chased her, she opened her mouth when she refused, and finally she could even think of the trick of accepting him as a disciple.

  But at this moment, Bo Yunli said that she was going to marry her, but she only said the word ‘you’ and she didn’t know what to say next.

  After a while, he cursed unceremoniously: "Are you a human?"

  Speaking such things to a high school student is not a person!

  Bo Yunli listened to her exasperated tone, and a very low laughter overflowed between her lips: "You say yes, you say no, then it is not."

  Wen Ni did not look away from the TV, but dared to pay attention to Su Ye’s movements with his peripheral light. He moved his lower lip slightly, almost pronounced in abdominal language, facing Si Qing: "Learn a little bit."

   Si Qing also replied vaguely: "What is easy to learn, he is a beast, even more beast than me..."

  (End of this chapter)

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