Chapter 378 Zhang Guangqiu discovers that Su Ye... (plus more unity)

  From the last time Zhang Guangqiu sent Gao Shengnan to the infirmary, a very subtle chemical reaction occurred between the two.

   Gao Shengnan didn’t eat when he was busy. Zhang Guangqiu didn’t just persuade him like before, instead he would go directly to the cafeteria to pack a meal for her, and then threw it on the table.

  Usually, Gao Shengnan will sigh: "Take it, who let you eat, I'm not hungry."

  Zhang Guangqiu will also give courtesy: "I love to eat or not, and I do not eat to feed the dog."

Watching Zhang Guangqiu's performance during this period, Fan Zhongjin felt betrayed.

  He still remembers what Zhang Guangqiu said last year.

  ‘Even if there is only you in the world, Gao Sheng, a man and a woman, I would rather choose Fan Zhongjin than you! "


  After the last class, the teacher’s office is very busy.

  Many students have prepared carnations to give to their favorite teachers.

  Zhangguangqiu collected the most flowers.

  The office teachers are jealous.

   Gao Shengnan didn't speak, but his heart was sour.

  Even Liu Bi’s desk was surrounded by a few students who were talking about themselves. She was the only one. The desk was empty, and there was no student who came to her.

  She is the earliest one among all the teachers, the one who sleeps the latest, eats the least, and is the least liked by the students.

  Two days ago, she heard several male students howling in the hallway: "I'm finally going to graduate. It can be considered that I can get out of the clutches of Gao Shengnan, long live!"

   was depressed, she saw Bai Yuqiao coming into the office accompanied by a middle-aged man and walking towards her.

  Gao Shengnan was happy, he quickly adjusted his shirt collar, looked at the middle-aged man, bent over to shake hands: "This is Yu Qiao's father..."

Bai Jingxu naturally ignored Gao Shengnan's hand extended to him, first pulled a chair for Bai Yuqiao, and then sat down by himself: "Ah, Teacher Gao, there is nothing else to come here today. I just want to get to know before leaving school. Regarding Yu Qiao’s situation, her grandfather came to the parent meeting before, and I usually can’t get out of the hospital because the hospital is too busy."

  Gao Shengnan retracted his hand in embarrassment, wiped his shirt, and then sat down cautiously: "No problem, no problem..."

  I didn’t come to see her, I just wanted to know about Bai Yuqiao’s situation...

  However, Gao Shengnan quickly adjusted his mood and pulled out from the drawer Bai Yuqiao’s transcripts of all mock exams for the past six months: "Look, Dad Yuqiao, this is..."

  A passing teacher recognized Bai Jingxu on the way, and said in a very excited tone: "Isn't this Dean Bai? You can go back to China to open a hospital, but it is a blessing to our people in Kyoto."

Bai Jingxu held his face, nodded slightly, and then returned his gaze to Bai Yuqiao's report card. Looking at the ranking column, the neat row of '1's showed a decent smile, and he patted the narration with great relief. Yu Qiao's shoulders.

  Even in the last mock test a few days ago, Bai Yuqiao's total score ranking was still the first among universities in Kyoto.

   Gao Shengnan's tone is also very proud: "Yu Qiao, don't relax these days during the vacation. The college entrance examination remains at a normal level. This year's Kyoto champion should be no problem."

  Gao Shengnan's men have been No. 1 lieutenant colonel champion several times, but she has never been the No. 1 champion in Kyoto.

  From the day when she knew that the talented girl Bai Yuqiao would transfer to Class 1, she was waiting for this day, and she couldn’t bear to let Bai Yuqiao do anything that would delay her study.

  Bai Yuqiao said with a high voice: "Don't worry."

  She was quite dissatisfied with the word ‘should’ in Gao Shengnan’s ‘it should be okay’.

Does    still need ‘should’?

Gao Shengnan didn't feel this, he smiled knowingly, and looked at Bai Jingxu: "By the way, Yu Qiao's father, after the college entrance examination is over, the school wants Yu Qiao to come back and give a speech to the sophomore students. He can listen to the Kyoto champion's speech. It is also a great incentive to help students who are going to the third year of high school right away..."

She was only halfway through, and Bai Jingxu directly raised her hand to interrupt: "I'm sorry, Teacher Gao, Qiaoqiao will come to my hospital to help after the college entrance examination. Several patients named them by name, and they waited for the end of the college entrance examination for Qiaoqiao. Be their attending physician."

  Bai Jingxu dislikes these schools the least. Knowing that his Qiao Qiao is excellent, he uses Qiao Qiao for free publicity.

  Whether other students study well has anything to do with Qiao Qiao, it will only waste her time.

  Bai Yuqiao obviously thought the same way, smiled at his father and thanked his father for helping her get out of this trouble.

  Gao Shengnan was a little disappointed with a ‘oh’, but she could also understand, after all, Bai Yuqiao was so good.

  She opened her mouth: "It's okay, just to ask you, Yuqiao, let's go back with your dad. You have all the admission tickets."

   "Good teacher."

  Looking at the back of Bai Yuqiao leaving, Gao Shengnan's mind was full of thoughts.

  This should be the last time she had spoken to Bai Yuqiao as a class teacher. She was really reluctant. Bai Yuqiao can be regarded as the most satisfied student she has taught for so many years.

  But Bai Yuqiao obviously had no such emotions towards her, holding Bai Jingxu's arm, walking very chic, without a trace of nostalgia.

Zhang Guangqiu shook his head: "Xiao Gao, I think there is still a problem with your educational philosophy. For students, the most important thing is not only grades, but also your responsibility as a teacher. Look at her from entering and leaving, proud It doesn't work, eyes are on the top of her head. She has such good grades, and I heard that she doesn't talk to the classmates very much? After going out of society, this kind of personality will hinder her development."

  Speaking, he picked up the transcript of Su Ye’s last mock exam on the table.

  Mathematics 150, Chinese 60, English 60, Science 60...

  Compared with the first test of last semester, in addition to the leap improvement in mathematics, every other subject has also improved by a full 20 points!

  Zhang Guangqiu was very satisfied and continued to speak: “Look at our Ban Su Ye, although she is good in partial subjects, she is good at math and never stingy to teach other students. I often see her lecturing to students.”

Gao Shengnan put Bai Yuqiao's transcript back into the drawer angrily: "Forget it, if you can watch Su also, let her spend all the time lecturing other students on her own study. She got early grades. It’s better than it is now. The most important thing for students is to study. Others wait for the college entrance examination to go to university before training.

Zhang Guangqiu couldn't compete with her. He sighed helplessly. Seeing that other teachers had left one after another, he thought for a while and said, "Don't talk about this. Anyway, today is also your last day as her head teacher. Are you hungry? I invite you to dinner? "

  Gao Shengnan glanced sideways at him, and narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

  Zhang Guangqiu laughed: "Congratulations, anyway, let's send away another class of students."

Gao Shengnan stared at him for a long while, keeping his eyes open with some ears, and piercing his careful thoughts very uninterestingly: "Let me tell you straight, you buy me food, invite me to eat, it is useless, don't waste time. I can't follow you."

   Zhang Guangqiu did not detour after hearing this: "Then what do you say is useful gong?"

Gao Shengnan thought for a while, and said, "I want me to fall in love with you... just when your class also has a college entrance examination champion!" After all, she added generously: "Don't worry about the school champion or The number one champion in Kyoto, as long as one can be a champion~"

  When Su also entered the office to deliver medicine to Zhang Guangqiu, she just heard these words, and she glanced at Gao Shengnan meaningfully.

  Zhang Guangqiu screamed: "Xiao Gao, you are boring to say that."

  After speaking, I saw Su Ye coming in.

  Su also never liked the mother-in-law before the separation. He didn't say anything, and put the medicine bottle on Zhang Guangqiu's desk: "The instructions for use will be sent to you on WeChat later."

  Zhang Guangqiu held the medicine bottle, staring at him with eyes full of liking, wishing to insert her into his eyeballs.

  Su also did not look back at him, but at Gao Shengnan: "Teacher Gao, can you repeat what you just said?"

   "Just now?" Gao Shengnan remembered what he had just said. The emotional jokes were a little embarrassing to repeat in front of the students, but when he thought of meeting these students for the last time, he didn't bother to talk and repeat it directly.

  She just finished repeating it one second before, and one second later, she listened to Zhang Guangqiu's WeChat ‘ding’.

  Su also confronted Zhang Guangqiu: "I have recorded what Mr. Gao said just now and sent it to you. You can keep it as evidence. As long as your class has a college entrance examination champion, she will..."

   "Why are you..." Gao Shengnan choked, and finally swallowed the rest.

  Because it is useless to save, the snail class cannot be the champion!

  It's already a big deal of luck to have a third grade like Gu Qi.

Zhang Guangqiu only thought that Su was also encouraging him. He is still more than ten years away from retirement. Maybe he will be a champion: "Okay, don't worry about the teacher. Relax these days during the holiday, and strive to get a better college entrance examination. With good results, we don’t need to compare ourselves with others, we just need to make progress."

   "Maybe he performed supernormally," Su also raised his hand and patted his head, curling his lower lip evilly: "Go, teacher."

  Zhang Guangqiu wanted to laugh and scold her for her size, but the moment she raised her head, he met her with a pair of extremely strong aura eyes, and he stopped.

  He didn’t understand what Su Ye’s eyes meant. It was a confident and sure look, as if the college entrance examination was easy for her...

After Su Ye left, his eyes fell back to Su Ye's report card.

  Mathematics 150, Chinese 60, English 60, Science 60...

  He skipped mathematics and fell on the other three.

  After a minute, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly a little anxiously, from the thick pile of data, he pulled out a copy of the performance curve that the parents would print for the parents.

   Take out Su Ye's picture.

  He glanced at all of Su Ye's previous results.

  All 40 points...

  All 41 points...

  Afterwards, all 50 points...

  All 55 points...

  Then this is the last time, all 60 points...

   Zhang Guangqiu suddenly opened his mouth, and his hand holding the score sheet shook unconsciously. He did not hear Gao Shengnan calling him. He only felt that his blood was boiling...

  This guess is too ridiculous, so he never thought about it before.

  Su Ye, this guy doesn’t want to take a few points, he can take a few points...

   3-6 more~

     Babies, we’re adding more today~ Happy Lantern Festival, one day late, I’m a real housemaid, I don’t know anything, my life is too muddled.



  (End of this chapter)

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