Chapter 384 College Entrance Examination Results

  A very long one, it was automatically divided into 5 short messages and sent over.

  Su was not in a hurry to click on the car to see. Su Jinyang has limited driving skills, and she will get motion sick if she looks at her mobile phone.

  Su Jinyang turned to look at her while waiting for the red light: “By the way, I searched on the Internet that the earliest college entrance examination result this year is 22nd. Can you check it?”

  Su also nodded: "It seems."


   Back home, Zhang’s mother prepared another table of feasts as instructed. Except for Liu Guifang who went to the poetry club, the rest of the family were waiting for her to come back.

  Su Jinyang wants to celebrate Su Ye’s graduation from high school and the end of the college entrance examination.

  Xu Huanying wanted to celebrate that Su Ye stayed overnight at Bo's house yesterday.

  Su Xing is to celebrate that Su can have a long vacation with him. After a while, the preschool will have summer vacation. When school starts, he will be in the first grade of elementary school.

  Su also just ate at the hotel, but didn't want to be horrified, so he was still very embarrassed by himself and ate with them again.

  After eating, Su also played a few games with Su Xing.

  Because she always leads Su Xing in the live broadcast room, now even Su Xing has her own fan base.

Fan sisters like to see him picking up equipment behind her sister’s **** every day, and occasionally broadcast live voices. As soon as his voice of milk and milk resembles a little adult comes out, the sisters who wield all kinds of sacks are crazy. .

  After the live broadcast ended, Su Ye went upstairs to the room, calmed down, and opened the five-in-one text message sent by Gu Hejun.

  This person is still as before, writing things very rigorously, the address, greeting, signature, date, all of them are not left, just like writing a letter.

  Before, Gu Hejun promised Su Ye that after the college entrance examination, he would reply to whether she should be an editor.

  That’s it.

  Su also read one by one. Although Gu Hejun’s words were impassioned, her expression was calm from beginning to end.

  There is no special surprise or excitement.

  Similar letters. Gu Hejun wrote to her decades ago. At that time, he wanted to sign a contract with "Golden". Coincidentally, he wrote the same sentence at the end of the two letters.

  ‘If you can, please let me be your editor. ’

  Su also darkened the phone and turned on the computer, and retrieved from the email the contract file that Bo Yunli had previously sent to her, the cloud publishing house.

  She used the printer in the room to print out two copies, took a glance, took out a signature pen from the bag, and wrote in the additional conditions column: Bring your own editor.

  Finally, in the signature column, with a big stroke, he signed his pen name at will.

  The handwriting is scribble, but the gesture is sharp.

   Both copies were signed. She looked around to see if there were any paper bags that could be used to hold them.

  'S eyes fell on the things she brought back from school. There was a file bag with neatly drawn papers in it, which Bo Yunli helped her organize on the day of the parent meeting.

  Su also directly poured all the papers in the document bag onto the table, and then put the signing documents in.

   is very informal.

  If Bo Yunli was there at this time, and seeing the exam papers he had compiled, it would be messed up again, I don’t know what he would think...

   After sealing the file bag, Su also called Zhang's mother in.

  Mama Zhang took the file bag, took out the small notebook, carefully wrote down the address Su Ye said, and then froze for two seconds: "Cloud Publishing House?"

  Su also said: "Just send it there."

  Mama Zhang nodded sensibly: "I've heard of this publishing house. There are many powerful authors in it, Miss, are you writing letters to your favorite writers?"

  Su Ye: "..." Two seconds later, there was a ‘ang’.

  Mama Zhang smiled and said, ‘would I know this little girl’s careful thoughts? ’Expression.

  I think she did this kind of thing when she was in school.

"By the way, Miss, you, the addressee, wrote the president He Wenyu. This is not okay. The president is very busy and will not accept your documents. According to my experience..." Zhang Ma smiled and said, "Yes. No, let me change it for you directly."

   When he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Su also called her to stop: "No, just write in whatever text you want."

  Ma Zhang’s expression was a little confused, thinking that Missy’s letter must have fallen to the ground, but seeing her so determined, she didn’t say anything.

  After Zhang’s mother left, Su also replied to Su Jinyang’s e-mail on the computer. It was all set, and it was night.

  She opened the curtains and looked at the night outside the window.

  Bo Yunli changed the curtains for her.

  The summer night is full of stars, the cool breeze is blowing at the corners of the eyebrows, and the sound of cicadas is mixed with the sound of unknown insects.

  It seems that the weather is particularly good in the past few days of the college entrance examination each year.

  If you only look at this night, it seems to be no different from 40 years ago.

  Su also felt the powerful beating of the heart in his body, and his thoughts were flying.

  The ancestral hall of the Su family is on the 4th floor.

  Looking down from the 4th floor, the city is full of **** and mess, but if you look down from the height of the 40th floor, you will find that the world that was supposed to be dirty and desperate is full of neon flashes and radiance.

  If the grand niece can figure it out, she might not make that choice.

  Su also has a gentle and firm voice, speaking to her grand-niece.

   "From now on, grandma will take you to see the scenery from the heights..."


  Time flickered and it reached the 22nd.

  The students who were crazy about playing were sober today. They can only start checking their scores at nine in the morning. After eight o’clock, the students were held hostage by their parents, sitting in front of the computer honestly, waiting for their fate to be pronounced.

  You can check on the phone, but the enquiry hotline is always busy and cannot be accessed at all.

  The atmosphere in the city is tense.

   Teacher's Office of No. 1 Middle School.

  Gao Shengnan, Zhang Guangqiu, Fan Zhongjin, and a few class teachers who should have been on vacation, all sat at their desks and prepared, waiting for the educational administration system to update the college entrance examination score rankings of all candidates.

  Compared with the nervousness of other teachers, Gao Shengnan has the chance to win and is calm and relaxed.

  She called Bai Yuqiao after the college entrance examination, and Bai Yuqiao said that she did well in the exam.

  Finally, she is about to get a Kyoto City champion. She actually feels like she has achieved fame.

  Sure enough, I didn’t agree that Zhang Guangqiu was right, and the gap between Zhang Guangqiu and her was still very large.

   Thinking, Gao Shengnan glanced at Zhang Guangqiu triumphantly.

  I saw Zhang Guangqiu facing the screen, rubbing his hands excitedly.

  Gao Shengnan didn’t understand what his expression was. After thinking about it for a long time, he found an appropriate description.

  His expression is like waiting for the lottery to draw.

  After so many mock exams, the teacher has not counted the students' probably what the scores are. As for?

Gu Qi of   23, even if his performance is stable, he will be the third in the school at best, and there are more than a dozen in the city.

  What is he excited about Zhang Guangqiu?

   was wondering, the 9 o'clock alarm on Gao Shengnan's mobile phone rang, and the office was immediately silent.

  At 9 o'clock, the educational administration system began to update...

   3-4 more~

     The next chapter, Zhangguangqiu lottery won the lottery, still the grand prize, hahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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