After the Marriage Cancellation, She Becomes a True Ancestor

Chapter 386: Even Su Jinyang is floating (plus more unity)

  Chapter 386 Even Su Jinyang is floating (plus more unity)

  Except for Chinese, all other scores are perfect!

  Especially when the math paper is so difficult this time!

  The college entrance examination is different from other exams. It is impossible to cheat in the scores.

  All teachers can't believe it anymore, and they have to believe it, but it takes time to digest.

  Su Ye took the math test several times in a row to get full marks. They all knew that, combined with this very abnormal score, they understood to some extent. The previous exams hide their strength...

  After a long while, the teachers will find their own voices.

   "Old Zhang, you Bansu are really hidden."

   "It is 29 points higher than Bai Yuqiao?"

  "I remember that Su also took a leave of absence for several months, right?"

   "Old Zhang, you are really out of luck."

  "Who would have thought that the 23rd class at the end of the crane had a city champion?"

  The teachers really wanted to congratulate Zhang Guangqiu, but the words became sour for some reason.

   Even with Su Ye’s achievement, even stupid thinking can know that it has nothing to do with Zhang Guangqiu's teaching level. It is simply a city champion with closed eyes.

  Who can not jealous?

  Gao Shengnan looked at Zhang Guangqiu’s dying happy expression, and wanted to go up and squeeze his hair!

  Think about how complacent about Bai Yuqiao’s math score of 137 points.

  Can Su Ye? He turned out to have a direct score of 150!

  That's a perfect score.

   is simply a full-level boss Tu Xinshou Village.

  Fan Zhongjin was so jealous that his teeth were crushed. The school with the best grades in their class ranked 9th, and the city ranked directly above 90.

  I knew that today, I had to tie Su to my class when I was tied up! ! !

  At this moment, the educational administration system has all been restored, and the teachers have all returned to their desks and began to study their class scores.

  Gao Shengnan took a special look. Gu Qi has a high Chinese score, but his English is a little worse. With a total score of 693, the school ranks 4th and the city ranks 10th.

   is one point lower than Wang Dongqing.

  Ke Su Ye's total score is 29 points higher than Bai Yu Qiao.

  In such a comparison, isn't she dignified in class 1 but hasn't even passed the test in class 23? ? ?

  At this moment, Gao Shengnan received a WeChat message on his mobile phone.

   was sent by Zhang Guangqiu.

  A voice.

  There are many people in the office, Gao Shengnan did not click to open, but clicked to convert to text.

  ‘As long as the class you teach can get a college entrance examination champion, I will...’

   Gao Shengnan's face turned red all of a sudden. Isn't this the sentence she made a bet with Zhang Guangqiu before the college entrance examination?

  Su also said that it should be recorded as evidence...

   When Gao Shengnan said that, she wanted to run against Zhang Guangqiu. She couldn’t think that Zhang Guangqiu could really win the champion, or the city champion...

  Not only that, this time in Class 23, in addition to Gu Qi and Su Ye, even Tian Chong and the others have generally improved a lot.

  Gao Shengnan can’t tell what it feels like at the moment, this magical class 23, the magical Zhangguangqiu...

  She looked up at Zhang Guangqiu's desk, but found that the other person was no longer in the office.

   After Zhang Guangqiu sent the WeChat message, he went out happily and called Su Ye.

  Su Ye, this child must be very happy to see his grades. As a class teacher, he must congratulate him immediately.

  But the busy tone came out as soon as the phone rang twice, and then he received a WeChat message.

  His ancestor: In the game, I'll talk about it later.

  Still playing? !

  This is too calm, right? ?

  Isn’t it ecstatic and weeping with such a good result? !

  Zhang Guangqiu was ready for the little emotion of choking with her.


  The office of No. 1 Middle School is all fried, but Su’s side is still as calm as ever.

  Su was neither ecstatic, nor weeping with joy. He even forgot about the results today, lying on the sofa lazily, with Erlang's legs tilted, and after sending out WeChat to Zhang Guangqiu, he continued to return to the game interface.

  There are a lot of people giving rewards in the live broadcast today, and she can't live up to the love of the sponsors.

  The landline in the living room rang for the fourth time, and Mom Zhang ran over to pick it up, ‘um’ a few times, and then handed it to Su Ye: "Miss, it’s Mr. Zhang looking for you."

  Su also said ‘oh’, walked over and clamped the receiver between his ear and shoulder, and the game kept playing in his hand.

  The call was made by Zhang Qingfeng, and the tone was the same as usual. Obviously, he hadn't heard any wind yet.

  Called, one is concerned about Su and did not check the results, and the other is to find out when she is going to come to the National Taiwan University to report.

  Su also played the game while responding, but his tone was still very polite: "I haven't checked...I went to the National Tsing Hua University to report...I will talk about it later, I want to reconsider..."

  It turns out that today is the day for results. No wonder Zhang Guangqiu just called her.

  In the past few days, she learned about the various hardware conditions of the virus research direction of the Aiye Medical Department, and then she was a little shaken about going to the National Taiwan University...

  In the study of Zhang's family, Zhang Qingfeng clearly heard the meaning of Su Ye's words, this girl really wanted to regret it.

   is really Murphy's law, the more you are afraid, the more you will come.

  Zhang Qingfeng shook his head. This girl is still too young to know what is best for her.

  The 15-year-old Bo Yunli rejected the National Tsing Hua University because he had many better options besides the National Tsing Hua University, but for Su Ye, being able to go to the National Tsing Hua University was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change his destiny.

  Zhang Qingfeng thought for a while, found Bo Yunli’s mobile phone number, sent a text message, and said something that Su also wanted to regret.

   After all, Bo Yunli was on the same line with him in the matter of getting Su to go to the National Tsing Hua University.

  At this time, let Su Ye's calm fiance take care of her.

   Soon, Bo Yunli came back.

The three characters    are very dominant.

  [Can't control it. ]

   Immediately afterwards, there are two more.

  [She can control me, I can't control her. ]

  [I suggest you leave it alone. ]

  Zhang Qingfeng narrowed his eyes: "..."

  Is it possible for him to leave it alone?

  He is cruel and cruel, and for the sake of the future, he can't just get used to it anymore, he has to put some pressure on it properly.

   At the Su’s side, while Su also put down the phone, Su Jinyang came out of the study and asked keenly: "The call just now was not from the President Zhang of National Tsing Hua University?"

  Su also nodded and said yes.

  Su Jinyang walked forward two steps quickly: "Then what do you say you want to reconsider, don't you want to go to the National Taiwan University?"

  Su also looked down at the mobile game, with a calm tone: "I have this idea."

  Su Jinyang Qi knotted: "You...didn't you get results today? Did you check your results?"

  Su also took advantage of Su Jinyang's outbreak, and went to the elevator while playing a game. He pressed the second floor, and the moment the elevator door closed, he replied: "Check again after playing this game."

   "You!" Su Jinyang chased after him, and the elevator closed in front of him. He was too lazy to go upstairs and talk to her. Now the most urgent task is to call Principal Zhang back and explain for Su.

  The child is young and ignorant, even after a few scores on the test, he said that he would give up the recommended places at National Taiwan University. I really don’t know what the kids are thinking about now.

After thinking about it, Su Jinyang walked to the landline and dialed Zhang Qingfeng again.

  I wanted to explain for the girl, who knew that Zhang Qingfeng’s tone was a bit cold this time, not at all as enthusiastic as when he came to the Su family in person before.

  Su Jinyang hung up the phone, a little bit in his heart.

  Also, there is a principal in a family, and his daughters refused to give him face one after another. Can he not be angry?

  As far as my daughter’s grades are concerned, if President Zhang is really anxious, he will definitely not even be able to go to a third-rate university.

   Su Jinyang dyed a trace of restlessness between his eyebrows, and quickly called out Xu Huanying, who was making faces in the back room.

   "Where did you put the tea leaves sent by Yunli's special assistant last time?"

  Xu Huanying thought about it as she massaged her face: "I put it in the cabinet. The tea is so expensive. Didn't we say that it is reserved for important people as gifts? Why do you suddenly think of it?"

  Su Jinyang thought for two seconds: "To find out, I have to go to Principal Zhang's house in person..."

   Regardless of whether it's stubborn or stubborn, he can't let his daughter not go to college.

   Xu Huanying was a little unsure, but didn't ask much, turned back to the house and took it.

  Here Su Jinyang was about to put on his jacket, and the landline on the side sounded again...


  At the same time, Zhang's side.

  After Zhang Qingfeng hung up Su Jinyang's phone, he was very satisfied with his performance with the shelf just now. He had to put so much pressure on him to understand what a rare opportunity Shanghai Qing University is.

  He wondered that Su Jinyang would come to visit in a while, and then he made himself a pot of tea calmly and calmly.

  Bai Jingxu passed by his door and went to Bai Yuqiao's room.

   Speaking on the phone with a mobile phone in his hand, his tone was very proud: "But a city champion, not so problem, I will treat tonight...the old place..."

  Zhang Qingfeng asked: "Have you checked Qiao Qiao's grades?"

  Bai Jingxu smiled arrogantly when he heard the words: "This is going to be checked, I'll check it out."

  Zhang Qingfeng looked at the back of his son leaving, squeezed the teacup and shook his head. Before checking the results, he had already ordered the banquet for the city champion.

  Sure enough, as soon as his tea was brought to his lips, before he even entered the mouth, he heard Bai Yuqiao’s shocked and stunned voice coming from the boudoir.


   "This is absolutely impossible!"

   "I'm not number one?"

  At the same time, Zhang Qingfeng received the information sent to him by the secretary from the National Tsing Hua University in his mobile phone.

  The scores and data of the No. 1 pick in Kyoto this year...

  Zhang Qingfeng calmly opened the materials, and he also wanted to know who the students could score more than his granddaughter.

  The next second, when he saw the name displayed on the information, he got up from the chair.


  The angle of view cuts back to Su's side.

  Su Jinyang was going to visit Zhang's house and was stopped by a phone call.

  "City champion?" He arranged his suit jacket, and said to the phone: "Wrong number is wrong."

  Just a second after the call was hung up, the other party called again.

  Su Jinyang impatiently picked up again: "I said you called the wrong number..."

  Before I said the word ‘wrong’ this time, I listened to the phone and said very flatteringly: "Is this the home of classmate Su Ye, the number one scholar in Kyoto?"

  Su Jinyang choked, but did not respond.

  Has the same name, right?

  He hasn’t answered yet, so he asks on the other end: "Excuse me, are you the father of student Su Ye, are you Mr. Su Jinyang?"

  Su Jinyang: "……"

  Can’t even my father’s name be heavy, right?

  He realized something was wrong, took off his jacket and threw it aside, and sat upright by the phone: "I am...but what did you just say? Kyoto...the city champion???"

"Yes, it is……"

  Su Jinyang squeezed the microphone tightly and listened carefully to the voice on the other end of the phone.

  The man spoke a very standard Mandarin, with round words, but Su Jinyang felt that he couldn't understand it.

  His daughter Su Ye... got 746 points on the test? Is Kyoto... the city, the city, the city champion?

   3-5 more~

     Su Jinyang: I'm over!

     Zhang Qingfeng: I installed it, I was wrong!

     ask for a ticket!



  (End of this chapter)

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