Chapter 49 Fenghua Peerless Nanbowan~

  After returning to the house, Su also locked the door behind him, spread the check paper in his schoolbag and spread it on the table, while holding the pen between his fingertips, turning it around in a quick and smart manner.

  I was inspired by Bo Yunli’s talk about bidding. In fact, the original plan, if Su also went out in person, would be a matter of course, but tomorrow is her nephew with ordinary business talents. It is indeed necessary to add the points reminded by Bo Yunli.

  After finishing the modification, I started the computer calmly and calmly.

  As soon as it turned on, Su Jinyang’s respectful e-mail popped up.

  [Hello dear, I’m disturbing, I have a few questions about the bidding tomorrow, can you please give me some advice. ]

  At the same time, Su Jinyang in the study stared at the screen nervously. It has been five minutes since the email was sent, but there was no reply.

  An excellent entrepreneur like the other party, this time is likely to participate in important business meetings or transnational dinners, dare not rush.

  He was a little annoyed and placed a cigarette. He once asked someone to trace the bank account that transferred the money to Su Qi, trying to find some clues related to the identity of the boss, but found nothing. This person has a strong anti-reconnaissance consciousness and cannot break it at all.

  It’s not that Su Jinyang doesn’t trust him, but the more he trusts, the more curious he is, even if he just knows his name.

   was thinking, with a crisp ‘dingdong’, the other party finally replied.

  Su Jinyang quickly pinched the cigarette and tapped the keyboard.

  The typing speed of people his age is far not as fast as that of young people, and text communication is very inconvenient.

  In order not to delay the bidding, Su Jinyang proposed to change to voice call.

  Su is also hesitating here, and the voice call invitation has been sent over there.

  She glanced at the toy her niece threw in the drawer, her delicate eyebrows narrowed.

   There is a line of introduction printed on it: ‘the same type of voice changer for famous detectives, so you have a transgender charming voice. ’

  Although her niece buried a lot of thunder for her, she did a good thing this time. With this, the voice call will not reveal her identity.

  Su also clung to the bow-shaped voice changer, switched on the voice, and said calmly, "Mr. Su, hello."

  ...I imagined that the voice of a mature male did not appear. Instead, it turned out to be a little yellow man sound like being stepped on the tail...

  Is this transgender? It's almost cross-species...

  I glanced at the price tag attached to the box: 9 yuan 9...Su Ye has a black line: Gan! High imitation? !

  On the other side, Su Jinyang finally heard the voice of the boss in his heart: "..."

  Su also hung up the call and sent a line.

  [Computer failure, wait for ten minutes. ]

  She took an unsightly box with densely packed small parts, all of which are resistors, capacitors and micro integrated boards that only professionals can understand.

  Su also turned the screwdriver in his hand and pried open the back cover of the voice changer...

  Ten minutes later, Su Jinyang connected the voice again, and a mellow and magnetic male voice came.

  This is the voice that the boss should have...

  After the voice call, the communication between the two parties was unimpeded, and all the problems were quickly resolved.

  Su Jinyang’s hanging heart was finally let go, and he took courage: "Noble man, I really admire your talent, I don’t’s not convenient for you to know your name?"

  Without a name, Su Jinyang keeps calling ‘noble person, noble person’, and Su also sounds awkward.

"My name is……"

  At this moment, Su Xing turned on the TV next door and forgot to adjust the volume, and the loud advertising slogan came into Su Ye's ears.

   "Hongxing Erke, tobenumberone!"

  Su also thought about it, and coughed slightly: "My name is Nan Bowan."


    One day, Su Jinyang: Mr. Nan didn't reply to my email again. The boss must be very busy.

     Su Ye: ...The teacher in class is not allowed to play with mobile phones.



  (End of this chapter)

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