Chapter 497 Self-destructive future

  Takano Hitomi looked at Su Ye with full eyes: "Ask what?"

  Su also looked back at her for an instant: "Have you been in contact with your father recently?"

  Takanoda resigned for no reason. Su also felt that something was wrong. Although he knew that the possibility of Hitomi Takano’s cooperation was almost zero, he still asked, because even if Hitomi Takano didn’t contact him, Mr.Takanoda would contact her.

But the result was similar to what Su Ye had guessed. When Hitomi Takano heard this, she reacted very much. She flushed with hostility, "What did you ask for? The last time he came to school, I was ashamed of it. Isn't it enough? If you have a good family background and a good background, can you humiliate others casually?"

  As long as it involves a topic related to her father, she feels unable to lift her head.

  The wicked will always speculate on others with malicious intent.

  Su also said the same, she naturally felt that Su was also laughing at her and despising her.

  Bai Yuqiao is speechless. This person's brain circuit is not normal at all. It is obvious that there is a ghost in his heart: "Su Ye is just asking, are you responding so much?"

Don’t mention that Zhao Xiaotao regretted calling Hitomi Takano, and was thinking about how to take back the registration form, and saw Hitomi Takano **** his neck unconvincedly, and directly took the registration form from Zhao Xiaotao’s hand. It was very cold. With a grin: "Now that I need my help for research, I think of me? I'm sorry, I'm very busy, I don't have time!"

  Takano Hitomi felt very happy. After speaking, he tore the registration form to pieces, threw it into the trash can mercilessly, and walked away.

  She didn’t even know that her self-righteousness had ruined what a good opportunity to enter the research room.

  Behind, Zhao Xiaotao, Bai Yuqiao, and Kong Li: "..."

  The feeling of regaining a new life after the catastrophe.

  Su also seems to have guessed the result a long time ago, and whispered: "Since she is so unwilling, don't force her~"


  At the beginning of the new semester, the courses of all grades are very tight, not to mention the research room, but Zhao Xiaotao and Kong Li still spend time in the library to do research.

  With Zhao Xiaotao joining, the research is going very smoothly.

  Allie stopped unexpectedly during this time, did not look for trouble, did not scold Kong Li much, and even took her to experiment with patience.

  Time flickered, and it was Monday again in a blink of an eye.

  After Kong Li observed the virus from the instrument, she picked up the pen and recorded the data on the form: "Dr. Allie, can you help me take a look."

   didn't get a response, Kong Li felt strange. As soon as she raised her head, she saw Ai Li holding her arms and staring obscurely at the closed door of the inner room, her eyes filled with coldness.

   "Dr. Allie?"

  Kong Li yelled a few more times, and Ai Li returned to her senses, and took the data recorded by Kong Li and glanced at her: "Yes, continue."


  Inside the room.

  Su Ye and Wen Ni’s experiment time is a bit long today. Normally, Su also gets off work on time at 17:30, but it has already passed 18 o'clock today, and the two of them still have no intention of ending.

  Until 18:30, Bo Yunli's call came.

  Su also noticed the time on the phone when she answered the phone. She pressed hands-free, tapped her finger on the keyboard, and concentrated on entering the experimental data into the computer: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

   Opposite Wen Ni, her hand movement was obviously slower, her ears were erected very gossiping, listening to Su also talked to Bo Yunli on the phone.

  Bo Yunli, who honestly waited for an hour in the car, said in a bad tone: "Come down, day and night experiments, I don’t need my body anymore."


  Su also did not notice the emotions of his fiancé at all, and was still recording the data: "You go back first. I'll just take a taxi and go back by myself."

  In fact, she just forgot to eat at noon.

  Takinoda's affairs made her very irritable, and she wanted to speed up.

  But the breeder Bo Yunli is also very principled. After the time set by him, no more points are allowed: "If you don't come down, then I will go up."

  The tone is sure and unquestionable.

  Kesu is not afraid of his threats: "You can't enter the back room when you come up. I have modified the door. I only recognize me and Wen Ni, unless you have the key."

  For convenience, Su Ye modified the door of the back room before, and the faces of her and Wen Ni were entered in the face recognition system.

  Similar to the modification method of her room in the Su family, but the research room is not her room after all. She has reserved permission and can still open it with the key.

  On the other end of the phone, Bo Yunli smiled as if there was nothing, "Then I will wait for you at the door. If you have the ability, you will never come out. As long as you come out, I will kiss you like everyone else."

  He deliberately bites on the word ‘tongue kiss’, which is very unreasonable.

  Wen Ni suddenly became energetic when he heard this, and said to Su also one by one with his mouth: ‘I want to see a tongue kiss! ’

  Su also turned dark and cleared his throat, pretending to calmly turn off the hands-free.

  She drew up her schoolbag and faced Wen Ni blankly: "I'm leaving first, and we will continue tomorrow."

  Wen Nipa pulled her shoulders and waved at her disappointedly.

  Su also left. Wen Ni spent more than ten minutes packing the instruments in the back room, and followed home from work.

In the outer room, when Ai Li saw Wen Ni leaving, the corners of her lips evoked an inexplicable smile. She put her hand in the pocket of the sterile suit, as if she was pinching something. She asked Kong Li to continue the experiment until everyone else. They all left before ending the experiment and let Kong Li go back.

  Kong Li packed up her schoolbag: "Goodbye Dr. Allie."

  It wasn’t until only Ellie was left in the room that she finally took out the hand that was in her pocket. Inside was a key...

  This is the key to the back room. She spent a week and finally got it.

  Thinking of Wen Ni's arrogance in the research room, a crazy color spread across her eyes, and her nails fell into the flesh of her palms.

   Seeing that there was no one else in the house at this moment, she gritted her teeth, got up and walked over, and opened the door of the back room with the key...

  The first time she did this kind of thing, she was very guilty, and her palms kept sweating.

  However, she is in charge of the clutter in the research room. She knows that the research room does not press the camera.

  She took a few breaths, and calmed her mind. There is no one at this moment, and it is impossible for anyone to know that she did it by herself.

  Hitano Takano is right. No matter how hard Wen Ni's background is, if there is a major experimental accident, he will have to wrap up and take away people.

  At that time, the research office will re-elect the person in charge. Ally is confident that she can definitely do the job, and she must do better than Wen Ni!

  Thinking of this, the corners of her lips made a smile of evil.

  She looked for the name on the notebook and found Wen Ni’s work station...


  At the same time, Kong Li, who had already walked out of the Aiye Building, rummaged through her schoolbag, and suddenly realized that she had forgotten to take the meal card.

  When she first did the experiment, she seemed to put the meal card on the experiment table.

  Think about it, turn back and walk back...

   3-4 more~

     A little reminder, Ellie thought no one had seen it, but there must be something on the door of the face recognition system that Su also modified?



  (End of this chapter)

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