Chapter 528 Sister Ye is very jealous

  Haya paused, then with one hand on his hips, the other hand lifted up curly hair, smelling fragrant.

  She asked again: "Are you sure? Better-looking than me?"

  Xiao Zhou thought about it very seriously for a moment: "OK."

  Haya: "..."

  In the office, Bo Yunli suddenly remembered something, put aside the things in his hand, took out a bag of pink things to Lu Wenbin, and then confessed to Lu Wenbin.


  Bo's side.

   A loud "bang--" loud noise came from the toilet.

  The maid patted the toilet door worriedly: "Miss Su, are you okay?"

  After a long time, Su also heard a very normal voice from inside: "It's okay?"

  She just built a toilet lid after going to the toilet, what can happen?

  She was still whistling when she came out of the toilet, and she was trying to hide her mood.

  The maid hurried in and took a look. The 300,000, tens of thousands of super anti-fall and resistant toilets, the toilet lid was cracked...

  The butler who heard the sound: "..."

  The butler is worried, it doesn't matter if the toilet is cracked, the point is that Miss Su is quite wrong this afternoon.

  A few hours ago, Su Ye and Zhang Guangqiu had just returned from lunch when they saw Xu Huanying sitting on the sofa area of ​​Bo’s hospitality waiting for her.

  The butler originally wanted to hear what they had said, but Xu Huanying directly pulled Su Ye back to the room.

   After a while, the two of them came out of the house.

   Xu Huanying's face was not very good when she left, but Su Ye persuaded her: "Don't worry about it, go back soon."

  Looks like a okay person, but in fact...

  The butler made a special note.

   3:10 pm, Miss Su ate the red dragon fruit while nesting on the sofa and watched a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

  At 4:00 pm, Miss Su got a sharpening stone from nowhere, and sat in the yard and began to sharpen her sword.

  Half an hour later, he sharpened the sword that Old Man Bo had played during morning exercises in the park in the morning.

   also compared the blade to the light and nodded in satisfaction.

   Then just now.

  At 4:15 pm, Miss Su broke the toilet lid.

A drop of cold sweat leaked from Bo Zhan's forehead, and he silently pulled the housekeeper aside: "Hurry up and call Yun Li to come back. It must be Yun Li who is not happy anymore."

  The butler nodded: "Yes."


  Bo Yunli's side, even with Haya, the case is still not going well.

   Mainly because time has passed too long, there is no strong evidence that Yuan Fu poisoned the pharmaceutical factory.

  Although Yuan Fu’s performance shows that she was the one who did this, but she just refused to admit it.

  Even if she only admits one sentence, Haya has a way to convict her.

  Haya: "Tomorrow we will go to the prison again. I will try to pry her mouth open."

  Bo Yunli pinched his eyebrows: "Okay."

  It’s almost dinner time, Haya glanced at the time and pursed the corners of her lips: "Um...Should we talk while eating?"

  Bo Yunli (Ultimately Rotten Peach Blossom Insulator): "Here is a staff meal."

  As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang, and it seemed that it was the housekeeper, so he immediately answered it.

  I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, and the man frowned.

  Haya couldn't understand the too complicated Chinese. After a while, I saw him hung up and dialed another phone with a serious expression.

   is calling Xu Huanying.

   Asked the reason for the matter, Bo Yunli's frowning eyebrows not only stretched out, but there seemed to be a hint of pleasure that was not easily noticeable by others.

  Xu Huanying couldn't help being curious, and asked him tactfully whether the pink stuff was sugar.

  Bo Yunli smiled lightly: "It's sugar."

   Xu Huanying's voice couldn't help being louder: "Is it really sugar? Yun Li..."

  Bo Yunli didn’t wait for her to finish, but he interrupted warmly: “Hang up first.”

   hung up the phone, he got up and packed his things: "Let’s do this today, and I will gather at the prison at 10 o’clock tomorrow, and the taxi fare will be reimbursed."

  Haya was confused: "Is the call from the Police Agency just now?"

  Bo Yunli: "No, it's a family affair."

  As soon as he heard it was a family affair, Haya suddenly understood when he got up to pack his things and was ready to go home.

  She shrugged her shoulders with a smile: "Your fiancee won't be jealous, right?"

  Bo Yunli did not speak, and continued to pack things.

  Haya raised her eyebrows: "No? She shouldn't be so stingy, even if you don't worry about going out to work?"

  Bo Yunli locked the drawer and took the coat and car key hanging on the back of the chair.

  Haya followed behind and got up: "You should wait until her anger is gone before going back, or should I accompany you to have a meal first?"

  Bo Yunli finally stopped: "Why wait for her to die?"

  Haya was asked by him.

  What's the reason for this?

  Each time the girlfriends of the elder brother are angry, the elder brother will go to her to hide for a while. Isn’t this the most normal reaction?

Thinking of how to answer, he listened to the opposite Bo Yunli and continued: "I like her being stingy, and I want to see her jealous and harassing me," as he said, the corners of his lips didn't feel like a radian, and he looked forward. It seems to have begun to fantasize: "It must be cute."

  Haya didn't expect him to say this at all, and he was speechless for a while.

  She is really curious about Bo Yunli’s fiancee.


  Gentle ladies?

  Would you like to make him like this?


  When Bo Yunli returned home, a gentle lady was practicing swords in the yard.

  The housekeeper and maid had changed from being worried before, to standing neatly on the side, watching her dance sword intently.

   When learning boxing with Huo Jinliang, she also taught herself some swordsmanship.

  With her clothes fluttering and the sword shadow sharp, applause one after another.

  Seeing the young master's return, the steward answered enthusiastically: "Master, just now Miss Su's set is called the Zixia Moon Sword Technique."

  Bo Yunli: "……"

Yu Guang felt his approach, Su also backed his body, and the long sword turned a few times in his hand. With the force of the wrist, the long sword flew out and plunged in front of Bo Yunli accurately. In the trunk.

   away from the tip of his throat, at most 2cm.

  Bo Yunli smiled, but the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

  The little girl's behavior when she is jealous is really cute.

  He stopped in front of Baojian, and Yiwuyishi talked about hiring Haya to help trial Yuanfu's case, and also explained that what he was busy with these days was actually about this case.

  But Su Ye's expression was still cold, she walked up to him, pulled out the sword, and continued to practice.

  Bo Yunli couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to coax patiently: "Be careful of the injury on your hand."

  Originally, Su was still dancing the sword with his other hand. Hearing this, he immediately changed to the injured hand.

  Don’t let him go to death.

  Bo Yunli: "She didn't give that bag of sugar to me. I bought it and gave it to me."

  Who knows that Su also got even more angry when he heard this.

  It was not given for nothing, but it was bought with money?

  He is short of sugar?

  Su Ye's phone sounded several WeChat notification tones.

  Bo Yunli stood there, with one hand in his pocket, looking at her and smiling: "Hey, don't be angry, look at the phone."

   1-2 more~

     Thank you [anthocyanins], [karroy No. 7] Little fairy for rewards~



  (End of this chapter)

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