Chapter 607 Extraordinary (7)

   "Atonement for that person."

  Jiang Yu didn't name her, but Zhao Xiaotao seemed to understand that he should be talking about Jiang Qi.

  Jiang Qi's accident, many companies are facing the same dilemma as Wang Qingshen at that time.

  It’s just that they are not so lucky.

When Jiang Yu said that sentence, there was almost no expression on his face.

  There are several sweet-scented osmanthus trees beside the road. This season, the sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms just right.

  The wind blew gently, blindly annoying fragrance.

  Arousing people's hearts, refreshing people's heart, and touching heartstrings.

  The tender yellow petals fell on the collar of Jiang Yu's white-washed shirt.

  The girl's eyes fell on his face.

  Zhao Xiaotao stared straight at Jiang Yu's face.

   "Is there something on my face?" Jiang Yu asked her.

   "No," Zhao Xiaotao paused for two seconds and continued: "Student Jiang, I think you look really good!"

  Although the classmate should be concerned about the injury first, but she can't help it.

  Jiang Yu's original facial features were exquisite and beautiful, coupled with the small wounds on the corners of her eyes and mouth, it was simply the original form of the Meiqiang tragic "attack" in the heroines comics she chased!

  So good!

  Jiang Yu was stunned, she didn't seem to expect Zhao Xiaotao to say this.

  It is amazing that his emotions were affected by her words, and the emotions that had been frustrated by the person and Jiang Qi just now disappeared.

  He suddenly remembered something, took out Zhao Xiaotao’s phone from his pocket, smiled gently: "Your phone."

  Zhao Xiaotao had a very magical expression, took the phone and turned it on and tried to press it a few times.

  Really no convulsions!

  She looked up at Jiang Yu.

  Only one night, was it fixed?


  When the fallen leaves fall out, the snowflakes float down.

   is like a kind of inheritance, endless.

  After the heavy snow covered the whole city, the year passed in a hurry.

   When the baby was full-term in Su Ye's belly, it was already February of the following year.

  She has a good complexion, and there is still no flesh on her face. Except for her a little bigger belly, she can't see the pregnancy in October at all.

  The expected delivery date is these few days, and Bo Yunli has been admitted to the VIP delivery room of Bai’s Hospital with her in advance.

  The housekeeper and Aunt Li have already prepared everything they need. The Bo family is excited and looking forward to it. Everyone talks about the topic of the Bo family’s future young great-grandson.

  Xu Huanying and Su Jinyang also took turns to inquire several times a day.

  Dozens of pairs of eyes staring and looking forward.

  But the baby may be too comfortable in Su Ye's stomach. Two days after the due date, Su Ye has no symptoms of labor.

  The more anxious you are, the more you will not come.

  The expert's temporary suggestion is to let Su Ye wait for two more days.

  But if it exceeds the expected delivery date for 7 days, there will be drawbacks.

  Bo Yunli, in order to let Su also relax, don’t put pressure on it, and specifically told Grandpa and Su’s family not to always call.

  He still went to the group to deal with things normally during the day, and went back to the hospital to accompany Su Ye at night.

  Of course, when he was in the group, he basically held maternity-related books in his hands.

  The same goes for meetings.

  Su Ye’s delivery room is furnished as comfortable as at home, but it will still get bored after a long time.

  Went downstairs and slid around, just in time to ran into Zhao Xiaotao who came to the hospital with medicinal herbs.

  Since the successful inoculation experiment of Su Ye before, the research laboratory has begun to invest in the cultivation of fortified herbs.

   What Zhao Xiaotao brought was the hard work of everyone in the research room during this time.

  Fortified herbs that can perfectly meet the standard of virus suppression after testing.

  Zhao Xiaotao was shocked to see Su also come out: "Why did you come out?"

  Su also walked as smoothly as usual, took the test report of the fortified herb, and went into the elevator with her while watching it, and directly pressed the top floor: "It's okay, the experts also let me move around more, it's easier to grow."

  Bai Jingxu has now opened the permissions of the special ward on the top floor to them.

  Zhao Xiaotao felt that what the expert said was reasonable, so she didn’t say anything else, and took a look at the rising floor: "Are you going to go to the Takano Hitomi Ward with me?"

   "Well, go and see," Su also carefully read all the test data.

  The strength of herbs has reached the standard.

  Just the first time a new drug is put into use, there will still be many uncertainties.

  Go and take a look to rest assured.


  In the ward of Hitomi Takano.

  Bai Yuqiao and Bai Jingxu are here.

  First, Hitomi Takano did a full-body examination, and after confirming that there was no problem, he started to dispense the medicine.

  Before the herbs were grown, Su Ye and Zhao Xiaotao discussed the approximate prescription.

  At this moment, I have fine-tuned it based on the detection data of the herb.

   During the decoction process, Zhao Xiaotao was completely covered, and Su was not allowed to mix it up at all.

  Su also agreed, anyway, she is in this state, it is suitable to do some mental work, not to make them messy.

  Takano Hitomi still doesn't speak much. When everyone is busy, she sits on the head of the bed, her eyes falling on Su Ye's belly.

  However, unlike before, she was calm without the jealousy in her eyes.

  She tilted her head, as if depicting the future of the baby in Su Ye's belly.

  Death makes people desperate, but new life brings hope.

  Takano Hitomi smiled at the unborn baby.

  At noon, Zhao Xiaotao prepared the medicine and gave Hitomi Eagleno.

  The medicine is not bitter, and the process of taking the medicine is the same as usual.

  Everything seemed to be going well, but just 20 minutes after she took the medicine, Hitomi Takano's expression began to look a little wrong.

  She felt her bones hurt like she was about to split, big beads of sweat on her forehead came out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her face instantly turned pale.

  Severe pain overwhelmingly invaded the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and within a minute, she became unconscious and even had a sign of convulsions.

  Bai Yuqiao and Bai Jingxu quickly checked her.

  The drug is too strong, and the virus has a rejection reaction.

  Before, every time I took the medicine, I felt joint pain.

  Unexpectedly, the response will be so strong after the herbs are strengthened.

  Bai Jingxu looked at his assistant and said the names of several injections.

  Assistant: "Okay, I'll get it right away."

  After the assistant left, Su Ye stroked his chin with his fingers, thinking for a moment: "No."

  "?" Bai Yuqiao asked: "What's the problem?"

  Su also calmly analyzed: "These injections can relieve pain, but they will also increase the virus activity."

  Bai Jingxu also thought of this, but is there any better way in this situation?

  A room fell into a dead silence, only to hear Su Ye’s voice sounded again: "Try acupuncture and moxibustion."

   "Are you going to give her acupuncture?" Of course, Bai Yuqiao believes in Su Ye's technique, but the key is that in this case, he needs to continue to administer acupuncture, and Su Ye's current situation...

  After hesitating, Hitomi Takano foamed at his mouth and started to twitch violently.

  No way, he quickly sent someone to take Su Ye’s silver needle.


  With Su Ye's stitches one by one, Hitomi Takano's situation has indeed improved.

  But due to virus interference, Hitomi Takano's physical condition is complicated, and Su also needs to change the injection position in real time according to her situation.

   means that one cannot rest for a moment.

  The minute hand of the wall clock turns round after round.

  Bai Yuqiao noticed that Su Ye's forehead was also leaking fine sweat.

  Zhao Xiaotao helped her wipe her sweat.

  It wasn't until 4 o'clock in the afternoon that Hitomi Takano's situation stabilized, and his complexion returned to normal.

  The whole house breathed a sigh of relief.

  Zhao Xiaotao wanted to help Su also go back to the house to rest, but Su also couldn't get up in the chair.

  Bai Jingxu noticed that her expression was not right, and his expression immediately became tense: "Also, what's wrong?"

  Su also looked up: "It seems to be... come to feel..."

   3-4 more~

     My sister will have a baby tomorrow~

     Brother Bo is looking forward to the ten-month "daughter" is about to be born hahaha~ I look forward to Brother Bo's expression~



  (End of this chapter)

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