Chapter 614 Extraordinary (fourteen)

  The year that Su also gave birth to a daughter, the same students happened to have graduated.

  Bai Yuqiao originally wanted to study abroad, but because of Professor Edwin, she decided to continue to study at National Tsing Hua University.

  Gu Qi went to the cloud for an internship, and her grandfather happened to be responsible for taking her.

  Wang Dongqing naturally entered the Wang family.

  Zhai Tianlong was directly pushed by the sports school and is preparing to go to M country to participate in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).

  Xie Minmin is much more relaxed. He posts handsome selfies on social platforms every day and has millions of fans. Recently, he signed a brokerage company under the Xie family.

  Both people are now well-known.

  Tian Chong successfully entered the Bo clan, although he was only a small employee at the grassroots level. But as long as he can guard his 0.001% of the group shares and Su boss, he is already satisfied.

  Jiang Yu founded a small company with the money he saved in college for several years, and is currently developing a firewall-like mobile app.


  Only Zhao Xiaotao’s job has not been decided yet, mainly because her family is too rich! ! !

  She can’t get up in a hurry! ! !

  This year after graduation, everyone is still busy with work and the future...

  Su also has both sons and daughters!


  Su Xing, as a handsome pupil about to enter the fifth grade of elementary school.

  Recently, something hurts the spring and the autumn.

  At this moment, he was sitting by the window sill in the living room, grabbing a flower in Xu Huanying's flowerpot, and counting the petals.

   "She loves me."

"she does not love me."

   "She loves me."

"she does not love me."


  When Xu Huanying hung up the phone and passed by the living room, she first found her precious flower.

  This is the fairy herb that Su Ye gave her, the leaves boiled in water can reduce wrinkles!

  Fortunately, flowers are useless, otherwise she would really feel bad about it.

  And she only noticed that Su Xing’s mouth was chanting something...


  This kid won’t fall in love at this young age, right?

  She is already a grandmother, so she won’t be anxious to be a grandmother!

   Just as her thoughts drifted further and further, Su Xing suddenly grabbed the last petal off and burst into tears.

  "I don’t love...Ah! My sister doesn’t love me anymore!"

   "She has a new favorite again!"

  Xu Huanying: "……"

   Turned out to be jealous?

   "Hey, Xingxing, you are in elementary school, why are you jealous of babies?"

As she said, she asked Zhang’s mother to give her the coat: “Don’t worry, your sister won’t love you, and this time she gave birth to a little sister, which is very cute. I just finished the phone call with your sister, do you want to? Come to see my little sister at Bo's house with me?"

   "Little sister?" Su Xing withdrew before the tears came down, with a pleasant tone of surprise: "My sister gave birth to a little sister this time?"

  Xu Huanying has been radiant for the past two years, and her daughter’s husband’s family can’t find anything wrong with her. She has both children after two years of marriage. What can she worry about?

   "Yes, yes, I heard that since the baby sister was born, your brother-in-law hasn't been to the group for a few days. I don't like it."

  This time, only ten days after giving birth, Su also returned to Bo's house.

  The confinement, housekeeper, maid, and family pediatrician are all available at home.

  There is no need to confinement in the hospital.

  But at first Su also said that he would come back early, but Bo Yunli disagreed.

  He is still not at ease, always feel that there is no hospital at home.

  Later one morning, Su also pointed to her daughter: "Did she have dark circles?"

  Bo Yunli quickly got up and immediately pressed the emergency bell to let the hospital come to rescue him.

  Fortunately, Su Ye stopped in time. She said, “It’s not serious, but the quality of sleep is not good. The hospital is not like a home. She has no sense of security and can’t sleep well at night.”

  The next day, they went home.

  It was dinner when Xu Huanying led Su Xing to Bo's house.

  As soon as the car entered the yard, she saw Bo Yunli holding her daughter across the floor-to-ceiling window of the bedroom to watch the scenery outside.

  The younger son is almost two years old now, but Xu Huanying really rarely sees the younger son being treated like this.

  It was cold in January and the room was quite warm, but Bo Yunli was still afraid of wind by the window, and wrapped his daughter like a little dumpling.

When Xu Huanying entered the house, Bo Zhanzheng and his little great-grandson watched the wedding video of Bo Yunli and Su Ye in the living room together.

   The two-year-old little great-grandson, sitting on the sofa leaning on his grandfather, looks like a little prince.

so pretty.

  In those big eyes, there was a stream of the clearest spring water, Su Ye's pupils were lighter in color and mixed blood, and so did he.

  The thick and curled eyelashes are like two long rows of brushes, fanning up and down, and even the shadow cast by the eyelashes on the eyelids flickers.

  The little guy stared straight at the TV screen and saw his mother walking slowly from a distance in a white wedding dress. He gave a crisp smile, then turned his head and buried his face next to Grandpa Zeng’s arm.

  She covered her eyes with her little hand and looked at her mother secretly.

  Bo Zhan haha ​​smiled and turned back: "In-law is here, the stars have disappeared for a while and he is taller."

  Xu Huanying hurriedly went over and kissed her grandson on the head, and her eyes couldn’t hide the liking.

  She pointed to the video projected on the TV: "At this time, you are in your mother's belly."

  The little guy looked at his mother's stomach magically. After a while, he pressed his lips and smiled embarrassedly.

   "Mom, it's so beautiful!"

  He speaks early, he can speak simple sentences when he is less than two years old.

  Bo Yunli came out of the room with his daughter in his arms, greeted the chef, and talked about the dishes that Su Ye would like to eat at night, and the precautions for his son’s diet.

  Su Xing saw the little niece in his arms, his heart melted, and his jealousy disappeared instantly.

  The little baby girl’s hair is soft and delicate, curled sparsely, around her tiny ears.

  Su Xing: "Brother-in-law, where is my sister?"

  Bo Yunli: "She is in the back room."

  It happened that Aunt Li brought a bowl of soup, which was prepared for Su Ye.

  Su Xing immediately took it upon seeing this: "I want to feed my sister!"

  The words were not settled, he ran into the back room like the wind, Bo Yunli reluctantly shook his head: "Be lighter, don't disturb her to rest."

  Xu Huanying also laughed, raised his hand and patted his handsome son-in-law on the back: "If there are more children, it will be lively."

In the back room, Su is also resting on the bed.

  There are many people who help take care of the children, but mothers are definitely the hardest.

  Following master Huo Jinliang during the time she was trained to be very alert.

  As soon as Su Xing entered the house, she was a little awake.

   opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Su Xing cautiously carrying the soup in.

  Although the soup bowl is anti-scalding, he is also afraid of spilling it.

  These are all good things for his sister's health.

   "Stars," Su also called him.

  Su Xing raised her head and smiled at her: "Sister, I miss you!"

  There are too many things to have a child, and it's true that the two brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time.

  Su also had a momentary trance. A few years ago, she had just been born again and went to the hospital to pick Su Xing home. She almost picked up the wrong person and recognized the little brother on the next bed as him.

  At the time Su Xing saw her, the first sentence was the same.

   "Sister, I want to kill you!"

   1-2 more~

     Thank you [kumu Lin] Little fairy for reminding you to change it~

     Thank you [anthocyanins], [Chu Yanjin] little baby for a reward~



  (End of this chapter)

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