Chapter 640 Extraordinary (Forty)

  On the opposite side, this cold-feeling fairy, the teachers of Deyi and Shuangxin, couldn't help but get together.

  Impression score is 100 points.

  You can look down at the test results in the interview kit.


  Mr. Miao Miao happens to be teaching Chinese.

  13 points?

  What kind of cute love score is this?

  The foreign teacher's Mandarin is not very authentic: "Um... let's follow the process, right?"

  Everyone nodded.

  The first link is for students to introduce themselves in foreign languages.

  The foreign teacher introduced the self-introduction requirements to Bo Limo in foreign languages.

  Because the interviews are all elementary school students who have just graduated from the sixth grade. They take care of the foreign language level of the elementary school students. The foreign teacher has slow pronunciation, exaggerated mouth, and gesture assistance.

  Bo Limo sounded a little strenuous. After waiting for a while, she couldn’t bear it. She spoke directly and said in a foreign language that sounds better than the foreign teacher’s pronunciation: "It’s okay, teacher, you can speak quickly."

  Very colloquial terminology, let alone the teachers next to me, even the foreign teachers were stunned.

  Next, Bo Limo introduced himself as required.

  There is still a childlike voice in the voice, but the introduction is concise and straightforward.

  In terms of her small aura when she introduced herself, it was quite the style of her dad when he was in a group meeting with a group of senior executives.

  After she introduced herself, the teachers whispered.

   "So bad grades? But foreign languages ​​are so good?"

  "Maybe growing up abroad since childhood? The living environment is different, right?"

  The reason why Yali is difficult to enter is because it attaches great importance to the all-round development and overall quality improvement of students.

  So even if the grades are double 100, if other aspects are poor, they will not be admitted.

  On the contrary, like Bo Limo, although all the conditions look good, the results are really...

  Maybe she really liked the teachers, and the teachers still came up with the last round of comprehensive quality exam questions that the students would do only if the foreign language self-introduction and exam results were passed.

  There are some very remote knowledge points.

  The difference between difficulty and easy is quite large, covering a wide range of knowledge.

  Simple traffic rules such as crosswalks, rare ones such as laws involving minors.

  Even exam questions related to mathematics, Chinese, etc., are not at all the kind of knowledge that the school will learn.

  For example: List five words representing black color.

  Inspect students' understanding of Chinese Studies.

  Yali’s definition of Xueba is different from the previous test-oriented education standards.

  Bo Limo turned the pen in his hand and reviewed the questions first.

  She raised her eyebrows slightly. She liked these questions.

  Compared with the questions in the elementary school exam, she is more interested.

  Ten minutes later, before the teachers' discussion was over, Bo Limo handed in the paper.

  Ms. Miao Miao was stunned: "Done? No more inspections?"

  You should know that out of 200 interviewing primary school students, less than 50 can enter the third round of comprehensive quality assessment.

  A total of 30 minutes of examination time, such a rare opportunity to hand in papers in 10 minutes?

  Bo Limo: "It's checked."

   "?" Teacher Miao Miao smiled slightly.

  It’s not bad that it can be done in ten minutes. Have you checked it yet?

   can be all the teachers around the paper.

  When I saw the content filled with crazy cursive handwriting, my mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape.

  Although the handwriting is not satisfactory, the content...

  Take the one I just said that tests the cultural heritage, and list five words that represent the color of black.

  The average child is very smart if he can come up with the word ‘ink’.

  Bo Limo wrote five directly.

  Xuan, ink, swarthy, dark, black.

  The last word, even Teacher Miao Miao secretly checked Du Niang under the table before recognizing it.

   "Student Bo Limo," Teacher Miao Miao looked up.

  Bo Limo’Huh? In response with a cry.

   Teacher Miao Miao: "The last question, can you tell me why you want to come to Yali Middle School?"

  Bo Limo didn't hesitate about this question, with a faint smile on his eyebrows: "Because my brother is here."

"Your brother?"

  This time the foreign teacher reacted first: "Your surname is Bo...your brother...Is it Bo Yicheng?"

  When he heard this, the other teachers were all stupid: "Bo Yicheng is your brother?"

  The first and second year of the school participated in the high school Olympiad, and the results just came out last month.

  First in the country.

  Not only is the grades amazingly good, but there is also a cold ascetic appearance as a teenager, so beautiful that even the teacher dare not look directly at it.

  Yali Middle School is well-deserved for its strength and appearance.

Ms. Miao Miao licked her dry lips, and her expression was still in a trance: "Li Mo, you can go back first, and the interview results will be sent to the parents' mobile phone messages later."

Bo Limo was very polite: "Good teacher."

  As soon as her front foot left, four teachers formed a group behind her.

   "No wonder the overall quality is so high, it turns out to be Bo Yicheng's younger sister!"

  "Didn’t you teach Bo Yicheng their foreign language? Have you heard him mention his sister?"

"Oh, I'm ashamed. I have taught Yi Cheng a foreign language for a year. Excluding class questions, he hasn't spoken more than three sentences to me. How could I know? But if you look at! "

   "What's the gene of this family? These brothers and sisters are too handsome, right?"

  Five minutes later, the teachers approved the scores of Bo Limo's comprehensive examination questions.

   Full marks!

  All the teachers raised their pens at once, without hesitation, they swiped on the interview form in front of them, and all of them were checkmarks.

  "As for her grades, she should be able to keep up with Yali in the future."

   Teacher Miao Miao smiled at her aunt: "When she comes to our school, those little girls who have a crush on Bo Yicheng must be crazy again!"

  Close to noon, many students have already finished their interviews.

Outside the   teaching building, most of them came out crying.

  Although the results of the interview are sent to parents, the elementary school students probably know it.

  For example, those who didn’t even see the third round of exams...

  Gao Shengnan saw his son from a group of children.

   "Zhang Mao!"

  Yes, the son finally called Zhang Mao.

  Gao Shengnan think about it that Zhang Guangqiu's name is auspicious.

  As soon as she finished her voice, a child with glasses, a fat figure and sparse hair on top of her head ran towards her.

  This is the little fat guy who was just outside the interview room and said he was in the same class as Bo Limo.

  Gao Shengnan has just received an admission notice message from Yali, with a proud tone: "Son, you passed!"

   Zhang Mao's eyes lit up.

  Great, he can go to school with Bo Limo again!

  Gao Shengnan suppressed the upturned corners of his mouth, with a straight expression: "Don't be arrogant and complacent. Yali is just the beginning of your learning life. In school, you should continue to work hard!"

  Zhang Mao nodded.

  He will not be complacent! Yali was just the beginning of his pursuit of Bo Yimo! He will continue to work hard!

   21-22 more~

     Explosion is over~ Ask for a ticket! !

     Ah! Behind is mainly the Bo brothers and sisters!

     I really like them! Aunt laughed during the whole process of writing!



  (End of this chapter)

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