Chapter 642 Extraordinary (42)


  At 11:30, Su Ye picked up the knife and dropped it, and a plump, complete and beautiful adult chicken turned into a few pieces.

  Su was also quite skilled at this step, without blinking his eyes.

  The ‘kangkang’ of the knife on the chopping board is as cruel and brutal as it is.

  Bo Zhan calmly wiped off the drops of blood on his face with his fingers, and when nothing happened, he continued to read the next steps to her.

  But when Bo Zhan reads the steps of the professional food commentator step by step, Su Ye's side is getting more and more impatient.

  This food critic, can’t wait for each small step to be divided into 10 key points to explain separately.

  It's more trouble than her.

  No, she is fine.

  Su also cooked all the chicken nuggets for half an hour and made a full-body Masaki, and finally she was able to cook and burn oil. She rolled up her sleeves and couldn't help asking: "Who is making such a thing?"

  Bo Zhan looked down at the person's account name.

  The name...

  Familiarity reveals awkwardness...

  I am awkward and familiar...

   can't say what's wrong.

  Bo Zhan followed Su Ye's words: "This thing is forcing... Li Yunbai..."

  "What? Lee Yunbai?"

  Su also squeezed the kitchen knife's hand.


  Yali is now during the lunch break. The students who come and go are all cheerful figures, intertwined in the ears, and they are all the laughter of the students.

  The campus seems to have awakened from a dream.

  In particular, a few excited screams of girls cut through the sky and made everyone look in that direction.

   "Ah! It's Bo Yicheng!"

   "He looks so handsome and he studies so well! I am really curious about what his father looks like!"

   "Yes, I have not yet entered the third year of junior high school, I will take the national number one in the mathematics of the high school! If I were those high school students, I would not live!"

   "What do you think he is doing?"

   "He seems to be a pupil next to him for an interview?"

  Look along the line of sight——

  Zhang Mao raised his small eyes to look at Bo Yicheng, the lines on his head were squeezed out, and he felt a little timid.

  Looking at it for a long time, he remembered a little bit. When he was in their elementary school before, he had seen this person pick up Bo Limo from school.

  The moment he remembered, Bo Limo stopped, and heard the sound and looked over: "Brother."

   And Bo Yicheng's iceberg face that was so cold that people tremble all over, also instantly melted like a snow-capped mountain.

  He drove a black, seemingly low-key but technologically-conscious bicycle, showing Su's trembling smile: "How about the interview?"

  Bo Yicheng is very independent. Starting from elementary school, he went to school by himself, after school by himself, and learned to ride a bicycle earlier than other children.

  He knows these vehicles almost without a teacher.

   "It's okay," Bo Limo twisted his delicate eyebrows.

   "Classmate Bo Yicheng and I have never seen him smile like this in so long!"

   "He laughs too much, right?"

   "It's over, it's over, it must be this picture for dreaming at night!"

But shortly afterwards, they saw Bo Yicheng pamperingly touching the top of Bo Limo's head. He took her small red schoolbag and hooked it on his shoulders, and then helped her on the bike with one hand and got on her bicycle with the other. Back seat.

  At the same time he got in the car, he put one leg on the ground, turned his head and raised his chin towards Zhang Mao: "Have you ever interviewed?"

  Zhang Mao stretched out a chubby finger and pointed at himself. Some could not believe that such a handsome man was talking to him, and he shy his belly proudly: "It's over!!"

  Bo Yicheng squinted his eyes and rode on his bicycle.

   Then he has to be optimistic.

  Before he discussed with his father, there is one thing they have the same opinion.

  Sister can’t fall in love before she turns 25.

  Bo Yicheng rode a bicycle across the campus. The wind blew up his white shirt collar. Bo Yimo sat sideways at the back, leaning on his brother's broad back, holding a small yellow flower in his hand.

  The group of fans ran behind his car.

   "Bo Yicheng’s bicycle has never been seated before!"

The position of    has always been the throne of the queen dreamed of by fans.

   "Who is that little girl? She looks like a doll!"

   "It seems to be my younger sister..."

   "Sister? Dear?"

"should be!"

   "Wow, I really want to be his sister too!"

  Bo Yicheng's bicycle just drove out of the campus gate when he heard the car horn sound from the side.

   is Dad’s car.

  Bo Yunli lowered the window of the cab, and the man's face was still beautiful against the sky.

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes fell on the children: "Get in the car, today Dad will pick you up and go home."

  Bo Yicheng was slightly startled, and parked the car aside.

   "Little Jasmine," Bo Yicheng opened the rear door, calling her softly.

  Bo Limo responded, instead of getting into the car directly, he walked around to the cab first, leaned in and pinned the little yellow flower in his hand to the collar of his father’s shirt.

  Bo Yunli's eyebrows were dyed with a deep smile, and he sniffed the scent of the small yellow flowers on the neckline: "Thank you for my little jasmine."

  Bo Yimo pursed her lips and smiled, bent back and got into the car.

  Behind them, there was a sigh of relief.

  Is this Mr. Bo Yicheng’s father?

  This is too handsome to be foul!

  Is this family a noble of O Zhou?

  It's so white to reflect light under the sun!

  The car drove steadily, like Bo Limo and Su, who were more prone to motion sickness, but she was not dizzy when my father drove.

  Bo Yicheng opened the book, Bo Yimo leaned back lazily on his shoulder, and took out his phone: "Brother, do you want to play games?"

  Bo Yicheng spoiled her so much, he put the book back and took out the phone.

  He has a game account, he never plays normally, and he uses it to coax his sister.

  If the picture of him playing the game is seen by school girls, it must be another exclamation.

  They have never seen a rigorous and meticulous student Bo Yicheng played a game!

  Don't say see you, I can't even think about it.

  Bo Yunli glanced at the rearview mirror, her voice was light: “Don’t play games in the car, it’s easy to get motion sickness.”

  Bo Limo turned his head to look at his father, and smiled a little coquettishly: "Just play for a while, okay father."

  This expression of her, except for mom, dad and brother, it is impossible for others to see.

  Bo Yunli gave a low laugh.

  He can do nothing about this daughter.

  Bo Yicheng was operating the game in his hand, and glanced outside: "Dad, is this not the direction to go home?"

  Bo Yunli obviously made a mistake deliberately. He didn't feel any stunned by the words. His tone was as usual: "Take you to the restaurant to eat less."

  In the back row, the brother and sister looked at each other, and a question mark slowly rose above their heads.


  Dad will never leave their mother alone to take them out to eat.

  Bo Yunli's lips curled up with a slightly helpless smile.

   "Your mother is cooking at noon, so you should prepare some food in advance. Don't let your mother know when you go back."

  After all, he has experience...

   3-4 more~

     Su Ye: "…………………………"



  (End of this chapter)

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